
The white-haired man smiled faintly. At this moment, it seemed that his true colors were finally revealed. He said lightly, "Interesting. My ability to disguise myself is unparalleled in the world. I don't know how you saw it..."

Qian Luo didn't expect that she had just come out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again. A layer of cold sweat gradually formed on her back. She only heard her say coldly, "I should have discovered it just now. If it was really Young Master Xiao, when he heard me say If I kill Dao Wuwei, no matter how urgent the matter is, he will definitely listen to me slowly and explain the cause and effect instead of leaving in a hurry! "

At this point, she paused and continued, "Also, if it was Mr. Xiao, if he wanted to kill those two people just now, he would never talk as much as you. If he wanted to kill, he would just kill him... The most important thing is that this basalt stone has stood here unchanged for thousands of years. People with a free and open mind like Mr. Xiao will definitely come and sit under the stone and feel the rise and fall of the world. But you say it is just an ordinary stone... …” ✷❅


The white-haired man smiled faintly, "Is there any more..."

"Of course!"

Qianluo looked at him and continued, "You try to imitate him all the time and speak in his cold tone. This is the biggest failure. The reason why he became cold and cold is because he has experienced a lot. He has seen through many things, and is even disappointed in this world. He no longer has any expectations. He doesn't care what others think of him, and he doesn't care if others say he is good or evil. He is definitely not an innocent moaner like you. The more you pretend, the less likely he is. …”

"Haha! Interesting, interesting!"

The white-haired man raised his head and smiled, "It seems like you really understand him quite well... Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect to be penetrated by you so quickly. Although the fun is less, the result is the same."

As soon as he finished speaking, the white-haired man finally showed his fierce look, tore off the mask on his face, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Qianluo.

Qianluo's expression changed and she wanted to run away, but unexpectedly there was a sharp pain in her abdomen. The injury on her body actually occurred at this moment. In this fleeting moment, the white-haired man had already grabbed her wrist. , his left hand moved a little to her body, Qianluo felt a burst of weakness, and immediately fainted.

"Well... you are such a beauty, and you are so tricky with your mouth. You just scolded me so much that I really want to punish you on the spot..."

The white-haired man hugged her, and slowly slid his fingers from her smooth neck to her chest. With a flick, he opened her clothes, revealing a large area of ​​jade-like flawless skin. At this moment, Two figures in black clothes suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain. They held up their hands and said, "Young Master, you must not do this. Before leaving, Master repeatedly warned that this woman must not be harmed at all before catching the boy.

"I know, I know, please."

The white-haired man was very disappointed. He buttoned up Qianluo's clothes and threw her gently towards the two men in black. "Take her back. If there is any damage, it has nothing to do with me."

The two men in black carefully caught Qianluo. When they smelled the faint fragrance coming from her body, they couldn't help but feel drunk, and couldn't help but look at her face a few more times.

Three days later, in the Lingxu Realm, the majestic mountain peaks were thousands of miles high, like a wild dragon swallowing clouds. This place was called "Taicang Mountain". The mountain range stretched for more than 300 miles, and there were seven palaces built there, which was where the Taoist Gate of Taishi was located.

One day, a sword light flew from outside the mountain and landed in the palace of Taishi, the master Zhongyi Zhenren. From that day on, Zhongyi Zhenren was always uneasy and ordered his disciples to strengthen the sword array defenses everywhere. However, he was worried every day. The matter finally came today.


There was a loud noise, and the mountain peak trembled violently. Countless flying swords immediately flew out from the valley, surrounding the entire mountain peak, forming a formation of ten thousand swords. However, even so, the disciples still inside the mountain felt a violent shock. , rushed out one after another.

Looking around, there are about eight thousand disciples in the entire Taishi Palace. These are only the disciples of the master's lineage. Lingxuzi and Xuan Yuanzi are the elders of Taishi Taoism. They are from the other two lines. There are very few disciples on weekdays. Contact with the leader's lineage.

"Master! It's not good! Someone broke into the mountain outside and broke our double sword formation! Master, please make a decision!"

Two disciples hurriedly ran in from the outside and saw smoke curling up above the palace. At the head of the palace sat a white-bearded Taoist wearing a purple robe. The Taoist's eyebrows were slightly knitted. Next to him were two little Taoist boys, one holding an incense burner. , a boy was holding a cattail leaf fan, and this Taoist was none other than Zhongyi Zhenren, the head of Taishi Taoist Sect.

At this moment, Master Zhongyi's eyebrows are getting deeper and deeper. What he was worried about has finally come today. He cannot escape even if he wants to escape. Even if Taicang Mountain is equipped with twelve heavy sword formations for defense, it will probably not be able to withstand it in the end. That person.

"That's all, don't be nervous, let me go out and have a look..."

Master Zhongyi finally stood up and walked out of the hall. When he went outside, he saw bursts of sword light on the sky, and then shattered one by one. From the time when the disciple came to report to when he walked out of the hall, it was just a short moment. In a short time, the sword formation outside the mountain gate was broken again.


Master Zhongyi let out a long sigh in his heart. Perhaps this was a disaster that Taicang Mountain could not avoid. He was so angry that his Dantian was filled with anger, and his voice shook the sky: "Since you are here, little friend, why don't you come in and have a chat? How about it?"

This statement shocked all the disciples. Could it be that only one person from the other party came? One person broke through Tai Cang Mountain's defensive sword array!

At this moment, the entire Taishi Palace became silent. No one spoke. Everyone looked in the direction of the mountain gate in silence until a faint voice came in.

"There's no need to talk. You took away my spiritual power from Wuyu Tian. Now...it's time to return it."

The sound came through the heavy sword formation, and all the disciples held their breath. The entire Taishi Palace was so quiet that a pindrop could sound like a pindrop.

Zhongyi Zhenren stepped forward slowly, stared in the direction of the mountain gate, and still used his inner strength to say, "I wonder what the power of the spiritual veins that my friend refers to?"

"The master knows it in his heart, so why pretend to know nothing."

After the voice fell this time, two figures suddenly flew in from the mountain gate. But if you look closely, you can see that the two figures were in a mess. They were clearly thrown in. They hit the ground, raised dust all over the sky, and turned over several times. Roll and get up from the ground, these two people are the two old men who were responsible for tracking Xiao Chen before.

"Senior brother...the head..."

The faces of the two were horrified, and the disciples around them were even dumbfounded. With the cultivation of the two elders, how could they be thrown in...

When everyone looked towards the mountain gate again, they saw a figure standing on top of the hundred-foot giant sword in front of the mountain gate. The man's eyes were cold and he stood with his hands behind his back. His white hair was flying behind his shoulders. All the disciples felt a breath. Wow, at this moment, it felt like my heart was being squeezed tightly. When did he break through the heavy sword array and come in!

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Suddenly, countless flying swords flew up, and the cold light dazzled the eyes in mid-air. However, countless disciples sacrificed the flying swords. However, Master Zhongyi raised his hand and signaled the disciples to take back the flying swords.

He knew in his heart that with the cultivation level of the man in front of him, even if he had eight thousand disciples forming a killing array, they might not be able to block this man's Emperor Gu Yi Sword.

Seeing the leader's signal, the disciples immediately put back the flying swords, but at this moment, another figure flew out from behind. They saw that the figure was dressed in green clothes, with a red sword mark between his eyebrows, and he was holding a black iron heavy sword. That "sword mad" Tang Xinhai.

"It's really you..."

At the emperor's sword debate in the Imperial State that day, Tang Xinhai was defeated by Xiao Chen. Naturally, he recognized him at a glance. After he lost to Xiao Chen in the first battle, he devoted himself to training over the years, and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. He even became a master of swordsmanship. above, now even better than some of the elders in the sect.

"Very good. Now, Tang will come to see you again!"

Tang Xinhai kicked off his feet, suddenly jumped into the air, raised the black iron heavy sword in his hand, and struck at Xiao Chen with one sword. This sword was like a "violent wave". The moment the sword came out, the sword energy was like a huge wave, unstoppable, and even The entire mountain gate seemed to be trembling, and the surrounding disciples felt suffocated. Is this the strength of senior brother!

In fact, Tang Xinhai had always been dissatisfied with his defeat to Xiao Chen. At that time, he thought that he had just lost to the Xuanbing Emperor in the opponent's hands. He has been practicing with concentration over the years and has never wasted a day.

At this time, all the disciples below were shocked. They had never thought that the senior brother's cultivation level was so terrifying without realizing it. Could it be that he had stepped into the Hehe stage? How could it be possible...

Master Zhongyi was also a little surprised at this time. When did Xinhai break through? No, he didn't really break through, it was just that the skills he practiced became stronger when he encountered strength. It's a pity that the person in front of him, the person in front of him is comparable to that person back then...

"Xinhai, come back!"

Master Zhongyi immediately shouted to stop, saying that Tang Xinhai had not really broken through to the Hehe stage. Even if he had broken through to the Hehe stage, he would not be the opponent of the person in front of him at all.

However, at this time, Tang Xinhai was very eager to fight and extremely crazy in his life. He did not listen to Zhong Yi Zhenren's words at all and still slashed at Xiao Chen with one sword.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, fully expecting Xiao Chen to fight with his sword. Unexpectedly, he just slowly raised his hand, as if there was an infinite power coming out, and it turned out to be the life and death of Senior Brother. The sword was blocked in mid-air, and he didn't even move!

"How can it be……"

Tang Xinhai also didn't believe that with his black iron heavy sword, coupled with the violent waves of the sea, even a master who had reached the Hehe stage of cultivation would never be able to resist it so easily. Why did this person...

Back then, when this person fought with him, he still needed to use his sword to defeat him, but now there is no need to even use his sword!


Tang Xinhai didn't believe it, and immediately changed his sword moves in his hand, "Nine changes of Canglan - the first change, swallowing mountains and rivers in anger!"

This time, the sword energy was even more surging. Even the disciples far below were being blown back by the sword wind. But at this moment, the stern voice of Master Zhongyi sounded from below: "Stop!"

Hearing such a stern voice from his master this time, Tang Xinhai did not dare to pretend that he had not heard it anymore, so he had to put away his sword angrily, only to hear Master Zhongyi sigh softly, "That's it, Xinhai, just come back, you are no match for him..."


Tang Xinhai gritted his teeth, still unwilling to accept it, and looked at Xiao Chen again, "I am not your opponent now, but it does not mean that I will never be your opponent!" After saying that, he lifted his feet a little higher and flew towards the square. go.


Zhongyi Zhenren sighed softly in his heart. He was afraid that in this life, Xinhai would never be able to be the opponent of the person in front of him. He was so similar, so similar...

At this moment, Zhongyi Zhenren looked at the white-haired young man on the giant sword without moving. He was so similar, whether it was his eyes, appearance, or even his voice, he was very similar to that person back then.

That person back then was the most unparalleled prodigy in the entire Lingxu Realm for thousands of years. At such a young age, his name was written into the Ten Saints... It's a pity that later on, fate played a trick on people... Alas!

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