The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 870: The world is clear again

" Guisique, when did you come?"

Ruoshui covered her mouth with a surprised look on her face, but Guisi shook his head and smiled, "What? Miss Ruoshui doesn't call me Xiaoque'er anymore?"

"Hmm..." Ruoshui touched his chin and thought for a while, then chuckled, "Then let's call you Xiaoque'er, hahahaha!"

Gui Si shook his head and smiled, then looked at Fu Ling next to him and said with a smile, "Fu Ling, long time no see.

" Sique."

Fu Ling stared at him for a while, then realized what she was doing. She looked in the direction Xiao Chen left and murmured, "Brother Sique, you just said... that Junior Brother Xiao still cares about us in his heart, yes... yes Really?"

At the end of the sentence, even she couldn't believe it, especially when she recalled his cold appearance now, she even felt scared.

Is he really still... the same Junior Brother Xiao as before? But over the years, I have heard people say that he is decisive in killing and his murderous aura is getting stronger and stronger. Even the characters in the devil's path are afraid of him...

Gui Si looked in the direction of Wuyu Tian, ​​took a deep breath, and said slowly, "After all, today is different from the past. Even if he cares, he can't say it out loud, because now, he is the Lord of Wuyu Tian..."

Hearing this, Qian Yu Nishang's eyes flickered slightly next to her, but Gui Si looked at her and smiled softly, "Fairy Nishang, what do you think?"

Soon, Qian Yu Nishang returned to her former coldness. "He is the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​and I am a disciple of the Xuan Qing Sect, what do you think?"

After thinking about it, he still had a smile on his face, "But do you really think so in your heart? Ten years later, a hundred years later, a thousand years later, even...thousands of years later, people will change and the world will change."

Qianyu Nishang was silent, seeing that the atmosphere, which was originally good, suddenly became solidified. Ruoshui smiled at the side and said, "Ah! Gui Sique, we haven't seen each other for three years. Where did you go to play this time? Did you give Fu Ling Senior sister, where are you bringing gifts?”

Gui Si smiled, "You're right, I almost forgot about it..."

"Hehe! Did you forget or are you embarrassed to say it?" Ruoshui giggled from the side, and Fu Ling immediately winked at her and whispered, "Ruoshui..."

"Ah...I understand, I understand, Senior Sister Nishang, let's go over there to find Uncle Mei and Uncle Feng Xiaoyin! Don't bother...ahem!"

Ruoshui was lively and innocent, and while giggling, he took Qian Yu Nishang's hand and walked towards the two people in the eyebrows.

Poria was left in the same place, with her face as red as clouds. She lowered her head and said, "Um...Brother Sique, Ruoshui has always been very naughty. You, don't listen to her nonsense..."

Gui Si smiled and said, "Miss Ruoshui has a pure and lovely nature, how can she be so naughty and mischievous..."

As he spoke, he took out a small red brocade box from his sleeve. As soon as the box was opened, a burst of spiritual energy immediately overflowed and turned into white smoke, and in the white smoke, he saw a sparkling The pearl is rich in aura and appears extraordinary.

"This, this is..." Poria couldn't help but be startled on her face. She had never seen a pearl with such natural aura.

Gui Si smiled and said, "This is an East China Sea Dragon Pearl I accidentally found when I went to the East China Sea the year before last. It has extraordinary aura and can dispel the summer heat. Sister Poria, taking it with you will definitely be of great benefit to your practice. Give it to you."


Fu Ling's face was still a little stunned, thinking that this pearl was so extraordinary, Brother Sique must have spent a lot of effort to get it, just to give it to herself... Hey, no, what was Brother Sique doing over there in the East China Sea? ? You can't just find this East China Sea Dragon Ball for yourself, right?

Suddenly, she remembered that the other party had mentioned last time that the East China Sea was actually a fragment left behind after the ancient Eastern cultivation world was broken...

"What? Sister Poria...don't you like it?" Gui Si saw her lowering her head and said nothing, so she asked.

"Ah, ah..."

Only then did Poria come back to her senses, raised her head, and hurriedly waved her hands, "No, no, no, it's just..."

"Then just accept it."

The smile on Gui Sique's face was like the gentle sunshine in winter, which warmed the heart. Poria took the pearl he handed over, lowered his head and whispered, "Brother Sique gave me such a precious gift, but I didn't give it to him." Brother Sique is preparing something..."

Gui Si smiled softly, looked at the cliff not far away, and said with a smile, "What do you think of the bunch of dogwood over there?"

Hearing this, Fu Ling raised her head and looked where he was looking. She saw a red dogwood tree growing on the edge of the cliff, standing in the wind. She smiled and said, "It's so beautiful."

Gui Si smiled and said, "How about you pick a branch for me?"


Fuling immediately started Qinggong, flew to the edge of the cliff, and carefully picked off a branch of dogwood. At this time, Guisi had already come to her side. Fuling turned around and handed the dogwood over with a smile, "Brother Sique, look. How about this one?"

"very good……"

Gui Si took the dogwood from her hand, looked at the red fruits on it and said, "Take this as a gift from Miss Poria..."

"Ah?" Fu Ling was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that this was his intention, and said eagerly, "But, this, this..."

"The slow autumn light cannot be held back, and the red leaves are all over the stairs at dusk. It is the Double Ninth Festival again, and the fragrance of dogwood falls on the pavilion. The smell of purple chrysanthemums floats in the courtyard, and the evening mist envelops the drizzle. The cold sound of Yongyongxin's wild geese swallows, and I feel sad every year. They look similar..."

Guisi stood on the edge of the cliff, holding a branch of dogwood in his hand, looking at the green mountains in the distance, and chanted softly.

"Brother Sique..."

Fu Ling stood aside and looked at him, thinking that although Big Brother's poem had a good artistic conception, why, she always felt that there was an unspeakable sadness hidden in it...

"Hehe, brother Sique, the day after tomorrow is the Double Ninth Festival. How about we go up to the mountain to pick dogwood?"

“Okay, whatever Qing’er likes to do, we’ll do it.

"Wow! Brother Sique, look, there are so many over there..."

"Hehe, pick a branch of dogwood and give it to Brother Sique. When Qing'er grows up in the future, she will marry Brother Sique..."

"Si Qing'er, when you grow up, brother Sique will be old..."

Speaking of Xiao Chen and others, two days later, everyone had returned to Wuyu Heaven. In the next few days, Xiao Chen was alone in Wuyu Palace. Outside the entire hall, there were twenty-four people from Yeying guarding them layer by layer. Anyone could Do not approach.

Speaking of which, he was actually seriously injured that day. Later, he fought with the two elders from the Taiyin Palace, Zi Qing, for a long time, which finally caused the three corpse demons in his body to wake up again. If he hadn't woken up at the last moment and forcibly suppressed the three corpse demons, I'm afraid the consequences are already very bad.

On the fourth day, Xiao Chen finally walked out of Wuyu Palace. It seemed that he was fine. Bai Luan and Zi Yuan immediately walked up and said, "Your Majesty."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, looked at another mountain peak with vast clouds in the distance, and asked, "Have Wei Young been here during the past few days that I have been in seclusion?"

"Your Majesty, Palace Master Weiyang, I haven't been here in the past few days..."

"I see."

Xiao Chen nodded, and then stepped up to another mountain peak. When he arrived at Weiyang Palace, he saw flowers blooming like brocade and falling flowers all over the ground. It was completely different from the solitary coldness of his Wuyu Palace.

"Your Majesty, you are here."

I saw Mingyue Valley Master walking out of Weiyang's courtyard, smiling softly and saying, "Palace Master is inside, I'm going to Mrs. Xianshu's place!"


Xiao Chen stopped her and asked, "Has Yang Xiaoran sent any news in the past few days?"

"Well..." Mingyue Valley Master said in a low voice while thinking, "I think I heard Mrs. Xianshu say yesterday that they entered the secret realm, but the secret realm was very big, and in the end, people from the good and the devil started fighting inside. , and then several powerful people came to Tianmen..."

"Is Master Feng Yin also among them?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold. Even the Mingyue Valley Master couldn't help but tremble, nodded slightly, and whispered, "Listening to the news from Yang Xiaoran, it seems... It seems like those days Among people, there is Zhenren Fengyin..."

"Well, I understand, go ahead."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, the coldness in his eyes slowly disappeared, and finally walked into the courtyard. When he got inside, he saw Weiyang pruning the flower branches. When she saw him coming in, Hua Weiyang immediately put down her hand. He held the scissors inside and asked, "What were you and Mingyue talking about just now?"

Xiao Chen said, "No, I was just asking about the situation at Zhongyue Peak..."

"But, just now I clearly felt...a murderous aura." Hua Weiyang looked at him and walked over slowly as he spoke.

Xiao Chen didn't want her to know about Master Feng Yin. Over the years, the murderous aura in him had become stronger and stronger. Even though more than ten years had passed, every time he thought about what happened at Tianmen, the hatred and hostility in his heart would always rise. It got a lot worse in an instant.

Especially when he thought about Master Feng Yin's last blow with the Blood Elemental Finger, which failed to hit him, but seriously injured Weiyang. Weiyang had been tortured by the Bloody Elemental Finger all these years, and the hatred and hostility in his heart would become even heavier.

"Have the three corpse demons been suppressed?"

Hua Weiyang walked over slowly, Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and said, "The date when the Three Corpse Demons woke up should not have been that day. It should have been because I consumed too much that day, which caused the Three Corpse Demons to wake up early." ”

"It's okay now..."

Hua Weiyang frowned slightly, then relaxed her brows after a moment, and smiled softly, "By the way, when I came back that day, I picked a few branches of dogwood on the way, and I'll bring them to you."

As she spoke, she ran to the inner yard and carefully took out the few branches of dogwood with a smile on her face. "Look, Wuyutian is full of spiritual energy, and these dogwoods are not withered yet..."


Xiao Chen took the dogwood from her hand and suddenly remembered that when he was still in Ningcun, his mother-in-law would put some dogwood on the door every Double Ninth Festival, but now... they can't be seen.

"feel better now?"

Hua Weiyang looked at him. In fact, just now, she didn't understand. Over the years, she could clearly feel that the murderous aura in him was getting heavier and heavier. Maybe it was because of the evil aura in Emperor Gu Sword, or because of Those things happened back then, but no matter what, as long as the murderous spirit and hatred in his heart are stronger, the speed at which the Three Corpse Demons will take shape will be faster...

So she had always hoped that he could recall more of the happiness and beauty of the past, instead of harboring hatred all day long... and not end up like Shen Cangming. Even if he got revenge, so what, even if he got everything, in the end, he had already lost his soul. , he is just a puppet of the walking dead.

And Xiao Chen didn't understand this. Looking at the dogwood she picked for herself, his mood suddenly became much brighter.

Hua Weiyang smiled and said, "This trip to the human world actually feels quite good. Every time I see those flowers and grass on the roadside, I feel happy... God will pity the grass, and the world will be sunny again."

Xiao Chen said, "What you like most is the human world."

Hua Weiyang smiled mischievously, "That's right, but, since I met an idiot many years ago, it has not been like this anymore. My favorite thing is one more..."

"There's one more thing...what is that?"

"What do you think? Haha!"

Hua Weiyang smiled like a spring breeze and walked out of the yard with her hands behind her back. Xiao Chen said from behind, "That must be the moon in the sky."

"Idiot! It's the stars in the sky... What an idiot."

Wei Young's loud laughter came from outside the yard, and Xiao Chen walked out slowly, thinking that she was still as eccentric as before, sometimes liking the stars in the sky, and sometimes liking the moon in the water.

A moment later, the two of them arrived at the Mystic Demon Cliff without knowing it. Hua Weiyang suddenly said, "By the way, there is something... I want to tell you about that day at Zhongyue Peak."


Xiao Chen looked at her and saw that she had a solemn look on her face. She no longer smiled as before, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's Senior Ku Lingzi..."

Hua Weiyang gradually frowned and said, "The Taiyin Division attacked you that day. In desperation, Ku Lingzi shot a burst of soul power at it and knocked it back. But not long after that, I vaguely noticed A faint trace of spiritual power, it seems that someone... noticed Ku Lingzi. "


After listening, the expression on Xiao Chen's face gradually became serious. He nodded and said, "That day, I also vaguely realized that besides senior Feng Moyao, there must be other people who discovered Ku Lingzi. But that person was hiding in the dark and did not show up. I think he was definitely not an ordinary person. "

Hua Weiyang said, "Ku Lingzi is a person from all over the world. I'm worried that one day... people from all over the world will find him."

"People from all over the world...if this is the case, have to be more careful in the future."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he looked towards Lone Peak. Although Ku Lingzi's soul power had been broken through now, he had no body after all. If the soul was captured by someone, it would be very dangerous.

After a while, the two came to the black water pool under the Mystic Demon Cliff. They saw the water in the pool surging, and with a "crash", Huo emerged from the water, turning a pair of huge blood-red eyes, looking at the two of them.

In fact, there is an illusion under the black water pool. Xiao Chen locked the old man in green in the Taiyin Palace in a secret place. No matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to figure it out even if there was a ruthless guard here.

"Weiyang, just stay up there, I'll go down and take a look."


Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, and Xiao Chen no longer hesitated. With a wave of his hand, the water immediately rushed to both sides, and a road appeared in the middle.

Xiao Chen went down this road and reached the illusion at the bottom of the pond. He saw a faint light floating and the faint sound of dripping water. Not long after, he came to a stone room.

I saw a stone pillar in the middle of the stone room, and the restrictions on it were quite heavy. At this moment, the old man in green in the Taiyin Palace was imprisoned on it, and all the energy points in his body were sealed. Even if he wanted to escape, he could not escape.

Xiao Chen slowly came to him and said calmly, "How is it? Have you thought clearly..."

The old man in green clothes slowly raised his head, his face was very pale, and he said weakly, "What do you want to know from me? Even if you know it, so what..."

"Why did Wutian Palace pursue Xiao Zhufeng and Su Rou back then..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes became cold again, and the old man in green smiled palely, "Do you want to know? Even if you know... so what? Do you want to avenge them? Don't have wishful thinking. The person who killed your parents. , you will never be able to get revenge in this life..."

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