
At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at her. At this moment, it seemed that he had returned to the past, when he went to the Eastern Continent to find the hibiscus flower, broke into the Tomb of Gods and Demons, and escaped death...

At that time, he had not experienced the change in Tianmen thirteen years ago, had not become the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​and was not as ruthless as he is now. Now, everything seems to have remained unchanged, but it seems that most of it has changed.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that Luo Die's eyes are still the same as before.


Suddenly, a violent vibration came down from above, and dust continued to fall from the top of the stone hall, as if it was about to collapse.

Only then did Qian Luo wake up. They had used themselves as a lure to lure Mr. Xiao to this dungeon. The exit must have been sealed from above.

"Don't be nervous." ❉

Xiao Chen looked at the stone door that was constantly shaking at the door. After a while, the sudden vibration stopped completely. But at this moment, there seemed to be a very strong formation restriction force slowly covering it.

"Xiao...Mr. Xiao..."

Qianluo stared blankly at the dark entrance of the palace, her face turned slightly pale, and her hands had unconsciously grasped Xiao Chen's arm. It wasn't until Xiao Chen turned his head to look at her that she realized and quickly let go. His arms were hesitant and speechless.

It was only now that she discovered that no matter how high her cultivation level was, even if it was much higher than it was more than ten years ago, no matter how much she practiced, she would still show her weak side when she saw the man in front of her again. As long as the other party appears, she has nothing to fear.

"Why come to the Five Immortal Realms?" Xiao Chen stared at her and asked.


Qianluo lowered his head and hesitated for a long time, and finally told what happened in the Eastern Continent, "I...I killed Dao Wuwei and was chased by the Immortal Alliance. There is no place to go..."

At the end of her words, she suddenly raised her head, glanced outside, and said, "Mr. Xiao, it's dangerous here. They used me as bait to lure you here. Let's get out of here quickly..."

"It's okay, I'll hear you out."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen still looked at her quietly. Qianluo was startled. Sure enough, this was the person she knew back then. No matter how urgent the matter was, no matter how ruthless he was, he would never ignore her. If you don't ask, how can you pretend to be someone else...

Slowly, tears gathered in her eyes again. Thinking of the past, she felt doubly sad. She choked up and said, "Dao Wuwei is my enemy. He killed my parents and my whole family, but I used to recognize him as my master..." "

At this moment, she cried and told everything. She had never told anyone about her life experience. It seemed that only the person in front of her could rely on her and let her tell these sad things without any scruples... …

"Do not cry."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen slowly stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes. Qianluo was stunned for a moment, then raised her head, as if she was a little surprised. Is the person in front of her him?

Xiao Chen slowly withdrew his hand and looked at her tearful eyes. He couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart. Although he didn't know who his biological parents were, he had a mother who loved him since he was a child. After going to Xuan Qingmen, he also There is a master who protects you and teaches you the way of cultivation...

However, she has experienced horrific things since she was a child, witnessed her parents being killed, and saw her whole family massacred, but she still survived strongly. Her life experience was much more bleak than her own...

Xiao Yichen, Xiao Yichen, you always complain about injustice, but God, who has ever been fair to you...

"Come on, I'll take you out of here.

Xiao Chen slowly came to his senses, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the palace. Qianluo followed lightly. When he walked to the door, Xiao Chen found that the eight Beigong family disciples who had been stunned by him had already Gone.


Qianluo suddenly realized something. All the guards in the prison suddenly disappeared. There must have been many restrictions set up outside. I'm afraid it won't be easy to escape this time.

Xiao Chen's face was still calm. At this moment, Beigong Changfeng's voice suddenly came from above the prison: "Xiao Yichen, you are somewhat courageous, but if you want to leave next, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave." It’s possible…”

Xiao Chen looked upward and said lightly, "The Beigong family is a famous family in the Lingxu realm, and the senior's ability to rob and rob is really an eye-opener for Xiao..."

Beigong Chief Feng said coldly, "Since ancient times, soldiers have never been tired of deceit, and they have become kings and defeated bandits. Doesn't Lord Wuyu not understand this truth?"

"That's all..."

Xiao Chen looked at the top and said calmly, "Anyway, shameless people, everything they say makes sense. It's just that your restraint of heaven and earth couldn't trap me three years ago. Now, what do you want to use to trap me? Yes." Whatever means you have, you might as well use them..."

"Humph, boy, you are too proud..."

Above the dungeon, for miles around, there were layers of extremely powerful restrictions. The runes on those restrictions exuded a faint light, which was particularly obvious under the night.

Beigong Changfeng's eyes were cold. At this moment, three sword lights suddenly flew from the sky in the distance, one green, one purple and one red. When they got close, they turned into three old men.

I saw three people standing in the sky, like soaring clouds and mist. Their breath alone made many people present feel deeply suffocated. It is obvious that the cultivation level of these three people is very high. They are the other people invited by Beigong Changfeng this time. The elder of the Three Meridians.

When he saw the many formation restrictions here, the old man in purple in the middle smiled and said, "Hey, brother Changfeng, I haven't seen you for so many years. The more you live, the less courage you have. To deal with a little kid, you need to use this seal." The Heaven-Sealing Earth-Sealing Formation? If you destroy the Heaven-Sealing Earth-Sealing Formation and let that person escape, I and I cannot bear the responsibility... I heard last time that you can take the Heaven and Earth You have sealed that little baby for three years, but you are hiding in the house to practice. Are you so afraid of a little baby? Hahaha..."

"Humph, we haven't seen each other for decades, but talking to him is still so annoying."

Beigong Changfeng snorted coldly, looked at the restricted area, and said displeasedly, "If I say that even the Six Meridians Heart-Eating Divine Curse can't hurt him, do you believe it?"


Hearing this, the old man in green clothes on the left and the old man in red clothes on the right were both startled. The old man in purple clothes in the middle also suddenly stopped smiling, looked towards the restricted area, and said with half-belief, "Is it really so powerful?"


Beigong Changfeng snorted coldly, put his hands on his back, looked at him sideways and said, "How about you go down and have a try with him?"

"No no no..."

After hearing this, the old man in purple hurriedly waved his hands, looking quite funny, stroking his beard and saying, "The old man is quite old. How can he be as energetic as a young man? I won't do this trick..."

The other two people were silent and concentrated, thinking that if they were ordinary people, Beigong Changfeng would not let them come. It seemed that the kid below was indeed not easy to deal with.

At this moment, Qianluo's voice suddenly came from the ground: "Four seniors who have been famous in this Lingxu Realm for many years have trapped two juniors here with such despicable means. They are not afraid of spreading the news. Are you kidding me? Or are you really so afraid of Mr. Xiao that even the four of you would not dare to confront him and would only do these insidious things behind your back?"


Beigong Changfeng snorted coldly, "From ancient times to the present, those who achieve great things have always been informal. You are a little girl, what do you know?"

There was suddenly no sound from below, and after a while, Qianluo's voice came again, "Master Xiao is right, whatever a shameless person says makes sense."


The old man in purple clothes stroked his beard, looked at Beigong Changfeng, covered his mouth with his hand, and whispered, "Brother Changfeng, you are really good at speaking. I feel shameless..."


Beigong Changfeng pointed at him, flicked his sleeves, forced himself to suppress the displeasure in his heart, and said to the other two, "Okay, since you are already here, don't waste time. The four of us will work together to seal the seal." Use the heaven-locking formation to cast a forbidden spell and make that kid vanish into ashes below!"

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