As soon as the old beggar said these words, the surrounding area fell into silence. At this moment, everyone was silent and the atmosphere became even more tense.

"Lord Taiyin Division..."

The two old men in Wutian Temple looked nervous. They were about to say something, but the Taiyin Division stretched out his hand to stop them from talking. Then he looked at Feng Moyao and said gloomily, "Since the seniors have said so, Then today, it seems that we are definitely planning to take action..."

At this moment, the murderous aura emanating from under his robe was felt even by people on the mountain in the distance. Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their backs. This man seemed to have a high level of cultivation, and the old beggar was unfathomable. Man, are you going to have a big fight here today? ✸✼

But soon, the murderous aura disappeared without a trace. Then Taiyin Si smiled gloomily and turned around. At this moment, he no longer had the cold murderous aura in his body. He looked at Xiao Chen and said with a faint smile, "Boy, Even if you are lucky today, you may not be so lucky next time. We will meet again soon..."

At the end of his words, he raised his robe and immediately covered himself with a gloomy black mist, dragging the two elders Ziqing and the dozen or so people from the Taiyin Palace into the void.

"Come when you want, leave when you want, don't you leave anything behind?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold. Just when Taiyin Division stepped into the void and was a hundred feet away from him, he suddenly stretched out his hand and used the "Great Free Hand".

At this moment, a mysterious force seemed to surge out and turned into an invisible big hand, grabbing the old man in green behind Taiyin Division.


The old man in green clothes only let out a scream, and before he could call for help, he was instantly grabbed by Xiao Chen's free hand.

This scene only shocked many people from the sects in the distance. The Taiyin Division realized that the old man in green clothes behind him had been taken away. At this moment, the murderous aura on his body increased sharply.

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

Even through the battle robe, one could still see the cold eyes under the battle robe. In almost an instant, the Taiyin Division turned back and attacked Xiao Chen.

At this moment, the faces of Mingyue Valley Master and others changed, but at this moment, a mysterious finger force suddenly shot from behind Xiao Chen, and "Bang!" hit Taiyin Division.


Taiyin Si felt as if he had been hit hard, and he flew backwards. After settling down, he couldn't help but feel shocked. That power just now...


At this moment, without any hesitation, he swept everyone around, tore the void directly, went inside, and disappeared in an instant.

The reason why he left in such a hurry was because he did not expect that not only would an unfathomable mortal power suddenly appear today, but there was also another expert hiding behind Xiao Chen, and he was not aware of it at all. To this person's existence!

After a while, everyone slowly came back to their senses. At this moment, many people seemed to be waking up from a big dream, and they were still a little confused, staring at the foot of the mountain.

I saw that the old man in green had a pale face and a look of fear on his face. Even if he had the cultivation level of the Dongzhen stage, he had just been severely injured by Xiao Chen. Now, even a cultivator who has not yet entered the Hehe stage can easily take him. life.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, at least not now..."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold and indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, he swiped his fingers and sent several yin and yang forces into his body, sealing the acupuncture points all over the person's body. If he wanted to break the seal, he would have to destroy his own meridians first.

After finishing everything, Xiao Chen threw him to Yang Xiaoran behind him, and then motioned to Hua Weiyang to go back first, and finally walked towards the old beggar lying on the branch, "Senior Feng, long time no see."

Feng Moyao waved the wine gourd in his hand and said casually, "Senior, senior, just do what you think in your heart and call me an old beggar. How easy it is..."

Although he spoke carelessly at this time, at that moment, he clearly felt a fleeting breath of soul power, thinking that there was such a powerful soul behind this kid...

"Don't dare."

Xiao Chen still looked at him quietly, wondering who he was? Even the Taiyin Division of Wutian Palace seemed to be quite afraid just now. Since he has such a high level of cultivation, why did he lose to me three years ago at Cuidian Mountain...

"Hey, it's boring, it's boring..."

I saw Feng Moyao sitting up from the branch, stretched out, and said leisurely, "The old man saw the mysterious light here and happened to pass by, but now it seems that there is nothing wrong with the old man at all." …”

His words were obviously a hint that there was an expert helping Xiao Chen just now, and Xiao Chen could naturally hear it at this time and said, "Thank you for that, senior.

"Hey, that's it. I'm leaving. I don't know if I'll see you next time. Hey..."

At the end of the words, I saw him shaking his head and sighing. I don’t know why he sighed, but in the blink of an eye, he had penetrated into the clouds, and only the lyrics came from the distance: "Don’t sigh about the floating growth, the coming days are in a hurry, with your thousands of wishes, Traveling through thousands of miles of snow..."

Xiao Chen stared at the clouds where he disappeared, still thinking in his heart, wondering what he wanted to say next when we see him next time.

On the distant mountain peak, everyone came to their senses one after another. Who was the old beggar just now, and he seemed to be very familiar with Xiao Yichen...

Originally, various sects came to Zhongyue Peak today for the Double Ninth Festival event, but now, it seems that everyone's attention has been diverted.

This is naturally good for Xiao Chen. He doesn't want to tangle with these people anymore. Now he just wants to take the old man in blue from the Taiyin Palace back to Wuyu Heaven as soon as possible.

Just as he turned around, suddenly, there was a vibration in the ground, causing all the nearby mountains to shake.

"What...what's going on?"

This sudden shock became more and more violent, and everyone finally woke up. They thought that Xiao Chen had cut off the spiritual veins with his sword before, and the shock seemed to be coming from the broken mountain range.

Soon, someone had already gone over there, and Xiao Chen immediately returned to where Hua Weiyang and others were, and went over there with the others. When they got there, they saw lights flashing under a valley. At the same time, There is also an extremely strong spiritual power coming up.

"It's a secret realm!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, and as soon as they heard the word "secret realm", more people came from a distance.

Even before coming here, there were constant rumors that someone had discovered an ancient secret realm in the mountains near Zhongyue Peak. But when they came this time, everyone could not find the secret realm. At the moment, it seemed that it was the place where the secret realm was. When Xiao Chen cut off the spiritual veins with one sword, he happened to touch the secret realm, and the location of the secret realm was revealed.

This can be said to be a very coincidence. If Xiao Chen hadn't cut off the spiritual veins here with a sword today, I'm afraid no one would have been able to find this secret realm.

"Want to go down and take a look now?"

When they saw this secret realm left over from ancient times, many people had expressions of anticipation on their faces, and they seemed to have forgotten all about the Double Ninth Festival. Even the elders of some sects also So true.

"Wait a moment……"

At this time, someone suddenly stood up and looked at the demonic sects headed by Motian Sect. Leng Buding said, "This ancient secret realm was discovered in Zhongyue Peak. Is it possible that these evil sect members also want to enter?" ?”

Only then did each sect react. Today, there were not only demonic sects, but also Wuyutian and so many people present. If these people were allowed to go down, wouldn't it mean that the entire secret realm would be destroyed?

What's more, if there is any peerless treasure or peerless skill in this secret realm, it would be fine if it falls into the hands of the righteous sect. But if it falls into the hands of a few big demons, how about it? No, it seems that Tianmen must be notified immediately...

"Your Majesty..."

At this time, Yang Xiaoran suddenly came to Xiao Chen's side and took a look at the secret realm under the valley. He seemed to be very interested in this secret realm and asked in a low voice, "I see something is not simple down here, Your Majesty... you Want to go down?"

Obviously, if Xiao Chen wants to go down, no one here can stop him, which is exactly what Yang Xiaoran wants. If he is allowed to lead people down alone, he would not dare to do so with the Demonic Heaven Ancestor around. After all, over the years, Patriarch Motian also wanted to kill him.

"Your Majesty...what do you think? How about we go down and have a look?"

He thought that Xiao Chen would be very interested in these ancient secret realms, but unexpectedly he just glanced down there and said lightly, "Take someone here to take a look. I want to go back to Wuyutian immediately and send a message to Xian Shu if I have anything to do." Just Madam..."


Yang Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, Xiao Chen led the people in the direction of Wuyutian.

Mingyue Valley Master walked up to Yang Xiaoran and smiled coldly, "Did you hear that? Your Majesty asked you to lead people to watch here. It's a great achievement to find something when you look back. But don't blame my sister for not warning you, be careful..." "At the end of his words, he deliberately looked at Patriarch Motian, and finally laughed and moved forward.

"Hey, no, Junior Brother Xiao, don't leave..."

Yang Xiaoran hurriedly stretched out his hand. Are you kidding? Patriarch Motian hasn't left yet, so let him lead someone to guard here alone? Wouldn't that mean he would lose his life? However, before he could continue, Xiao Chen suddenly stopped. Even without turning around, Yang Xiaoran seemed to have seen two cold and terrifying eyes at this time, and quickly changed his words. "Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, and in an instant, his figure disappeared into the clouds in the distance. Yang Xiaoran was stunned for a moment, and secretly glanced at Patriarch Mo Tian, ​​only to feel numb all over his body, and then looked at Old Ancestor Jiu Ming. Zu and Xueyangzi flew over, "Jiu Ming..."

"Hey, I still have something to do in my teaching. Anyway, I'm not interested in these ancient secret realms. Commander Yang, I'll give you the hard work..."

"I remembered. There seems to be something wrong in my teaching. Ambassador Yang, take care. See you next time. I'll treat you to a drink."

"Hey, no, you..."

On the mountain peak, Ruoshui looked at the depths of the cloud where Xiao Chen and others disappeared. An unhappy look appeared on his face, and he muttered, "This time, senior brother didn't say a word to me, he just left without asking me." Did you get hurt last time... It’s so annoying.”

"Sigh...he's always like this."

At this time, all the people from various sects went to the bottom of the valley. Guisi came to them unknowingly. Looking at the direction Xiao Chen left, he shook his head and said, "Always put on a cold face." So cool, he seems to be indifferent to everything, but actually... he cares more than anyone else."

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