The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 807 The ruthless way

Xiao Chen looked at the looming spiritual power of the formation below and said, "Over the years, he has saved me many times and helped me many times, especially that time thirteen years ago when the man from Zangfeng Valley came after him. , If it weren't for him, I'm afraid you and I would be dead... He sacrificed too much soul power that time, otherwise, with his quasi-sage ability now, how could he not be able to condense a temporary body (っ). ◔◡◔)っ


Hua Weiyang looked at him and nodded. Although it was the two of them who rescued Ku Lingzi's soul in the ancient realm of Xianbei, the sacrifices Ku Lingzi has made for them in the past twenty years are indeed true. Quite a few, but now, what she is most worried about is still the three corpse demons in Xiao Chen's body, and the matter of immortality...

"In a while, the dark clouds outside will disperse..."

Xiao Chen looked at the dark sky in the distance. Three years ago, he hurried back, but Meng Xianer was not with him. She must have known what happened to Wuyu Tian during these three years.

There is also Luo Yao'er. Back in Wuwanghai, Luo Yao'er was killed by Shen Cangming's manipulation of life and death. The people killed by Shen Cangming's manipulation of life and death were not saved.

In order to preserve Luo Yao'er's soul, he used the Soul Confinement Technique to imprison her dissipated soul. Not long ago, he discovered that Luo Yao'er's soul seemed to have faintly awakened. He happened to be able to do some things about Shen Cangming. Ask.

Two months have passed, and today, all seventy-two formations have been repaired. On this day, Xiao Chen did not go down there, but went to the Mystic Demon Cliff alone.

When he came to the Mystic Demon Cliff, the black water pool under the cliff suddenly surged, and then a black alien dragon rushed up. Its two eyes were glowing with red light. It looked very scary. The alien For some unknown reason, the dragon suddenly rolled up and blocked his way. Its two blood-red eyes looked at him motionless.

"Ruthless, nothing's wrong, stand down."

Xiao Chen glanced at the Yi Jiao. The Yi Jiao seemed to be able to understand his words, and immediately dived into the water below. He disappeared in a moment, and the water slowly returned to calm.

This unusual dragon is the soul of a strange dragon that he conquered in the Tomb of Gods and Demons. It is also a black water dragon from the ancient Eastern cultivation world. It is spiritual and very powerful. Now he has recognized him as his master. , and he named it "violence".

After arriving in the cave where he usually practiced in seclusion, he pointed his finger and a figure slowly floated in the air.

Although the figure was ethereal and real, it was as flawless as beautiful jade, with not a single strand of hair on her body, ice muscles and jade bones, breathtakingly beautiful. She was none other than Meng Xian'er's senior sister, Luo Yao'er.

When Luo Yaoer woke up and found that she was naked and without any clothes, she couldn't help but panic and subconsciously covered her body with her arms.

Xiao Chen had already turned around, not looking at her, but simply said, "You're awake."

Luo Yao'er was different from Yun Tianzi. Xiao Chen not only imprisoned Yun Tianzi's soul, but also refined it, so he could summon it from the silence at any time. However, Luo Yao'er died in Shen Cangming's death. The hand was not killed by him. He was able to use the Soul Confinement Technique to forcibly retain a ray of his soul, which was extremely unbelievable.

The Yijiao just noticed Luo Yaoer's soul aura, so it flew up. As for others, except Ku Lingzi, probably no one could detect Luo Yaoer's soul aura.

"This...where is this?"

Luo Yao'er covered her chest and asked cautiously. Now her soul is very fragile, so fragile that the alien dragon can swallow her in one bite.

"Desire-free heaven."

"Heaven without Desires..."

Luo Yaoer was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered something and murmured, "Yes, you are the Lord of Wuyu Tian..." After a pause, she asked again, "I... Where is my junior sister?"

"She returned to Mengxian Sect, not with me."


Hearing this, Luo Yaoer slowly lowered her head. After a while, she raised her head and looked outside, "Why is it so dark outside? Is it night..."

Xiao Chen did not answer her, but after a moment he said, "You were killed by Shen Cangming's manipulation of life and death. I can only protect this ray of your soul."

"Thank you... thank you."

Luo Yaoer raised her head and looked at him. Ever since she went to Wuwanghai to practice the Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique and became the master of the Ecstasy Palace, she had met countless men, but none of them were covetous of her beauty. , and the man in front of her who was always cold and cold, she had only seen this one, no, there was another one, Shen Cangming... These two people looked really alike sometimes.

"Do you know where Shen Cangming's Wuyan Cangming is?"

"Wuyan Cangming..."

Luo Yaoer came back to her senses, lowered her head and said, "In the Wuxiang Sea among the four small seas..."

"Then do you know why he has gathered the power of spiritual veins everywhere these years?"

"Gather the power of spiritual veins..."

Luo Yaoer thought for a while and whispered, "I don't know. In the past, I thought he was just out for revenge, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. What exactly he wants to do, probably even Qingchan and Ming Tong don't know..."

"Then what else do you know about Shen Cangming?"

"Let me think about it..."

Luo Yao'er gradually fell into deep thought. He must have known about the four major forces of Ecstasy Palace, Bone Erosion Palace, Blood Rain Tower, and Imperial City. After thinking for a while, she suddenly raised her head, "I remembered that Shen Cangming not only had a close relationship with Shura Dao is his enemy, but few people know that he has another enemy in Wuwuhai."


Hearing this, Xiao Chen turned around. Seeing him suddenly turning around, Luo Yaoer quickly covered her chest. Xiao Chen coughed and turned back, facing outside the cave. "Sorry... you said." "

Luo Yaoer slowly put down her hand, and while thinking deeply, she said slowly, "That force is very strong in the Wuwu Sea. It is far from comparable to the Shura Dao, and it is not within the Four Small Seas. I heard that it is in the depths of the Wuwu Sea." The Merciless Sea is called the ‘Ruthless Way’…”

"The ruthless way..."

Xiao Chen's expression condensed, but he had never heard of the Wuqing Dao. Luo Yao'er nodded, "Yes, I remember that's the name. The master of the Wuqing Dao is called Qingwuzi, and he has a disciple named Fang Wuyan. ”

"Then what? How can Shen Cangming become enemies with him?"


Luo Yaoer thought for a while and continued, "This Wuqingzi seems to have been looking for something over the years. Although he doesn't know what it is, he must be very important to him. And his disciple Fang Wuyan, this person is He is very arrogant. One time, for some reason, he suddenly got into trouble with Wuyan Cangming's people. He even ran to Wuyan Cangming to scream. In the end, he was seriously injured by Shen Cangming's finger and ran away in despair. After Fang Wuyan returned, he didn't know how to deal with Wuyan. No matter what Zi said, the two families have been at loggerheads since then. "

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