The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 678 The Tao is not Tao, the devil is not demon (Part 2)

The woman was wearing a red dress and her face was full of resentment. It was none other than Shen Jing. Apparently she had heard everything just outside.

At this moment, they saw her walking towards Shura Valley in a gloomy manner. At this moment, everyone felt a chill from her body and couldn't help but tremble. An old man in green stood up, looked at her and asked, " This girl, who are you?"


Shen Jing's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and she smiled coldly and said, "I was not in the village six years ago, so I escaped..."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that no wonder she was so resentful. It turned out that she was also a survivor of Ningcun. Now it seems that more than 300 people in Ningcun have died, and only she and Xiao Yichen are still alive. In the world...

At this moment, many people lowered their heads silently. If the massacre in Ningcun was caused by the Demon Cult, they would be able to hold high the flag of justice and attack the Demon Cult at this moment. However, at the moment, it seems that although the real culprit has not yet been determined, thinking about it, That tragedy was undoubtedly committed by people in the right path, and innocent mortals were involved just for the sake of a heavenly book... ❉

The old man in green took a long breath and sighed, "You can't admonish those who have passed, but you can still pursue those who have come. Resentment and hatred are always unacceptable. I hope you, girl, don't have any hatred in your heart..."

"Don't hold any hatred in your heart..."

Shen Jing smiled coldly, and her face suddenly became more gloomy. At this moment, everyone felt a terrible chill from her body, and couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. Could it be that she also had a demonic heart?

Shen Jing does not have a deep evil heart, but she has practiced the ancient book "Nine Transformations". This book is all-encompassing, but it also has "evil" aspects, which makes her look a bit cold.

"Senior brother..."

In the distance, Master Yushan frowned deeply, and he could not help but feel worried. Six years ago, Ningcun became a river of blood overnight, and now only these two people are left alive. It would be unethical for senior brother to still embarrass these two people today. I'm afraid I'll be criticized in the future.

However, at this moment, the determination in Master Feng Yin's eyes did not lessen due to Shen Jing's arrival. Even when he saw Shen Jing carrying heavy hatred and resentment, it made the murderous intention in his heart even stronger.

"Xiao Chen..."

Shen Jing has come to Xiao Chen's side, her eyes are filled with tears, and her voice has become choked with sobs. Although she has never mentioned the incident in Ningcun over the years, the pain in her heart will never be lighter than that of Xiao Chen. , but in these years, she has always been accustomed to bear it alone, just like when the Lingshu Palace was destroyed and she watched the man chop off the master's head...

"Sister Shen Jing..."

Xiao Chen also looked at her, the bloodshot eyes in his eyes getting heavier and heavier. The scene in his mind was still the peaceful small mountain village back then, but now, he was the only two left in the world.

Suddenly, the hatred and anger in Xiao Chen's heart became heavier. He stared at Feng Xuanzhi in the distance and said in a low and terrifying voice, "That person..."

At this moment, no one spoke, and everyone was silent. No one could tell whether what happened in Ningcun was Feng Xuan’s fault, but Feng Xuan was, after all, a senior member of a famous family in the righteous way, even though he was the one who killed him back then. , it is impossible for everyone to say it at this time.

Feng Xuanzhi restrained Xiao Cangtian at this time and did not explain anything. As for the mysterious man in green robe, he went aside and watched his changes.

"Let's go..."

With tears in her eyes, Shen Jing kept shaking her head and choked up, "There are all righteous people here today. We can't fight them or get revenge. Let's go..."

"I can't take revenge, hehe..."

Xiao Chen suddenly laughed gloomily again. This time, the hostility on his body was even heavier, turning into traces of blood mist and spreading, making many people in the distance tremble.

A hint of coldness, a feeling of solitary coldness that seemed to come from the bottomless abyss, was the Emperor Gu Sword, and the blood mark on the sword turned into endless coldness and loneliness, slowly surrounding him, swallowing up... the violent energy Getting heavier.


In the distance, Mei Jianyi was shocked. She knew that Master Feng Yin had already had murderous thoughts. The more violent Xiao Chen felt at this time, the heavier Master Feng Yin's murderous thoughts became. The reason why Xiao Chen became so violent Being so heavy was also related to the evil sword in his hand. She had felt it from the very beginning. There was an extremely heavy air of resentment in this sword, which would definitely erode people's hearts.

Although he didn't know how Xiao Chen got this evil sword, he knew clearly in his heart at this moment that if he allowed it to continue like this, Xiao Chen would eventually be eroded by the vicious energy in the sword and his mind would be eroded, and Master Feng Yin would never let him go. .


Jiangnan Liu looked startled. Before she could stop her eyebrows, she saw that she had already flown towards Xiao Chen. "Yichen, quickly put down the sword in your hand and use the Ice Heart Jade Jue passed down to you by your master..."

The intention between his brows told him to put down the Emperor Gu in his hands. It was definitely not what Master Feng Yin had in mind. He just didn't want his mind to be eroded by the violence in the sword. However, at this moment, Xiao Chen turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye, and the violence in his body became more and more intense. .

She was startled, seeing that his mind was about to be eroded by the vicious energy in the sword. She moved over in an instant, trying to snatch Di Gu from his hand. Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen's sword energy shook, and there was a "bang" sound, which shocked her. It's more than ten feet away.

"Sister Mei!"

Fu Ling flew over in an instant, steadying her brows, and a burst of true energy quickly entered her face. Her face turned pale, and before she could say a word, a mouthful of blood came out of her mouth. Just then, unexpectedly, It was so shocking that her heart was damaged.

"Stop being hypocritical. If I let go of Emperor Gu, wouldn't you just come and kill me? If you couldn't kill me on the Lianfeng platform back then, what would it be like today? Hahahaha..."

Xiao Chen's anger grew stronger and stronger, and he laughed gloomily.

"Junior Brother Xiao..."

Fu Ling's face was pale, and she couldn't believe it at this moment, how could he do such a heavy hand to Senior Sister Mei...

In the distance, Master Feng Yin saw that he was so possessed that he had no room to attack him. Once he became murderous, who would he let go in the future? It was probably more terrifying than Shen Cangming. At this moment, he had made up his mind to get rid of this disaster no matter what today!


With a sharp sound, three fairy swords appeared instantly. Under the urging of Master Feng Yin to recite the mantra, the three swords suddenly shone brightly and roared towards Xiao Chen. The situation suddenly changed!


Master Yushan was suddenly startled, and people from various factions in the distance were also caught off guard. One moment, Master Feng Yin was urging him to turn back, but he didn't expect that the next moment, a killing move would suddenly come, and these three swords left no room for him!

Before the sword arrived, the sword energy had already covered Xiao Chen's whole body. Shen Jing was suddenly startled and was about to make a move when Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and sent her back instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the three swords had flown towards him. Xiao Chen forcefully lifted Di Gu, and a "clang" sound caused the nearby ground to crack. A huge cloud of smoke and dust actually blocked the three swords.

Everyone in the distance held their breath. Emperor Gu was indeed powerful. He could withstand three such powerful swords. If he had used ordinary weapons, he would have been destroyed together with his master...

At this moment, the area was shrouded in smoke and dust, and everyone could not see clearly what was going on inside. Their hearts were in doubt. When the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, they heard a gloomy voice coming from inside.

"Master often says... Those who cultivate immortality should put the common people in the world first. My heart cares about the common people, and have the common people ever cared about me? If this is the common people, then this common people... don't want it today!"

The moment the words fell, everyone felt suffocated. The smoke and dust dispersed, Xiao Chen's eyes had turned blood red, and a layer of demonic aura surrounded his body. The Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques were in his body. The madness is reversed!

"The Tao is no longer the Tao, Xiao will never step into the Immortal Sect again in this life!"

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