The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 831 Ancient Martial Arts

At this moment, Qian Luo completely understood that the Wushuang ancestral lineage was under this illusion, and Mr. Xiao might not be able to use it for his own purposes. This was something that those above could never have imagined.

Guan Zhen smiled and said, "Yes, yes, when the little brother came, Guan sensed that even Guan couldn't use the ancestral lineage of this Wushuang City, and the little brother, regardless of his physique or the skills he practiced, , are all different from ordinary people. If we were above, my little brother might not be able to use this ancestral vein, but now below, it may not be impossible to give it a try..."

"That's it, I understand!"

Qianluo smiled and looked at Xiao Chen, "If Mr. Xiao borrows the power of the Beigong family's ancestral lineage, he will definitely be able to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation!"

But at this time, Xiao Chen frowned slightly and Guan Zhen said, "Little brother, do you still have any doubts?"


Xiao Chen slowly relaxed his brows and said slowly, "I was just thinking that it would take more than a day or two to touch the ancestral lineage of Wushuang City. If during Xiao's breakthrough, the four Beigong family members suddenly attacked, I’m afraid it’s... some trouble.”

After hearing what he said, the smile on Qian Luo's face gradually disappeared. It seemed that this was also a problem. At that time, Mr. Xiao was at a critical moment in his cultivation, and he was determined not to be disturbed. If someone from above suddenly attacked, he would have to resist it himself. Already...

"No, it's okay..."

Thinking of this, Qian Luo slowly raised his head, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Young Master Xiao will just break through in cultivation. If someone attacks, I will block it for you."


Xiao Chen knew clearly in her heart that with Qianluo's current cultivation level, she could not resist anyone above her. Not to mention Beigong Changfeng and the others, she was determined to resist even a random cultivator in the Hehe period. Unless she can set up an illusion array in this illusion.


Qianluo lowered her head and fell silent. She knew that her cultivation was not enough. Even though she had practiced Taishang Wangqing all these years, her cultivation was still not enough. Every time, she could only be a drag on him...


Guan Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded, his eyes fixed on Qian Luo. "I see that there is a faint flow of internal energy in the girl's body. In addition to practicing mysterious methods, is the girl also a martial arts practitioner?"


Qianluo raised her head and looked at the disheveled person in front of her with some disbelief. There was indeed internal energy flowing in her body. This was her Qianjia's internal skill "Thousand-Day Tiangang Jue".

But for so many years, no one has ever seen that the senior in front of him is imprisoned at the moment, but he can see at a glance that there is only one possibility. This senior has extremely high attainments in martial arts, which is definitely not comparable to his father... …

"It seems that's right."

Guan Zhen nodded again, while Qianluo was still in a daze. The Qianjia family was originally from a martial arts family. She still remembered that when she was a child, she was the daughter of a daughter who was originally unwilling to practice martial arts, but her father was a martial arts fanatic and insisted on forcing her to do so. Learn the Qianjia's family-inherited inner strength method "Thousand-Day Tiangang Jue".

It takes three years to get started with the Thousand-Day Tiangang Technique. She was forced by her father to learn it and it took several years. Now, although she has stopped practicing it, she can still use it easily. She remembers every word clearly, including The several cultivation methods in different sequences that my father mentioned at the beginning.

"Girl, please take a few steps forward."

Guan Zhen suddenly interrupted her thoughts. Qianluo came back to her senses and took a few steps forward as instructed. She looked inside the formation and said, "Senior Guan, what are your orders?"


Guan Zhen nodded slightly, looked at her and said, "Although your internal power is weak, it is particularly extraordinary. I think what you have cultivated must be a very unique internal power and mental method. Next, I will teach you 30% of your internal power. With this 30% of your internal power , below the Hehe period, no one is your opponent.


Qian Luo couldn't help but be startled. Guan Zhen knew what she wanted to ask, so he raised his head and smiled, "Haha! I only said that my cultivation was completely useless, but I never said that my internal strength was also useless! How about it? You dare to accept 30% of me Internal strength?"

"I see……"

Xiao Chen stood aside and looked at Qian Luo, "Senior Guan's attainments in martial arts have reached an impasse. Luodie, today is a great opportunity for you, so thank you for passing me, Senior Guan."

Qian Luo suddenly came to his senses and bowed to Guan Zhen, "Thank you, Senior Guan!"


Guan Zhen nodded slightly, condensed his eyes, and said, "If you are ready, just take three more steps forward. However, Guan still wants to remind the girl that even if Guan only has 30% of his internal strength, it is still beyond what a human can bear. If the girl If you can’t bear it, you will most likely end up with your meridians broken.”

"Senior, don't worry, Luodie... can bear it!"

Qianluo no longer hesitated and immediately took three steps forward. Although the Thousand Suns Tiangang Jue she practiced was only the beginning, not even the first level, the Thousand Suns Tiangang Jue was an extraordinary internal skill and mental method. If she wanted to use it There is nothing better than to withstand strong internal force.


Guan Zhen nodded again and said, "Little friend, please stay away for now."

Xiao Chen did not hesitate, put his hands behind his back, and with a tap of his toes, he fell onto a huge boulder behind him. He thought to himself that the world is so vast and there are so many wonders that there really are such powerful ancient martial arts in this world.

It is said that if you practice ancient martial arts to the realm of transformation, you will never lose to any of the immortal mysteries. Although you cannot call the wind and rain to create soldiers, if you go to the sky and the earth, move mountains and fill the sea, it is just a matter of waving your hands. And if you cultivate to become a martial god, That is to say, even the immortals and gods in the sky are afraid of him.

Outside the formation, Qian Luo raised his palms slightly, moving his qi to his Dantian, and was waiting attentively. Suddenly, he saw Guan Zhen slam his left foot on the ground, and an extremely strong internal force ignored the layers of restrictions and came straight outside. The ground along the way was shaken to pieces. For a moment, strong winds blew and sand and gravel filled the sky!

Qian Luo had already been prepared. When the inner force came, he immediately activated the Thousand Suns Tiangang Jue and continuously absorbed the inner force into his body.

"Come again!"

Guan Zhen stepped on the second foot, and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the sky was filled with smoke. This time, the internal force was stronger. Qianluo held his breath, his face turned red, and he almost reached the extreme limit of the Thousand Sun Tiangang Technique.

"the last time!"

A moment later, Guan Zhen's final foot landed heavily on the ground. Several surrounding peaks immediately collapsed and turned into powder. Even the prohibition formation began to shake violently, and a terrifying force of wind surged towards the surrounding areas. , wherever it passes, everything will be destroyed!

Xiao Chen raised his sleeves and activated the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills to resist the terrifying strong wind. However, the boulder he stepped on turned into powder in an instant. He couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart, what a powerful force, even if It's just that the 30% of the internal energy released at this time, or just the remaining energy, is already so powerful. If this person was in his prime, he might be able to compete with the powerful quasi-sage...

After practicing ancient martial arts to the realm of transformation, there is indeed something incomparable to the immortal way and mysterious method. This powerful power alone is beyond the reach of any mysterious method. Even the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques he has practiced are already very powerful. He is domineering, but he thinks he is still slightly inferior to the ancient martial arts practiced by Guan Zhen.

"As expected of ancient martial arts, the 30% of Senior Guan's internal strength is an eye-opener for me today." Xiao Chen lightly tapped his feet and flew back to the front of the formation. He looked at Guan Zhen inside and said with a relaxed expression.


Guan Zhen laughed and looked at him, "That's because you haven't seen the real Gu Wu before."


This time Xiao Chen became interested. With such strong internal power, even his own Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques were somewhat unable to withstand it. If this was not considered a real ancient martial art, then what was?

Guan Zhen said, "The Xiao family in the Central Plains is the first ancient martial arts family in the world, and it will remain unchanged forever! If you have seen the Xiao family's ancient martial arts, you will think that Guan's ability is just a small skill..."


Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. Is this Xiao family really so powerful?

Suddenly, Guan Zhen sighed softly. At this moment, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, as if he was recalling the old things many years ago, and he said slowly, "Actually, many years ago, I challenged a member of the Xiao family. …”

At this time, Qian Luo also slowly stabilized his breathing, stood up from the ground, looked at Guan Zhen and said, "Could it be that Senior Guan actually lost to that person..."


Guan Zhen nodded, "One move, he only used one move, and I was defeated."

"one move……"

Qian Luo couldn't help but her face changed slightly. She originally thought that the two sides must have fought hundreds of moves before Senior Guan was finally defeated. How could he be defeated in just one move? Is there really anyone in the world who is so superb in martial arts?

After a while, Qianluo slowly came back to his senses and said, "To be able to defeat Senior Guan with one move, that person must be a senior who became famous earlier. Senior Guan lost in his hands. No……"


Guan Zhen shook his head. At this moment, his originally deep eyes suddenly became a little cloudy. "That year, he was only in his twenties..."

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