
Seeing the poisonous hair on Xiao Chen's body, and three hours had passed, Qin Guan's expression suddenly changed, and he looked sharply at Xia Houjie, only to see that the other party had a cold expression on his face and had no intention of taking action.

"Master Xiao..."

Qin Lian's body also trembled slightly. At this moment, she didn't hesitate anymore and looked at Xiahou Jie. Her eyes were fixed and she said, "We have lost this competition. Please ask Senior Xiahou to detoxify him..."


After hearing this, Qin Guan, Mrs. Qin and others were startled, and the rest of the Qin family were also stunned at this time, and no one spoke.

Qin Lian walked forward, his eyes still fixed on Xiahou Jie, and said again, "Senior Xiahou, please detoxify Mr. Xiao. You and I will go to the snowy area..."

At this moment, Xia Houyu heard these words, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart, but he couldn't vent it. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable, and he sneered, "Didn't you hear what my master just said?" What? After three hours, there is no way to detoxify. The kid is looking for death. Who can blame him..."

Xia Houjie stood aside and remained silent. Qin Lian trembled slightly and looked at Xiao Chen. Seeing that the signs of his poisonous hair were becoming more and more obvious, his heart trembled. He took a few steps forward and said, "Please Senior, detoxify Young Master Xiao..."

Her tone at this moment was very low, no longer like before, but Xia Houjie was still indifferent at this moment, and the more Xia Houyu next to him saw her like this, the more angry he became, and sneered, "Okay, you If you want him to live, you can kneel down and beg me, and I will let Master save his life..."


Qin Guan and others were all shocked. They did not expect that Xia Houyu would make such an unreasonable request. Obviously they could see that Xia Houyu was only seeking revenge. Even if Lian'er knelt down to beg him and his master and his apprentice, they would , and may not necessarily be able to rescue.


Seeing her hesitation, Xia Houyu smiled coldly, "Don't you want him to live? If you don't beg me, how will I know if you, the eldest lady, really want to save him? Or are you just saying that? Just saying?"


Qin Lian's body trembled slightly. Under the firelight, her face clearly became paler at this moment, but she knew in her heart that she was just a dying person. Today Xiao Chen was poisoned by Xia Houjie, so was he. To save her...

Qin Yao next to her saw that she was really going to kneel down to Xia Houyu and ask for help, and her face was suddenly shocked: "Sister..."

At this moment, Xia Houjie suddenly said coldly, "That's all."

At this moment, I saw a red pill in his hand, and he said coldly, "This antidote can cure the poison on his body, and it can also cure the poison on your body, but there is only one. If you share it, it is poison. You decide who you want to take it.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. They never expected this scene. Xia Houyu was also stunned for a moment, but then he realized that although he knew that the master usually protected him the most, he also knew that the master was a Someone who tells the truth.

At this time, he could tell from the look in his master's eyes that he was definitely not trying to scare Qin Lian this time, and his expression changed: "Master, wait..."

"shut up!"

Unexpectedly, this time, Xia Houjie's face turned out to be as cold as frost, which shocked Xia Houyu. He had not seen his master look so cold and terrifying for a long time.

"How is it? Miss Qin Lian, have you thought about it?"

Xia Houjie shot two cold eyes at Qin Lian. At this moment, he was angry at Xia Houyu for failing to live up to his expectations and putting himself in such a mess for a woman. He still cares about that woman in his heart. How could he be the descendant of Xia Houjie!

The atmosphere suddenly became more solid. An antidote could only save one person. At this moment, everyone stared at Qin Lian without saying a word.

I saw her walking a few steps forward, looking at Xiao Chen, then turning her head, looking at Xia Houjie, and said with a smile, "Young Master Xiao is upright and daring. He is trapped today all because of me." The Qin family, even though Qin Lian is just a little girl in this world, she still understands the word gratitude, so please ask Senior Xia Hou to give the antidote to Young Master Xiao..."


Qin Guan's body trembled slightly, and his face was already very pale. Even though he knew, he knew that Qin Lian would not be able to take this only antidote.

Qin Yao, Qin Yue and others were also stunned, as well as everyone in the Qin family. At this moment, they all stared at Qin Lian motionless.


Xia Houjie's face suddenly became more gloomy. At this moment, Xia Houyu's face suddenly changed. Not only did Xia Houyu change his face, but many other people present also changed their faces. If Xiao Chen took this antidote, , then Qin Lian will definitely die. Xia Houjie said it to the letter, so it will never be possible to save her again.

But at this moment, Qin Lian looked very calm, and the smile on his face was like a butterfly flying in the evening wind, beautiful and free.


At this moment, a faint voice finally sounded, "It's not dark yet, is the competition... already over?"

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned. They all looked in the direction of the voice. They saw Xiao Chen sitting on the island under the light of the fire. Although the poisonous mist was still covering his body, the look on his face was, But it was very calm...so calm that it gave people an unreal feeling.

"I said before that if I am lucky enough to detoxify within three hours, I will win. If I die from the poison, then the senior will win. But now that I have not died from the poison and it is not dark, how can the competition be considered over..."

A faint voice came from the island. Everyone was startled and looked up at the sky. Although there was a crescent moon exposed in the sky, there was still a trace of afterglow in the west, so it was not considered dark. !

"Young Master Xiao..." Qin Guan and others were completely stunned. They never expected that he could be so calm and calm now!

"Hehe, okay, okay..."

Xia Houjie's face seemed to be covered with layers of frost. Even people far away felt inexplicably cold. He only heard him say gloomily, "There is only half a stick of incense left before it gets dark." , you can still be saved, but after half a stick of incense, I will destroy this antidote immediately!"

"Master Xiao!"

At this moment, Qin Lian's face finally changed color, and everyone's hearts trembled at this moment. If he gave up and gave up, at least his life would be saved, but if he insisted on holding on for half a stick of incense, Xiahou Jie I won’t detoxify him anymore!

"After half a stick of incense, we will see you again..."

Xiao Chen's tone was calm, and he suddenly raised his hands, condensed his true energy, and placed it on his Dantian. At this moment, everyone's expressions were condensed and they stared at him motionlessly. He had been unable to detoxify the poison for the past three hours, and now he could only With half a stick of incense left, how is he going to detoxify!

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