The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 819 The Forbidden Void

The atmosphere in the entire hall became more and more solid. Except for Lu Li, whose face was a little pale and he didn't know what to say at this time, Lu Zhang and Lu Yan were frowning. After a while, Lu Yongyuan said in a low voice, "It's better to do less than to do more." , otherwise, give the power of spiritual veins to that person first..."

After hearing this, many people below started talking in low voices, and finally they all looked at Lu Yan. Lu Yan's eyebrows were deeply furrowed and he did not immediately reply to Lu Yongyuan's words. Since he did not reply immediately, he was probably hesitating. Think about it, since you are hesitating to think about it, it is probably because you are unwilling to return the power of the spiritual veins.

"What do you two think...?"

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yan looked at Lu Zhang and Lu Li next to him. Lu Zhang was silent for a moment, and finally looked at Lu Li and asked, "The third brother fought with that person outside, can you tell me about that?" How is a person's cultivation level, and how many years of skill does he have? "


Lu Li frowned. The time he went to Wuyutian three years ago was still fresh in his memory. That person was beyond his reach in terms of cultivation and skills. As for this time, he didn't even see him at all. Looking at the other party, he himself has been severely injured first.

"Is that person's Taoism approaching the Dongzhen stage?"

Seeing that he was silent, Lu Zhang asked again. After a moment, Lu Li raised his head, nodded and said, "I think... it should be almost the same. That time three years ago, the senior of the Beigong family only It can be sealed with the prohibition of heaven and earth and cannot be killed."

"It's close to the cave..."

After hearing this, everyone frowned deeply. If this happens, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with. Even if we can deal with it together, how many people in the Lu family will be killed or injured this time? They must weigh the pros and cons. After all, life and death are serious matters and are not a piece of cake.

"No matter how strong a person is, he is still just one person after all."

Suddenly, Lu Yan spoke, his voice a little cold, which made the atmosphere in the entire hall become even colder. Everyone felt a slight tremble. Could it be that he planned to become an enemy of that person?

Lu Yongyuan sat on the chair. At this moment, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Even Taishi Daomen chose to retreat, and Lingxuzi was killed. Even if everyone in the Lu family gathered their strength, there was no chance of killing that person. How big is it?

If a person like this becomes a mortal enemy but cannot be killed, he knows better than anyone what kind of trouble there will be in the future.

This matter is definitely not a child's play. I heard that that person is out there, killing people all over the house at every turn, and is cold-blooded and ruthless. It is really too scary. If he had a choice, Lu Yongyuan would rather never provoke such a person. It is a pity that the power of the Lu family, It has always been in Lu Yan's hands, not his, and he is only the head of the family in name only.

"Great Elder, do you you have to do this?"

After thinking about it, Lu Yongyuan still felt that this matter was inappropriate. It could be big or small. He looked at Lu Yan beside him, but he saw Lu Yan's face was cold, and murderous intent was looming in his eyes. "Get out of the way next time." , it is better to avoid future troubles forever.”

Hearing this, everyone below felt suffocated. The implication of these words was that they were going to kill that person. Just when everyone was nervous, a faint voice suddenly came from outside, "The great elder, you want to kill him." It’s clear that we are going to become Xiao’s enemy…”

The voice was ethereal and ethereal, obviously coming from a very far away place. Everyone in the hall was shocked. They were not aware of when this person had arrived! Until the other person was close, they couldn't feel his breath!

Lu Yan's face also changed slightly. This person was really so powerful that even he couldn't notice it. At this time, he didn't hesitate and instantly turned into a flash of light and went out of the palace.

Lu Zhang and Lu Li followed immediately. Lu Yongyuan was stunned for a moment at first, but he immediately reacted and went out with the others.

When everyone got outside, they saw that the originally bright and sunny sky was now covered with clouds, and under the clouds, there was a terrifying figure of 100 feet. The man's body was filled with black energy, his eyes were blood red, and he had eight huge black chains in his hands. It actually trapped two to three hundred disciples of the Lu family.

"That...that is!"

All the elders were shocked. At this moment, they immediately felt that the terrifying black shadow of a hundred feet was not a living person, but a dead spirit! An extremely powerful undead spirit! What kind of ability does this man have that he can ignore the laws of yin and yang and control such terrible undead spirits?

At this time, a figure finally appeared next to the black shadow. The man stood with his hands behind his back, with white hair flying. It was Xiao Chen. He looked at Lu Yan with a faint look in his eyes. With such an aura, who is the Lu family? Achievable?

"Since you are here, little friend, you must be here for me, so there is no need to hurt the lives of the innocent disciples in my villa..."

Lu Yan looked at Xiao Chen in mid-air. He was not as panicked as the other elders at this moment. Instead, he looked as normal and looked very calm.

"Elder...elder help me..."

In mid-air, the more than two hundred people who were bound kept calling for help. They must have been frightened, and the black shadow of a hundred feet was nothing else, but Emperor Yun. Even though Emperor Yun was now a dead soul, he was still alive in the past. After so many years, its strength is no longer what it was back then.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

A wave of evil aura suddenly swept through the entire Lu Family Villa. The elders were suddenly startled. They quickly used Xuan Gong and struck with a palm to disperse the evil aura that shrouded the sky. Otherwise, they would not have allowed such terrible evil aura to cover the Villa. It can be resisted, but how can the disciples resist it?

Especially those who are still young, they are afraid that if they are slightly touched by this evil spirit of death, they will lose their lives in an instant.

Lu Yan looked coldly at Xiao Chen in mid-air and said coldly, "Then why don't you tell me, little friend, what do you want..."

"How about..."

Xiao Chen stood with his hands behind his hands, looking down at the people of the Lu family below, and said lightly, "The power of the spiritual veins that you took away from me in the past, Wuyutian, now, should I return it..."

"Then it depends on you, whether you have the ability to take it away!"

Lu Yan's voice was cold. As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body was shaken by mystical power, and an unparalleled energy suddenly surged out to the surroundings, making many people present feel their breath suffocated.

Everyone knew that the three family elders were going to deal with that man. They never dared to get involved in such a battle between strong men, so they immediately moved away and worked together to set up a defensive formation to avoid being affected later.


At this time, Lu Li also stood up. Although he was afraid of the other party in his heart, his face showed no signs of losing his momentum. He looked at Xiao Chen in the air and said coldly, "Xiao Yichen, you came here alone today. Do you really think that you can do this alone?" Can you destroy my Lu family? Since we are here today, we will leave our lives here!"


Xiao Chen still looked indifferent and didn't say much. He only slowly stretched out his left hand from behind, indicating that it would be okay for the three of them to come together.

"Hmph! Boy, you are so arrogant!"

Lu Li snorted coldly, and he and the two people next to him immediately turned into three rays of light and flew into the air.

Although three people were besieging one person, the Lu family had some reputation outside, and it would be disgraceful to tell them. But today the three of them intended to take Xiao Chen's life, so what's the disgrace? As long as they can kill him, any means can do it. come out.

The speed of the three of them was extremely fast. Even the eyes of people with extremely high cultivation levels could not keep up with the speed of the three of them. However, Xiao Chen's consciousness was so sharp that he did not need his eyes to observe the direction of the attack of the three of them. He only had to use his consciousness to Upon closer inspection, no matter how fast the three people attacked, it seemed to be as fast as a leaf falling slowly.

Xiao Chen immediately locked onto Lu Li. With a move of Lingxian Step, his figure instantly disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Lu Li. He quickly stretched out his left hand, grabbed his shoulder, and slapped his chest heavily with his right hand.

On the other hand, Lu Zhang had already expected that he would be the first to attack Lu Li, who was still injured. Even though he was prepared in advance, in the end, he still failed to rescue him.

There was a "bang" sound. The palm was so heavy that Lu Li spurted out a mouthful of blood. His entire chest was dented. He was afraid that his bones would be shattered and his internal organs would be cracked. He was hit hard down there, "Boom" With a loud sound, a high platform was smashed into pieces, and dust and smoke suddenly flew everywhere.

"Three...three elders!"

The disciples turned pale with fright and hurried over to help Lu Li up from the pile of rocks. Unexpectedly, the third elder, who had already reached the Hehe stage of cultivation, was so seriously injured that he almost completely lost his fighting ability.


Just when everyone was astonished, another loud noise came from the sky, which shocked everyone's hearts and minds. They saw Lu Zhang's shadow, and he continued to launch a fierce attack on Xiao Chen. Everywhere he reached, there was a void. It seemed to be broken into pieces. It was his special skill "Void Shatter". Whatever was hit by his special skill would be turned into powder in an instant.

The disciples below had even more horrified expressions on their faces. They didn't expect that the second elder's "Void Shatter" had been practiced to such a state, but that person's speed... why was it so fast!

I saw Xiao Chen standing in mid-air, using the wind to control his power, like thunder and lightning. Time and time again, he easily avoided Lu Zhang's Void Shatter.

"This person is so fast, what kind of footwork does he use..."

Lu Zhang finally stopped, panting slightly. Although Void Shatter is very domineering and powerful, if he is allowed to continue to use it again and again, it will eventually lead to the depletion of true energy, which may not be good at that time.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly shrouded the sky, but upon closer inspection, the shadow turned out to be the shadow of a thousand-foot palm. At this moment, everything around him and even the entire mountain seemed to be imprisoned in an instant, even the wind There is no way to escape from the scope of this palm shadow!

"It's the Void Forbidden!"

After a brief period of confusion, all the disciples below were shocked, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. This was rumored to be the Great Elder's most powerful magical power, the Forbidden Void!

None of the disciples present had seen the Great Elder display this magical power, but they had all heard that the Great Elder had a magical power that could restrain everything. This magical power must be the Void Forbidden Power.

Even though they are far away at this moment and are not within the range of the palm shadow at all, at this moment, they seem to be imprisoned and unable to move!

And everything under the shadow of the palm seemed to be imprisoned at this moment. Xiao Chen was even more motionless under the shadow of the palm. In the end, there was only a "bang" sound, and the shadow of the thousand-foot palm was shot directly at him. When he went down, the dust was flying, and the mountain below him was also imprisoned in it.

There was a huge smoke and dust nearby, and all the disciples were stunned. Is this the strength of the great elder? I'm afraid the Great Elder is only one step away from entering the Dongzhen stage, right? He had not made a move just now, but when he did now, it was so terrifying that no one could escape under his palm...

In mid-air, the smoke and dust in the sky finally slowly dissipated, but in the square below, the disciples still hadn't come back to their senses, staring blankly at the top of the mountain. There was no sound at all. The man was really imprisoned. Yet?

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