The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 878 Unlocking the Seal!

"But even if it what!"

At this moment, Taiyin Division's eyes became cold again, and as soon as he finished speaking, a cold force suddenly gathered together, turned into billowing black mist, and attacked Hua Weiyang.

The temperature nearby suddenly dropped a lot. What he practiced was an extremely rare Xuanyin skill. Ordinary people would never dare to take on his Taiyin power. However, at this moment, Hua Weiyang turned a blind eye to the cold weather. When the air mask came up, he casually flicked his sleeves, and the same cold air surged out, blocking all the cold power of the Taiyin Division in mid-air.

"How can it be……"

Taiyin Si was slightly shocked, how could this woman not be afraid of his Taiyin power at all?

You must know that what he is practicing is a Zhiyin Xuan Gong, not to mention that the Taiyin Palace is located in the land of Xuanyin. He has practiced the power of Taiyin for hundreds of years, even if he is like Lian Zhensi, Ziwei Si, etc. People who were several levels higher than him would never dare to ignore his Taiyin power like this. ✼✾

The power of Taiyin often hurts the heart and soul. Once injured by the power of Taiyin, there is no possibility of recovery within a hundred years. But why is this woman in front of me... not afraid of this power of Taiyin at all?

"The power of Taiyin?"

Hua Weiyang's eyes were still cold, and she said calmly, "The Yin Qi you have gathered over hundreds of years is worthy of being called 'Taiyin'..."


Seeing her mocking him, Taiyin Secretary's eyes suddenly became even colder. It was precisely because his cultivation level was the lowest among the seven hall masters, but the other six hall masters were afraid of his Taiyin power, so he always used his He was proud of his Taiyin power, but never thought that when he met someone today, he not only ignored his Taiyin power, but also mocked himself as not worthy of being called "Taiyin". At this moment, the murderous intent in his eyes became much stronger.

"Forget it... let me show you what the power of Xuanyin is!"

Hua Weiyang's voice was cold. As soon as she finished speaking, a bone-chilling cold instantly enveloped everything nearby, freezing everything nearby. Even the Taiyin Division, a layer of ice crystals quickly formed on their bodies. That mysterious yin The power penetrated from his hands and feet in an instant, slowly freezing him. As for the people in the Taiyin Palace in the distance, as well as the demons, they were all frozen in this moment!

At this time, those who were outside Zhaotian Cliff and had not entered were shocked when they saw this scene. How could it be possible? Lord Taiyin is cultivating the power of Taiyin, how could he be frozen by someone at this moment? If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be difficult for them to believe the scene in front of them...


In the distance, Mrs. Xianshu's face turned pale. This was the power of Xuanyin in Weiyang's body. Using this power of Xuanyin would cause great harm to herself...

"Idiot, you must hold on..."

In mid-air, Hua Weiyang held her breath and concentrated, and soon the entire Taiyin Division was frozen. She knew that in her current state, even if she used the power of the You clan, it would be impossible to freeze a third-level quasi-sage. I just hope... I can delay it for a moment.

Over at Zhaotian Cliff, Ku Lingzi and True Lord Xuanxiao were still fighting fiercely. Ku Lingzi was worried about destroying Wuyutian's defensive restrictions, so he had to lead True Lord Xuanxiao away, and True Lord Xuanxiao saw Wu Yutian. Taiyin Division, who was frozen in Yufeng, had a trace of contempt in his eyes: "What a useless waste..."

I saw his mysterious energy being drawn, and he immediately gathered six flying swords with red light, and slashed towards Taiyin Division at once, hoping to help him break through the ice, but at this moment, Ku Lingzi focused his fingers. With one flick, a finger force was intercepted, and several "bang bang bang" sounds blocked his flying swords, but one of them still penetrated into the layers of ice. The cold on Taiyin Si's body The ice immediately broke into seven or eight cracks.

Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, and with a swipe of his hand, Kuai Xue Shiqing immediately flew over, and a cold, frost-like sword energy was emitted, which immediately made the ice layer on Taiyin Si's body much heavier.

After about a quarter of an hour like this, when everyone was tense, the layers of ice on Taiyin Division finally continued to appear cracks, and finally fell apart with a "bang".

"You, a little yellow-haired girl, want to seal off this company!"

The Taiyin Division broke out of the ice, and a majestic force suddenly surged towards Hua Weiyang. This was the real power of a quasi-sage, not the power of Taiyin. Even if Hua Weiyang unlocked her own seal and used the power of the You Clan, It's impossible to resist the force.

"Palace Master!"

Seeing such a thrilling scene, many people below were shocked. They saw that the power like a wave surged down, and everything turned into powder. Hua Weiyang stepped back step by step, but every step seemed particularly strenuous. In the end, With a swipe of her finger, a faint purple light rushed out, and with a "bang", the power of the Taiyin Division dissipated.

“Interesting and interesting…”

Taiyin Si took two steps back, looked at the beauty in front of him, and said with great interest, "Little girl, you are very interesting to me. Why don't you let me take a good look at who you are..."

"Little girl? Look carefully, I can be your grandma! Take the move!"

Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold and stern. With a flick of his palms, several streaks of sharp purple mist flew out. The Taiyin Division noticed that these purple mist contained a mysterious power and did not dare to resist. He immediately started to take psychedelic steps under his feet. After avoiding them, he condensed With a flick of his finger, another sword energy shot through the air and slashed straight towards Hua Weiyang.


There was only a sharp sound, but Hua Weiyang raised up Kuai Xue Shi Qing in an instant and blocked the sword.

"Not bad power, but do you think...only you can improve your skills in a short time?"

The Taiyin Division smiled gloomily. Suddenly, he was chanting a mantra in his mouth and making seals with his hands. Several bloody rays of light suddenly flew from his body, and his aura actually increased a lot in an instant. It seemed that his skill was at least at least This moment it rose to two levels.

"Come again now!"

The Taiyin Division, whose skill had greatly increased, even looked much more terrifying at this moment. With a flick of his hands, an overwhelming force roared towards Hua Weiyang.

"Palace Master!"

At this time, everyone could see clearly that the palace master could no longer withstand the blow so easily. As expected, before the power surged over, she could no longer bear it, her face turned pale, and she kept retreating.


At this moment, a huge roar sounded, but Hu flew over again. After a short recovery, its soul power was obviously enhanced a bit, but it was still not enough. Even so, it was difficult to resist the attack of a fifth-level quasi-sage. strength.

Just hearing a loud "bang", the surroundings trembled violently, and both it and Hua Weiyang were blown away by this terrifying force.

" seems to be nothing more than that."

Amidst the smoke and dust, the Taiyin Division slowly walked over. Hua Weiyang looked pale and stared at him coldly, but at this moment, she knew clearly in her heart.

This person's cultivation is too strong. He has only unlocked one layer of seals. He is definitely no match for this person. He needs to unlock at least one more layer of seals...

But the little brother said that the second layer of seal must not be unlocked, because it will definitely attract divine punishment...

At this moment, Hua Weiyang fell into a kind of confusion, full of worries, not knowing what to do. At this moment, Taiyin Division suddenly attacked again, let out a violent roar, and flew over in an instant, with the magic of gods and demons on his body. The anger was suddenly overwhelming.

"Bedbug, get out of here! I don't have time to play with you!"

Taiyin Si's eyes were cold and cold, and he brushed it away with a palm, and the majestic palm power surged away, sending Zhu Hu flying hundreds of feet away.

But the moment he attacked Hua Weiyang, Hua Weiyang jumped up and flew high into the air in an instant. He kept making seals with his hands and recited a spell in his mouth, followed by a terrifying breath, and in an instant, It shrouded down, making everyone tremble!

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