"Taiyin Division doesn't have to be so nervous, we won't be enemies..."

The black shadow in the robe slowly came to the front of Taiyin Division and smiled sinisterly, "Maybe Taiyin Division doesn't know that there is another person behind that kid..."

"Who is that person..."

Taiyin Si's eyes were cold, and every time he thought of that day at Zhongyue Peak, he felt angry. Fortunately, it was just his clone that day. If it were his original self, his soul would have been severely damaged by a sneak attack like that.

"That person..."

The black figure in the robe said with a sinister smile, "That man has a great background. If he had been at his peak a thousand years ago, he would have been completely destroyed physically and mentally by just moving his fingers..."

"What did you say……"

At this moment, Taiyin Si's eyes were as cold as ice, and the murderous aura on his body became much heavier. The black figure in the robe smiled faintly, "Why should Taiyin Si be angry? It is common for Taiyin Si to be inferior to others in strength. The weak will eat the strong, and the strong will be respected... Taiyin Division is deep in this Wutian Palace, how can it be that he doesn’t even understand such a superficial principle? He shows his murderous intent at every turn and exposes his aura. This is a taboo in cultivation. Taiyin Division..."

Hearing this, Taiyin Si's murderous aura gradually faded away, and he said coldly, "Who is that person?"

"That person..."

The black figure in the battle robe said calmly, "He was once the Netherworld Soul Saint of Netherworld Dao, inferior to one person and above ten thousand people... But later, he betrayed the Netherworld Soul Lord, and only one soul escaped in a hurry..."

"The Netherworld Road, all over the world..."

Taiyin Division's eyes narrowed, and at this moment, he seemed to understand something. The black figure in the robe looked at him and said, "Yes, Taiyin Division's goal is that boy, and my goal is the Youtian Soul Saint behind that kid. Only if you and I cooperate, can we possibly break through Wuyutian's defense..."


Taiyin Si coldly flicked his sleeves, "Why should I believe you?"

The black figure in the dou robe said calmly, "The Taiyin Division may not believe me, but the boy named Xiao is about to make a breakthrough in the past few days. If he succeeds in breaking through, even if the Taiyin Division has the strength of a quasi-sage, he may not be his opponent in the future. Taiyin Division, you have to think clearly..."

"Who are you?" Taiyin Si asked coldly with cold eyes. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

"Me? Then listen carefully..."

The black figure in the robe smiled faintly and floated out of the hall. Only a few words came faintly, "True Lord of the Four Seas... Xuan Xiao."

"It's really you...Xuan Xiao!"

At this moment, on Zhaotian Cliff, Ku Lingzi was finally able to determine who the black-robed figure in front of him was. His fingers were squeezing loudly, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Youtian Soul Saint, have you finally recognized me..."

Zhenjun Xuanxiao smiled sinisterly. He was the one who bloodbathed the entire Lingshu Palace for the "Nine Transformations". However, he did not expect at the time that Luo Meifeng would hand over the Nine Transformations to a man who had been in the industry for less than three years. disciple.

At that time, all the disciples of the Lingshu Palace, three years after entering, had their soul marks imprinted in the Soul Lamp of Life and Death, which could not be erased. No matter which one escaped, Zhenjun Xuanxiao could use that person's soul to Light, easy to find...

At that time, Shen Jing was brought back to Lingshu Palace by Luo Meifeng. She had entered the Lingshu Palace less than three years ago. Therefore, at that time, Luo Meifeng had already thought about everything. Only by handing the Nine Transformations to Shen Jing could True Lord Xuanxiao not be found. So she tried her best to let Shen Jing escape, even at the cost of her soul.

"In the ancient realm of Xianbei, everyone thought that the extraordinary and otherworldly master was like a god. But who could have imagined that behind this extraordinary and holy true king, there was actually a murderer who did not blink an eye and even sold his soul to The devil’s ridiculous person…”

At this moment, a cold female voice sounded, and Hua Weiyang came out. She naturally remembered clearly that when she and Xiao Chen were in the Xianbei Ancient Realm, the two of them took the power of the Canglong for the Tianji Tower, and finally People from Xuanxiao Palace appeared and wanted the power of the Canglong from the two of them.

At that time, she knew that this True Lord Xuanxiao was not a good person, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.


Zhenjun Xuanxiao did not pay attention to Hua Weiyang, his eyes still stayed on Ku Lingzi, and smiled coldly, "Youtian Soul Saint, did you just realize now that you can't save anyone? It was like this a thousand years ago, twenty years ago A few years ago, it was the same in Lingshu Palace, and now... it's the same in Wuyutian."

When he said this, he paused and continued, "But you don't need to be sad. When Luo Meifeng died, there was no pain at all. I just cut off her head with one sword. Maybe when she died, She was still thinking that you would suddenly appear to save her, hehehe..."

"Xuan Xiao..."

Ku Lingzi squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter, and his eyes gradually became bloodshot. In this life, Luo Meifeng was his only confidante. When he was in trouble, it was Luo Meifeng who saved him. In fact, he had always known Luo Meifeng's His heart has not changed for hundreds of years, but he cannot accept it. His heart is full of hatred. He wants to seek revenge from the Nether Soul Lord. He is afraid that he will drag down Luo Meifeng like he did before...

I still remember that more than 300 years ago, on the evening when he left, the cool breeze and the plum blossom wind chased him all the way out of the valley. There was still reluctance in his eyes: "This time, are you really going to leave..."

"Mei Feng...I'm sorry, this time..."

"I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting for your revenge, no matter when, I'll be waiting for you..."

"Take care of yourself……"

After he left Lingshu Palace that time, he was looking for a suitable body. Not long after, he found Shen Cangming, who was seriously injured and dying. How could he have expected that he failed to seize the body twice. The second time, he was desperate, regardless of the consequences. , but in the end his soul was severely damaged. It was not until later, when his soul was at its weakest, that he unfortunately met Ye Zhiqiu and was imprisoned for three hundred years. When he came out again, the world had already changed, and the Lingshu Palace was no longer there. All that's left is the rows of short earthen graves under the dusk...


Suddenly, Ku Lingzi raised his head and let out a long roar. His mind was filled with images of his family being massacred thousands of years ago. Hua Weiyang was beside him, and she couldn't help being shocked. She quickly sent a divine thought: "Senior! This is it!" People want to disturb your mind, you must not..."

"I know……"

Ku Lingzi slowly calmed down and looked coldly at True Lord Xuanxiao, "So now, you have made a 'soul contract' with the Nether Soul Lord..."

The so-called "soul contract" is a magical means that is only available in the Netherworld Dao. Basically, Zhenjun Xuanxiao now has part of the power of the Netherworld Soul Lord, but his soul will always belong to the Netherworld Soul Lord. When he dies, Afterwards, he will no longer be reincarnated, and his soul will be devoured by the Nether Soul Lord.

Ku Lingzi can understand that originally, True Lord Xuanxiao was the weakest among the True Lords of the Four Seas. The other three people looked down on him at all, so he would do whatever it took. He wanted to get the Nine Transformations back then, but the Nine Transformations failed. After getting it, he has now made a soul contract with the Nether Soul Lord.

At this moment, Ku Lingzi also knew the purpose of True Lord Xuanxiao. Once a person like True Lord Xuanxiao gained strength, he would never be willing to let his soul be restricted by others, but he had already made a decision with the Netherworld Soul Lord. How can we escape from the soul contract? Only the ban on reincarnation...

Therefore, this person's purpose is very obvious. He wants to capture himself and force himself to hand over the reincarnation ban. Once he practices the reincarnation ban, he can escape from it and even backfire on the Nether Soul Master. This person's ambition can be said to be very great. …

"Zhenjun Xuanxiao, I think it's almost time for you to reminisce about the past..." At this moment, the Taiyin Division's voice suddenly sounded not far away.

"Do not worry……"

True Lord Xuanxiao's eyes were cold. As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his robe, and a majestic soul power suddenly surged towards Zhaotian Cliff like a tide. With a "bang", it hit the restriction, and the entire order was instantly destroyed. Wuyutian trembled violently.

The disciples of Wuyu Tian turned pale, this person's soul power is so strong! Even above the Taiyin Division of Wutian Palace...

The look on Ku Lingzi's face also became very solemn. Today's True Lord Xuanxiao can no longer be the True Lord Xuanxiao he once was. This person has the power of the Netherworld Soul Master, and his strength is probably still there. Above the Taiyin Division, and the one who came today is probably just a clone...


The thunder outside fell one after another, but under the attacks of those tidal demons, as well as the soul power attack of Zhenjun Xuanxiao at this time, the entire Wuyu Heaven's restriction has become weaker and weaker.

If it were in the past, this layer of ancient restrictions would not have been broken so easily. However, in these ten days, almost 90% of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Wuyu Tian was condensed into Wuyu Peak, so the only restrictions outside were The intensity was reduced by less than 10%.

"Everyone, form the formation!"

Madam Xianshu's eyes were cold. With an order, everyone in Wuyu Tian quickly formed a formation. Seeing that the restriction outside was full of cracks, everyone knew in their hearts that this restriction could no longer hold up. Well, instead of panicking at this moment, it is better to calm down and defend against the enemy.

"I swear to live and die with the Desireless Heaven!"

Led by the four masters of Qingqing Valley, Mingyue Valley, Diemeng Valley, and Zhulong Valley, all the disciples from the four valleys of Lianhua Palace rushed up at this time, plus the disciples of Wuyutian, there were quite a few of them.

"I swear to live and die with the Desireless Heaven!"

The crowd roared in unison, not afraid of the monsters coming like a tide outside, nor the two powerful men at the quasi-sage level, True Lord Xuanxiao and Taiyin Division.

"Haha... bees and ants are all here, they will eventually die!" Taiyin Si smiled coldly and pointed a cold hand, "Break it for me!"

Following the order, the demons that surged like a tide, despite numerous casualties, finally broke through Wuyutian's last defensive barrier, and immediately rushed toward Zhaotian Cliff overwhelmingly.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The screams were endless, and the disciples raised their flying swords. Suddenly, the sky was filled with sword light, killing these monsters with one sword after another. However, these monsters seemed to be endlessly killed, killing one group and another. He rushed inside again.


Just when everyone was about to be unable to withstand it, a thundering dragon roar sounded, and behind everyone, a hundred-foot-long black strange dragon suddenly appeared. With a sweep of its tail, the swarms of demons were instantly reduced to ashes, and the energy of gods and demons burst into flames. Rush, those demons were wiped out in an instant.

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