The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 677 The Tao is not Tao, the devil is not devil (Part 1)

At this moment, Master Feng Yin's eyes were determined. Looking back on those years, he could have carefully searched under the Immortal Burial Cliff. In that case, today's disaster would not have been left behind. But at the beginning, when he came, he thought that Shen Cangming would come from the Immortal Burial Cliff. If you jump down, there will definitely be no chance of survival. Secondly, I think that if this person survives the disaster, it is his fate. If his life should not be cut off, let him go.

But he never expected that just a thought of kindness back then would lead to a catastrophe today! All of this was caused by his own hands. If back then, he had ignored everything, regardless of confronting Master Kusong, regardless of confronting the Xuanqing Sect, regardless of being talked about by the people in the world, and had obliterated that thought of kindness, and insisted on killing Shen Cangming, then it would not have happened Have everything today!

The more Master Feng Yin thought like this, the more he felt like he was possessed by a demon. At this moment, his eyes were staring at Xiao Chen motionlessly, as if he were looking at Shen Cangming back then.


Next to him, Master Yushan could clearly feel that his senior brother had lost his inner aura and was slightly possessed. I am afraid that he has gradually become obsessed with it. If this is the case, it will inevitably damage his Taoist cultivation and even affect his future. practice.

Qian Yu Nishang also noticed the abnormality of Master Feng Yin at this moment. During the process of cultivation, he often had inner demons. No matter who he was, it was inevitable, otherwise how could he kill the three corpses?

It's just that people with advanced cultivation like Master Feng Yin can naturally suppress their inner demons on weekdays. However, something has suddenly changed today. I'm afraid he is already in a state of confusion. And because of all the past events in the past, which have led to today's results, I'm afraid At this time, obsession has gradually arisen in his heart. If he cannot get rid of the obsession, he will unknowingly have a deep inner demon... ✷✵

"What happened back then was entirely Shen Cangming's doing and had nothing to do with him. He had been wronged back then. Can you please stop making things difficult for him today?"

As Qianyu Nishang spoke, she carefully observed the changes in Master Feng Yin's face. However, Master Feng Yin seemed to have made up his mind, and still stared at Xiao Chen, saying in a deep voice, "Nishang, today's matter has nothing to do with you... …”

At this moment, people from various factions down there suddenly felt a shiver, but they didn't know where this coldness came from.

I saw Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and his body was filled with hostility. He looked at Master Feng Yin coldly: "You want to kill me?"

Hearing this, many people nearby trembled. What happened back then was all done by Shen Cangming and had nothing to do with him. Now that the truth is revealed, could it be that Master Feng Yin still refuses to let him go...

Hua Weiyang next to her also felt something bad. The uneasy premonition in her heart before finally came to an end, but now, it is almost difficult to leave.

Master Feng Yin looked at him coldly, "Xiao Yichen, what happened back then, you suffered an unfair injustice. I know that you have deep resentment in your heart. If you can let go of this resentment and turn around, then you will still be a disciple of Xuan Qing... "

"Go back..."

Xiao Chen suddenly smiled gloomily at him, his eyes gradually turned blood red, "I turned around... But how do you count what you owe me? How do you count the lives of more than 300 people in Ningcun? They are not as good as Master Feng Yin." , you tell me, how should I calculate it, or should I just turn around in one sentence, then everything can be treated as if it never happened. Is there such a cheap thing in the world..."


Master Feng Yin was paused by what he said. At this time, someone in the distance said, "Xiao Yichen, you suffered an unjust injustice back then. This happened all because of Shen Cangming. When I find him in the future, I will definitely give you an explanation. Now Master I won’t hold you accountable for your actions over the years…”

"Shut up!"

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and still looked coldly at Master Feng Yin. "Whether you pursue it or not is your business. But back then, Zangfeng Valley, Qinghong Sect, Yuxu Temple, Liuxian Sect... you took action one by one. Injuring her, forcing me to cut off all the meridians in my body, and jump into the bottomless cliff, do you think you can get over it like this..." At the end of the words, the inner energy was shaken, and the emperor's sword appeared again. A layer of blood.

A violent aura of swords suddenly enveloped his whole body, causing his face to gradually become distorted and blurred, making him look as terrifying as a demon or a ghost.

Everyone in the distance was shocked. This Emperor Sword was evil and evil. All the grievances of past owners were gathered in the sword, which could gradually erode people's hearts. I am afraid that his mind has been swallowed up by the resentment in the sword.

Master Feng Yin saw that he was showing signs of being possessed, and was afraid that the Emperor Gu Sword in his hand would awaken. He pointed at him, "Xiao Yichen, I remember that you have done nothing wrong in the past. Don't be obsessed with it today. Why don't you quickly put down the evil sword in your hand?" Soldier!"


Xiao Chen's eyes turned red, and he laughed gloomily. At this moment, his body suddenly became violent, and he slashed out with a sword. With a "bang", the person in front of him was immediately sent flying.

"evil creature!"

As soon as Master Feng Yin opened his eyes, he raised his hand and struck with a finger force. The backlash of the elixir had passed. Even though he was still injured at this time, how could the power of this finger be easy?


Master Yushan wanted to stop him, but it was too late. The finger force was just there, and with a "bang", although Xiao Chen blocked it with the Emperor's Sword, he was shocked to the point that his whole body was numb, and his hands were almost broken. The whole person stepped back uncontrollably.


Hua Weiyang's face was startled, and just as she was about to step forward, Xiao Chen flicked his left sleeve and sent her back. "Senior, please protect her for me for the time being..." As soon as he finished speaking, his true energy was shocked. The evil aura on Di Gu's sword suddenly became heavier.

"The evil barrier, you still haven't put down the evil soldiers in your hands!"

Master Feng Yin's hands were trembling slightly, and he was hit with another blast of zhenqi. Xiao Chen raised his sword to resist, and with a "clang", he was shocked back a few feet.

Everyone in the distance held their breath. At this moment, everyone no longer knew what was right and what was wrong. This boy was wronged back then, but now the truth has finally come to light. He should be led back to the right path, but why did Master Feng Yin do it again? Want to kill him?

That's right, he is so deeply possessed by evil that he can no longer turn back. He is very likely to become the second Shen Cangming in the future. So should he die today? In this world, what is right and what is wrong...

At this moment, many people were confused, especially the young disciples in some sects. They usually listened to the teachings of the elders in the sect, what is righteousness, what is devil, what is right, what is wrong, What should be done, what shouldn't be done...and at this moment, they don't know anything.

"It's not enough for you to kill more than 300 people. Now, you have to kill even the last surviving people in that small village, right..."

At this moment, a woman's voice full of resentment suddenly came from a distance. At first hearing the voice, people from all factions were startled and followed the sound one after another. They saw a woman wearing red clothes outside Shura Valley. Come slowly.

The woman's face was gloomy and she was so full of resentment that her clothes were as red as if they were stained with blood. Everyone shuddered, as if they fell into a cold abyss in an instant.

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