The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 846 Mingyue is worried

"Now... where are we going now?"

Qian Luo looked at the two people in front of her. Before Hua Weiyang appeared, she always felt that she and Xiao Chen were always together no matter where they were. But now, she suddenly felt like an outsider who shouldn't be there. (audience)

"Return to Wuyutian." Xiao Chen looked at her and said.

"Wuyu Tian...should I go too?"

The look on Qianluo's face suddenly became a little dazed. It seemed that in such a short period of time, the distance between her and Xiao Chen had never become so far away. Even at this moment, he was standing in front of her, and it seemed as if they were separated by the world. Generally distant.

"People from the Immortal Alliance will definitely come again. Now only Wuyutian is the safest."

"oh oh."

Qianluo lowered her head. Previously, she had always wanted to visit his Wuyutian, but now for some unknown reason, her mood became a little heavy...

A few days later, the three of them finally returned to Wuyu Tian. They saw the clouds were vast and boundless, and fairy islands loomed among them. Qianluo had never been to such a high altitude. Suddenly, he felt as if he was in a fairyland. The surroundings were filled with clouds and mist, as unreal as a dream.

" this the Desireless Heaven..."

Qianluo had a stunned expression on her face. Even before she came, she had imagined what kind of place this place was, but when she actually arrived, she realized that this immersive feeling was completely different from what she had imagined.

With the help of the spiritual power of the floating fairy islands, the three of them were like immortals flying in the clouds and mist, and they were able to walk on the vast clouds and mist as if they were walking on flat ground.

"It's just... it's incredible..."

Looking at the islands surrounded by spiritual energy in the sky, Qianluo seemed to be in a dream. On those islands, there were waterfalls hanging down, and the sun shone on the mist, forming brilliant rainbows, but the water I don’t know where it ended up.

After a while, you can already see the pavilions and pavilions on Wuyu Sky in the distance, as well as the flower trees, and the petals all over the sky are dancing on the clouds. If it is not a fairyland, how can this scene be possible?

"This place was left by a fairy in ancient times, and left a very heavy layer of restrictions on the entire Wuyu Heaven.

Xiao Chen said lightly, and Qian Luo was startled. The ancient fairy he was talking about at this moment must be a real fairy. He is an extraordinary person. Most people think that there are no gods in this world, but they don't know that there are no gods in this world. It's so big, how can it be seen by ordinary people? Like a fish in a pond, it doesn’t know the vastness outside the pond.

Qian Luo slowly came back to his senses, but saw the cold look on Xiao Chen's face. He couldn't help but be startled. Hua Weiyang next to him smiled lightly, "He is always like this. As long as he comes back here, he will never smile again."


After these few days, Qianluo is no longer the same as that day. These days, he can talk to Hua Weiyang and doesn't seem so unfamiliar.

Hua Weiyang smiled and said, "He is the Lord of Wuyu Tian. If he talks and laughs with others all day long, how can he control the tens of thousands of disciples below."

"Tens of thousands of disciples, so many people..."

Qian Luo knew that she was joking with her previous sentence, but when she heard the next sentence, Wuyu Tian actually had so many disciples, she couldn't help but be stunned. Hua Weiyang smiled and continued, "If the sect forces under Wuyu Tian are If included, there are more than 273,000 people in total.”

"Two...two hundred and seventy thousand people!" Qian Luo was even more startled. He never expected that Xiao Chen's power here would be so huge...

While the three of them were talking, they had already entered the Wuyu Heaven. Disciples greeted them on both sides. In the distance, Madam Xian Shu, Mingyue Valley Master, Yang Xiaoran and others also came this way.

"Welcome Your Majesty——"

Everyone's voices were in unison, and Qianluo walked beside Xiao Chen. It was her first time here, and it was also her first time seeing such a scene, and her expression was inevitably a bit unnatural.

"Who is she..." Yang Xiaoran's sharp eyes saw Qian Luo from a distance, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart who this woman walking beside Xiao Chen was.

As for Madam Xianshu and Master Mingyue Valley, they naturally saw her as well. Madam Xianshu’s expression remained unchanged, but Master Mingyue Valley couldn’t help but frowned, thinking who was this woman? Why did you come back with your Majesty and the Palace Master? And it's weird to be so close to Your Majesty...

When the three people came to the front, they all bowed their hands to Xiao Chen and Hua Weiyang. Mingyue Valley Master glanced at Qian Luo next to him and asked, "Your Majesty, this is..."

Generally speaking, in the past, as long as Mrs. Xianshu was present, Mingyue would not ask Xiao Chen anything first, but today something was a little unusual. Hua Weiyang said, "She is a friend of your Majesty, so she is very polite, so she must not lose her etiquette."

"My, my name is Luo Die, hello..."

Qianluo lowered his head. He had just arrived in a strange place, and his expression was still very unnatural. Many disciples in the distance looked at her motionless, with a daze on their faces.

"Luodie... is a good name."

Mingyue Valley Master chuckled lightly, walked towards her, looked her up and down, and said with a sweet smile, "Miss Luodie, it seems you are not from us, right?"


Qianluo didn't know how to answer for a moment, so Xiao Chen said, "Mingyue, take her to the Bishui Yuntai to rest first."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mingyue Valley Master nodded and smiled, then walked closer to Qianluo, and said with a smile, "Miss Luo Die, come with me..."

"Well, well..."

Qian Luo followed her, walked a few steps, turned around, glanced at Xiao Chen, then stopped looking at him, and followed the Mingyue Valley Master to the other side.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Xiao Chen finished handling some things and took the strange dragon back to the Mystic Demon Cliff. However, when he saw that the giant dragon's body was gradually shrinking, and he was about to dive into the black water pool, Xiao Chen suddenly stopped him. He told him "violent, wait."

The Yijiao was well versed in human nature and could already understand human language. He immediately stopped and flew back to the cliff, looking at Xiao Chen with two blood-red eyes.

Xiao Chen took a few steps closer to it, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Ruan, let me ask you, did you and Weiyang meet anyone in the woods that day?"

After a while, Yi Jiao still didn't move, as if in a daze. Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown, and said again, "I'm asking you, why don't you speak?"

"That's all, nod or shake your head." Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, Yijiao still looked at him motionless, and finally shook his head.

"Well, let's go back."

Xiao Chen's eyebrows were still slightly furrowed, and he watched the strange dragon dive into the water with a "plop". He thought to himself that although Rui was human, he probably couldn't lie. Could it be that he was overthinking it?

A few days later, Xiao Chen came to the Bishui Yuntai. The scenery here was quiet and full of spiritual energy. Under the sun, he saw fairy islands floating in the air. The islands were full of peach blossoms. When the wind blew, the peach blossoms would appear randomly. The wind drifted into the sea of ​​clouds, and I didn’t know where it went in the end.

At this moment, I saw a figure standing on a fairy island. The man was wearing light red clothes, and his clothes were moving with the wind. In contrast to the peach blossoms in the sky, it was Qianluo.

Xiao Chen lifted his feet and landed lightly on the island. When Qianluo saw him coming, the gloomy mood of the past few days disappeared immediately, and his face immediately smiled like a flower: "Master Xiao, you are here."


Xiao Chen clasped his left hand behind his back and raised his right hand to his chest. He gently rode the wind and landed in front of her. He was as graceful and graceful as a fairy in heaven, causing the peach blossoms on the island to fly in the air. For a moment, Qianluo fell. I couldn't help but look a little crazy.

"Are you still used to living on the island these days?"

It wasn't until Xiao Chen spoke softly that Qian Luo came back to his senses, smiled and nodded, "Well, I'm fine here. How come the young master is free to come here today..."

Xiao Chen slowly walked to the edge of the fairy island, looked at the slowly undulating sea of ​​clouds, and said, "Let me come and take a look. This clear water cloud platform is full of spiritual energy. You can practice here without anyone disturbing you. As for other places in Wuyutian , you can go wherever you want, no need to be restricted, but there is one place, which is the sea of ​​clouds behind Wuyu Tian, ​​where you cannot go. "

"Yeah, Luodie knows."

Qianluo nodded with a smile. Even if there was only one person in her heart, even if she could only look at his back like this, even if she could just say a few words to him, she still felt warm in her heart.


Xiao Chen nodded, turned around to look at her, said something, and left again when dusk fell. Qianluo looked at his figure floating away, as if at this moment, the loneliness around him was like It was the shadow of dusk that swallowed her up again bit by bit.

This night, the bright moon was like a disk, rising slowly from the sea of ​​clouds, reflecting the entire sea of ​​clouds into a silvery color. This was a scenery that could not be seen in the human world below.

Ever since Xiao Chen came during the day today, Qian Luo has been worried. When he came to the island, under the bright moon, the unspeakable feelings hidden in his heart seemed to have nowhere to hide.


Finally, a faint sigh spread into the sea of ​​clouds, and as the peach blossoms disappeared, Qianluo had no intention of sleeping that night. He left the Bishui Yuntai and walked around. The whole Wuyu Tian was huge, but there should be nothing in it. For the restriction, she just had to strictly follow what Xiao Chen said and not go to the sea of ​​clouds behind Wuyutian.

It was probably mid-night, and the moon was as bright as day, reflecting the entire Wuyu sky even more clearly and brightly. Qianluo was still walking aimlessly. At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded not far away. , startled her.

"Are you the... friend that Your Majesty brought back that day?"

The sound was as clear as a silver bell and very pleasant. Qianluo turned around and saw a figure standing on the hillside not far away. He whispered, "Who are you?"

"My name is Ziyuan, and I'm from Yeying."

The woman walked down slowly, and saw that she was wearing a purple dress. At this time, the bright moonlight shone on her, as if a layer of purple clouds were covering her body. She was Ziyuan.

"oh oh……"

Qian Luo nodded, "I am Mr. Xiao's friend, my name is... Luo Die."

"very good."

Zi Yuan smiled softly and said.

"Huh? What..."

Qianluo didn't understand what she meant and looked at her with a puzzled expression. Ziyuan smiled again, "I said it's very good. Your Majesty actually has very few friends. It's great that you can become your friend." "

"Is this..."

Qian Luo slowly lowered her head, wanting to write down her thoughts, but she also wanted to tell someone. After a while, she raised her head again, looked at Zi Yuan in front of her, and asked, "Can you tell me about it?" Is it about Young Master Xiao?”

It was only now that she seemed to realize that she knew nothing about Xiao Chen. She had never been involved in Xiao Chen's past. She didn't know, didn't know anything... She didn't know why he was always cold and cold. But sometimes his eyes were clearly not so cold.


Ziyuan smiled lightly, looked at a high cliff, and said with a smile, "You come with me." After saying this, he tapped his toes lightly, unfolded his wind control technique, and went to the top of the cliff. Qianluo was stunned. After a moment, he immediately came back to his senses, used Qing Gong, and climbed onto the cliff.

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