Hua Weiyang pointed at Master Youlan with sharp eyes, "The real Master Youlan died many years ago. This person is not Master Youlan at all!"


At this moment, everyone in the various sects changed their expressions. Some looked at her, and some looked at Master Youlan. Their eyes were full of surprise.

"Junior brother?"

At this moment, Master Feng Yin also had doubts in his eyes, while Master Yushan stood aside and remained silent.

The crowd gradually became noisy, one wave after another. What on earth is going on today? If the person in front of me is not Master Youlan, then who is he? In the past hundred years, has everything in the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan been under the control of this person?

"You...Zhenren Youlan..."

The chess-watching envoy looked at Master Youlan, fear gradually revealed in his eyes, and his body couldn't help but tremble. The chess-playing envoy and the calligrapher's envoy seemed a little calmer, while the heart-painting envoy stood aside, unaware. At a loss.

The four of them have been completely obedient to Master Youlan over the years. At this time, they all didn’t know what to do. After a while, the listener pointed to Hua Weiyang and said in a cold voice, "You witch, don't bewitch me with your seductive words here." Everyone!”


Hua Weiyang snorted coldly, flicked her sleeves, and landed next to Xiao Chen. Seeing that his face was still gloomy, she couldn't help but gradually frowned. At this moment, two figures suddenly flew from the distance.

"Princess! Princess!"

The two people they saw were a man and a woman. The man was wearing green clothes and the woman was wearing purple clothes. They were actually You Chang and You Qin.

Seeing the two of them coming out at this time, Hua Weiyang looked slightly condensed, "Youchang, Youqin, how are you two?"

"I'm fine with you..."

The two of them shook their heads. They were imprisoned in the Tianmen Thunder Prison before, but they were able to escape today when all the elders of the Eighth Palace came to Shura Valley.

You Chang's eyes flashed, and he suddenly pointed to Youlan Zhenren and said in a cold voice, "That person, he..."

"You Chang!"

Hua Weiyang frowned and stopped him from continuing. At this moment, another voice suddenly came from the distance: "That person, he is indeed not Zhenren Youlan."


Although the voice was a bit old, it was as rich as a bell. It was obvious that the person who came had very deep skills. Everyone followed the voice and saw two figures flying towards them from the direction of Tianmen Square. On the left was a figure wearing a black robe. person, but on the right is a woman in purple.

But seeing that the woman in purple clothes was so beautiful and charming, many young men present were intoxicated. She was none other than the hostess Fengman of Dingfeng City, the female Rakshasa.

Hua Weiyang had seen her before, but now that his memory had recovered, he recognized her at a glance. He thought that Dingfeng City and the Five Realms of Xianyuan had never had any intersection, so how could she suddenly come to Tianmen today? Who is the old man in black robe next to him...

"I haven't asked for advice yet. Your Excellencies... please give me your surnames."

In the distance, Master Feng Yin came from a sound technique, which shocked many people. Today, there are too many people coming uninvited to Tianmen. If it were in the past, how could there be so many people breaking into Tianmen without permission?

Soon, the Rakshasa heroine and the black-robed man had arrived near Shura Valley. Some people's eyes fell on the black-robed man, and some young men, while their eyes fell on the Rakshasa heroine, thinking that she was there again. Who is it? His aura is so extraordinary, but in the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan, I have never seen such a person before.

Since the beginning of the Rakshasa heroine's cultivation of the Tianzong Scroll, her cultivation has greatly increased. Now she is incomparable to the past. At this moment, she saw her eyes slowly falling downwards. When she saw Xiao Chen, she couldn't help but feel a smile on her face. He was startled, "Mr. Xiao..."

At this time, Xiao Chen looked terrifying, as if he was about to be possessed by a demon. The Rakshasa heroine had known him for seven or eight years, but she had never seen him look so terrifying today.

At this moment, Master Feng Yin and Master Yushan both had their eyes on the man in black robe. Why did they feel vaguely familiar?

After a long time, I heard a slightly aged voice coming from under the battle robe, "Uncle Feng Yin, Uncle Yushan, you...are okay."


Hearing this, everyone in the crowd was even more surprised. Why did he call the two real people uncle? Then who was he? What's going on with all this?

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the man in black robe. He slowly took off his robe and hat. Under the robe, there was an old face that looked slightly weathered.

"You are..." Master Yushan's eyes narrowed, and at this moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "You are Tianyao..."

The old man in black robe nodded, "It's the disciple..."

" going on?"

Among the younger generation in Tianmen, they had never heard of this name, so they all looked surprised at this time. Only some of the older people's expressions changed drastically. Could this person be Youlan, who lived more than three hundred years ago? The only disciple that the real person accepted, but wasn't he already dead back then?

This black-robed man was none other than Chu Tianyao, who was called the "Senior Sword Immortal" by the Rakshasa heroine and Yao Ji back in Dingfeng City. He had superb swordsmanship and had secretly helped Xiao Chen several times.

At this moment, Master Fengyin and Master Yushan finally realized something and moved away from Master Youlan for a moment. Master Fengyin's eyes were frosty and his voice was low, "Who are you?"

At this time, there was a huge wave in the crowd. Everyone could not believe it. Could it be that the "Master Youlan" in front of them was really not the real Master Youlan? So who could he be?

Chu Tianyao looked at him and said slowly, "More than three hundred years ago, the demonic sects invaded the Middle Earth, and the entire Five Immortal Realms fell into chaos. On the way back to Tianmen, Master and I were intercepted by two people. Kill, one of them is him, and the other one has strange skills and hides in a black mist. Master and I are no match for them. We were defeated in the end. Master used his last cultivation to send me thousands of miles away. Outside..."

Hearing what he said, the crowd was even more shocked. How could they dare to believe that this was true?

For more than three hundred years, Master Fengyin and Master Yushan have not cared about the affairs of the outside world. Everything outside has been taken care of by Master Youlan. However, the person in front of him is not Master Youlan, but he is in charge of more than 300 people in Tianmen. In the year, he ordered all the factions in the world to control the wind and rain, and was omnipotent. It could be said that he covered the sky with one hand... Just thinking about it makes me feel extremely terrifying.

"who are you……"

At this moment, Master Feng Yin's eyes became even colder, and as he spoke, a stream of true energy secretly gathered in his palm.


Under the purple robe, a man's voice came out. This voice was no longer as hollow as before. This time it was clear that it was a man's voice.

"Master Feng Yin, Master Yushan, why...don't you remember me?"

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