The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 841 Birthday Banquet

Three thousand miles south of the city, there is a mountain villa called Luofengzhuang. It is named after the undefeated red maples on the mountain. But when it comes to the owner of Luofengzhuang, he is the one who can see it whenever he hears his name. No one in any sect, big or small, dares to disrespect him within a thousand miles.

This person's name is Beigong Changji. Whether it is his status in the Beigong family or his own cultivation, he is superior to Beigong Changfeng. As rumored by the outside world, Beigong Changfeng was promoted by this person back then. Only now can I be the master of one branch.

This night, the bright moon shines like a wash in Luofengzhuang, the night wind blows slowly, and red maples are everywhere outside the village, floating slowly with the night wind.

It was probably mid-night when I suddenly saw a ray of sword light falling into the villa. Luofengzhuang was heavily guarded and had many defense restrictions. Anyone who could wield a sword to the villa must have informed Beigong Changji in advance.

But seeing the man walking in a hurry, wearing a black robe, with distinct features under the moonlight, it was Beigong Changfeng. Obviously Beigong Changji had already known about Wushuang City, and expected that he would definitely come this time. He asked for help, but he didn't want to affect the birthday banquet three days later, so tonight, he waited for his arrival in the palace.

There was no guard outside the hall, and it was extremely quiet. Only when the wind blew, the leaves made a subtle rustling sound. Beigong Changfeng came to the front of the hall and saw a figure sitting at the head of the hall. He immediately took off his robe and hat and went to the hall. The man at the head bowed his hands and said, "Senior Chang Ji."


A slightly low voice came down from the head of the palace, and the man slowly stood up and walked down the steps. His eyes were deep, like a night without stars and moon, giving people an unfathomable feeling. .

As the footsteps get closer and closer, Beigong Changfeng's heart beats faster and faster. This is the difference between the Dongzhen stage and the Hehe stage. Even if he is only one step away from entering the Dongzhen stage, he can At this moment, in front of the real Dongzhen period cultivators, he still felt as if he was about to suffocate.

Just like a pill-forming cultivator facing a senior who has already cultivated Yuanying, not to mention that the person in front of him is still the one who supported him back then. At this time, he is panic-stricken. It is reasonable. Unknowingly, there is already someone on his back. A cold sweat broke out all over.

"Changfeng, don't be nervous, I already know everything about Wushuang City a few days ago.

At some point, Beigong Changji had arrived in front of him, put his hand on his shoulder, and with just a slight look, he knew what level of cultivation he had reached at this time.

Beigong Changfeng raised his head, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his face turned pale as he said, "This time, I would like to ask Senior Changji to help me. The clan has already known about this matter, and I am worried now..."

"I can't blame you for this."

Beigong Changji's eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued to walk outside the palace. He looked at the thick night outside for a long time and then said, "You let Mr. Guiwu plot."


The cold hall suddenly became quieter, and Beigong Changfeng's face suddenly became paler. Mr. Guiwu had plotted against him... What does this sentence mean?

At this moment, Beigong Changfeng's mind suddenly became confused. He had no enmity with Mr. Guiwu and had always been respectful to him. Why would he plot against him? No, no...

Beigong Changfeng seemed to have thought of something, his face became more and more ugly, and sweat was pouring from his forehead. At this moment, he seemed to have thought of the most terrifying thing. If Mr. Guiwu really meant to be detrimental to him, then There is only one reason: someone in the clan wants to get rid of him! Moreover, that person's status and cultivation level are all above his own...

Thinking of this, Beigong Changfeng's legs went weak, and cold sweat ran down his back. He quickly ran behind Beigong Changji, "Senior, please save me!"

At this moment, he was trembling even as he spoke. Who is it? Who wants to get rid of him? To be able to ask Mr. Guiwu to do things for him, this person's status is probably not low...

Beigong Changji slowly turned around, frowning deeply at this moment, and asked him, "Recall carefully, have you ever offended anyone in the past few years, or... touched anyone's interests."


Beigong Changfeng was still covered in cold sweat. At this moment, he was trying to remember who he had offended. Whose interests are touched? In recent years, he has indeed gathered many forces in private, such as the Lu family and the Taishi Taoist sect, but these cannot be considered as touching anyone's interests...


Beigong Changji let out a long sigh, looked at him and said slowly, "As early as that year, I told you that each of the six major clans is full of fights. Once you fall into this vortex, you will be in trouble." It is no longer possible to escape. The higher you are in a high position, the more you have to be aware of danger and trust no one but yourself..."

After listening, Beigong Changfeng's face was still pale, and he lowered his head and murmured, "What senior said, Changfeng... Changfeng has never forgotten it for a day, but, this time, I really don't know..."

At the end of his words, he raised his head and looked at Beigong Changji in front of him. The look in his eyes at this moment was like a man hanging on a cliff, holding on to the last vine in his hand. " Senior, help me..."


Beigong Changji sighed again, turned around and looked at the moonlight outside the palace, and said, "I will do everything possible to protect you regarding family matters, but this time, after all, the Beigong family's ancestral lineage has been touched. Your life may not be so easy in the future..."

Upon hearing this, Beigong Changfeng's heart finally fell. Although it was a bit unspeakably painful, at least his life was saved. He quickly cupped his hands and said, "Thank... thank you, senior!"

Beigong Changji shook his hand and said, "As for that boy, you must never provoke him again. You should know that he has a very powerful master outside. Even Wutian Palace is a little afraid of him. Even if the seniors in the clan take action, they may not necessarily win..."


Beigong Changfeng had a pained look on his face, and his heart was as sharp as a knife. If he had known this earlier, he would not have provoked such a person anyway. Unfortunately, it was too late. Now he only hopes that the other party will not I'm going to cause trouble for him again.


Beigong Changfeng suddenly remembered something again. Just as he was about to say something, Beigong Changji stretched out his hand and interrupted him, "I know what to do..."

Three days later, the entire Luofengzhuang was decorated with lanterns, gongs and drums were playing, and it was extremely lively. Since the morning, people came to the village with birthday gifts. At about noon, there were even more people coming to the village to pay their respects. .

Beigong Changji also put on a bright red robe today and greeted the heads of various sects who came to pay their respects to his birthday in the village.

With a radius of thousands of miles, no matter how big or small the sect, its leader would bring his disciples to Luofengzhuang to pay his birthday to Beigong Changji every ten years. This shows that Beigong Changji has high prestige in this area.

By noon, all the sects and sects had basically arrived. As a burst of firecrackers sounded, Beigong Changji's face smiled like a spring breeze, and he went up to the hall hand in hand with the heads of each sect. As for the disciples of each sect, On the outside table.

The banquet was very lively, and disciples from all sects were chatting and laughing. Even though they usually liked to compete with each other, when they came to Luofengzhuang, no one dared to make a mistake.

Slowly, some people talked about Wushuang City not long ago, but it was a bit inappropriate to mention it at Beigong Changji's birthday banquet today. Everyone knows that Beigong Changfeng is Beigong Changji's junior. , if we really talk about it, even Beigong Changji would not be able to bear it when something happened in Wushuang City this time.

So gradually, someone began to change the topic, "I heard that that person's surname is also Xiao. Do you think he is from the Xiao family?"

"The Xiao family?"

Upon hearing the word Xiao family, some people immediately shook their heads and sneered, "There was a traitor in the Xiao family more than forty years ago, and I heard it was the peerless genius Xiao Zhufeng. Hey, tell me, is there really a person like Xiao Zhufeng in this world? ? I’m afraid they didn’t make it up. He became one of the Ten Saints at a young age. I wouldn’t believe it even if he were beaten to death..."

"Don't tell me, there really is a Xiao Zhufeng in this world. But, I heard that he betrayed the Xiao family for a woman. I heard that that woman was the eldest lady of the Su family. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"Hey, according to what you say, the eldest lady of the Su family must be as beautiful as a fairy. Otherwise, how could she be so fascinated by Xiao Zhufeng..."

"This is called a hero being saddened by a beauty. What's more, I think Xiao Zhufeng is not necessarily a hero except for his great ability. No matter how powerful he is, can he respond to everything like Senior Chang Ji? Not a hero, not a hero. also……"

Everyone was drinking and laughing. Just when they were enjoying themselves, a disdainful female voice suddenly came from outside the village: "He is not a hero. Could it be that all of you here are heroes?"


The disciples of each sect immediately put down the wine glasses in their hands and looked outside the villa. They saw a woman wearing red clothes slowly walking towards the villa. The woman was beautiful, with a part of her immortal aura and a part of her charm. , people will be intoxicated just by looking at it.

But the next moment, everyone felt an inexplicable coldness, as if they had fallen into the icy abyss from the gentle sunshine of the flower room. They only felt that their whole bodies were enveloped by a cold air, and even the wine on the table seemed to be about to be... Frozen like ice.

"It's not the time for a group of young men to discuss Xiao Zhufeng's matter..."

At this moment, a cold and indifferent man's voice sounded outside, making everyone feel as if they were falling into a cold pool.

"You...who are you!"

Hearing him call all of them Xiaoxiao, many people in the banquet stood up. The woman in red was very beautiful, but the white-haired man was too cold and unpleasant.

"Is there something wrong with what he said? When will it be your turn to discuss Xiao Zhufeng's matter..." The woman in red was naturally none other than Qian Luo.

Xiao Chen walked up slowly. The two cold eyes at this time were like two unsheathed swords. Everyone's heart trembled. They didn't dare to look directly at him. They all looked behind him and saw Bei Gong. Chang Ji had walked out of the hall at some point and was looking into Xiao Chen's eyes.

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