The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 808: Breaking the Seal

"How long ago did this happen?" Xiao Chen asked.


Luo Yao'er thought for a moment, lowered her head and said, "It was more than a hundred years ago. At that time, I also knew that there was a ruthless way in Wuwanghai. I heard that at that time, they lost two secret books or something. In short, there was nothing People know exactly what they are looking for..."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "After some time, I will send you back to Mengxian Sect, or your junior sister will come to pick you up."

Hearing this, Luo Yaoer raised her head, was stunned for a moment, and then murmured, "Thank you... thank you."

Half a month later, the seventy-two formations had completely recovered their spiritual power, and all they could see was a mysterious light rising into the sky. The restraining force outside was getting weaker and weaker.

Xiao Chen is located in the main formation. He has unparalleled skills. He uses the power of the formation to continuously attack the outer confinement with profound energy, while the rest of the people also work together to control other formations.

"Don't stop...the power of imprisonment is almost broken away!"

At this moment, everyone works together. It has been three years since they have been trapped under this dark and eternal night. This time, they must break the seal no matter what!

At this time, outside Wuyu Tian, ​​under the layers of clouds, there were actually many people standing with swords. It was obvious that these people were members of the Lu family and the Taishi Taoist sect. They had come to guard this place under the orders of Beigong Changfeng. place to prevent people from Wuyu Tian from breaking the seal and getting out.

Looking from a distance, one can see dense crowds of people whose number is hard to estimate. These people are either using magic talismans, controlling magic weapons, or relying on their own spiritual power. In short, they are constantly strengthening the seal of the forbidden world.

Lingxuzi and Lu Li were also there. One of these two people was one of the two supreme elders of Taishi Taoism, and the other was one of the three elders of the Lu family. Their cultivation levels were also very powerful, and they were definitely not comparable to ordinary cultivators of the Hehe period. .

Although the two of them were injured by Xiao Chen three years ago, in the past three years, with the elixir given by Beigong Changfeng, not only their injuries have been fully recovered, but their skills have also improved to a higher level.

At this time, the two of them arrived in front of Wuyu Tian, ​​but they saw the dark clouds heavy. They looked at each other, their eyes met, and suddenly they shot a line of profound energy above the layers of black clouds.

With a "boom", there was a violent tremor in Wuyutian, and many disciples with low cultivation levels were shocked to the point where their energy and blood surged.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

I saw a few disciples running over here in a panic, looking anxiously, "There are two formations over there that can't hold up..."

Not long after, several more disciples came over and said, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, we, our formation over there can't hold on anymore..."

Soon, the formation that was originally soaring to the sky gradually dimmed again. Madam Xian Shu frowned. It was obvious that people outside were strengthening the seal, making it difficult for them to break through this layer of confinement.

This level of confinement has already been loosened, just like an iron gate. It is not difficult for them to break through it from the inside. But now there is a stone pier blocked outside. They want to break through this iron gate again. It's not that simple anymore.


In the midst of the chaos, a girl wearing a red skirt suddenly appeared on the hillside not far away. The girl looked to be only ten years old, with two watery eyes and a light red mark of flowers between her eyebrows. Very beautiful and lovely.


Mrs. Xianshu turned around and immediately flew to the other side of the hillside. She knelt down and gently hugged the little girl, "Lianhua, why did you come out?"

"Well... Lianhua is afraid..."

The little girl was Lianhua back then, and now she has grown from four or five years old to ten years old. However, this year, she should be eighteen years old, because not long after she was born, her body was filled with Qinghong Sect's Tang Yu was struck by a sword energy, and it was a miracle that she survived, but she was unable to grow up like other girls, and her mind also grew very slowly.


The shock became more and more violent, and Little Lianhua was so frightened that she buried her whole face in Madam Xianshu's arms. At this time, the Master of Mingyue Valley flew over, "Mrs. Xianshu, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, Lianhua just ran out..."

Mrs. Xianshu stood up slowly, and the owner of Mingyue Valley smiled softly and took Little Lianhua's hand, "Don't be afraid of Lianhua, let's go, sister will take you back..."

"Oh... Master, you have to come back soon..."

Watching them walk away, Mrs. Xianshu frowned even deeper, jumped up, and flew towards the center of the seventy-two formations.

I saw a strong wind raging in the center, and a figure hanging in the air. The figure was dressed in white clothes, with spiritual power flowing around his body and a brilliant light. He was Hua Weiyang.

The seventy-two formations consume too much spiritual power, and relying on spiritual stones alone is far from enough. Only her spiritual power is enough to maximize the power of the seventy-two formations.


Mrs. Xianshu was startled and immediately flew over. Hua Weiyang turned her head, her face slightly pale, and said with difficulty, "It doesn't matter... Xianshu, go to the fool quickly. He has to support the main formation. The ones outside are People will definitely attack his main formation..."


"I'm fine. Go quickly. I just sensed that there are two extremely powerful magic powers outside, attacking him..."

"Okay... Weiyang, you... you must pay attention."

After saying that, Mrs. Xianshu no longer hesitated and immediately flew towards the main formation. When she arrived, two extremely powerful profound forces hit the main formation. Xiao Chen's mysterious power was shaken, " With a "boom" sound, the two rays of profound energy were pushed back.

Madam Xianshu also immediately gave him a slap to help him. When Xiao Chen saw her coming, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "How is Weiyang's place?"

"Weiyang...she's fine, don't worry."

Mrs. Xianshu frowned deeply, looked outside again, and asked, "What were those two mysterious forces just now..."

"It's Ling Xuzi and Lu Li."

"It's them again."

Hearing that it was these two people, Mrs. Xianshu's frown deepened. Xiao Chen said, "Don't worry, those two people won't make a difference. As long as Beigong Changfeng doesn't come, it will be fine."

About an hour later, cracks gradually appeared in the layer of confinement outside Wuyutian. At this moment, those in the Taishi Dao Sect and the Lu family outside were a little panicked.

"Too... too elder! I can't hold it any longer!"

A dozen disciples from the Taishi Taoist Sect flew to the front of Wuyutian, and then, from the other side, several more people from the Lu family flew over, "My dear, we can't hold on anymore!"

Seeing that both sides were in panic, Lingxuzi and Lu Li also frowned deeply. They both said at the same time, "No matter what, we must hold on! Go!"

"Yes Yes!"

After those disciples left, Lingxuzi looked at more and more cracks in the imprisonment, and the worry on his face became deeper and deeper. He had already experienced Xiao Chen's skills three years ago, and now he didn't want the other party to break the seal and He came out, frowned and said, "What should we do now? Otherwise... let's go first."

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