The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 845: I don’t know where the love started

Hua Weiyang still stood there, until the sound and the black mist gradually faded away, then she slowly turned around and looked at Yi Jiao: "Rui, come here.


The Yijiao moved its whole body, quickly shrunk, and came to her. The ferocious aura on its body suddenly reduced a lot. Hua Weiyang stretched out her hand and gently stroked the only blue dragon scale on its forehead: "Ruili, this person today, we don't want to Tell him, okay?"

Yijiao opened a pair of blood-red eyes, looked at her and blinked. Hua Weiyang smiled softly, "You're so good, go back." After that, with a slight flick of his hand, Yijiao immediately turned into a black shadow and disappeared. land.

In another mountain forest, Xiao Chen was walking as fast as flying, but suddenly stopped at this moment. Seeing that he suddenly stopped walking, Qian Luo also stopped and asked slightly nervously, "Master, what's wrong?" ✩ ♦❋


Xiao Chen lowered his head and pondered, and looked in the direction behind him. Why did he vaguely feel the aura of violence just at that moment? Or is it an illusion?


Seeing that it was getting late, Xiao Chen raised his head, looked at the endless mountains and rivers ahead, and said, "We have to go out before sunset tomorrow. Let's go."

The two of them continued to move forward, and by the afternoon of the next day, they were getting closer and closer to the place they came in. At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the sky. The figure came very fast. Xiao Chen reacted instinctively, He jumped back and stood in front of Qianluo, looking coldly at the figure, "Who is coming?"

This person was silent, even avoiding his spiritual sense. It was a man in white, holding a white folding fan in his hand, swinging leisurely "You can leave, but she Must stay.”

"Who are you? I have never seen you."

Qian Luo walked out from behind Xiao Chen and stared at the man in front of him, who had skin as smooth as gelatin and was extremely handsome. He thought to himself how there could be such a beautiful man in the world, even more so than a woman. It was simply strange...

"Haha, it's not important..."

The man smiled faintly, and suddenly folded his fan, and something as fast as a sudden wind came towards him. Xiao Chen raised his palm to resist, but unexpectedly, the man turned into a shadow and dispersed, cleverly avoiding him, and attacked Qianluo. .

Xiao Chen couldn't help but his expression condensed. With such quick skill, in this fleeting moment, the folding fan in the man's hand had touched Qian Luo's chest.


Qian Luo let out a muffled groan and took a few steps back. He immediately used all his internal strength and struck the man with a palm. However, although his internal strength was strong, the other man was like a swimming dragon. Not to mention that the palm's power could hit him. Not even a corner of his clothes could be touched.

"What a fast movement..."

Xiao Chen looked on and couldn't help but wonder who this person was. Although his attack was fast, it didn't have the same murderous intent as Luo Die. In just a few seconds, Luo Die was already at a disadvantage. He was not this person at all. opponent.

"Falling flowers turn into butterflies!"

Suddenly, Qianluo yelled and formed seals with her hands. Suddenly, a piece of light red petals fluttered in the air. These petals turned into phantom butterflies, covering the man in white layer by layer. This was her very special moment. A powerful illusion that can trap enemies. He used this technique to trap Xiao Chen in the first place.


Qian Luo originally thought that this technique could trap the opponent for a while, but unexpectedly, a faint smile from a man came from inside the layers of phantom butterflies, and then he saw the layers of phantom butterflies dispersed, turning into a mist of flowers, which looked like flowers but not flowers. Flowers, like mist but not mist, enveloped her.


Qianluo immediately secretly thought that something was wrong. She had never failed in performing illusions before, but not only did she fail today, but she also made the other party "retaliate in the same way." Could it be that the other party's attainments in this illusion were actually higher than hers? !

Seeing that the flower mist was about to cover Luodie out of thin air, Xiao Chen moved and rushed over. He wanted to break through the spell, but unexpectedly, he and she fell into the illusion. The sky was filled with flying petals. , like a sea of ​​flowers, boundless and unable to get out.

"Haha, the sea of ​​flowers is boundless. You might as well just stay inside for a while." A man's faint laughter came from outside.

Xiao Chen frowned, no, this technique is...

The next moment, the spell suddenly broke. Xiao Chen's palm was carrying the wind, and he hit the person with one palm, but when he got in front of the person, he finally stopped the palm.

The man was still looking at him with a smile on his face, the folding fan in his hand was shaking gently, and he said with a faint smile, "Why don't you hit me with this slap?"

Xiao Chen slowly put down his palm, frowned and said, "Weiyang, why are you here?"

"Young Master Xiao...he, he is..." Qian Luo was beside him. This time he was completely stunned. Why did Young Master Xiao call this person "Weiyang"? Could it be...


Hua Weiyang smiled softly and covered her face with the folding fan in her hand. When she closed it again, she had returned to her original appearance. This time, Qian Luo was even more startled. She turned out to be so beautiful...

Hua Weiyang chuckled, glanced at Qianluo, and then looked at Xiao Chen, "Mr. Xiao, whose girl is she? Why have I never heard of Mr. Xiao talking about her?"

For a moment, the atmosphere between the three of them became a little subtle. Xiao Chen said, "Her name is Luo Die. She is a friend I met when I went to the East China Sea to look for hibiscus flowers." After saying this, he turned around again. He turned around and looked at Qianluo, "Luo Die, she is..."

"I know."

Qian Luo nodded, his eyes still falling on Hua Weiyang's face, and said softly, "She is... the woman that the young master has tried his best to save..."

At this moment, Qian Luo suddenly felt a sense of loss that she had never experienced before. It turned out that she was so good-looking, she was so beautiful. No wonder, no wonder Mr. Xiao would even risk his life for her...

"Ah...right! That..."

Suddenly, Qian Luo raised his head again and said in a panic, "Well... I suddenly remembered that I was walking too fast just now and left something behind. I, I will go find it." After that, He immediately ran in the direction he came from just now.


Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to stop her, but there was no trace of her in the woods. When he turned around, he found Wei Young looking at him motionless, with a half-smile on his lips: "Mr. Xiao, are you still there?" If you don’t plan, tell me?”

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, stood with his hands behind his hands, looked at the direction Qianluo ran away just now, and told what happened over there in the East China Sea.

"It turns out she saved you once back then, no wonder..."

Hua Weiyang still had a half-smile on her face. Xiao Chen turned around, looked at her and said, "Did you bring out the violence? I have noticed the aura of violence."


Hua Weiyang nodded, "When I came out before, Xian Shu was afraid that something would happen to me, so she asked me to take Ru Ye with me."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. So, it was not an illusion that he felt the violent aura yesterday, but why did he feel the violent aura at that time? It happened to be about the time when that divine consciousness disappeared, it was too much of a coincidence...

Seeing that he was suspicious, Hua Weiyang smiled and said, "Your Miss Luodie has already run away. If you don't look for her, she might get lost."

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and didn't think about it so much at this time. Strangely enough, he had clearly conquered this strange dragon in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, but now, this strange dragon seems to be closer to Wei Young.

"Um...are you planning to take her back to Wuyutian?"

"The people from the Immortal Alliance want to kill her, and she has nowhere else to go."

"Hey, that's all..."

Hua Weiyang waved her hands as she walked. Xiao Chen saw her looking strange and asked, "What's wrong?"


Hua Weiyang spread her hands, looked at the white clouds in the sky, and said casually, "It's just that when I fought with her just now, I found that a certain skill she practiced contained too much murderous intent. I have never seen a skill with such murderous intent. Of course you can't tell, after all, he is your savior..."

Xiao Chen didn't quite understand what she was talking about, so he just asked, "How is Wuyutian doing while I'm away?"

As Hua Weiyang walked, she said calmly, "Fortunately, everything is back to normal. It's just that on the Demon Heaven Sect, it seems that the Demon Heaven Ancestor still refuses to give up and has united with several other Demon Sects, Xiaoyao Tower, Baiyun Pavilion..."

Xiao Chen said, "The intrigues between several demon sects have never stopped for thousands of years. It's nothing to worry about. If they had worked together more than 300 years ago, maybe the entire Immortal Origin Middle Earth would have been even more... Weiyang, What’s wrong with you?"

"Huh? No, it's nothing..."

Next to the valley, on the bank of the stream, there are ripples, reflections in the water, and tears in her eyes. She doesn't know why she is crying. She is obviously trying her best to control it, but at this moment, she can't help but fall into the water drop by drop...

"Don't cry, don't cry..."

His voice was choked, he was speechless and choked, only the tears kept falling. The scene in his mind was his gentle eyes just now. He was not a cold and ruthless person, but he could only be gentle to one person...

Qianluo Mingming had known this, knew that there was only one person in his heart, and for that person, he would risk his life. After all, he was just his friend.

Whether it was in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, or in the Chaos Void, or under Wushuang City, he was always, always just because he returned to Yanggu to save him, not because of his gentleness...

I don’t know where the love started, but it goes deeper and deeper.

"Luodie, Luodie, where are you?"

Xiao Chen's voice gradually sounded outside the valley. Qianluo was startled and looked at himself with tears on his face in the water. Oh no, Mr. Xiao came in. What would he do if he saw what he looked like now...

"Luodie? Are you in there?"

The sound was getting closer and closer, and Wei Yang was also with him. In the valley, Qian Luo immediately calmed down, swallowed hard, pretending to be nothing, and said, "Ah... Mr. Xiao, I, you wait, I will come out soon, I was just bitten by a snake. I washed the wound and came out. You, please don’t come in..."

As soon as she finished speaking, she held up the water from the stream and washed away the tears on her face. After a while, she walked out. Xiao Chen saw that her hair was still wet and her eyes were slightly red, and he frowned and asked, " How could you be bitten by a snake? "Is something wrong?"

"No, no... that snake is not poisonous, it just hurts a little, and it made me cry..." Qianluo said, scratching his head and giggling.

Xiao Chen looked at her, always feeling a little strange, and asked, "Have you found what you lost?"

"Yeah... I've got it back!"

Qianluo chuckled and looked at Hua Weiyang again, and suddenly felt a pain in her heart. It turned out that the two of them were the best match when they stood together...

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