"Don't worry, the words will definitely come to you..." The mysterious man outside the valley smiled faintly, and as soon as he finished speaking, there was no more sound.

Xiao Chen looked at the thing in his hand. This was the clone puppet Luodie made for him. It was a small puppet, but she carved it so lifelike. It contained his true essence and a magic power. But at that time, he had not yet Transforming God, Luodie probably has no use for this clone now, but he didn't expect that she would still stay with him.

Suddenly, he recalled the scenes of his trip to the Eastern Continent in his mind. Although more than ten years had passed, at this moment, it was as if it was still yesterday, and everything was still vivid in his mind.

From kidnapping Luo Die and leaving the Life and Death Alliance, and then being hunted down and going to Yanggu, where he was seriously injured, Luo Die came back to save him. During that time, he ventured out to buy medicine for him, and when he came back, he boiled medicine for him...

In the end, the two of them wandered into the Tomb of Gods and Demons, and were besieged and killed by tens of thousands of people. Everything they encountered...especially when they finally escaped from the Tomb of Gods and Demons, the two of them wandered in the realm of the void for half a year. Just when he was about to give up in despair, Luo Die suddenly woke up and gave him hope again...

Everything seems like it was yesterday.

Why Luo Die suddenly came to the Five Immortal Realms to look for him? There was no need to guess. He already knew it in his heart. When he left the Eastern Continent, Luo Die had nowhere to go. He must have been desperate now. Hui came to the Five Immortal Realms to look for him, but she didn't expect that after finally crossing the ocean, Beigong Changfeng arrived first and captured her. ✲

The only thing Xiao Chen couldn't figure out was how Beigong Changfeng knew about Luodie? Even if Beigong Changfeng found out that he had been to the Eastern Continent, how would he know his relationship with Luo Die? How have you ever seen a falling butterfly? Even Wei Yang didn't know about Luo Die, how did Beigong Changfeng know about it...

Xiao Chen held the clone puppet in his hand tightly. This clone puppet was unmistakable. It contained his magic power and true energy. No one could imitate it. Luodie must have fallen into the hands of Beigong Changfeng. I'm afraid it might be a bit troublesome...

He knew in his heart that Beigong Changfeng either had not recovered from his injury three years ago, or was trying to find a way to break through, so this time, he must have set up a dragnet, and then used Luo Die as bait to catch him...

But...if they don't save Luo Die, based on the character of Beigong Changfeng and the others, they will not pity a woman at all, fearing that Luo Die will not be able to bear the torture.

He had to save people. Although he knew in his heart that Beigong Changfeng had laid a dragnet, he still went. He didn't want to leave any regrets. This time Luo Die traveled thousands of miles to come to him, but he fell into Beigong Changfeng's hands. Here, if something happens because of this, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life, and he will be unable to break through this knot in the future.

Although his temperament has become colder and colder over the past ten years, there is always a place that is warm under that cold appearance. Of course, it has nothing to do with the wind and the moon.

One day later, in a secret hall somewhere, the light in the hall was dim, and a figure was sitting on the stone platform. The man's eyes were lightly closed, and there were several green flames floating around his body. It was Beigong Changfeng.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps approaching from outside. The person who could come to the secret palace here must be Beigong Changfeng's direct disciple.


I saw a man in black clothes walking in. Beigong Changfeng did not open his eyes and only asked, "How is it? Is the matter settled?"

The man cupped his hands and said, "Back to Master, the matter has been settled. As expected, as Mr. Guiwu said, that woman is the man's weakness. Within three days, he will definitely come to Wushuang City to save people."


Beigong Changfeng suddenly opened his eyes. At this moment, he saw two ghost fires flashing through his eyes, followed by an abyss-like coldness.

The man in black smiled and said, "Congratulations, Master!"


Beigong Changfeng nodded slightly, but his eyes were still very cold. He looked at the two faint fires in his palms and said coldly, "I heard that both Lingxuzi and Lu Yan died in his hands."

"Well...that's true." The man in black nodded, observing the changes on Beigong Changfeng's face attentively.


Beigong Changfeng snorted coldly, and did not seem to care much. He only said coldly, "It's okay, let him think that no one is his opponent, and then he will be too conceited to come to my Wushuang City. This time, I We must teach him that he cannot fly without wings..."

At the end of the words, his eyes became unusually cold, without a groan, soon, grandpa will be able to avenge you...

The man in black smiled, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Master, please.


Beigong Changfeng's face was still frosty. When he went outside, he saw a mountain peak. Under the mountain peak, he saw vast clouds. Below was a very grand city, far beyond the Lu family's small villa.

This city is called Wushuang City, and it is owned by Beigong Changfeng. The Beigong family has many branches, and he belongs to the Wushuang family.

Wushuang City is not only filled with people from the Beigong family, there are also many other cultivators from the Lingxu Realm. There has been a lot of rumors about Xiao Chen in the city these days, and many people are curious about what kind of person he is who dares to do so in the city. Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the Beigong clan is the enemy.

At this moment, looking at the big city under the misty clouds, Beigong Changfeng's face gradually lost the coldness just now, and asked, "Also, have those old guys responded to the message?"

"Back to Master, I have received messages from several uncles a few days ago, saying that they will come when the time comes..." the man in black said softly.

"Hmph, it will come when the time comes..."

Beigong Changfeng's face suddenly became a little cold again. Regarding the capture of Xiao Chen, he naturally notified the elders of other generations, but he also knew in his heart that those few people were eager for him to cause some trouble. This time The reason why I came to help is just to get a piece of the pie from him. After all, that kid has martial arts, but the remaining scrolls of the Heavenly Book that everyone desires...

"That's all."

Beigong Changfeng waved his hand. He didn't know the overt and secret struggles among the six major clans. He said casually, "Anyway, this time, as long as that kid dares to come, he will never leave alive..."

"It's natural, it's just..." The man in black stopped talking, Beigong Changfeng looked at him, "Just what?"

"It's just that I'm thinking that that kid is not really what he was back then..."

Before he could finish his words, Beigong Changfeng interrupted with a cold snort, "So what? I will definitely kill him, so what, that person back then was nothing more than... Huh!"

At this moment, Beigong Changfeng had a look of disdain on his face, but he still couldn't hide the deep fear that flashed across his eyes.

Night fell quietly. At this time, in a prison somewhere in Wushuang City, in a damp and dark environment, the sound of dripping water continued to be heard.

This prison is located underground in the entire Wushuang City. It is suppressed by more than a dozen extremely powerful prohibition formations. No one can escape from here, and no one can rescue people from here, at least in the past thousands of years. ,No.

At this moment, in the damp corridor, the lights were dim, and only two jailers were seen walking slowly. One of them said, "I heard that on the eighth floor below, a special prisoner was imprisoned not long ago. All the prisoners outside are from the Beigong family." People are guarding us and we can’t get in..."

"Shh... don't say it. I heard from you that she is still a great beauty. She is so beautiful..."

"A beautiful lady? If a beautiful lady is locked up here, wouldn't it be a waste of resources? If she is locked up on the eighth floor, is this necessary..."

While the two were talking, a figure suddenly walked in front of them. Under the dim light, they saw that the person was wearing a red dress, with a waist as thin as a bundle, and a very good figure, but his face was as cold as frost. Despite his appearance, She was very beautiful, but her eyes at this moment were like snakes and scorpions, which made people shudder.

When the two jailers saw her, they immediately became silent and quickly stepped aside. They lowered their heads and said tremblingly, "Four... Miss Fourth."

The woman in red didn't even look at the two of them, and walked straight forward. The two men trembled all over, and the man on the left immediately raised his head, "Senior Changfeng has given instructions that no one is allowed to go down..."


The woman suddenly stopped and turned her head coldly. At that moment, her two eyes were like poisonous snakes, which made the two people feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and they did not dare to say another word.


The woman snorted coldly, flicked her sleeves, and walked towards the corridor.

There are nine floors in this dungeon, and different prisoners are imprisoned on each floor. And with each floor, the restrictions become more terrifying. Once you accidentally touch it, if you don't have a very high level of cultivation, you will probably This is the end of being destroyed physically and mentally.

By the time we reached the eighth floor, the passages had become much wider, and the prisons had been replaced by airtight stone halls. At this moment, outside the innermost stone hall, only eight people were seen guarding there. These were not jailers, but An elite disciple of the Beigong family.

"Four... Miss Fourth!"

Seeing the woman in red suddenly walking over coldly, the eight people felt a chill behind them for some unknown reason and immediately greeted her.

The woman in red glanced at the closed stone door and said coldly, "Is she inside?"

"Yes Yes."

The two leaders nodded, looking a little uneasy. When the woman approached the stone gate, they were slightly startled. They immediately raised their heads and said hurriedly, "Miss Fourth, no. Master has ordered us to capture that boy before we capture him." , this woman cannot suffer any damage..."


The woman in red immediately shot two cold eyes at the two of them. The two of them trembled all over and were speechless. The person next to them showed a little cleverness and hurriedly opened the stone door and said with a smile on his face: " Miss, please..."


The woman in red flicked her sleeves coldly, glared at the two people before, and then walked into the stone hall. After she entered, the disciples outside quickly glanced at each other and closed the stone door.


The cold footsteps echoed in the dark stone hall, and there was a sense of oppression. At this time, on a stone platform, I saw only one person imprisoned there. The person had his head lowered and his hands were cuffed by chains. It was no one else. It was Qianluo.

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