The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 827: Cave of Illusionary Heaven


Hearing what Xiao Chen said, Qianluo immediately realized something. The reason why the illusion is an illusion is that it cannot be seen clearly with the eyes. But like illusion, even if there are a hundred places that are imaginary, there must be one place that is real, but in the imaginary world Among the virtual and real, few people can find the truth accurately. If they accidentally find the wrong one, they will fall into an illusion and be unable to extricate themselves.

Qianluo, who is proficient in illusions, naturally knows this very well. The entrance to the ninth floor must be on this floor, but it is covered by illusions and cannot be seen with the eyes.

"I see……"

At this moment, Qianluo seemed to have awakened. She no longer blindly searched for the entrance. She closed her eyes and could perceive everything around her more clearly. Just when she was about to use her illusion eyes to see where the entrance was, Xiao Chen suddenly Holding her down, "Wait."

"Master Xiao...what's wrong?"

Qianluo opened his eyes and looked at him with some confusion. Xiao Chen frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "The ninth level is extraordinary. There must be extremely heavy restrictions between it and the eighth level. You rashly To gain insight may be dangerous, besides..."

When he finished speaking, he looked at the ground at his feet and was silent. Seeing his solemn expression, Qianluo immediately understood that not only were there restrictions between the eighth and ninth floors, but there was probably an extremely powerful person below. man of……

"Then... what should we do now?" Qian Luo looked at him and asked in a low voice.

"Not urgent……"

Xiao Chen observed the surroundings attentively and said, "Where there are restrictions, most of them are supported by formations. The restrictions above will have at least one day to spread. This day is enough for us to find the gap between the eighth and ninth floors." All are in sight.


Qianluo nodded, and then worked with him to search for the location of the restricted formation eyes between the eighth and ninth floors. By the second day, with the combined efforts of the two of them, fifteen formation eyes had been found. Just one step away from opening the passage to the ninth floor.


At this moment, a sudden violent noise came from above. This was the third day that the two were trapped, and the restrictions on the above had spread layer by layer.

"Master Xiao, the power of restriction has penetrated..."

Seeing that the red mist had begun to seep into the eighth floor, Qian Luo couldn't help but feel slightly shocked. The four people above were going to kill Young Master Xiao, and the subsequent restrictions would definitely become more and more severe...

"Don't be nervous, I think I already know where the last formation is..."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he walked towards the stone palace where Qian Luo was previously imprisoned. Qian Luo immediately followed, and finally followed him to the foot of the stone platform.

"Is this here?"

Qian Luo's face was slightly surprised. She had been imprisoned here before, but she didn't notice anything strange. Xiao Chen nodded, "Yes, this is it. Next, you and I will work together to open this array of eyes."


Qian Luo nodded immediately without even thinking about it.


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "When you reach the ninth floor, the restrictions above will no longer be able to penetrate, but the dangers below are unknown. You have to understand." At the end of his words, he looked at her.

Qian Luo was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses immediately, shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid."

"Okay, let's get started."

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, his whole body's mysterious power was shaken, and he pressed his palms against the stone platform. At this time, Beigong Changfeng and four others were still holding the forbidden formation on top. The four of them were far apart at the moment. They can only convey spiritual thoughts to each other.

"Brother Changfeng, tell me, if that boy refuses to explain the exercises in the book that day, wouldn't our trip have been in vain?"

It was the old man in purple who spoke. Beigong Changfeng snorted coldly and said with a spiritual message, "When the time comes, he will only have a ray of soul left. Under the restriction, he cannot help but say nothing."

The old man in purple chuckled and said, "Then when you say that, I feel relieved, hehe... But first, let's talk about it. Brother Changfeng, don't think about taking it all to yourself. Anyway, I have to take a good look at it." No."


Beigong Changfeng snorted coldly and looked at the dungeon. His eyes gradually became a little cold. The reason why he spent so much time this time was not for some heavenly book skills, but for Xiao Chen. He had to get rid of him. He is too afraid of this person. Unless this person dies, he will never have peace. Secondly, he wants to avenge Feng Wuyin.

Time passed little by little, and night fell quietly. At this time, on the green peak of Wushuang City, only a Taoist figure was seen standing on a cliff.

The man's red clothes were fluttering, his eyes were as cold as frost, and he was looking at Lei Tian Prison from a distance. It was none other than Beigong Ruoqing, who had bewitched Qianluo a few days ago.

"Xiao Yichen, even if you only have a wisp of soul left at that time, I will make your life worse than death, just like you tortured my third brother back then..."

Beigong Ruoqing held a black Gu Cauldron in her hand, her eyes getting colder and colder.

Tonight there was no light from the stars and the moon, and the night wind was cold. Until the middle of the night, the entire Wushuang City gradually became quiet. At this time, the Beigong disciples who were guarding outside the Thunder Heaven Prison Formation suddenly felt an inexplicable coldness. , woke up immediately, raised his head and looked up at the sky, only to see layers of dark clouds shrouding the low sky, the scene was somewhat indescribably terrifying, and at this moment, a violent shock suddenly came from the ground, shaking everyone. Startled.


Beigong Changfeng was the first to react. A trace of panic flashed across his face, but he quickly calmed down. The other three people also felt this abnormality at this moment. The old man in green frowned and asked, "Changfeng, what's wrong?" What's going on? That one down there just now..."

"It's the Cave of Illusionary Heaven. The restriction leading to the ninth level of the Cave of Illusionary Heaven was opened by those two people..."

Beigong Changfeng calmed down. He really didn't expect that the boy was so capable. He could even open the restriction to the ninth layer of the cave, which was beyond his expectation.


The other three people also know what the ninth layer of the Cave Illusory Sky means, especially the old man in green, whose expression is the most solemn at this moment. "What should I do? What if he..."


Beigong Changfeng raised his hand and looked at the dungeon, his eyes gradually became sharp, and he said coldly, "It's useless even if he goes to the ninth floor. The restrictions below are not something he can break. If he goes down, Don’t even think about coming up again, he will die in the Cave of Illusion…”

"If he died down there, wouldn't it mean that we wouldn't be able to get that day's calligraphy skills? Brother Changfeng, you have to think of a way to get him up..."

"How do we find a way to get him up?"

Beigong Changfeng looked at the purple-clothed old man and said with a spiritual thought, "Then we can remove the restriction on this formation and let him come up. But are you and I 100% sure that we can capture him? If we let him, If he runs away, it will only cause more trouble!"

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