At this moment, Hua Weiyang stared at Shen Cangming, her eyes motionless. She knew in her heart that now was the only chance to clear Xiao Chen's injustice.

"Yes, he was killed by me..."

It seemed a bit unexpected. When everyone held their breath and remained silent, Shen Cangming just said this lightly, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

However, at this moment, all the sects and sects seemed to have stirred up a storm because of his words. That time nine years ago, just because the news of the Heavenly Book came out again, many people from the sects came out to look for it. Naturally, there were infighting and secret fights among them. However, many members of the sects died mysteriously due to Bixiao swordsmanship. This Bixiao swordsmanship was Ling Yin's secret skill. Therefore, at that time, the suspects of various sects were undoubtedly Xiao Chen. .

Thinking about how many people came to Xuan Qingmen and finally forced Xiao Chen to jump off the cliff, but now they heard that he was not the one who killed those people, and the murderer was someone else. How could they accept it for a while? ✧


In the distance, I looked at Xiao Chen with my brows. My heart still hurt like a knife. I had suffered injustice for nearly ten years and was finally cleared today. But what's the use now?

The dead person is dead after all, who can make up for the damage caused to him? Shen Cangming was the murderer, but at the Lianfeng Platform, who among them was not the murderer?

"Shen Cangming, you...why did you do this!"

At this moment, the crowd was still shocked, but no one dared to step forward. When they believed that Xiao Chen was the murderer, they could work together to force Xuan Qing. Now that they know that Shen Cangming is the murderer, who dares to step forward?

"Why do you do this..."

Shen Cangming took two steps forward, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "Under the flood, not a drop of water is clean. When everyone takes off the disguise under the mask, what is exposed is a dirty soul. It’s greedy desire…”


Hearing what he said, everyone felt even more suffocated. They recalled that more than three hundred years ago, a fragment of the Heavenly Book caused an uproar in the entire Immortal Ancient Land. And Shen Cangming was not the only one involved in this turmoil. At that time, Everyone, invisibly, contributed to this result.

"So you used Junior Sister Ling Yin's sword skills to kill those people, because you felt that Junior Sister was the murderer who made all this happen..."

She looked at him with eyebrows and said coldly.

"Ling Yin..." Shen Cangming said calmly, "It can be regarded as repaying her sword back then. Bixiao swordsmanship, one sword to seal the throat..."

At this moment, the eyes between his brows became even colder, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You said that everyone in the world has failed you, but back then, Elder Tianyang repeatedly interceded for you, and he had never failed you, but you even killed him. Oh, are you a beast, Shen Cangming..."


Shen Cangming said lightly, "I had three opportunities to kill him, but I let him go. However, I gave him these three opportunities, but he didn't cherish them and insisted on knowing who I was. I could only help him... "

"Shen Cangming, you are hopeless!" Jiangnan Liu's eyes were about to burst and he suddenly roared.

Today all the truth is revealed. When Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang found Tianyangzi's body under the valley, Tianyangzi died with a look of shock on his face. At that time, Hua Weiyang had conceived the idea that Tianyangzi must have been He kept chasing the person in front of him, but when he caught up with him, the moment the other person turned around, he saw it was Shen Cangming, a man who had been dead for more than three hundred years. How could he not be shocked at that time?

"Junior Brother Xiao..."

In the distance, Poria's eyes were already red. She still remembered that evening. When they rushed over, they happened to see Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang next to the body of Elder Tianyang, so she concluded that the two had killed Tianyangzi.

She still remembered how Xiao Chen struggled to explain that day, but no one believed him. No one believed him. How painful and desperate he must have been at that time...


Jiangnan Liu also looked over there. When he saw Xiao Chen's appearance at this moment and recalled the scene that evening, his heart felt like he was stabbed hard by a knife. He jumped and flew over, his face full of tears. It is the color of pain "a dust..."

However, he did not notice that at this time, Xiao Chen's eyes were full of hatred, and his body was full of hostility. Anyone who came close would be hurt.


I saw Xiao Chen's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He shouted loudly and a wave of force spread out, knocking Jiangnan Liu away.

Qianyu Nishang had already prepared in advance and flew over in an instant. The true energy in her palm was condensed and pressed against Jiangnanliu's back to protect his heart. Now her Taoism is far above Jiangnanliu.

"Yichen, he..."

A wisp of blood flowed out from the corner of Jiangnan Liu's mouth. There was still a look of horror on his face, and he stared blankly at the man in the distance who was full of hatred and hostility.

"Junior brother!"

At this time, the meaning between her eyebrows also flew over, and the strike just now frightened her so much that her heart was broken. If Nishang hadn't been prepared in advance, her junior brother's heart would have been damaged.

"I'm fine. He Yichen...he is filled with hatred in his heart now. I'm worried...I'm worried..."

Jiang Nanliu's face turned pale. As he spoke, he kept shaking his head. He recalled the scene in the ancient village thirty years ago in his mind. Although Junior Sister Ling Yin used her immortal energy to remove the turbid demonic energy from the baby's body at that time, this turbid demonic energy After all, the Qi is deeply rooted in his bones, and there is no guarantee that one day he will not...

"Don't go there!"

Qian Yu Nishang raised her brows and stared at the person in the distance who looked increasingly scary. She finally shook her head, "From that moment on, he is no longer the same person as before..."

I saw Xiao Chen's face was gloomy and his eyes were blood red. He suddenly raised his head and stared at Shen Cangming with both eyes. His voice was as low and terrifying as if it came from Jiuyou Yinming, "I don't care if you killed those people. Six years ago , three hundred people in Ningcun, who died at whose hands..."


Shen Cangming glanced at him lightly, "Yes, it's this look, hatred, anger, killing... The person who destroyed the entire Ningcun, wasn't it the righteous Taoism that you admired and yearned for in the past..."

Such words exploded like thunder in the crowd, and everyone shuddered. At this moment, no one refuted it, because they also believed that the murderer who killed more than 300 people in the small village was not a demon. A demon is a person in the righteous path, a person of extremely high status in the righteous path!

"Right way, Xuanmen, haha, hahaha..."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen laughed gloomily, his eyes were blood red, and there was a strange red mist wrapped around his body. It was a real anger!

"Oops, he's going to be possessed..."

In the distance, Master Feng Yin was suddenly startled. He was about to pick up his inner energy, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and then his face turned as pale as paper.

"Shen Cangming, you..."

At this moment, Master Feng Yin's face was pale and he was sweating like a drop of cold sweat. He immediately realized something and pointed towards Shen Cangming with his hand, his eyes were about to burst, "You..."

Shen Cangming's face was as calm as water. He teleported over in an instant and struck out with a palm. With a "bang" sound, this palm hit the unsuspecting Master Feng Yin hard on the chest. He saw a mouthful of blood spurting out, and his whole body was covered with blood. Everyone flew backwards.

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