The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 856 The Secret Realm of Yushu (Third Update)

Qian Yu Nishang looked at him, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, "Next month, Double Ninth Festival.

"Double Ninth Festival... What happened to Double Ninth Festival?" Xiao Chen turned to look at her. The ninth day of September next month will be Double Ninth Festival, and there is only more than half a month left from now.

Qianyu Nishang said, "In these years, you have been disrupting the spiritual veins everywhere and gathering countless spiritual veins for Wuyutian. All forces have been grudges for a long time. On the Double Ninth Festival next month, all forces, regardless of good or evil, will We are gathering at Zhongyue Peak to discuss the matter of spiritual veins, and they will probably let you go..."


Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent, "So, we have to judge Xiao for his crimes over the years again... But I am curious. Shen Cangming has controlled Tianmen for three hundred years and taken away the power of countless spiritual veins. Why, no one went to him? Trouble……"

Qian Yu Nishang frowned and said, "Shen Cangming is far away in Wuwuhai. If he comes back to the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan, the entire righteous path will not let him go..."

"Is it……"

Xiao Chen smiled coldly, put his feet a little, and flew out of the valley. He disappeared in a moment, and only one sentence came from the distance: "Will the Double Ninth Festival happen... Maybe I will come."

Qian Yu Nishang looked at his disappearing back. In fact, she would rather hope that he would not come during the Double Ninth Festival this time, because she could feel that what happened this time was definitely not simple.

The Seven Peaks, shrouded in the night, looked particularly peaceful. Whether it was the sky-reaching stone pillars on the summit platform or the cliffs and valleys below, they were all very quiet.

Zixiao Peak is thousands of miles away from the sea of ​​clouds, slowly rising and falling. There are many mysterious and mysterious scenery, and Zixiao Peak is the first among them. Especially since Ling Yin came more than 300 years ago, the place has been rebuilt. Although many solitudes have been added. It's cold, but it makes the mountain feel more like a fairyland on earth.

At this moment, on the top of the clouds, Ling Yin's clothes were fluttering, holding a jade flute, standing against the moon, looking at the sea of ​​clouds, her silent back had not moved for a long time.

Xiao Chen came to Xuanqing just now, how could she not know?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and under the moonlight, I saw the sea of ​​clouds gradually spreading to both sides, and a figure flying in the middle. The figure was handsome and graceful, surrounded by immortal aura. It was none other than Tianji Zun Yi Huanzhen.

Among the seven Xuanqing deities, if we just talk about cultivation, Zhenren Qingxuan may still be the leader, but in terms of hidden secrets, I am afraid no one can match the master Tianji.

As we all know, among the seven, he has the best relationship with Ling Yin. In the past, he treated her as his nephew. However, Yuji Peak is far away from Zixiao Peak. I wonder what happened to him when he came to Zixiao Peak tonight.

"Junior sister."

At this moment, I saw Yi Huazhen's feet floating down from the sea of ​​clouds to the edge of the cliff with just a tap of his feet. Ling Yin looked at him, his face still calm and calm, "Senior brother, why did you come to Zixiao Peak tonight? "

"I came here for the Double Ninth Festival."

Yi Hua really looked at her and said slowly, "On the ninth day of next month, all forces will gather at Zhongyue Peak. On the surface, all the forces appear to be related to the spiritual veins of the ancient Immortal Yuan Dynasty, but in fact they have a common contradiction. Pointing, what this contradiction points the Desireless Heaven."

Ling Yin's face remained unchanged. He took two steps forward and said after a long time, "Over the years, he has been desperate to gather the power of his spiritual veins. Even this time, there is no one behind him to add fuel to the flames. One day, there will be no desire for heaven." It will become a target.”

Yi Huanzhen frowned and said, "Junior sister also knows that behind Chongyang, there is someone who is adding fuel to the flames. In my opinion, this person is going towards Wuyutian, or he is coming towards me, Xuan Qing."

The night wind blew slowly, and the cliff suddenly fell into an incomparable silence. Ling Yin remained silent. The Xuanqing Sect today is the leader of the righteous path in the world. If the spiritual vein is unstable, the world will be unstable. If next month At the Double Ninth Festival, all forces are pointing their swords at the Wuyu Heaven. Isn't it clear that Xuan Qing is to lead the crowd and point their swords at the Wuyu Heaven?

"It seems that this person is probably here for me, Xuan Qing."

Ling Yin said calmly, and actually nodded and said, "As my junior sister said, I'm afraid there are foreign forces all over the world..."

"It's for me, Xuan Qing, and why did you come here?"

Ling Yin's face was always as calm as water. He pondered for a moment, looked at the sea of ​​clouds, and said, "I guess... I came here for the 'Yushu Secret Realm'."

At this point, he really stopped and continued, "The Yushu Secret Realm is the only relatively complete secret realm that has been preserved after the ancient oriental cultivation world was shattered in the last era of annihilation. No one knows the secrets contained in it. , and more than three thousand years ago, the entire Yushu Secret Realm was hidden in Xuanqing Mountain. According to legend, only Patriarch Xuanzhen knows where it is, and no one has discovered it yet..."

"The Secret Realm of Yushu..."

Even though she had already guessed something, when she heard these four words, Ling Yin's face still changed slightly. However, it soon returned to normal. She only heard her calmly say, "If it's for the Yushu Secret Realm, Come, I'm afraid those people will go home disappointed..."

Yi Huanzhen said, "There are spiritual veins under the Seven Peaks of Xuanqing. No one can touch them. I'm just worried that they will take advantage of Yichen at the Double Ninth Festival. What's more, I also heard that Yichen went to the Lingxu Realm this time. It seems that It has... attracted the attention of Wutian Palace. Junior Sister should have already known about Yichen's life experience..."

"Wutian Palace..."

At this moment, Ling Yin finally frowned and said, "They were not originally from the Spiritual Ruins Realm. In the last era of annihilation, the ancient Eastern cultivation world was fragmented. They were originally from the Ancient Eastern cultivation world, including the six major The ancient clan was once glorious in an era, but now it has declined because its ancestors violated the taboos of heaven... Back then, even people from all over the world would be afraid of them. "

At this point, Yi really stopped for a while, turned around and looked at the undulating sea of ​​clouds, and said slowly, "On the other hand, our ancient land of Immortal Yuan has only a short history of ten thousand years. Ten thousand years ago, demons were rampant in the entire world, and even Mortals were still enslaved by the gods. It was not until the appearance of the Qing Emperor thousands of years ago that the situation was changed... But even so, our heritage is far inferior to that of the four seas and the wilderness, let alone the ancient Eastern cultivation. Realm, alas..." At the end of his words, he let out a long sigh.

Ling Yin took two steps forward, looked at the slowly undulating sea of ​​clouds, and said calmly, "Senior brother, don't forget that when the Qing Emperor pacified the world, whether it was all over the world or the ancient Eastern cultivation world, there was one person , can you compete with them?"

Hearing this, Yi actually smiled coquettishly, "Junior sister is right, but it's foolish brother who belittles himself..."

The night was getting deeper and deeper. Ling Yin looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him and said nothing. When the Qing Emperor created the prosperous age of immortality, the world was so prosperous. Now it is gradually declining. This is all because of the endless disputes between good and evil over the past ten thousand years. There is intrigue among the factions again.

Especially from more than 3,000 years ago to more than 4,000 years ago, the battle between immortals and demons that lasted for thousands of years ended in the defeat of the demons, but it also caused an unprecedented disaster to the entire ancient land of Xianyuan. The predecessors of the Immortal Sect died, the spiritual veins of the mountains and rivers were destroyed, the spiritual energy declined greatly, and countless ancient books were lost...

To this day, the ancient land of Xianyuan still has not been able to recover its vitality. Otherwise, there will be more peerless powerful people today...

"It's late at night, senior brother, it's time to go back to Jade Peak." Ling Yin looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of him and said calmly.

"In this case, Brother Yu won't bother Junior Sister anymore..."

When he was really about to leave, he suddenly turned around again. Seeing that he was not leaving, Ling Yin knew that he had something else to do, so he asked, "Senior brother, there is something else to do."

Yi Huan really pondered for a moment and said, "Not long ago, the head brother entered the mysterious realm of the cave for retreat. All affairs in the door are now being taken care of by senior brother Li Yuan and senior sister Mei Yue."

"Has Master gone into seclusion again..."

Ling Yin didn't seem surprised, and actually nodded and said, "A few months ago, I went to Tianshu Peak once, and that time, I happened to meet my senior brother coming out of the mysterious realm in the cave. I don't know why, at that moment, I seemed to feel, Senior brother seems to have changed into a different person..."

"A changed person..."

Ling Yin lowered his head and muttered, and said seriously, "Junior sister, it's time for me to go." After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and went into the sea of ​​clouds. In an instant, the figure had disappeared. Those words just now would have been lost if it weren't for the person in front of him. It was Ling Yin, he would never speak.

Ling Yin looked at the sea of ​​clouds that slowly returned to calm. After a long time, he went to the Yaoguang Palace. At this time, he was in a courtyard not far from the Yaoguang Palace, where Ruoshui lived.

The moonlight shone through the thin window screen and shone into the room. Ruoshui's eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, his body was trembling, his hands were tightly holding the quilt, and then he suddenly woke up.


Ruoshui woke up from the nightmare, as if he had lost his soul, and his body was trembling continuously. Ling Yin happened to come back from Yun Dian, heard the voice coming from her room, and immediately came over, "Ruoshui, what's wrong?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she opened the door and walked in. Ruoshui, still pale, looked at her blankly and murmured, "Master..."

Ling Yin walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"


Ruoshui's body trembled slightly, and he threw himself on her and started crying, "Woo... Ruoshui, Ruoshui just had a terrible dream, so scary, that dream was so real, so scary... Wu..."

Seeing that she was so frightened that she couldn't stop crying, Ling Yin gently comforted her, "It's okay, it's just a dream. Tell me, what did you dream about?"

"Oh...I, I..."

Ruoshui slowly raised her head, her face still a little pale. Even now when she recalled the scene in her dream, she was still frightened. She choked and said, "I, I saw in my dream... I saw everyone dead, seven mountain peaks." , all seven mountain peaks collapsed, senior brother, senior brother, ugh..."

After a while, Ruoshui stopped crying. Lingyin patted her back gently, "It's just a nightmare. Go to sleep well. When you wake up again, you won't remember this dream. Go to sleep..."

"Teacher, master..."

Ruoshui's eyes were half-opened. Suddenly, he felt tired again, and he said in a daze, "Master... when will senior brother come back... Ruoshui, Ruoshui misses senior brother so much. Master, can you understand the past and the future? Then you Do you know when senior brother will come back..." At the end of his words, he fell asleep again.

"Okay, let's have a sleep..."

Ling Yin slowly put her down and touched her head with his palm, erasing her last dream.

Two days later, Xiao Chen returned to Wuyutian. As soon as he returned, he found that Yang Xiaoran and others looked strange, and asked, "What's wrong? Is Weiyang okay?"

"Palace Master Weiyang, she is very good..." Yang Xiaoran lowered his head and whispered.

"Then why are you all looking so sad?"

Xiao Chen said nonchalantly. As he spoke, he walked towards Gufeng. Yang Xiaoran reached out and stopped him, "Your Majesty, wait a minute."

"What's going on?"

Xiao Chen stopped and turned his head slightly. At this moment, when he saw his two cold eyes, Yang Xiaoran felt as if he was struck by lightning. He trembled hard, and finally walked up with his head lowered. The folded letter was presented to him, "Your Majesty, please read it."

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