The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 879: Heaven’s Punishment is Ruthless (Part 1)

"That...that is!"

I saw several faint lights emerging from Hua Weiyang's body. At this moment, almost everyone felt a suffocating force. They never knew that Palace Master Weiyang, who usually seemed weak and even fell into a long lethargy, actually had something inside her body. There is such a powerful force!


Mrs. Xianshu's face was already full of surprise. She stared blankly at the increasingly stronger light on Hua Weiyang's body. She saw her hands forming seals, her body shrouded in rays of light, and the "Jade Pity Flower" was also shining brightly. Blooming, constantly surrounding her.

After finishing the incantation, she gently closed her eyes and placed her hands gently on her chest. Pieces of colorful phantom butterflies bloomed from her chest. At this moment, she seemed to have transformed into a butterfly in the vast night sky. The brightest star.

Only a faint voice was heard

There is so much sorrow and so much calamity. The short song ends and the moon is missing. The beautiful city is full of green blood. The green is sometimes exhausted, the blood is sometimes extinguished, and a trace of smoke is never cut off. Yes? Become a butterfly...

"It's the Lianhuaxiyi Jue... She really mastered it!"

At this moment, Mrs. Xianshu's face became even more shocked. At this time, over at Weiyang Palace, she saw a small figure hidden behind a big tree. She was a little girl about ten years old, with a hundred flowers between her eyebrows. The mark was very beautiful and lovely. She was looking at it motionless at the moment, looking at Hua Weiyang's figure in the distance: "Master..."

The power was getting stronger and stronger, and the whole Wuyu Heaven was faintly shaking. The fight between Xuanxiao Zhenjun and Ku Lingzi became more and more fierce. Perhaps this step was something he failed to calculate. At this time, he asked Tai Yin Si glanced over and saw that she was still in a daze, and immediately sent a divine thought, "Stop her quickly! If the power of the ten thousand years of You clan in her body is awakened, you and I will die here today!" "

Upon hearing this, Taiyin Si finally came to his senses. He kicked his feet and used his profound energy to strike Hua Weiyang in mid-air. However, when the powerful palm force approached the opponent, it suddenly became weak. The powerlessness was silently disappeared by the phantom butterflies that filled the sky. Even he himself felt a tightness in his chest and was shaken back by the force that bounced back.


At this moment, the Taiyin Division finally realized that something was wrong. They had just heard from True Lord Xuanxiao about the power of the You Clan ten thousand years ago. Could it be that this woman was actually a member of that clan ten thousand years ago...

At this moment, the faint voice still echoed in Zhaotian Cliff and in the empty Wuyu Palace. Xiao Chen closed his eyes tightly, his eyebrows became deeper and deeper, and the cold sweat on his forehead gathered more and more.

"Stop her!"

True Lord Xuanxiao once again sent a spiritual thought to the Taiyin Division. The Taiyin Division woke up with a start, and then used nearly nine layers of profound energy to hit the mid-air. However, no matter what, it could not break through that layer. Layer of Phantom Butterfly Defense.

Finally, Hua Weiyang opened her eyes. At this moment, she was like a flower from the other side that had fallen thousands of feet into the netherworld. It was as bright as blood, and she was also like a rootless lotus in the sky. It was not contaminated by any dust. So bright and flawless.

The jade pity flower floated on her chest, blooming with pure and flawless light. It was carved for her by that man himself thousands of years ago...

In her mouth, she slowly chanted the spell again. She knew that she had to unlock the second layer of seals in order to repel the person in front of her. She also knew that in the process of unlocking the second layer of seals, something would definitely happen. God's punishment will come, but she is not afraid. What she wants to protect is not only Xiao Chen, but also this world.

"I wish to turn into a drop of rain and dew in the next life and follow you to the end of the world."

At this moment, she was resolute, her hands moved slightly, her eyes gently closed again, and a majestic power like a sea of ​​stars suddenly surged out of her body.


In the clear and clear sky, thunderclouds suddenly surged, and countless thunderclouds gathered from all directions, making everyone tremble. This is not a prohibition from the Wuyu Heaven!

Taiyin Si also had a look of surprise on his face, looking up at the thunderclouds that kept gathering, that...that was! He had only seen such a terrifying thundercloud once in his life, that time... that time more than forty years ago! Xiao Zhufeng didn't know why, but he suddenly used the power of the third realm, which was far beyond his own strength, thus attracting heavenly punishment!


At this moment, his ears seemed to be accompanied by a thunderous explosion, buzzing continuously, and only these two words kept echoing in his ears.

Heaven's punishment... Heaven's punishment!

The bright light was dazzling, and the heavenly punishment came straight towards the Wuyu Heaven, as if tearing apart the void, and the entire Wuyu Heaven would be wiped out in an instant!


With this loud noise, the entire Wuyu Tian trembled violently, but it was the layer of ancient restrictions outside Wuyu Tian that resisted the heavenly punishment just now.

However, the thunderclouds in the sky did not disperse. On the contrary, they gathered more and more. In an instant, another 10,000-foot-long divine thunder struck down with a "boom". This time, it directly caused the ancient prohibition layer outside Wuyutian to fall. Many rifts arose.

Seeing that the restrictions outside Wuyu Tian could no longer hold up, and the terrifying Heavenly Punishment was heading straight towards Hua Weiyang, everyone was trembling with fear. No matter how strong she was at the moment, the power of Heavenly Punishment, How can it be resisted by one person?

"Heaven's punishment, it is indeed heaven's punishment, and you actually caused it..."

The Taiyin Division looked at the thunderclouds in the sky with disbelief. At this moment, the third Heavenly Punishment struck down with a "bang". This time, it finally completely shattered the defensive restrictions outside Wuyutian. If the four heavenly punishments were hit, they would definitely hit Hua Weiyang!


When he was shocked, the Taiyin Division suddenly burst into laughter, "Did you see it? You have attracted heaven's punishment, and even the heavens cannot tolerate you! Today, the Desireless Heaven will be destroyed even if it will not be destroyed in the hands of this Division. Under this heavenly punishment, he still cannot escape destruction and death! Hahaha..."

Just as he laughed, the fourth heavenly punishment finally arrived as expected, like a wild beast tearing apart everything, with the power to destroy everything, heading straight towards Hua Weiyang!

At this moment, everything in the world was pale! The sky is full of storms and clouds, and they keep rolling!


Madam Xianshu's face was startled, and she flew into the air in an instant, wanting to resist the punishment!

"Go away!"

The Master of the Ruthless Valley's wooden stick flew towards Tianfeng, leaving behind the Master of the Zhulong Valley, the Master of the Mingyue Valley, the Master of the Diemeng Valley and others!

However, even if a few of them are quite advanced in cultivation, how can they withstand this terrifying punishment? I saw below that countless people were flying up at this moment!


There was a loud noise, and the world trembled. Many people were wiped out by the thunder that day, and nearby buildings were destroyed in an instant. However, with the combined efforts of everyone, they were able to withstand this natural punishment!

"You... you!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, the Taiyin Division was so shocked that even his hands couldn't help but tremble. He pointed at Hua Weiyang and said, "She caused heaven's punishment today, but you blocked it for her. You are violating the way of heaven." , if you go against the will of heaven... everything will be annihilated!"

"Stop the punishment from heaven for Palace Master Weiyang!"

The thunderclouds in the sky were gathering more and more, but at this moment, no one was afraid, and no one paid attention to the Taiyin Division, and they all flew up to the sky!

Ten people, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand people!

An indestructible city wall was built with the flesh and blood of everyone! No one flinches...this is the desireless heaven!


The punishments fell one after another on that day. Countless people were destroyed by the punishments and turned into a bloody mist, but none of the remaining people flinched!


A sky-shaking dragon roar sounded, and the vicious hundred-foot-long dragon body flew upwards, constantly bearing the baptism of that day's punishment. Every sky thunder must make its body scales fly, its flesh and blood are blurred, and its soul power is severely damaged, just like it was when it was transformed. Like a dragon!

Soon, its dragon body was no longer fifty feet long, but it still resisted the punishment with everyone and protected Hua Weiyang... This scene shocked everyone in the Taiyin Palace in the distance.

Taiyin Si's face was already filled with horror. He was deeply shocked by this scene! Is this the desireless heaven...

Suddenly, he shuddered deeply. What did the three Supreme Masters see in their dreams...


The heavenly punishments were still being struck one after another, and Hua Weiyang's heart was beating more and more violently, as if she could no longer bear the power of the seal at this moment... "Dong Dong! Dong Dong! Dong Dong!"

"Little sister..."

At the same time, in the You Clan Wentian Hall, a man in green clothes with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes suddenly opened his eyes. He was Hua Weiyang's second brother, Wentian.


At this moment, Wentian seemed to suddenly sense something. He sensed that Hua Weiyang was untying the second seal. He had repeatedly warned him never to untie the second seal at any time. But now, Xiao My sister is unlocking the second layer of seal. Could it be that she is in danger...

Wentian frowned deeply and stood up immediately. Just as he was about to go out, a faint man's voice suddenly came from outside, "Second brother is in such a hurry, are you going somewhere..."

I saw a figure faintly appearing in the dim light. The man was dressed in red. His brows were as cold as a sword, his eyes were as deep as the stars in the sea, and his voice was as cold as frost. He was the person Wei Yang had grown up with since he was a child. The elder brother who is a little scared, Eternal.


Wentian raised his head, his frown gradually relaxed, and said, "I'm just going out for a walk. Brother, what's the matter with coming to my place today?"

"I just happened to pass by my second brother."

Wangu took a deep breath and walked towards the palace with his hands behind his back. As he walked, he said slowly, "Ji Mie Tian is very ambitious. I heard that not long ago, he gathered various people at the Abyss of Wuwu. Clan... This man is self-respecting, and now he has at least tens of millions of troops in his hands. From what the second brother can see, what is this man seeing? "

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