The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 683: The Reappearance of Gods and Demons

"Nishang...get away!"

Master Feng Yin's sword energy slashed his head, even though Master Yushan and Qianyu Nishang were still in front. Fortunately, Master Yushan still had a high level of Taoism. Even though he was seriously injured at this moment, he reacted in an instant and took Qianyu Nishang to the place. He hid in the distance, but while he was protecting Qian Yu Nishang, he was scratched by the sword energy and was immediately injured.

Seeing that ten thousand-foot-long sword light slashing towards Xiao Chen with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, the entire Shura Valley has begun to collapse before the sword energy reaches it, especially the area near Xiao Chen and others, which has completely collapsed.

Everyone present was horrified by this scene. On the other side of Xuanqingmen, Jiangnan Liu and Mei Jianyi were already stunned, and Fuling was so frightened that her face turned pale and she couldn't even stand still.

Thousands of feet, hundreds of feet, the mercilessly slashing sword energy is getting closer and closer. However, at this moment, Xiao Chen holds the Emperor's Sword tightly, but he is completely unable to resist such a terrifying sword energy. To say that he can't resist it is because of his cultivation. People who have reached the Hehe stage may not be able to withstand this sword energy!

For a long time, Master Feng Yin's clothes were stained with blood. At this moment, he was like a demon. His true energy surged out crazily. His sword energy suddenly became twice as strong, turning everything nearby into powder. Several people were already in sight. Certain death!

At this moment, Xiao Cangtian suddenly flew over, with demonic energy all over his body, trying to block the sword energy by himself. However, no matter how high his cultivation level was, how could he withstand the power of Master Feng Yin? This sword launched by the ancient demon-slaying formation?

With a "bang", Xiao Cang Tian Jiu Yin Nine Yang Xuan Gong has not yet reached its limit, and has been severely blown away by the sword energy. His whole body is dripping with blood, and his life and death are unknown, but the sword energy has not stopped yet. Not even weakened at all!


Seeing the sword energy coming towards him, Xiao Chen's eyes were about to burst with hatred and resentment, but he was unable to summon up the power to resist it. Even though he had reversed the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques to the limit, he could still resist it. I can't hold back this ruthless sword energy!

One hundred feet, ten feet!

The sword energy was finally cut down. At this moment, everyone thought that Xiao Chen was dead. However, at this moment of life and death, a black thing suddenly flew out of his sleeve, and with a "boom", it turned out to be Gradually the speed of the sword energy slashing down was slowed down.


Everyone in the distance was shocked. What kind of magic weapon in the world can block such a terrifying sword?

The thing he saw was a black hexagonal stone plate. It was at that time that Xiao Chen accidentally discovered the mysterious hexagonal stone plate in the ruins under the desert. It was the last moment that two peerless masters from the previous era had discovered the mysterious hexagonal stone plate. Something to fight for.


I saw Xiao Chen's eyes were blood red, and suddenly his whole body was shrouded in demons. He raised his head and let out a long roar, and countless shadows of immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas suddenly appeared around his body!

"Then...what is that!"

Seeing this strange and terrifying scene, everyone in the distance was shocked, and many people were shivering under the aura of gods and demons. This was a... from the previous era, the ancient world. God's shock!

He saw dark clouds surging all over the sky, and he was in a trance, as if a devil had come to the world. Xiao Chen lowered his head and suddenly laughed gloomily, "Just now...who wanted to kill me..."

The sky full of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas seemed to form a large formation at this moment, and Xiao Chen was at the center of the formation. Those countless immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas actually resisted Master Feng Yin's sword for him! Even the magic power of the ancient demon-slaying formation can't hurt him at all!

This scene shocked everyone in the distance. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes at this moment, who would have dared to believe it? These immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas who have passed away for tens of thousands of years are already inexplicable, but at this moment, these immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas seem to be dominated by him!

No one can explain the scene that happened at this moment. Regarding Xiao Chen's life experience, it suddenly became foggy. In the distance, both eyebrows and Jiangnan Liu were stunned. At this time, they recalled the scene in the ancient village. In such a heavy Under the erosion of the turbid demonic energy, even an adult cannot hold out for even a moment, but why is a newborn baby okay? No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't figure out the reason.

At this time, in the mid-air, Master Feng Yin could be seen looking pale. It was obvious that the ancient demon-slaying formation was very powerful, but it also required a lot of real energy. This sword was activated with almost all the real energy in his body. However, at this time , actually faced off against countless immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas, no matter who they were!


Master Feng Yin became more and more like a demon, and suddenly shouted wildly, and then urged the true energy in his body, the sword energy immediately strengthened countless times, and Xiao Chen shook his hands, gathering the evil energy from all directions, and used it for himself, making the immortal demon god The Buddha's shadow becomes stronger.

Under the confrontation between the two forces, the surrounding area continued to break apart, and the mountains collapsed one after another. Suddenly, the sky was filled with dust and smoke, and the scene was very scary.

After a moment of awkwardness, Master Feng Yin finally couldn't hold on anymore. With a "bang", the ten thousand feet of sword energy collapsed in an instant, and the shadows of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas all over the sky also dissipated in an instant, but Master Feng Yin was shocked and drank a mouthful of blood. He poured out and kept retreating, his face suddenly became even paler, his hands kept shaking, and even the ancient demon-slaying sword in his hand was almost unsteady.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, he lowered his head and looked very scary. His body was filled with demonic evil spirits and the death aura was lingering around him. The remaining people in the Tianmen in the distance held their breath and did not dare to move.

At this moment, the ancient demon-slaying formation that suppresses the spiritual veins in Tiantai Mountain is already crumbling because it has lost its core. Spiritual energy is flowing around for hundreds of miles. The entire Tiantai Mountain is collapsing everywhere. At most, a stick of incense is falling. Time will be completely annihilated.

Master Feng Yin's face was pale. At this moment, he seemed to have finally woken up. Looking at the scene in front of him, his face was filled with shock. Could it be that he had caused all this? He wanted to stand up with support, but a mouthful of blood gushed out, dyeing the clothes on his chest even redder.


At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his head and smiled sinisterly. Two strange eyes fell on Master Feng Yin, which immediately made him tremble. He instinctively raised the ancient sword in his hand and urged Xuan However, this time, before he could slash out with his sword, Xiao Chen's palm force suddenly came, and with a "bang", he was hit hard enough to vomit blood and flew backwards.

"Senior brother..."

Master Yushan was suddenly startled. Seeing that Xiao Chen had heavy murderous intention at this moment and was bound to kill his senior brother, he no longer hesitated and turned into a flash of lightning and flew over. The sword box on his back also instantly flew out three green swords. The Light Immortal Sword came and slashed at Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen swung away three flying swords with one sword and struck out with one palm. With a "bang" sound, the palm hit Master Yushan hard, causing him to vomit blood and fly away.

Seeing that his attack was so terrifying, at this moment, people from various sects in the distance finally realized. Oh no, he is probably going to start a killing spree here today!

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