The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 684 Master and Disciple Goodbye

The entire Tiantai Mountain was shaking more and more violently, and everything was collapsing. Everyone was in panic. Master Feng Yin's robes had been dyed dark with blood, which was particularly shocking. At this time, he was struggling to hold himself up. Looking at Xiao Chen's murderous look, he was shocked and immediately recited the incantation, even though he did not hesitate to consume his true energy to ignite the fire of life!

At this moment, Master Feng Yin recovered 30% of his power, and he flew towards Xiao Chen with a sword. Even though he had regained consciousness at this time, he still knew in his heart that if he did not subdue this son, I am afraid that today, the entire Tianmen would be a river of blood. . perform

The sword came with a sudden and fierce force. Xiao Chen smiled gloomily and slashed out with the sword. The Emperor Gu's sword energy was so fierce. With a "bang", it not only defeated Master Feng Yin's sword, but also knocked him away. go out.


Falling back to the ground, Master Feng Yin gushed out another mouthful of blood. At this moment, he raised his head and looked at the pair of eyes full of murderous intent. A look of panic finally appeared on his face. No one can subdue this person today. Rooftop The mountains will turn into rivers of blood!

"Go to hell."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, his killing intent undiminished, and he slashed at Master Feng Yin with his sword. At the same moment, a golden mysterious light suddenly flew from the distance, and with a "bang" sound, the mysterious light struck On Di Gujian, he was knocked back at once.


Hua Weiyang's face was startled, her body swayed, and she immediately stepped forward to support him. After a closer look, she realized that all the internal organs in his body were burned by fire. If this continues, the seeds of Dieffenbachia will also be burned. That's when it gets bad.

"The people from the Xuan Qing Sect are here..."

Xiao Cangtian sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed tightly. He had just been severely injured by Master Feng Yin's sword. His face was pale at this time, but he could still feel that the aura at this moment was definitely from the Xuan Qing Sect.

"Evil! Don't stop yet!"

I saw two figures flying in the distance. On the left was an old man wearing a red robe, and on the right was a middle-aged man wearing a green robe. They were two of the seven Xuanqing deities, Lord Xuanyang and Yu Heng. Your Majesty hides the mysterious mirror.

Seeing the messy corpses and rivers of blood, Zang Xuanjing couldn't help but be shocked. Could it be that all these people died at his hands?

Master Xuanyang's expression also changed, and he immediately found Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu. After hearing what they said and just passed by, Master Xuanyang's hands couldn't help but tremble, and slowly Looking at Xiao Chen, "Evil obstacles..."

"Your Majesty!" Jiang Nanliu and his eyebrows hurriedly pulled him back, fearing that he would also rush over at this moment, which would make things worse.

At this time, the vibrations in Tiantai Mountain had slowly stopped, and the spiritual power at the bottom of the mountain had stabilized. Apparently, people from the Xuanqing Sect arrived in time and solidified the formation outside.

Seeing people from Xuanqingmen come to rescue, Master Yushan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, he felt mixed emotions. In recent years, because Shen Cangming was in charge of Tianmen as Master Youlan, Tianmen targeted Xuanqingmen everywhere, and even joined forces with those people. The Taishi Dao Sect worked together to deal with the Xuan Qing Sect, but today the Tian Sect was in crisis, and it was the Xuan Qing Sect who came to the rescue.

"My two lords, long time no see..."

Xiao Chen smiled gloomily, and Master Xuanyang turned pale with anger. He pointed at him, "Evil! Why don't you put down the weapon in your hand! You killed so many people here today, don't you still know you are wrong!" "


Xiao Chen smiled coldly, "What is wrong? It is wrong for me to kill them, so isn't it wrong for them to kill me... Justice, how can there be justice in the world? Because I was born in the countryside, Your Majesty Xuanyang, didn't you always Do you look down on me..."


Master Xuanyang's face darkened, and with a movement of his palm, he condensed two lines of Xuanyang Qi.

Xiao Chen said coldly, "I don't care what you guys are doing today, but he... no one can save him!" As soon as he finished speaking, he slashed at Master Feng Yin with another sword.


This time, Zang Xuanjing's face darkened, and with a flick of his sleeves, a ray of green light flew out. With a "bang", Xiao Chen's Emperor's Solitary Sword Qi was shaken away. Upon closer inspection, he saw that It is an ancient mirror glowing with green light. It is his magic weapon "Blue Light Mirror" that can deflect most attacks, which is very impressive.

Xiao Chen was shocked by the blue light mirror, and his steps suddenly became more unsteady. He had exhausted a lot today, and the power in his body began to gradually fade away, replaced by the backlash of the Three-Yuan Burning Heart Art.

However, he was still persistent in his heart, and was about to activate the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills again, but at this moment, a wisp of immortal energy suddenly came from a distance.

Such a fairy aura made the originally dark and bloody Shura Valley suddenly become brighter and brighter. The dark clouds covering the sky dispersed in an instant, and everyone felt like a spring breeze. Under the shroud of this fairy aura, their hearts gradually returned to peace.

In the distance, I saw a figure in green clothes coming from the sky. If Qianyu's colorful clothes were like that spotless fairy, then the person in front of me was like the mysterious goddess from the Nine Heavens who descended to earth. Just the fairy aura in her body made countless people feel... There is tranquility, and there is no killing in my heart.

That person was none other than Ling Yin.

"Fairy Miaoyin..."

Everyone raised their heads and looked over there, their hearts gradually calming down, and they saw Ling Yin stepping into the void and landing in front of Xiao Chen.

At this moment, the entire valley fell into silence. Feng Xuanzhi stood motionless at the Zangfeng Valley, and the mysterious man in green robe had disappeared without knowing when.

It had only been more than a year since the master and apprentice last separated. At that time, Ling Yin pointed out to him that Shen Jing was at Qingmu Cliff and said "take care" for the last time. He may have anticipated today's situation.

Everyone was silent, and the whole valley was quiet. At this moment, Xiao Cangtian suddenly laughed infatuatedly, "Ling Yin, you can't believe it..."

Ling Yin's eyes still fell on Xiao Chen and ignored him. However, everyone in the distance gradually turned their attention to him. He smiled foolishly and said, "When you hurt me with your finger, I said I would take revenge." , you transfer the immortal essence into his body, and I will transfer the demonic essence into his body, hehehe..."


Upon hearing this, many people were shocked. Could it be that he not only taught Xiao Chen the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques, but also transferred his own demonic energy into his body. This led Xiao Chen to become a demon today just to take revenge on Ling Yin. , this kind of method is too insidious!

Ling Yin still ignored him, her eyes remained on Xiao Chen, and after a long time she said, "Do you know you are wrong?"

Xiao Chen trembled slightly, his face suddenly became paler, and he smiled sadly, "I'm not wrong."

The atmosphere suddenly became very solid, and everyone in the distance suddenly felt a chill, and this chill actually came from Ling Yin.

"I'll ask you again, do you know you are wrong?"

At this moment, Ling Yin's eyes suddenly became cold and stern, just like the one on Zixiao Peak back then, cold and icy, like an iceberg, making people unable to approach.

Everyone held their breath, especially those on the Xuanqingmen side, Jiang Nanliu and Mei Jianyi. They knew this junior sister best. If Yichen really became possessed today, I'm afraid, I'm afraid... I thought... Here, both of them shuddered deeply.

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