The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 873 Danger is coming

Over the past ten days, the entire Wuyu Heaven has been shrouded in layers of spiritual energy, and everyone is looking forward to the day when Xiao Chen's cultivation will break through.

But in the afternoon, there were originally white clouds, but gradually dark clouds came in. Everyone still went about their duties and did not feel anything unusual.

At this time in Weiyang Palace, Mingyue Valley Master was walking with Hua Weiyang in the flower forest. Seeing Xiao Chen's breakthrough, Mingyue Valley Master was naturally happy. In this way, Wu Yutian's strength would become stronger.

But in Hua Weiyang's heart, for some reason, no matter how beautiful the flowers in front of her were, she always felt an indescribable feeling of depression today. ♦

"Palace Master...what's wrong with you?" Seeing that she had been worried all day long, Mingyue Valley Master finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"No, maybe, I was a little tired from the past few days..." Hua Weiyang smiled softly and looked at her.

The Lord of Mingyue Valley saw that she was smiling so reluctantly, and she was clearly worried. But in the past, no matter what she was worried about, she would always tell herself, why is it so strange today?

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered something."

Just when the owner of Mingyue Valley was still waiting to ask further questions, Hua Weiyang looked at her and said first, "I want to go to the Mystic Demon Cliff. Mingyue, you have been with me for so long today, why don't you go back first? What's more?" , send a spiritual message to Zhongyue Peak and ask Yang Xiaoran when they will come back."

"Yang Xiaoran and the others are exploring that ancient secret realm. They shouldn't come back so soon..."

Mingyue Valley Master frowned slightly, still feeling a little strange, and asked in a low voice, "Palace Master, you are acting a little weird today, is there something wrong?"

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, "What's the matter? Okay, I'm going over there to the Secret Demon Cliff. You should go back early..."


The Lord of Mingyue Valley watched her go away. After a while, he looked towards Wuyu Peak again and saw that the entire Wuyu Palace was shrouded in a vast white aura. He didn't know when he would break through in cultivation. The palace owner must be too worried...

After a while, Hua Weiyang came to the edge of the cold pool under the Mystic Demon Cliff and shouted inside, "Rui, come out.

As the sound fell, the level of the pool rose three feet, and then the water spray dispersed, and a hundred-foot-long strange dragon sprang out from inside. It had a huge head, a pair of blood-red eyes, and the body that covered the whole body. Black scales, the aura of gods and demons constantly seeping out from under the scales, looks very scary.

If an ordinary person saw such a terrifying alien dragon, they would be frightened to death. However, over the years, Hua Weiyang has long been used to it and is not afraid of the divine and demonic aura of the alien dragon at all.

This is a black water dragon that failed to transform into a dragon many times in the Tomb of Gods and Demons. It later swallowed up the souls of countless ancient gods and demons. The last time it failed to transform into a dragon, its soul power was extremely weak and was killed by Xiao Chen and Ghost Taoist. A group of people met each other, and were finally subdued by Xiao Chen with the forbidden magical power of reincarnation, and were named "violent".

The ruthless human nature quickly shrank its body and came to Hua Weiyang, but it seemed to be closer to Hua Weiyang than Xiao Chen.

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, reached out and touched the only blue dragon scale on its forehead, and whispered, "Your Majesty is making a breakthrough now. If it fails, it will be the same as your failure to transform into a dragon. Do you know?"


Ruo let out a low roar and blinked his eyes. He was originally a huge and terrifying thing, but now he looked a little naive in front of Hua Weiyang.

Hua Weiyang smiled, then looked at the dark clouds slowly coming toward Wuyu Tian in the distance, and sighed softly, "But today, someone is coming to deal with Your Majesty, wanting to destroy Wuyu Tian..." "


This time, Luo let out a loud roar, which made the pool of water tremble. It looked like it was angry. Hua Weiyang turned around, smiled softly, and stroked the dragon scales on its forehead: "Finally If you really can't resist it anymore, Zhu, do you know who to protect first..."

Hua Weiyang was stunned for a moment, and finally rubbed her arm lightly, meaning to protect her, Hua Weiyang smiled softly, shook her head, looked at it and said, "No, it's your Majesty.

After hearing this, Rui was stunned again, and Hua Weiyang said, "Rui, you have to protect Your Majesty first, you know? If you understand, you can nod."

After a while, Ru Cai nodded slowly, apparently understanding. Hua Weiyang smiled softly and said, "Follow me." After saying that, Ru Cai waved his sleeves and Ru's huge figure disappeared in an instant.

Besides, on the lonely peak, Ku Lingzi walked slowly down the mountain as usual, with no unusual changes on his face. When he met Wuyu Tian's disciples, he would nod in greeting, until a moment later, he met Hua Weiyang at the bottom of Wuyu Peak.

"Senior Ku Lingzi."

Hua Weiyang greeted him, and Ku Lingzi nodded. The two of them looked at Zhaotian Cliff in front of Wuyutian at the same time, and saw that the dark clouds in the distance were getting closer and closer, coming layer by layer.

At this moment, even though both of them had a premonition of danger, they both understood each other tacitly, and looked at the top of Wuyu Peak at the same time. They saw layers of spiritual energy covering it, and it was so white that they could not see the inside of Wuyu Temple. Case.

Although the entire Wuyu Tian has the ancient restrictions left by Fairy Wuyu, this level of restrictions requires extremely strong spiritual energy from heaven and earth to support it. However, at this time, most of the spiritual energy near Wuyu Tian has been condensed into Wuyu Peak. Therefore, the layer of restrictions outside Wuyu Tian is not as strong as usual.


Hua Weiyang slowly turned around. She had something to say at this moment, but she didn't know how to say it. Ku Lingzi said, "Girl, there's no need to say anything. One of them... is coming for me."

He put his hands behind his back. After speaking, he closed his eyes and said as if talking to himself, "It's been a thousand years and he finally found me.'s a fate that cannot be avoided."

"Sorry, it was that day at Zhongyue Peak..."

Hua Weiyang slowly lowered her head. At this moment, she only felt a little guilty in her heart. How could she not see that Ku Lingzi was ready to fight to the death today, but... back then she promised to find Ku Lingzi a girl. Possessing a perfect physical body, but so far it has not been able to fulfill it...

"Girl, don't worry."

Ku Lingzi slowly opened his eyes, looked up at Wuyu Palace, and said slowly, "Today, no matter what, he will be fine..."


Hearing this, Hua Weiyang's face was slightly startled, and then she slowly lowered her head. At this moment, she felt even more bitter and unspeakable. In fact, just now, she wanted to say that there must be Wutian who comes this time. If the person in the temple is a quasi-sage, then no one in Wuyu Tian can resist him. Although Rui has become much stronger now, it is currently impossible to stop a quasi-sage. Only Ku Lingzi has this ability……

But she also knew that Ku Lingzi's big enemy was here this time. If Ku Lingzi also used his soul power to protect Xiao Chen at this time, it would definitely put herself in more danger. It's hard to imagine what the consequences would be. .

She wanted to say it just now, but she also knew that it was very selfish, but she had no choice. This time Xiao Chen finally realized the truth. Once he succeeded, he would definitely be reborn, but if he failed, he would be doomed.

"Sorry, senior..."

Hua Weiyang lowered her head, her voice gradually getting a little choked. She knew that letting Ku Lingzi use his soul power to protect Xiao Chen at this time would undoubtedly put him in greater danger and possibly make him lose his soul. It was a bit selfish. , but she...had to do this.

"Why should a girl feel guilty?"

Ku Lingzi looked at the Wuyu Peak shrouded in aura and said slowly, "No matter what kind of talent this boy has, he is the best I have ever seen. This time he was able to realize the truth because of nature. If I will also feel sorry if I fail.”


Hearing what he said, Hua Weiyang was stunned again. Ku Lingzi shook his head and continued, "His soul is actually far better than mine. It's just that the soul power can't be discovered at present, but it will be great in the future. When I taught him about the reincarnation ban, he was able to use it in just a few years, and his understanding is far more than ten times better than mine..."

"Senior is saying..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang seemed to understand a little bit. Of course she knew that the reincarnation ban was an ancient forbidden technique. Although it has been passed down to this day, there may only be one or two tenths left, but even if there is only one tenth of this Second, if you practice it to the realm of transformation, it will also be a forbidden magical power that defies the heavens.

But not everyone can practice the ban on reincarnation. Only those with extremely strong soul power, like Ku Lingzi, can practice it.

"With the ability of the Nether Soul Master, he can naturally practice the forbidden reincarnation, but he may not be as good as the kid."

Ku Lingzi looked at the Wuyu Peak shrouded in aura and spoke slowly. At the end of his words, he looked at Hua Weiyang, "In fact, at the beginning, the girl already knew that the three soul skills I taught him were the ban on reincarnation. ,Is it right?"

Hearing him ask about this matter, Hua Weiyang slowly lowered her head and whispered, "I'm ashamed to say that at the beginning... I had doubts... about the senior's motive for doing this."

"You are much smarter than that kid..."

Ku Lingzi looked at her, and finally, looked outside Wuyu Tian. The dangerous aura was getting closer and closer, and there were more than one.


Hua Weiyang also stared at the side of Zhaotian Cliff, which was in front of Wuyu Tian and opposite to the Hidden Cloud Sea. At this moment, as the powerful aura got closer and closer, the nearby clouds finally began to surge.

As for Wuyutian's disciples, all those who were outside felt the approaching aura at this moment. Everyone was startled, as well as some people who were still cultivating in the cave. At this moment, they felt the aura coming closer and closer. After taking a breath, they all walked out quickly and rushed towards Zhaotian Cliff.

Soon, the sea of ​​clouds outside Wuyu Tian became more and more violent, and layers of dark clouds ten miles away also covered it. Even the floating island nearby couldn't help but tremble at this moment.

There was a powerful aura coming from a distance, which made many people feel suffocated. This aura... was the aura of a quasi-sage, and... there were more than one!

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