Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the old man in green frowned and said, "Listen to me, now is not the time to quarrel... Changfeng, what are your plans now?"

Beigong Changfeng pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "We will seal this place. It is absolutely impossible for him to get in. We will think of a way later..."

"Oh, it seems that's the only way it can be..."

The old man in purple shook his head and sighed. He kept making seals with his hands. Finally, he struck a restraining force towards the formation and flew back this way.

After the old man in green and the old man in red set up the restriction, they also flew over here. The four of them looked at each other. Beigong Changfeng's eyes became more and more fierce, "You three don't have to worry, as long as that kid can't get out." , as time goes by, we will be able to find a way to capture it..."

The old man in purple sneered and interrupted him, "How to capture him? He ran away into the cave of the illusory sky. Otherwise, you go down and capture him..."

"Hmph!" ✼✫❃❊

Beigong Changfeng snorted coldly, "If he doesn't come out, just ban him for a hundred years. If he can get into the cave of Xuantian, don't even think about coming out again. When his soul is weak in a hundred years, we will capture him again." , Isn’t it easy? Moreover, a hundred years is only a moment. By then, your and my cultivation will be broken..."

"Come on, come on..."

Before he could finish his words, the old man in purple waved his hand and interrupted, "How do you know that a breakthrough will inevitably occur in a hundred years? Then maybe someone down there has become a saint. When the time comes, wave his hand and with a bang, your entire unparalleled city will be destroyed." Just fly..."


Beigong Changfeng glanced at him, and really didn't want to engage in these verbal disputes with him, and said, "That's all, the three brothers are tired after the past three days. Since this trip is to Wushuang City, why don't we go to Changfeng tonight?" Feng treats the three brothers well... please.

Under the Lei Tian Prison, the surroundings were pitch black, and the faint sound of dripping water could be heard in the ears. Xiao Chen and Qian Luo had just broken through the restriction, and they didn't know where they landed, but they must have been in the illusion of the ninth floor at this time. Among them.

"Be careful..."

Xiao Chen was alert to his surroundings. The danger in this illusion was unknown, and he could not estimate how big it was. The most important thing was that from this moment on, they had no way back. Unless the restrictions were broken, they would not be able to go back. But now They no longer need to worry about the restrictions from above, because the restrictions cannot penetrate below.

"Master Xiao..."

Qianluo clutched Xiao Chen's sleeve tightly and listened to the faint sound of dripping water coming from nowhere. At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the terrifying forbidden area of ​​the Tomb of Gods and Demons, surrounded by darkness and cold. It was like returning to that long-standing nightmare.

Ever since she and Xiao Chen escaped from the Tomb of Gods and Demons, she had often had nightmares, dreaming that she had actually been in the Tomb of Gods and Demons and could not come out, and that everything that happened outside was her dream.

In the dream, she couldn't tell whether she was dreaming or in reality, because the dream was too real. She dreamed that a sun appeared in the sky above the Tomb of Gods and Demons, but the sun shone on her. It was extremely cold...

It was like, another world, that world, there was no Xiao Chen. No matter how she searched or inquired, she could not find such a person. That kind of loneliness, coldness, fear, despair... Even now when she thinks about it, she still feels It was as if she was about to suffocate, as if Xiao Chen was just a person she knew in her dream.

Even when she woke up from the dream, she still felt cold and scared. She would take out the puppet every time. Only when she saw the puppet and felt Xiao Chen's true energy coming from inside, her fearful heart would slowly calm down.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xiao Chen turned his head and saw that Qian Luo's face was pale at this moment, with a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, and he asked.


Only then did Qian Luo wake up, and asked a little anxiously, "Master Xiao, is that clone still there?"


Xiao Chen saw her expression was strange, so he didn't ask any questions. He took out the puppet and handed it to her. Qianluo took the puppet and felt the true energy coming from the puppet, and finally calmed down a little.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiao Chen asked again.

"No, no..."

Qianluo carefully put away the clone, looked at him again, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Xiao, are you not from this world? One day, will you suddenly disappear, as if you have never been to this world?" , and then no one will remember you..."


Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and he couldn't understand what she was saying. Qianluo slowly came back to his senses, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and whispered, "No, it's nothing, I just want to say it, Xiao Sir, don’t mind..."


Xiao Chen looked into the distance and said, "This illusion is very powerful and may cause people to have illusions. You are proficient in illusions and be careful, so you won't fall into illusions."


"Let's go."

At the moment, the two of them cautiously explored forward to see if they could find a way out. After a few days, no matter how they walked, they could not get out. They even walked around as if they were back to the same place.

On this day, Qian Luo was already feeling faint, her face turned pale, and she squatted on the ground and let out a soft groan. Xiao Chen turned around and saw some pain on her face, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"No, it's okay..."

Qian Luo stood up with great effort, her face gradually returned to normal, and she shook her head, "I'm fine. I just spent too much these days and am feeling a little unwell. Mr. Xiao, don't worry."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, didn't ask any more questions, and continued to walk forward. However, he didn't know how far he had walked, and he didn't know how long he had walked. Not only was Qianluo unable to hold on any longer, even he was in this illusion. They all seemed to have had their skills reduced a lot. If they continued to move forward, not only would they not be able to find a way out, but if they encountered one or two powerful ancient phantom beasts, neither of them would be able to deal with them.

"No... Mr. Xiao, I can't walk..."

Qian Luo finally stopped. Her clothes were soaked with cold sweat. For some reason, ever since she came to the illusion below, the real energy in her body would be lost at an accelerated rate whenever she moved...

It's not just her, Xiao Chen is also the same. Although there is no difference between day and night down here, it has been almost half a month since the day the two came down. If they continue to go forward, I am afraid that they will end up... , both of them will be exhausted.

"The illusion here is much more powerful than I imagined..."

Xiao Chen slowly sat down on a stone and concentrated on sensing the flow of spiritual power around him. Although the flow of spiritual power here was very small, and his sense of spiritual power was not as keen as Wei Yang's, at this time, he still With his spiritual consciousness that is much sharper than ordinary people, he can sense the slowly flowing spiritual power here.

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