The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 674: Shen Cangming’s situation

"This voice is..."

The elders present were shocked when they heard this voice. Even after many years and even though it was so far away, they could never forget this voice. It was Xuanqingmen, Lianfengtai, Immortal Burial Cliff... …

Hua Weiyang stared at the purple-robed man and said calmly, "Master Youlan... No, I should call you Shen Cangming now..."

"Shen Cangming!"

Immediately, Master Yushan's expression condensed. At this moment, he finally thought of something. With a movement of Xuan Gong, a stream of true energy instantly condensed in his palm. He was closely guarding against the person in front of him, who was his junior brother just a moment ago.


Under the robe, a faint laughter came out again, which made people feel cold behind their backs. Everyone had not come back to their senses. The younger generation of disciples looked confused, except for the older one. A person of his generation, I deeply remembered the three words "Shen Cangming". At this moment, I was stunned on the spot and couldn't believe it.

I saw Master Youlan slowly taking off his robe. Under the robe, there was a cold and indifferent man. At this moment, he was no longer Master Youlan, but Master Shen Cangming, the only disciple of Master Kusong. In the past thousand years, a peerless genius has emerged from the Xuan Qing sect. More than 300 years ago, he was involved in the Tianshu scandal and was accused of killing people from various sects. Finally, on the day of Xuan Qing's trial, he jumped off the Immortal Burial Cliff and was never heard from again.

"Shen Cangming..."

Jiangnan Liuhe's eyebrows were also completely stunned, with disbelief in his eyes. He could still recall the scene more than three hundred years ago in his mind: "Today, the world has failed me. If Shen doesn't die, he will definitely come back..."

At this moment, many people shuddered from the bottom of their hearts, still remembering his final and sad words back then.

As for Fuling and others, they were all stunned at the moment. They, the younger generation of disciples, had never seen Shen Cangming at all, and they had no idea what happened back then. They only occasionally heard people mention that there once was a peerless genius in the Xuanqing Sect...

"He...he's back for revenge!"

Everyone trembled, but the next moment, they were faced with even greater fear. Three hundred years ago, the real Youlan Zhenren died three hundred years ago. In other words, this person has been in control of Tianmen for three hundred years. Long! As for Tianmen, it is connected with all the sects and sects in the five realms of Xianyuan, so this person has already been very familiar with each sect and sect, and has even secretly controlled each sect and sect!

At this moment, the heads and elders of each sect seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. They felt cold waves behind their backs and their bodies trembled involuntarily. For the past three hundred years, this person has covered the sky with only one hand in Tianmen. How much strength has he gathered to control the changes in the five realms of Xianyuan?

This time, it was something that Master Feng Yin never expected. After being shocked, he pointed his hand at Shen Cangming, "Get this person...taken down by me!"

However, after his order, all the people in Tianmen nearby were trembling. No one dared to move towards Shen Cangming, not even the four envoys dared to move.

I saw the chess spectator tremblingly saying, "You... Master Youlan, now... what should I do now?"

When he faced Shen Cangming, he was still called "Zhenren Youlan". At this moment, everyone in the distant sects was shocked, and the rest of the Tianmen, at this moment, actually stood beside Shen Cangming. Bian, still called him Youlan Zhenren.

"you you……"

Seeing this scene, Master Feng Yin was shocked and angry. His face turned pale, and his fingers were heavy and trembling. He could never have imagined that in the past three hundred years, everyone who had handed over the power of Tianmen to this man's hands would now be... Became this man's subordinate.


With a sharp sound, Master Feng Yin was extremely angry, and without leaving any room for action, he slashed through with a burst of green light sword energy, causing the wind and clouds to surge immediately.

Shen Cangming looked indifferent, raised his left hand, and gathered a black mist. With a "clang", the sword energy of Master Feng Yin was completely eliminated.


Master Feng Yin felt even more suffocated. He had never expected that Shen Cangming's cultivation level was so terrifying now, even higher than him!

Below the Asura Valley, the elders of the Eighth Palace were already stunned. Today's change was so sudden that they could not predict it at all. So what should we do now? In the past three hundred years, they have obeyed the orders of Master Youlan, but now this Master Youlan is no longer Master Youlan, but the evil disciple of Xuanqing Sect back then! What to do now?

The eight elders were all stunned on the spot, at a loss.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang suddenly stood forward. With a calm face at this moment, he looked at Shen Cangming and said, "Shen Cangming, I still want to ask you today. When you were chased by people from Biejian Villa in the ancient realm of Xianbei, what happened to you?" You were seriously injured and were about to die, and your body was almost snatched away. The person who saved you in the end was named 'Si You'."

As soon as these words came out, the people nearby were shocked again, what is the ancient realm of Xianbei? What is Biejian Villa? What kind of serious injury will lead to death? What was almost lost? What Siyou? Why does she know these things...


Shen Cangming looked at her and said calmly, "You mean, the high priest... Oh, I almost forgot. If you go back, say hello to him for me..."

"What are the two of them talking about?"

The crowd looked at each other. People from other sects here couldn’t understand what they were talking about. Even the people from Tianmen had no idea what they were talking about. Only Master Feng Yin’s face changed slightly. At this moment, it seemed that Something came to mind.

"As expected..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes were calm. She had already expected that when Shen Cangming was seriously injured and was about to die, and he was almost killed by the withered spirit, he was rescued by a black wind in the end. That black wind was Si You's clone left in the world. You's clone technique is unmatched by anyone in the three realms. He can cross the restrictions of the two realms of human and ghost and come to the human world.

Shen Cangming was so seriously injured at that time. If Si You hadn't given him the power of the You clan and given him the soul mark of the You clan, how could he have survived? How could he not only recover all his cultivation in just twelve years, but also become much stronger.

Originally, all of this was Si You's plan in the human world, but he never thought that Shen Cangming would one day break away from the shackles of his soul seal. The chess piece he had laid out with his own hands would eventually disrupt his entire game. Chess, no one in this world can restrain Shen Cangming.

Hua Weiyang flicked her sleeves and looked at him coldly, "So nine years ago, people from various sects died mysteriously due to Bixiao's sword technique. This was also your fault..."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was even more shocked. Naturally, they remembered what happened nine years ago more clearly than what happened more than three hundred years ago.

Bixiao swordsmanship was Ling Yin's swordsmanship, but Lingyin only had Xiao Chen as a disciple, so at that time, everyone believed that it was Xiao Chen who killed him, and even in the end, he was forced to leave Lianfengtai. Jumping down, could it be that those people at the beginning had nothing to do with him?

"Hey Hey……"

At this moment, everyone was in shock. Their attention was all on Shen Cangming, but no one noticed that Xiao Chen's expression had become even more terrifying.

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