"Luodie, are you okay?"

Xiao Chen looked at her intently. He naturally remembered what happened yesterday. Ever since those strange words appeared on her back, she had been a little distracted. But just now, there was such a terrifying thing hidden in her eyes. The coldness was unprecedented.

"Master Xiao, you got up so early."

Qianluo smiled softly. The coldness just now was completely gone. At this moment, she seemed to be the same person again.

"Are your injuries... all healed?" Xiao Chen looked at her and asked.

"Well, it's okay. Young Master Xiao doesn't have to worry anymore." Qian Luo still had a slight smile on his face, like a flawless lotus blossoming in the wind in the courtyard.

"So fast?"

"Well... Mr. Xiao, what's the problem? You seem... a little strange today."

"No, let's go."

As Xiao Chen said this, he turned around and walked out of the courtyard, but at this moment, there was some doubt in his eyes, there must be something wrong with her.

The two of them went outside. It was just dawn, and there was still a slight chill of night in the air. They saw that the street was empty. Only when the wind blew, it picked up the fallen leaves on the ground and made a "sand-sand-" sound. .

"Sir, where are we going now?"

Qian Luo raised her head and looked at him. In the past, when she was escaping alone in the Eastern Continent, she was always very decisive, but it seemed that these days, she was used to asking Xiao Chen about everything.

"Those people from the Beigong family should not be able to track us."

Xiao Chen looked at the streets in the distance, and there were a few people who were walking with their heads down. Now that Luo Die had been rescued, he was supposed to go back to Wuyu Tian immediately, but at this moment, he had no intention of going back in a hurry. The ancient restriction outside has been restored, and Ku Lingzi is there. Ku Lingzi used to have the strength of a quasi-sage, so he doesn't need to worry too much.


Seeing that he was silent, Qianluo called him softly again.

Xiao Chen slowly came to his senses. Last time he took back the power of the spiritual veins from Taishi Daomen and the Lu family, but in the past three years, Beigong Changfeng took away the power of Wuyutian's spiritual veins. The power is more than this, but the last time he went to Wushuang City, he did not feel the existence of the power of spiritual veins. So where did Beigong Changfeng send the power of spiritual veins?

"There are still some things that have not been dealt with. Beigong Changfeng has taken away a lot of my spiritual power in the past three years. I must get it back..."

Xiao Chen said attentively, he thought about it all night last night, and now he clearly understands in his heart that he has become a mortal enemy with the Beigong Yi family. If the power of the spiritual vein is not recovered as soon as possible, he may not have a chance to recover it.

Qianluo naturally understood what he meant by the power of spiritual veins. He thought about it and said, "When I was in Wushuang City before, I saw three people with similar cultivation levels to Beigong Changfeng. They must be Beigong." Changfeng invited them, will Beigong Changfeng give them the power of the spiritual veins you mentioned?"


Xiao Chen shook his head. Although he had not interacted with Beigong Changfeng a few times, he knew this person very well in his heart. This person was unwilling to be inferior to others, and he was unwilling to always look up to others, so he kept thinking about it. Climbing up, the three people who were in Wushuang City before were all on the same level as him. In this case, there was no need for him to please each other, so he must have sent the power of the spiritual veins. A person whose status and cultivation level are above him.

"So that's it..."

From the look in Xiao Chen's eyes at this moment, Qianluo suddenly understood, but with so many branches of the Beigong family, to which branch did Beigong Changfeng send the power of this spiritual vein?

"follow me."

In just a short while, Xiao Chen seemed to have an idea in his mind, and he took her to the center of the city. The city was not too small. When the two of them arrived in the city, the streets were already lively, but they saw traffic. Dragons, horses, and pedestrians are walking shoulder to shoulder in an endless stream.

"Master Xiao...what are your plans?"

Qian Luo walked beside him and asked in a low voice, while keeping an eye on the surroundings. The two of them had not changed their clothes during this trip. It would be difficult for them to walk on the street without attracting attention.

"Not urgent."

When he reached a quiet place, Xiao Chen stopped. At this moment, he used all his spiritual power and the power of his soul to spread his consciousness like a spider web to every restaurant and inn in the city, as small as one The teahouse, as big as a trading house, was covered by his countless spiritual consciousness at this moment, and no corner was spared!

This is the first time since his cultivation that he has used his spiritual consciousness to such an extreme. To put it bluntly, he has not yet entered the Dongzhen stage. Even those cultivators who have already entered the Dongzhen stage will never be able to do this. This is the spiritual consciousness that a quasi-sage should have!

Soon, all the useful information in the city, large and small, was collected in his mind.

"Have you heard? Something happened in Wushuang City a while ago, and even the ancestral lineage was touched. Beigong Changfeng is no match for that person. This time, he will definitely go to Luofengzhuang for help..."

"That man killed the eldest elder of the Lu family, but I heard someone said that someone seemed to have seen Lu Yan in Wushuang City that day, and he was following that man..."

"I heard that he is the Lord of Desireless Heaven. Where is Desireless Heaven?"

"In three days, it will be Beigong Changji's birthday. This time, many people should go to Luofengzhuang to celebrate his birthday..."

"I heard that back then, it was Beigong Changfeng who was supported by Beigong Changji..."

"Beigong Changji has already reached the Dongzhen stage of cultivation many years ago. No one knows what level of cultivation he has reached now. Who dares to offend Luo Fengzhuang in these years?"

"I heard that over the past few years, the spiritual energy in Luofengzhuang has become more abundant than before, and the cultivation of all the disciples has improved by leaps and bounds..."

"I'm afraid there will be people with ulterior motives who go to Luofengzhuang to celebrate their birthday this time..."

After a while, Xiao Chen withdrew his spiritual consciousness. Qianluo, who was standing next to him, saw that he was concentrating and silent. Knowing that he must have used his spiritual consciousness to detect the news just now, he asked in a low voice, "How is it? Master Xiao, what did you find..."

"Three thousand miles south, Luofengzhuang, Beigong Changji, birthday banquet in three days..."

Xiao Chen looked to the south. Judging from the information he had just heard, what he wanted was in Luofengzhuang.

"Luofengzhuang, three days later..."

Qianluo was slightly startled. Although there were only a dozen or so words coming out of Xiao Chen's mouth, she understood clearly. She raised her head and said, "Master Xiao plans to take action at the birthday banquet in three days?"

Xiao Chen shook his head, still staring in the south direction, "Don't worry, before you go, you need to confirm again, and find out what the other party's strength is, and who will come to pay homage to his birthday in three days..."

Qianluo looked at him blankly, and couldn't help but recall that when she was with him in the past, she always seemed to be chased by someone. After escaping one disaster, there was another disaster, but this time it seemed different. One time was to... cause trouble?

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