At this moment, everyone in Wuyu Heaven changed their expressions, and suddenly they remembered the black-robed man who appeared from the void that day at Zhongyue Peak. Could it be that he was here...

Soon, this suffocating breath was less than a hundred miles away. "Boom, boom!" I heard a burst of thunder, and I saw layers of thunderclouds covering the outside of Wuyu Sky in an instant. Anyone who came close Human beings will be destroyed by thunder. This is the prohibition outside the Desireless Heaven.

But even so, it could not stop the aura from coming. At this moment, many people came to Zhaotian Cliff, and the Four Valley Valley Master of Lianhua Palace also came here immediately.

"Palace Master!"

When she saw the scene of black clouds coming in front of her, Mingyue Valley Master couldn't help being startled and immediately flew to Hua Weiyang's side. No wonder the palace master always felt weird today. It turned out that she had a premonition of danger... ✭


Mrs. Xianshu also rushed over quickly, looking at the direction in which the layers of black clouds were coming, and then towards Wuyu Hall. The restriction outside was weakened, and Xiao Chen didn't know when he would break through, but this time, He is a quasi-sage... terrible is that? Moving mountains and filling seas is omnipotent. If there is no restriction outside Wuyu Heaven, then the opponent can crush the entire Wuyu Heaven with just a lift of his palm. Even though there are still restrictions between heaven and earth, who can stop it this time? Holy…

In the Wuyu Hall, Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly closed, and the true energy in his body was flowing endlessly. He had naturally felt the quasi-sage aura outside, but now, he has not broken through yet and must not stop. If it is interrupted at this time, At the least, one's cultivation will be completely wiped out, while at the worst, one's soul will be damaged and will never be recovered.

At this moment, he must not mess up...


The thunderclouds outside Wuyu Tian are getting denser and denser, but inside, everyone is ready for a fierce battle, with sword rays shooting straight into the sky.

The Four Valley Valley Masters, headed by the Ruthless Valley Master, and the other three Valley Masters, the Mingyue Valley Master, the Diemeng Valley Master, and the Zhulong Valley Master, also led people to set up defensive formations.

Finally, among the layers of black clouds, many figures appeared. The leader was a pale man. At this moment, everyone felt suffocated by the cold and uncomfortable breath. It was the aura of the man in black robe at Zhongyue Peak some time ago! One of the seven halls of Wutian Hall, the master of Taiyin Hall...

At this time, there were many people behind him. They must be masters from the Taiyin Palace, but looking at the lifeless faces of those people, they were like puppets. They did not look like ordinary cultivators, but they had a powerful aura. Practice breath.

"The Desireless Heaven has finally arrived..."

The Taiyin Division's face was dark, and he looked towards the Wuyu Peak shrouded in spiritual energy, and smiled coldly, "Gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to make a breakthrough... It's a pity that you can't break through today. Today, this Division... will bloodbath you Wuyu Tian!" "

At this moment, the murderous aura in his body increased sharply. He remembered that day at Zhongyue Peak, when the old man in green was forcibly captured by Xiao Chen before leaving. Every time he thought of the scene that day, he wished he could wash the entire Wuyu Heaven with blood.

"The devil...appears!"

As the Taiyin Secretary shouted coldly, countless monsters suddenly appeared among the layers of black clouds. However, these monsters were covered in black energy and their eyes were blood red, making them look extremely terrifying.

I saw Taiyin Secretary's eyes were cold, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Wuyutian, and said in a cold voice, "The devil obeys my command and breaks those restrictions for me!"

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, like a tide, countless monsters surged out of the black cloud, overwhelming the sky and rushing towards the Wuyu Sky.


Suddenly there was a thunderous sound, and countless sky thunders fell. Some of the Ao Demons were wiped out under the rolling forbidden sky thunders, but there were still a small number of Ao Demons that broke through the restricted area of ​​​​the sky thunders, screamed loudly, and entered the forbidden area inside. Got hit.


There was constant thunder outside, and under the collision of countless berserk demons, the inside of Wuyutian was also trembling. I saw those berserker demons that broke through the restricted area of ​​​​the sky thunder, rushing in one after another as if they were crazy.

When they rush to the restriction, most of their bodies and spirits will be destroyed, but these monsters still keep rushing up. Although in a short period of time, these monsters cannot break through the restriction of Wuyu Tian, ​​but if they continue like this, it won't be long before they will be destroyed. Restrictions will also be unsustainable.

Taiyin Si smiled coldly, waved his sleeves, and in the black clouds behind, countless more demons appeared. One group died, and another group rushed forward, as if there was no end.

In Wuyu Tian, ​​everyone's face has already turned pale. What are these monsters that are pouring out like a mountain? Once the restriction is broken and these monsters are allowed to rush in like a tide, the consequences will be unimaginable...

Soon, there were more and more demons outside, making shrill and harsh sounds, rushing towards Wuyutian's restriction.

At this time, Ku Lingzi had arrived at Zhaotian Cliff, with his hands clasped behind his back, looking very calm. The Taiyin Division's eyes immediately locked on him, and said with a cold smile, "It seems that this is the one who took action that day." A senior..."

Ku Lingzi's face was cold and he said coldly, "You alone probably don't have the guts to come to Wuyu Tian. The other friend must be here for me. I have already noticed you when you are thousands of miles away." The aura, why hide your head and tail at this time, show up. "

Just as he finished speaking, a figure gradually appeared in the black clouds. The man was hidden under a black robe and had a robe on his head. His appearance could not be clearly seen. .

But at this moment, everyone felt a terrifying soul aura from him. At this moment, everyone seemed to have fallen into a cold ice pool. What a terrifying soul...

"Who are you?"

Ku Lingzi's eyes narrowed. He felt a very familiar soul aura from this person. The owner of this soul aura was none other than his master back then, the Netherworld Soul Master!

He originally thought that it was a clone of the Nether Soul Lord who came, but just now he noticed that there was another soul aura in this soul aura. It was not like the Nether Soul Lord. If it wasn't the Nether Soul Lord, why? But it also has the soul aura of the Netherworld Soul Lord...


At this moment, an eerie voice came from under the black robe, "What? The former Youtian Soul Saint...can't even recognize me?"

"who are you?"

Ku Lingzi's eyes were cold. Not many people knew that he was Youtian Soul Saint. Who was this person in front of him? Why is there the soul aura of the Netherworld Soul Lord on my body...


Under the black robe, a sinister laughter came out again: "I think back then, the mighty Youtian Soul Saint was the only one in the whole world who had not yet become a saint, but he did not even let go of the powerful saints. The person in my eyes is now living on his last breath, hiding in such a small place, tsk tsk tsk... it is really sad and pitiful..."

"Who are you..."

At this moment, Ku Lingzi's eyes became even colder, and the man in black robe smiled coldly, "Youtian Soul Saint, back then you betrayed your master, betrayed the entire Netherworld Dao, betrayed the world, and yet you told people everywhere, It's the master who betrayed you, haha... Do you think you can escape again today..."


Ku Lingzi's expression condensed. At this moment, his face suddenly changed, "It's you..."

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