"Yun'er, what are you doing here?"

On the left side of the hall, a man in green clothes stood up and walked over quickly. The woman raised her head, glanced at the cold Yin Chunqiu at the head of the hall, looked at him again, and said in a panic, "Brother Feng, you Please dad, otherwise you should submit. Look, our Zijin is so young and can’t even walk yet. You can’t bear it, you can’t bear it..."

"Shut up!"

Before she could continue, the man in green clothes suddenly snatched the baby from her hand, slapped her hard on the face, glared at her and said, "What do you, a woman, know? Get out!"

"Master, please don't hit the young lady..."

The old woman from before hurriedly came over and supported the beaten woman. Tears slowly gathered in her old eyes.

The man frowned deeply and handed the baby to her, "Get out! Don't come in again!"

But no one saw the trace of pain and helplessness flashing in his eyes when he handed over the baby in his hand. He turned around, looked at his father at the head of the hall, and said resolutely, "Dad, we will never give up this time." If he doesn’t surrender, I want to see how he can destroy my Scorpion Sect no matter how powerful he is!”

At the head of the hall, Yin Chunqiu still frowned. If he could let the family members in the door escape, he would have let them out long ago. But once the execution order was issued, no one could leave, even if they escaped, even if If you flee to the ends of the earth, you will definitely be killed in the end. Rather than doing this, it is better to stay in the Scorpion Gate. This is actually the safest.

"Heaven without Desires..."

There are misty blue clouds in the sky and majestic and dangerous mountains. To the south of the Five Domains of Xianyuan, there are continuous mountains. Among them, there is a peak that goes straight into the clouds and cannot be seen from the top. It is called Tianwai Peak.

Above Tianwai Peak, there are vast layers of clouds. If you move your sword to the top of the clouds, you can vaguely see the floating fairy islands, including many cliffs and waterfalls, as well as fairy palaces and jade palaces one after another. .

If ordinary cultivators see such wonders, they will think that they have arrived in the fairyland, or they have seen a strange mirage. However, this is not a fairyland, nor a mirage, but a pure land left over from ancient times. It's called "Desireless Heaven".

Wuyu Sky is suspended thousands of feet high in the sky. There are records in ancient books that it is a pure land created by Fairy Wuyu in the human world in ancient times to avoid the chaos of gods and demons.

But this Wuyu Tian is not only suspended thousands of feet high in the sky, but is also surrounded by formations, just like a mysterious realm. Therefore, in the past tens of millions of years, no one has ever found this ancient land. Until ten years ago, The spiritual power flowing here was discovered by others.

I saw rows of fairy trees and blooming flowers. Although it was high in the sky, it was like spring flowers blooming in March on earth. Between the islands, there were waterfalls hanging down. I don’t know where the water comes from, and I don’t know where it ends up. at.

The entire Wuyu Heaven is very big, and at the highest point, there is a palace. It looks extremely lonely and cold in the vast clouds.

At this moment, on the edge of the cliff outside the palace, I saw a figure standing there. The man stood with his hands behind his back, his white hair flying in the wind, and his lonely back did not move at all.

In ten years, his appearance has not changed at all, except that his black hair has completely turned white, and between his eyebrows, there is an aloofness that makes people unable to approach him.

This white-haired man was none other than Xiao Chen.

Perhaps what has changed the most in the past ten years is not his person, but his heart.

"Your Majesty..."

Suddenly, a woman's voice sounded from behind, but look at the woman's picturesque features, and her white clothes were as flawless as the moonlight. She was the Mingyue Valley Master among the Four Valley Valley Masters.

Xiao Chen still stood with his hands behind his hands, looking at the misty white clouds in the distant sky. Without turning around, he only said, "Mingyue, what's the matter?"

"Palace Master is awake..." Mingyue Valley Master whispered.

Xiao Chen nodded and immediately turned around and headed towards the palace. Mingyue Valley Master raised his head and looked at his retreating figure. The appearance of that man from back then suddenly appeared in his mind.

No matter how ruthless and decisive he has become over the years, there is always a place of tenderness in his heart.


Xiao Chen sat on the edge of the bed and gently lifted Hua Weiyang up. He saw that there was not much blood on her face and her lips were very pale. Ten years ago, she was severely injured by Master Feng Yin's Blood Origin Finger. If she hadn't been born with an abnormality, For ordinary people, plus Yu Lianhua blocked it, he would probably have died at that time.

But even so, in the past ten years, she often fell into a comatose state, and Xiao Chen finally confirmed that she was really the body of Xuanyin.

Xuanyin's body often has a very limited lifespan, and her lifespan should not have expired so quickly. It was all because of the incident ten years ago that accelerated the passage of her lifespan. Now she can only live in coma. It has been ten years since Xiao Chen tried his best to resist the speed of life passing by. Until now, Xiao Chen has not been able to find a perfect rescue method.

"Weiyang, I will definitely cure you."

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, reached out and gently stroked the white hair beside his ears, and said with a smile, "This is not a disease. No matter how good your medical skills are, how can you cure it?"

"Even if it's your life, I will change it for you."

Xiao Chen's eyes were still the same as before. Perhaps the only thing that hadn't changed was his persistence.


Hua Weiyang shook her head and smiled, leaned lightly on his shoulder, and said, "In three years at most, the seeds of Dieffenbachia will wither completely. By then, if you haven't found the unique immortal heart in the world, I'm afraid yes……"

When she said this, she stopped, raised her head and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Stop running around for me. You must find the immortal heart, and then go to the Xianbei Ancient Realm to find Fairy Suwen. Ask her to change your mind."

"No need to worry."

Xiao Chen shook his head, gently stroked her cheek, and said, "With my current level of cultivation, it is not difficult to suppress that death aura."


Hua Weiyang frowned slightly, and was about to say something. At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside. Xiao Chen glanced outside and asked, "Mingyue, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, it's Yang Xiaoran, he's back..."

"Well, go ahead and let him wait outside."


After a while, until the footsteps outside could no longer be heard, Xiao Chen turned around, slowly helped Hua Weiyang lie down, and said softly, "You rest for a while, I'll go out for a while."


Hua Weiyang nodded. She didn't ask more questions about what it was about, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart, just like that time ten years ago.

Xiao Chen went outside. Yang Xiaoran was the only one in the hall, but the Mingyue Valley Master was not there. When Yang Xiaoran saw him coming out alone, his body trembled slightly. Even though so many years have passed, every time he sees him now, he still feels like he has fallen into an ice pool. In general, he immediately lowered his head and cupped his hands and said, "Subordinate Yang Xiaoran, please see your Majesty..."

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