The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 858 Double Ninth Festival (Please subscribe for the big chapter!)

Feeling the soul power aura coming from Ku Lingzi's body at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly remembered that he was in the ancient realm of Xianbei. At that time, Ku Lingzi had just been rescued. Wei Young insisted on forcing him to avoid having bad intentions. He made a three-life oath. Now that the three-life oath has long been lifted, he still helps himself again and again.

"The world is so big, where can I go..."

Suddenly, Ku Lingzi sighed softly again. His eyes, which were so sharp just now, suddenly showed a hint of loneliness and vicissitudes of life.

In the past, he was the Soul Saint of Youtian, but now he has been burdened with blood feud all his life. Everything in the past, including his identity and status, is just a passing thing.

Xiao Chen knew the pain in Ku Lingzi's heart at this time. He could deeply understand the pain of wanting revenge all the time but not being able to get revenge. Now that the Nether Soul Lord is too powerful, revenge is almost impossible. , I only hope that when he reaches his cultivation level in the future, he can take back the physical body from the Netherworld Soul Lord for Ku Lingzi...

"Boy, you don't have to worry about me. Today, I will never do stupid things on impulse like I did back then."

Ku Lingzi put his hands behind his back, as if he could see Xiao Chen's thoughts at this time. He also recalled that he went to fight the Nether Soul Master, but fell into the trap and almost died.


Suddenly, Ku Lingzi changed the subject, and his eyes gradually became cold again, and he said coldly, "Zhenjun Xuanxiao, I should settle his account. More than twenty years ago, he did it for "Nine Years". "Change", killed my friend Luo Meifeng in this life, and wiped out the whole family of Lingshu Palace..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen could clearly feel the murderous aura on Ku Lingzi's body. He naturally knew about this. Shen Jing was apprenticed to Luo Mei Feng, the master of the Lingshu Palace, but later the Lingshu Palace was wiped out. Shen Jing was the only one at that time. Escaped.

But vaguely, he felt that this matter was unusual. He frowned and said, "The soul of the senior was captured by Ye Zhiqiu and imprisoned for three hundred years. During these three hundred years, many changes may have occurred in the world that the senior is unaware of. Today's True Lord Xuanxiao may not be the same as True Lord Xuanxiao three hundred years ago. If he has contact with the Netherworld Soul Lord, if the senior goes there rashly, I'm afraid it will still be a disaster. "

It's not that Ku Lingzi has never thought about this problem, but over the years, he has been getting along with Shen Jing and guided Shen Jing to practice the magical powers of the Nine Transformations for Luo Meifeng. He can clearly detect that although Shen Jing usually doesn't say anything, The hatred in my heart is getting heavier day by day, the hatred of Lingshu Palace, the hatred of Ningcun...

If this continues, he is very worried that even with his guidance, Shen Jing will eventually go astray due to too much hatred in her heart. After all, "Nine Changes" is a wonderful book that is all-encompassing, but also extremely weird. He couldn't fully understand...

"Let's discuss the matter about True Lord Xuanxiao another day. I won't disturb senior tonight." Xiao Chen looked at Ku Lingzi, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and went back.

Half a month has passed quickly, and today is already the sixth day of September. It is the late autumn season in the world. In three days, it will be the Double Ninth Festival at Zhongyue Peak.

For this Double Ninth Festival, almost all the five realms of the Immortal Yuan, regardless of the righteous path or the demonic path, went to Zhongyue Peak. Such a grand gathering has probably not happened for nearly a thousand years.

These days, Xiao Chen has already made all preparations, and ordered Yang Xiaoran to notify all the sects under Wuyu Tian. Now under Wuyu Tian, ​​there are more than a hundred sects, large and small, and among the demonic paths, there are probably only demons. Tianjiao can compete with it.

The other two are Xiaoyao Tower and Baiyun Pavilion. These two families also have very important forces in the Demonic Dao. Finally, there is the Mengxian Sect. Although the Mengxian Sect is also one of the four major forces in the Demonic Dao, its behavior is different from that of the Demonic Heaven. Teaching those people is completely different.

This time, the Demonic Patriarch of the Demonic Sect, Xuanming Youjun of the Xiaoyao Tower, and the Master of the Baiyun Pavilion all went to Zhongyue Peak in person, but it seemed that only Meng Xianer did not go.

At this moment, in an ice palace in Mengxian Sect, the ice room was bone-chillingly cold. On a thousand-year-old ice platform in the middle, there was a person lying quietly on it, with not a single strand of hair on his body. It was Luo Yao'er.

Her face was still rosy, and the skin on her body was as smooth as jade, without any wrinkles, but her whole body had long since stopped breathing.

Meng Xian'er used the Ice Soul Pill to protect her body from damage, but the remaining remnant soul could not return to its place. People killed by Shen Cangming's manipulation of life and death could not be resurrected. Back then in Wuwu Sea, they were Xiao Chen used the Soul Confinement Technique to barely save the remaining soul of Luo Yao'er.

At this moment, Meng Xian'er was standing on the edge of the ice platform, her fingers gently touching Luo Yao'er's beautiful and cold body. She still felt hurt in her heart. During this period, she tried every means, but to no avail. Could it be that she was really like Xiao Yao'er? As Chen said, there is no possibility of resurrection for people killed by manipulation of life and death...


At this moment, a burst of light footsteps suddenly sounded outside. Meng Xian'er gently covered Luo Yao'er's body with a gauze scarf, turned around and said, "Ling Mo, what's the matter?"

The person who came was none other than Yusha Xuanji, known as Ling Mo Yusha. She said, "I just received the news that the ancestors of Motian, Xuanming Youjun, and Baiyun Pavilion master have all gone to Zhongyue Peak. Sect Master, look..."

"It's their business to go and we don't have to worry about it."

Meng Xian'er frowned slightly. During this period, she had already been exhausted mentally and physically because of Luo Yao'er. How could she still think about going to the Double Ninth Festival? What's more, most of the people who went to Zhongyue Peak this time, whether they were on the righteous path or the demonic path, were targeting people. Damn it, should she also target Xiao Chen?

"Yes, I understand..."

Yusha Xuanji's voice gradually disappeared outside. Meng Xian'er turned around again, looked at Luo Yao'er on the ice platform, frowned slightly, and sighed softly, "Sister, sister, but you haven't told me yet, What has Shen Cangming wanted to do over the years..."

Three days later, it was Double Ninth Festival. Zhongyue Peak is located in the south of Zhongtu. The climate is not too cold. It is late autumn. Dogwood trees are everywhere at the foot of the mountain and yellow flowers are all over the mountain. However, at the top of the mountain, because the terrain is too high, it is covered with snow all year round. Not transformed.

In each of the five realms of Xianyuan, there is such a towering mountain peak, collectively known as the "Five Mountains Peak". As for how many years it has existed, no one knows now.

But the history of Zhongyue Peak is the longest. In the past, there would be a Fengyun Hui every sixty years. It is said that the Fengyun Hui was first founded after the Qing Emperor, and several peerless masters competed for the first place in the world. A sword debate started in the name of the successor of the Qing Emperor gradually evolved into a way to resolve disputes between various factions. Even at that time, the good and evil factions were arguing endlessly, and even the evil sects would go to Zhongyue Peak to fight with the right factions. Fight openly and honestly.

There is no doubt that this Double Ninth Festival is the largest event in the Five Immortal Regions in the past thousand years. Before noon, on the top of the mountain, in addition to the white snow, there were thousands of people and densely packed people. As for the foot of the mountain, it is even more crowded with countless people.

Tianmen has always paid no attention to the affairs of Zhongyue Peak, but this time they have probably sent experts to hide nearby. However, Tianmen does not have much influence on today's Double Ninth Festival. Unless a few masters above the Dongzhen stage can come, it will be impossible to suppress it. Live on this occasion today.

Near noon, the wind and snow on the top of the mountain are getting stronger, and there are more and more people. Looking around, most of them are people from the righteous path, such as Qinghongmen, Zangfenggu, Yuxuguan and other major Xuanmen sects. Today Here too.

Xuanqingmen naturally sent people today. The seven lords did not come, but Mei Jianyi, Jiangnan Liu, Xie Chichun, Feng Xiaoyin, and Qian Yu Nishang and other disciples came. Ruoshui heard that Xiao Chen was coming today. Zhong Yuefeng also secretly followed Qian Yu Nishang without telling Ling Yin.

"It's almost noon, why haven't I seen my senior brother yet..."

On a big rock, Ruoshui stood on tiptoes, looking east and west, but there was no trace of Xiao Chen. Next to her, Qian Yu Nishang's eyebrows were slightly furrowed. She actually hoped that Xiao Chen would not be seen today.

"are you cold?"

Qianyu Nishang looked at Ruoshui and saw that her clothes were thin. There was a lot of wind and snow on the top of the mountain, and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear the cold.

"Neither cold nor cold..." Ruoshui was still looking around. When she heard that Xiao Chen was coming, she felt excited, but she still felt cold.

"Sister, did you bring thick clothes?"

Qianyu Nishang looked at Fuling next to her, who nodded and immediately took out a white mink fur coat from Qiankun's sleeve.

"Sister Nishang, I am neither cold nor cold..."

Ruoshui kept waving her hands, Qianyu Nishang still took the clothes from Fu Ling and put it on her body. Ruoshui stuck out her tongue and smiled, "Thank you, Senior Sister Nishang."

Many Xuan Qing male disciples behind saw this scene, but they were all thinking about it, thinking that it would be great if Junior Sister Qianyu treated him so gently, or if Junior Sister Shui was willing to be treated so gently by him, that would be great...

Not far away, the four people with eyebrows were not as leisurely as the disciples at this time. However, seeing that the four people were all frowning and saying nothing, they naturally knew that today's matter was of great importance, in case there was something wrong with it. What happened? With so many people in Zhongyue Peak today, it is really hard to imagine the consequences.

At this moment, Feng Xiaoyin seemed to sense a faint spiritual movement from the southeast. Xie Chichun, who was standing next to him, saw a sudden change in his face and asked, "Senior Brother Feng, what did you find?"

Among the five disciples of Master Qingxuan, not to mention Ling Yin, among the remaining four, there is no doubt that Feng Xiaoyin’s cultivation is the most unfathomable, followed by Xie Chichun, as for Mei Jianyi and Jiangnan Liu, Compared to Ling Yin and Feng Xiaoyin, their cultivation levels can only be regarded as average.

At this moment, Feng Xiaoyin's brows were slightly furrowed, looking at the looming mountains in the southeast, and said in a deep voice, "Not long ago, someone said that an abnormal flow of spiritual power was found near Zhongyue Peak, saying that there was an ancient secret realm hidden under Zhongyue Peak... just now That slight movement of spiritual power, is this actually true? "

Hearing this, the other three people showed some doubts on their faces. After a while, they whispered softly, "I have heard about this before, but I thought it was probably someone who made it out of thin air, so I didn't take it to heart, but Two days ago, I saw many people from sects going down there..."

"Strange, why does this trace of spiritual power feel..."

Feng Xiaoyin lowered his head and muttered. At this moment, the entire Zhongyue Peak suddenly trembled slightly, and then the crowd suddenly became noisy. In the northwest sky, the originally clear and clear sky suddenly became overcast, and a large black cloud came this way. It surged forward and in an instant, it covered the sky and the sun.

"It's Patriarch Motian who is here..."

Feng Xiaoyin immediately raised his head and became alert. Great demons like the Patriarch of Demon Heaven must be at odds with the sects of the Immortal Yuan righteous way. Thinking back to more than 300 years ago, the demonic sects invaded China in large numbers. At that time, It’s unknown how many people died in his hands. Almost everywhere this man passed, there were rivers of blood and corpses scattered everywhere.

"They are from the Motian Sect, and the Motian Ancestor is here!"

At this moment, the crowd immediately stirred up. The younger generation of disciples had never experienced the brutal massacre that year, but at this time, many old men in the sect had extremely strong hatred in their eyes, and their fingers clenched. No, many of them had watched their senior brothers, sisters, and brothers die tragically at the hands of evil demons.

Under the gaze of everyone, soon, the black cloud came to the top of Zhongyue Peak. The person standing on the cloud had eyes as cold as frost, and there was a heavy demonic aura on his body. He was still the same as before. Naturally, Many elders from the sect recognized him as the Patriarch of Motian.

There was another person standing next to the Demonic Heaven Ancestor. The man was dressed in green clothes and holding a folding fan in his hand. He seemed to have an extraordinary demeanor. He was Chu Yunshen, one of the three masters of the Demonic Heaven Sect.

Probably he is the only one in the entire Demonic Sect who can stand side by side with the Demonic Patriarch in public. Even the adopted son of the Demonic Patriarch, Xie Tianluo, is only standing behind at this time, talking to the Demonic Patriarch. Teach with other experts.

"It seems that all fellow Taoists of Xuanmen have been waiting here for a long time..."

The ancestor of Motian had a cold tone. When he spoke, he glanced at the people he knew well back then. Yu Zhenzi from Qinghong Sect, Qingfeng Fourth Elder from Zangfeng Valley, Lingxuanzi from Yuxu Temple, etc., but these people, back then, None of them are his opponents.

"Why don't you see Qingxuanzi?"

The gaze of the Demonic Heaven Ancestor finally fell on the Xuanqing Sect, causing many Xuanqing disciples to feel a chill in their backs for no reason. Ruoshui frowned and said, "Is this the Demonic Heaven Ancestor? It's such a disgusting feeling. , he is no match for Master. If Master comes today, he might be hiding somewhere..."


No matter how quiet Ruoshui spoke at this moment, he could not escape the ears of Patriarch Mo Tian. His eyes turned cold and he immediately shot Ruoshui two cold glances.

Qian Yu's colorful clothes blocked Ruoshui's face for an instant, but just two glances caught her off guard, making her feel a slight tremor, and she couldn't help but feel a shiver in her heart. After three hundred years, how far has this devil's cultivation reached now? It's hard to see through.

"This old man is so scary..." Ruoshui hid behind Qian Yu Nishang and only poked his head out. He didn't expect this old devil to be so powerful.

At this time, Feng Xiaoyin stood up, looked at the Demonic Heaven Ancestor in mid-air, and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, "Master has been in retreat recently to study the mysterious method, so this time, he was unable to come to Zhongyue Peak..."


The Patriarch of Motian snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves, "I don't think Qing Xuanzi has become more and more timid the longer he lives. Now he only dares to hide in Xuan Qing and never come out?"


His words made most of the disciples of the Xuan Qing Sect present feel uncomfortable, but at this time the seven lords were not here, and in front of them was a very scary old devil in the devil's path, so they did not dare to say anything more.

As for the people from the sects next to them, they would not say anything more at this time. After all, as we all know, the Patriarch Motian was invincible back then, but in the end he was injured by the palms and swords of Master Qingxuan.

At this time, another large number of figures flew in from a distance, and those who came back this time were people from Xiaoyao Tower and Baiyun Pavilion. These two major demonic forces were completely different from those of the Demonic Sect, which were shrouded in black mist and filled with evil spirits. , especially the people from Baiyun Pavilion, all of them were wearing white clothes with long swords hanging on their waists. For those who didn’t know, they thought they were from some immortal sect.


Seeing the people from Xiaoyao Tower and Baiyun Pavilion coming, the Patriarch of Motian snorted coldly. In his opinion, the people from Baiyun Pavilion were the most nondescript. The devil's way is the devil's way. They followed the Xuanmen in a good way, and wore white clothes and white boots. What's the purpose of wearing a sword hanging from your waist?

"Senior Motian..."

The Master of Baiyun Pavilion smiled slightly at Patriarch Motian, but he saw that he was holding a white fan, wearing a white mink fur coat, and a white jade mask on his face. For so many years, no one had seen his true face.

Xuanming Youjun also came to the top of the mountain. He was wearing red clothes today, and his body was a little bloody. It was probably when he came here that he encountered a few ignorant Xuanmen juniors blocking the way, so he killed them.

"Now that we're all here, why don't I say one more thing..."

At this time, I saw Yu Zhenzi from Qinghong Sect walking out, looking at the people from the good and evil paths, and said loudly, "You must have known before coming here that the spiritual veins of Xian Yuan Ancient are now unstable. If everyone The factions continue to compete with each other privately, and the final result is the depletion of spiritual veins. I think everyone present does not want what happened more than three thousand years ago to happen again..."

Ancestor Motian said coldly, "Isn't it simple? If you give up one more spiritual vein, wouldn't everything be solved?"

As soon as these words came out, the righteous sects immediately started to stir up excitement. Someone said loudly, "You have gathered a lot of spiritual power over the years. Do you still want us to give up another spiritual vein?"

The noise in the crowd became louder and louder. After it calmed down, the Demonic Heaven Ancestor snorted coldly, "You may have misunderstood something. The power of those spiritual veins was gathered by Wuyutian. What does it have to do with us?"

After hearing this, the various factions started to quarrel again. After noon, the two sides were still arguing with no result. At this moment, a faint man's voice suddenly sounded from the top of the mountain: "Now Lord Wuyu is still here." If you didn’t come, you would just keep arguing here, what’s the point?”

As this voice sounded in the crowd, everyone fell silent. They saw a pavilion built high on the top of the mountain. It was covered with snow, and the three words "Fengyun Pavilion" were faintly obscured.

In the Fengyun Pavilion, there were more than a dozen jars of wine, and there was actually a person pouring himself a drink inside, ignoring the two figures of good and evil at this time.

Outside Fengyun Pavilion, there is a large stone tablet with the four words "No. 1 in the world" written on it. The writing is powerful and majestic. But these four words, "No. 1 in the world", are so heavy? Throughout the ages, who can bear these four characters?

"Number one in the world?"

It seemed that at this moment, someone finally noticed that there were people inside the snow-covered pavilion, and many people read out the four words on the stone tablet outside.

"No. 1 in the world... Gui can't bear these four words. It's better to wait until Brother Xiao comes and you can say these four words again..."

The man said calmly. As he spoke, he drank the wine in his hand. "He's here."

Everyone didn't know what he was talking about, but in the distance at Xuanqingmen, Fuling saw the man in Fengyun Pavilion, and her face suddenly became happy, "It's Brother Sique! I didn't expect him to arrive earlier than us! He was actually in that pavilion. Here, I didn’t even see him just now…”

Just as she finished speaking, the wind and snow suddenly rose in the south direction, and a figure was seen coming from the sky. At this moment, a cold breath made everyone tremble, and behind that person, there was There are more than a dozen cloud stones, and the figures on them are shaking, all of them are people from Wuyu Tian!

"That man... is Lord Wuyu, he is here!"

At this moment, the entire Zhongyue Peak was in a state of excitement, and everyone looked towards the south. In the beginning, they didn't know who the Lord of Wuyu Tian was, but over the years, most of them already knew.

The Lord of Wuyu Tian was Xiao Yichen from the Xuanqing Sect back then. However, when everyone saw it with their own eyes today, they still felt a little unbelievable. The white hair flying in the wind and snow and the cold eyes made people feel unbelievable. His frightening aura, his whole person, was so different from back then...

Is this really the same person as before? Everyone felt extremely suffocated...

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