The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 877 A fierce battle!

With the addition of Li, the demons summoned by Taiyin Division soon dispersed layer by layer. They came like a tide, and now they are leaving like a tide. No matter how many came up, they could not resist the gods and demons on Li's body. Qi.


The Taiyin Division smiled gloomily, looked at the hundred-foot-long black strange dragon on Zhaotian Cliff, and said lightly, "I didn't expect to see a strange dragon from the ancient eastern world now, but..."

When he said this, his eyes sharpened suddenly, "No matter how much resistance you resist, it will only slow down the speed of destruction. In the end, it is still... impossible to escape death!" ❊

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a swift shadow, and almost before everyone could see clearly, he rushed into Zhaotian Cliff, and struck violently with a palm. A "boom" sound shook the whole place. Zhaotianya shuddered violently, and those who were a little closer were shaken to the point of trembling, their energy and blood surged, and even the ruthless Baizhang Jiao Body was shaken back by this palm.

Looking at Taiyin Si again, he has his right hand behind his back. The one he just used was his left palm. Just one palm was so powerful!

Everyone was shocked. Is this the power of a quasi-sage? very scary……


Ru once again let out a loud roar that shook the sky, and the energy of gods and demons surged from his body. He swept the dragon's tail, and suddenly the sky was filled with clouds. The Taiyin Division's eyes were cold: "Today... I will accept you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, I saw him kicking his feet, and his whole body was like a swift shadow, attacking Li again. At the same time, the right hand that had been behind him suddenly stretched out, and there was actually a gloomy hand in his hand. The long black sword slashed towards the enemy with one strike.

As the sword was slashed out, everyone present felt a cold and cold sword intent, "Clang, clank!" After several rapid sounds, even the indestructible black scales on Lu's body were cut off piece by piece. .

Everyone was trembling with fear. At this moment, they saw that among the dark clouds outside, there were suddenly countless more people from the Taiyin Palace. They were so densely packed that they were countless. It turned out that these people were all hidden by the Taiyin Division. In the dark clouds, this was used to cover up the auras of everyone without alerting the peerless masters like the old beggar in the world.

At this moment, after the black cloud dispersed, countless people rushed towards Zhaotian Cliff. For a moment, the entire Zhaotian Cliff was filled with the sound of killings, the sound of weapons clashing and handing over, the sky full of swords and shadows, and colorful magic weapons rising into the sky. , it’s dazzling.

As soon as the fierce battle started, both sides rushed towards each other like a tide. Soon, the entire Zhaotian Cliff was plunged into a melee. On the other side, Zhenjun Xuanxiao looked at Ku Lingzi and smiled faintly: "Youtian Soul" Holy, in that battle back then, there was no winner. How about we fight again..."

The laughter that came from under the robe was sinister and cold. In fact, many years ago, there was a time when Ku Lingzi fought against the Heavenly Tribulation, but was plotted against by seven people. That time, it was True Lord Xuanxiao who secretly plotted to find someone. Six people came, and one of them was Xuanming Youjun of Xiaoyao Tower.

But that time, Ku Lingzi killed two of them and seriously injured three of them, even though he tried hard to damage his soul. The remaining two were True Lord Xuanxiao and Lord Xuanmingyou.

"Okay, let's fight again!"

At this time, Ku Lingzi's eyes were cold as he recalled the past. What's more, the person in front of him was the murderer who killed Luo Meifeng and destroyed the entire Lingshu Palace!

As soon as he finished speaking, his whole body's soul power shook, almost causing the void within three feet to twist. It was obvious that only extremely powerful soul power could achieve this.

The moment he finished speaking, True Lord Xuan Xiao suddenly disappeared. In the next moment, like a ghost, he was in front of him in an instant.

"Youquan Soul Seal!"

Zhenjun Xuanxiao's attack was as fast as lightning. His hands instantly formed soul seals, and he pointed at the center of Ku Lingzi's eyebrows. This is an extremely powerful soul-sealing method of Netherworld Dao. It is especially effective against the soul body. Once hit by the soul seal, , even if it is not sealed instantly, most likely the soul will be injured and the soul power will be greatly reduced.

Regarding the methods of Netherworld Dao, Ku Lingzi asked himself that he still knew clearly. At this time, he formed seals with his hands and pointed. There was a "bang" sound. The fingerprints of the two people were handed over. There was a flash of mysterious light, which suddenly shook the nearby sea of ​​clouds. Trembling, both of them felt their souls being shaken at the same time, and they both stepped back several feet.

Zhenjun Xuanxiao's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that this person still had such strong soul power. If he wanted to capture him today, he would probably have to use the Taiyin Division.

Ku Lingzi's eyes were cold. If he were still the former True Lord Xuanxiao, with his soul power slowly returning to its former peak, he could be killed with one finger. But the man in front of him already had the power of the Netherworld Soul Master. The power can no longer be that of the former True Lord Xuanxiao. It seems that the clone that appeared today has the strength of the fourth and fifth levels of quasi-sage. His cultivation level is probably close to the holy realm.

"Three thousand fierce ghosts!"

Suddenly, True Lord Xuanxiao gave a sharp shout and once again attacked like a ghost. This time, the sky was full of gloomy wind, and layers of black mist were shrouded in. There were many ghosts in the black mist, and bloody faces appeared, sharp and sharp. The shrill sounds continued to sound, and it suddenly sounded like thousands of ghosts roaring, and it was terrifying.

"Sadness paints the autumn wind."

Ku Lingzi kicked the wind and swept away the fallen leaves. Suddenly, a sense of sadness emerged in the world. Even the cries and screams of the "Three Thousand Fierce Ghosts" were suppressed layer by layer.

"Old thief, he does have some tricks..."

True Lord Xuanxiao's three thousand ghosts were destroyed, and his murderous aura became even stronger. He formed seals with his hands again, and with soul seals, he suddenly hit Ku Lingzi overwhelmingly.

On one side, the two of them fought with their soul power and the situation was shaken. On the other side, Taiyin Si and Rui also fought to the point where the sky and the earth were eclipsed. Rui's original hundred-foot-long dragon body had now become fifty or sixty-foot long, and many of its scales had fallen off. The energy of gods and demons continued to seep out, and it was obvious that the soul was also damaged.

At this moment, there was a sudden tremor on the side of Wuyu Peak, and several spiritual lights suddenly appeared. Seeing this situation, the Taiyin Division's eyes were cold and cold. No matter what today, we must not let this kid break through smoothly, otherwise once he breaks through , it is almost impossible to take it down again, and it must be done quickly.

Thinking of this, I saw him shaking away the violence with a palm, and then turned into a swift shadow and flew towards Wuyu Peak. Everyone here was shocked when they saw him flying towards Wuyu Peak, but then At this moment, a figure suddenly stopped in front of Wuyu Peak. That person was Hua Weiyang.

I saw Hua Weiyang holding "Quick Snow Shiqing", the coldness flowing on her body, the sword edge was like frost, and a frosty air spread bit by bit, even though she was facing an accurate person with at least the third level of strength at this time. Holy, but there was no trace of fear in her eyes at this time.


Seeing such a beautiful person standing in front of him, Taiyin Si became interested, "You want to stop me?"

It was obvious that there was a kind of disdain in his expression and tone at this moment. In his opinion, such a person with a shallow cultivation standing in front of him was tantamount to using a mantis' arm as a chariot and causing his own destruction.

But when he saw such a beautiful person, he felt pity for Hua in his heart. He didn't want to kill her just like that, but wanted to capture her too. Of course, he didn't know Hua Weiyang's identity.

"If you get out of the way, I can spare your life. If you don't overestimate your capabilities, I can... help you."

Taiyin Si looked at the beauty in front of him and said lightly.

Hua Weiyang's eyes were still fixed and she said coldly, "I don't allow anyone to hurt him, even Wutian Palace. If you want to kill him, then step over my body first."

Just as she was speaking, even the ancient sword in her hand began to tremble slightly, making a slight sword sound, as if it resonated with her at this moment.

"Ha ha!"

Taiyin Si raised his head and smiled. In his opinion, a person who was only at the Hehe stage of cultivation said such words in front of him, as if he were a mantis in the afternoon waving his arms and claws in front of him. He looked so ignorant. ridiculous……

However, the next moment, the smile on his face froze in the cold air. At this moment, he didn't even believe it, he didn't believe the mysterious power he felt at this moment!

This is definitely not a human power!

Suddenly, Taiyin Si's eyes narrowed and he stared at the woman in front of him. He saw that the woman had let go of the sword in her hand, and the sword was floating beside her. Her hands were forming seals continuously, a terrifying force. , was pouring out of her body.

A purple soul mark appeared between her eyebrows, the pupils of her eyes also turned purple, and thick purple fog appeared around her body. This was a suffocating force!

At the same time, there was also the frosty air emanating from her body. It was a bone-chilling cold, as if it could be frozen thousands of miles away in an instant!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's heart on the left side of her chest started beating violently, as if a peerless force was about to break through!


When they felt the power coming from Hua Weiyang at this time, Mrs. Xianshu and Mingyue Valley Master and others on the other side of Zhaotian Cliff were all startled. At this time, in Wuyu Palace, Xiao Chen lightly closed his eyes, and the same He felt her power, but now, he couldn't be distracted.

"Now, is it okay..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's eyes were as cold as frost, soul marks appeared between her eyebrows, her eyes were purple, purple mist wrapped around her body, and her aura became extremely terrifying in an instant.

Many people at Zhaotian Cliff were stunned. This was completely different from the usual Palace Master Weiyang. It was as if he had completely changed. It was not just that his strength had become stronger, but this look in his eyes...

Palace Master Weiyang has never had such a terrifying look in her eyes. In the past, her eyes always contained tenderness and love for this world. But at this moment, why does it give people the feeling of falling into an abyss, cold and heartless? …

"It's interesting...two souls?"

Taiyin Secretary's eyes narrowed slightly. He really couldn't understand why, in just a few moments, she had completely changed into a different person and her power had increased so much. In his understanding, there was probably only one possibility, that in her body , has two souls.

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