The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 857 The strength of Ku Lingzi

Xiao Chen took the letter from Yang Xiaoran, opened it and took a look at it, then handed it back, turned around and headed towards Gufeng, and heard a distant sentence: "I understand.

Yang Xiaoran held the letter in his hand, and there was still some cold sweat on his back. Over the years, he had done a lot for Wuyutian, and he was no longer the little Pingyang Peak disciple he used to be.

In terms of ruthlessness, there are probably not many people who can match him. He has been used to the ups and downs over the years. Even the last time Wuyutian was sealed by Beigong Changfeng for three years, he didn't feel anything bad about it, but what happened this time It was such a big deal that he had been in panic for the past two days. Apparently, Mrs. Xianshu, Shen Jing and others also knew about it.

Gufeng, in the medicine garden. ❁✫♦

Xiao Chen walked in slowly. Shen Jing had been treating her these days. Weiyang looked much better. Seeing that he was back, she immediately got down, but her steps were a little unsteady. Xiao Chen immediately walked over quickly and helped her steady. "You have just recovered. It's not advisable to get out of bed and move around. You should rest for two days."

"It doesn't matter..."

Hua Weiyang shook her head, smiled softly, and scratched his nose, "I'm not as delicate as you think. It's just that I've been lying down for a long time in the past two days, and my legs were numb just now. The injuries on my body have long since It’s okay, but Shen Jing still wants me to lie down and recuperate for a few more days. I don’t know how injured Mingyue is. Without her to talk to me, it’s so boring that I’m going to die..."

Seeing her say so much in one breath, Xiao Chen finally felt a little more relaxed. He must have been fine for the time being.


Hua Weiyang added, "I heard from Zi Yuan that she couldn't find Miss Luo Die that day. Have you found her in the next few days?"

Xiao Chen shook his head, "She's gone..."

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Hua Weiyang slowly lowered her head. Originally that morning, after hearing what Mingyue said, she felt very angry. But now that she knows that it was just a misunderstanding, and now that Luodie is gone, she suddenly feels so guilty, as if she It's like I did something wrong...

"It's not your fault, probably...she has her own ideas."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and looked out the window, recalling everything that happened in the Eastern Continent scene by scene in his mind. Maybe as Zi Yuan said, Luodie left without saying goodbye this time, not entirely because of what happened that day. Maybe, she really She has her own affairs, but now the Immortal Alliance is chasing her. I hope she won't meet anyone from the Immortal Alliance...

"Oh, right……"

Hua Weiyang suddenly raised her head again. This time, the expression on her face became particularly solemn. "I have heard that during the Double Ninth Festival next month, they want you to go to Zhongyue Peak..."

"I know that Yang Xiaoran already told me when he came back. Xiao Chen's face was very calm, like a windless lake, calm and calm.

"Then...are you going?"

Hua Weiyang gradually frowned. Obviously with her knowledge, she could see through it at a glance. She was afraid that there was someone behind her with an ulterior motive.

Xiao Chen looked out the window and said calmly, "If I don't go, then they will make trouble for the Xuan Qing Sect and ask the Xuan Qing Sect to come forward and point their sword at Wuyu Tian... let me return the power of the spiritual veins."

Hua Weiyang saw that he had also seen the key to the matter at a glance, and she frowned and said, "Although Xianyuan's various parties have been grudges against Wuyutian for a long time regarding the matter of spiritual veins, in this matter, it is obvious that someone is deliberately behind the scenes. In other words, instigate various sects, otherwise it would not have such a big impact..."

"It doesn't matter..."

Xiao Chen looked at the slowly circling fallen leaves outside the window, his eyes still indifferent, and said, "Some people are going for Xuan Qing, and some are coming for Wuyutian, but no matter what, if they really have absolute strength, there is no need to make trouble behind their backs." ”

At the end of his words, he turned around, looked at Hua Weiyang and said, "Weiyang, you just need to rest and recuperate these days. There is no need to worry about this matter. Even if I go to Zhongyue Peak, I will discuss it carefully with Ku Lingzi."

"Well..." Hua Weiyang nodded and said nothing more.

That night, the moonlight was dim, and Xiao Chen came to a cliff near Gufeng. There was a cave on the cliff. This was where Ku Lingzi usually practiced his soul power.

Under the moonlight, I saw a figure standing on the cliff. That person was Ku Lingzi. When he saw Xiao Chen coming, he said, "I guess you already know about the Double Ninth Festival next month.

"That's what I'm here for tonight."

Xiao Chen slowly walked up from behind. The moment he got close to Ku Lingzi, he immediately felt a particularly extraordinary soul power in Ku Lingzi. Could it be that his soul power realm has broken through...

Ordinary people cannot feel the changes in Ku Lingzi's soul power, but his spiritual consciousness is sharp and his soul is much stronger than ordinary people, so he will naturally notice it as soon as he gets close.


Ku Lingzi turned around and saw that he felt the change in his soul power, and said, "In the past, I was always attached to the physical body, but now it seems that if I had not lost the physical body, my soul would not have changed." Being so strong today, maybe this is a loss and a gain..."

"Congratulations, senior."

Xiao Chen looked at him. In less than half a month, Ku Lingzi's soul power realm had already broken through. It was much stronger than it was a few years ago. If he hadn't lost his physical body, he wouldn't be able to focus on his soul. With his cultivation, now even though he has no physical body, he has the magical power of soul-fixing technique. Under his soul-fixing technique, there are only a handful of people who can hurt his soul, at least for now.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen could still see the loneliness and vicissitudes hidden in his eyes. Thousands of years ago, he had a master who he respected so much. He was one of the masters of the Eight Desolations, the Netherworld Soul Master.

But he never expected that his master would go to the mortal world and kill his wife and children because of the "reincarnation forbidden" magical power he possessed... and now, he would also take his quasi-saint body , imprisoned for thousands of years.

Although Ku Lingzi's cultivation back then ended up as a quasi-sage, he was the strongest quasi-sage who was only one step away from becoming a saint. Although he had not yet become a saint, his innate soul power was even stronger than that of a saint. Under the saints, no one is his opponent, and he is definitely not comparable to those ordinary quasi-sages. But now, although he has lost his physical body, his soul power realm is returning to its peak little by little.

Xiao Chen knew that his biggest long-cherished wish in this life was to take revenge, but the gap in cultivation between him and the Nether Soul Master was so huge that there was almost no hope of revenge...

The night was getting deeper, and the cold wind on the cliff was biting. Ku Lingzi looked at the dark night sky, unwilling to think about the obsessions in his heart, and said, "Then you are planning to go to Zhongyue Peak next month."

Seeing him slowly waking up from his memories, Xiao Chen said, "In my opinion, who is the person behind this Double Ninth Festival meeting?"


Ku Lingzi thought for a while, frowned and said, "Most likely... from Wutian Palace."

"Wutian Palace..."

Xiao Chen concentrated his attention. In fact, what he had guessed before was most likely Wutian Palace. At this moment, Ku Lingzi also said the same, that was probably the case. He said lightly, "Then you are here for me."

"Wait..." The expression on Ku Lingzi's face was stagnant. At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something again. He looked at him and frowned and asked, "Boy, last time you went to the Lingxu Realm, you really didn't meet Wu. People from the Heavenly Palace?”

"Except for the spiritual consciousness I felt on the road when I came back, there is no more. But in the end, for some unknown reason, that spiritual consciousness suddenly disappeared again."

Xiao Chen told the truth about the situation that day.

"This is a little strange..."

Ku Lingzi also slowly fell into deep thought. If Wutian Temple had dispatched quasi-sage-level masters to capture him, then things would obviously not be simple. It was absolutely impossible to do it just for Beigong Changfeng, or something like Taishi. Those people from Daomen and Lu family.

"Anyway, I will be careful this time."

Seeing the solemn look on Ku Lingzi's face, Xiao Chen said slowly.

As for Wutian Temple, although he has never actually fought with it once, he knows in his heart what a powerful and mysterious force it will be, which was formed by six aristocratic families in the past and later gradually controlled the six aristocratic families. Whether inside or outside the Lingxu Realm, one must not take things lightly.


At this moment, Ku Lingzi raised his head, as if he finally thought of something, his expression became more solemn, and said, "This Wutian Temple may try every means to catch you, although I don't know what it is." The reason is why they are like this, but judging from various signs now, it is probably like this..."

When he said this, he stopped and thought for a while, and then continued, "Whether it is the Wutian Palace or the six ancient aristocratic families, they were originally people from the ancient Eastern cultivation world. It was just that the ancient Eastern cultivation world was broken, and they I was forced to find a place of refuge and thrive again, so..."

When Ku Lingzi said this, he paused for a while, and finally raised his head, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "They are not people from the Lingxu Realm. Now their strong ones may not be able to come out because of some restrictions back then, but even if In the Lingxu Realm, they also have to be wary of some of the original mysterious forces in the Lingxu Realm, so they can't act without fear, so kid... don't worry too much now. "

"Are you worried..."

Xiao Chen looked at the sea of ​​clouds shrouded in the night in the distance. He didn't seem to be worried at all. He said calmly, "I said I would be careful, but they are not enough to become my worry now."

Ku Lingzi nodded, "That's very good."

In fact, this is what he likes about Xiao Chen. If it were anyone else, as soon as he heard that he was being targeted by such a mysterious force, he was afraid that the next step would be chaos and panic all day long. If he didn't wait for the other party to come, he would be If you lose your courage first, you will undoubtedly die, but Xiao Chen will never do this, no matter who the opponent is, no matter how powerful he is.

After a while, Ku Lingzi said again, "But to avoid any accident this time, I will go to Zhongyue Peak with you next month."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen was slightly surprised, "Senior, you want to come with me?"

"What? Boy, do you still think that I am the fragile soul body back then?" Ku Lingzi looked at him and snorted.


Xiao Chen looked at him, thinking that back then, he risked everything to seize Shen Cangming, but failed. As a result, his soul was severely damaged, and he was captured and imprisoned by Ye Zhiqiu. He was really fragile at that time, but over the years, he has rebuilt his soul. , it is no longer comparable to that of the past.

At this moment, Ku Lingzi slowly raised his palm, looked at the slowly beating black soul fire in his palm, and said, "As you just saw, a few days ago, my Yuan Shen realm finally broke through the biggest obstacle, and now it is solid." Under the soul technique, except for the Nether Soul Master, probably no one can hurt my soul. Unless Wutian Temple sends out quasi-sage-level masters this time, I haven’t paid much attention to those below quasi-sage..."

The moment he finished speaking, he squeezed his palm, and a sharp light suddenly flashed in his eyes. At this moment, the soul power aura on his body suddenly strengthened a lot, causing the sea of ​​clouds nearby to tremble and surge.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the past. Among all the world, the only one who had not yet become a saint, but even the saints did not pay attention to him... Youtian Soul Saint!

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