The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 681 The Tao does not exist


Hua Weiyang was startled and immediately offered the Jade Lianhua, trying to rush forward to help him resist. Seeing this, You Chang and Youqin quickly pulled her back. With such sword power, even though she had the Jade Lianhua in her hand, she could not resist it. How can you resist it?


The hundred-foot-long sword energy was finally slashed down mercilessly. The entire Shura Valley shook violently, and the dust on the ground rolled up, obscuring everyone's sight.


In the distance, Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were also stunned, as well as the Rakshasa heroine and Chu Tianyao, who were all stunned on the spot. How many people present could use Master Feng Yin's sword? Resist it? Even if he is a cultivator of spiritual transformation, he must be destroyed by the sword energy in an instant!

The billowing dust and smoke enveloped the entire valley until it was blown away by the mountain wind for a long time. The scene inside surprised everyone.

I saw Xiao Chen tightly protecting Shen Jing with one hand, and holding Di Gu with the other hand, fighting against the sword energy of Master Feng Yin. The sword cracked his palm, and blood continued to flow down his arm. , stained half of his clothes red.

"Sister Shen Jing... don't be afraid. With me here, no one can hurt you again..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were blood red and he was staring at Master Feng Yin. A stream of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth. Even though he was defeated, he didn't have the slightest fear at this moment.

With such cold eyes, even Master Feng Yin couldn't help but tremble, but at this moment, the murderous intention in his heart became even stronger.

"Boy, very good..."

In the distance, Xiao Cangtian nodded. Just now he was worried that Xiao Chen would only protect himself and let the little girl die under this sword. Now seeing Xiao Chen desperately protecting Shen Jing, it was exactly what he wanted. He looked at Master Feng Yin and sneered, "Master Feng Yin, you have been practicing Taoism for hundreds of years in vain, and now you are not even as good as a little baby! Where is your Taoist intention?"

At this moment, people from various sects and Tianmen in the distance were silent. If they had heard a demon ridiculing Master Feng Yin like this in the past, they would have scolded him angrily. But just now, they clearly saw Feng Yin. The real person is not even willing to let go of that little girl. Could it be that he has really lost his Taoist heart?

However, Master Feng Yin completely ignored the gazes of everyone outside and was determined to kill Xiao Chen today. He saw his true energy gathered together and once again formed a sword energy of a hundred feet, and slashed towards Xiao Chen with one sword.

This sword was also extremely fierce. Xiao Chen sent Shen Jing back, forcibly raised the true energy in his body, and slashed out with one sword. The demonic evil surged, and with a "bang", the valleys on all sides trembled violently, and the sword energy of the two , actually confronted each other in mid-air.

Everyone in the distance had held their breath for a long time, and Master Feng Yin did not expect that even though his skill had not yet returned to its peak, it would be so difficult to deal with a person who had not yet become "empty".


With a scolding, the sword energy suddenly became more fierce. Even though Xiao Chen had Di Gu in his hand, he was shaken back a few steps, and blood continued to flow out of his mouth. Even though he had reversed the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, after all, The gap in cultivation between the two sides was too great, and he could hardly resist it at this moment.

Blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth, and he knew clearly in his heart that if he died today, Master Feng Yin would definitely not let Shen Jing and Wei Yang go. But right now, even if there is Emperor Gu, he can't hurt this person. At this moment, he can only use Senior Beggar Give the taught Three Talents Sword a try to the death!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and suddenly pushed his true energy to the limit, gathered it all on Di Gu, and fired out a sword. This sword was the "earth" sword in the Sancai Sword, and it consumed half of his true energy in an instant. , although it is not a "heavenly" sword, its power cannot be underestimated!

Perhaps Master Feng Yin never expected that he could use such a fierce sword technique with all his strength. When he reacted, he was already too late. With a "chi" sound, the sword directly broke through his body-protecting essence and killed him. It passed through the chest, bringing out a long blood flower.


Immediately, Master Feng Yin spurted out a mouthful of blood, and kept retreating, his face suddenly becoming extremely pale.

Everyone in the distance was shocked. What kind of sword technique was this? It could actually hurt Master Feng Yin!


Master Yushan's face also changed suddenly, and he flew over in an instant. He saw Master Feng Yin's face was pale, and blood kept pouring out of his mouth. At this moment, he looked at Xiao Chen with obvious surprise, "It's that man's swordsmanship... …”

Looking at Xiao Chen again, the backlash of the Three Yuan Burning Heart Art was already coming. The reason why it didn't come was because he suppressed it with his true energy, but just now he consumed half of his true energy in an instant, and his face suddenly turned pale. There was also a mouthful of blood welling up in his mouth, dyeing the clothes on his chest bright red.


Hua Weiyang flew up and pressed her palm on his chest. After exploring it, her face suddenly changed color, "Oh no, the seeds of Dieffenbachia..."


Another mouthful of blood gushed out from Xiao Chen. At this moment, he felt that his heart was broken, his internal organs were like burning, and traces of death energy seeped out of his body.

Shen Jing also flew up in an instant. Seeing his situation, she didn't hesitate. With a wave of her hand, several more silver needles appeared between her fingers and she quickly pricked several acupuncture points on his body.

In this way, Xiao Chen's injury was relieved, but at this moment, there was a sudden violent noise from Tianmen Square, followed by the sound of weapons handing over. The sound was getting closer and closer, and countless figures also came to Shura Valley. Bian flew over.

"Elder... it's not good! There are a large number of demons attacking from the bottom of the mountain! We can't resist it..."

I saw more than a dozen Tianmen disciples coming in a hurry, all of them seriously injured, and in the distance, a large number of people suddenly approached. The leader was Mrs. Xianshu, and the master of the Four Valleys, but it was she who led the border area People from the Thirty-Six Sect are here.

"It's Xianshu and the others..." The shock on Hua Weiyang's face calmed down and she looked at Xiao Chen, "Xianshu and the others are here to save us, hurry up..."

"He's a demon!"

Here, people from various sects were also shocked, but looking at the dark clouds covering the sky over there, they thought people from the four major demon sects were also among them. They didn't know how many people there were, so they didn't dare to act rashly at this time.


Xiao Chen covered his chest with his hands, knowing that the backlash was coming. He was by no means a person who didn't know how to advance and retreat, so he immediately retreated outside Shura Valley.

On the hilltop in the distance, Master Feng Yin's Taoist robe had been stained red with blood, and he no longer had any immortal spirit. His appearance even looked a bit scary. At this time, when he saw so many people from the Demon Cult coming, his face changed even more. He was pale and ugly, and seeing Xiao Chen trying to escape, he shouted quickly, "Stop this man!"

He was seriously injured by Shen Cangming's palm before, and then he consumed a lot of energy. He was also wounded by Xiao Chen's sword just now. No matter how high his cultivation level was, he could not hold on anymore.

"Senior are you injured?" Seeing that he was so seriously injured, Master Yushan asked nervously next to him.

"It doesn't matter...junior brother, today is the catastrophe of Tianmen, it has nothing to do with you and me lucking out luck, helping me luck out and recover..."

As Master Feng Yin spoke, he sat down cross-legged and slowly stabilized his breathing. Master Yushan frowned, and finally his true energy condensed and restored his skills. He said, "I know that senior brother has been grudged about Shen Cangming back then. In my heart, I have never given up, but today, this child is not Shen Cangming..."

"Didn't you see his tricks just now?" Before he could finish speaking, Master Feng Yin shouted sternly, and his face suddenly became even more ugly.

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