The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 901: Using one’s body as a tripod!


Qin Guan's face was solemn, and with a command, the disciples outside immediately raised fire, illuminating everything on the island.

I saw that Xiao Chen's body was still shrouded in poisonous mist. The poisonous mist was not reduced by his movement at this time. Everyone was a little frightened. There was still half a stick of incense left, and this layer of poisonous mist was not at all. How can he detoxify the poison when it shows no signs of dissipating?

Is he planning to forcibly disperse this layer of poisonous mist? But this poisonous mist comes from the inside out. Even if he disperses the poisonous mist outside, there will still be poison in his body, so what's the use?

Xia Houjie also focused his gaze. At this moment, he also wanted to see what tricks this kid could do with only half a stick of incense left.

Just as everyone held their breath and watched motionlessly, suddenly, they saw that the layer of poisonous mist on Xiao Chen's body began to shrink. Instead of dissipating outside, it penetrated into his body!

"What is he doing!"

At this moment, everyone was suddenly startled. They saw the layer of poisonous mist continuously seeping into his body. Could he be crazy?

At this time, he should find a way to dispel the poisonous mist, but instead of dispersing the poisonous mist, he condensed the poisonous mist into his body. Could it be that he thought the poison was not heavy enough and he died not fast enough!

"Master Xiao, he...what did he do!"

Qin Lian and others were also shocked. They had no idea what Xiao Chen was doing at this time. The poisonous mist was already very powerful. If he condensed it into his body, wouldn't the poisonous effects be even more severe...

"Young Master Xiao..."

Qin Guan was also stunned on the spot. He had no idea what Xiao Chen wanted to do. This young man's behavior was completely different from others, even completely opposite. He didn't play according to common sense. No one knew what he was going to do next... …

At this moment, everyone held their breath, without blinking, and stared motionlessly at the island, watching the layer of poisonous mist, being absorbed by Xiao Chen bit by bit, and finally completely condensed into the body!

"Does this kid think he can't die quickly enough..."

Xia Houyu's face slowly showed a look of surprise, but he didn't know what Xiao Chen was doing at this time, while Xia Houjie's face next to him became more and more serious. When he saw the last wisp of poisonous mist penetrate into Xiao Chen's body, , a look of disbelief finally flashed through his eyes.

"What exactly does this kid want to do? Could it be..."

Xia Houjie's eyes became more and more solemn, and he slowly raised his head to look at the sky. The last ray of afterglow was about to disappear. Now there was less than half the time left for half a stick of incense, but this boy had condensed all the poisonous mist into his body. , does he want to...


Xia Houjie's heart was shocked. At this moment, when he looked at Xiao Chen again, there was a clear disbelief in his eyes. In the past three hours, could he have been...impossible, this kid has no chance!

He couldn't believe it. He had been refining poison for so many years, and he had spent his whole life studying the art of poison. Even he couldn't do that method at the moment. There was no way this kid could do it!

But...if this kid hadn't used that method to condense all the poisonous mist into his body, wouldn't he be seeking his own death?

What on earth is this kid doing...

There was less than half a stick of incense left, no...he had to find out!

At this moment, Xia Houjie's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly raised his palm, and the power of the soul rushed towards Xiao Chen. Of course, he did not want to hurt Xiao Chen, but to use the power of the soul to forcibly spy on Xiao Chen. What is Xiao Chen doing at this time!

But at this moment, Qin Guan flew over, blocked the power of his soul, and said coldly, "Mr. Not even a quarter of an hour has passed."

Obviously Qin Guan had long been wary of Xiahou Jie's attack on Xiao Chen. Although his cultivation was not as good as Xiahou Jie's, if a quasi-sage fought to the death, it would not be a trivial matter. What's more, this was the Qin family, and the whole mountain was Has a powerful formation.

Xia Houjie's eyes narrowed slightly and he snorted coldly, "I just want to see what he is doing. Why should the Qin family master be so nervous? After that, he took back the power of the soul."

Qin Guan looked at him coldly and said, "There is only half a quarter of an hour left. If Mr. Xiahou wants to see it, just wait for another half-quarter of an hour." When he said this, he raised his hand, "Qin family disciples, obey orders! Protect. Young Master Xiao, no one is allowed to come near you for the last half-quarter of an hour!”


At this moment, everyone in the Qin family suddenly became more energetic and immediately formed a sword formation to guard outside Xiao Chen's island.


Xia Houjie snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, held the poisonous scorpion staff in his hand, and waited quietly for the last half-quarter of an hour to pass.

The rest of the people had already held their breath and were looking at the island motionless. Could this boy really be able to undo the poison of the old monster Xiahou in the last quarter of an hour? Otherwise, why was this old monster so nervous just now...

Finally, under everyone's gaze, the last half-quarter of an hour passed quietly, and the night fell quietly. This time, the sky was completely dark, and there was no longer the afterglow of the setting sun, only the bright moonlight and the sky full of stars. stars.

"It's dark, it's time!"

Xia Houjie's voice was gloomy and cold, and he shook the poisonous scorpion staff in his hand. He gathered all his strength and seemed to be eager to go to the island. Qin Guan's face changed slightly. It was already dark. Could it be that Young Master Xiao was still not well?

The disciples of the Qin family outside the island were already covered in cold sweat. They would not take a step away without the order of the family leader.

"Still don't get out of the way!"

Xia Houjie's face was cold, and he stared at Qin Guan with a scorpion-like gaze: "Mr. Qin, are you unruly now?"

Qin Guan is already covered in cold sweat, what should he do now? it's getting dark……

Over at Luoxue Villa, Qin Lian, Qin Yao, Qin Yue and others had already held their breaths. Seeing Xiao Chen still motionless, their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

"It's already dark...get out of the way!"

Xiahou Jie drank coldly and was about to take action forcefully. At this moment, a faint voice finally sounded from the island, "I know it's dark, senior Xiahou, why bother..."

"He He……"

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked shocked. On the island, Xiao Chen slowly stood up, and at this time, there was no trace of poisoning on his body!

"That is that possible!"

Xia Houyu's face turned pale. He absolutely did not believe that that boy really detoxified his master before dark. It was impossible, absolutely impossible!

To put it bluntly, he didn't believe it, and even others at this moment found it hard to believe that Xiao Chen couldn't detoxify the poison in the previous three hours. How could he detoxify it in the remaining half a stick of incense? If the poison has not been detoxified, he now looks like there is no sign of being poisoned. What is going on...

"Hehe, awesome, awesome..."

Just when everyone was confused, Xia Houjie suddenly laughed gloomily. At about this time, only he knew how Xiao Chen got rid of the poison.

At this moment, everyone looked at him and then at Xiao Chen, still wondering how the latter got rid of the poison.

Xiao Chen said lightly, "Senior's poison-using skills are indeed powerful, but he may not dare to claim...the best in the world."

At the end of his words, he slowly opened his mouth, and something black, like an elixir, floated out of his mouth. Upon closer inspection, the black air surrounding the elixir appeared, and it turned out to be a poisonous elixir!

"That's... Poison Pill!"

This time, everyone finally seemed to understand something. Although some young disciples still didn't know, the older generation with broad knowledge had already guessed it. At this moment, they all showed incredible expressions, "He actually... actually used his body to kill me." For the tripod, Xiahou Jie’s poison... was condensed into a poisonous elixir! "

"Use your body as a condense the poisonous elixir..."

This time, even the young disciples understood what it meant. At this moment, they all looked at Xiao Chen with incredulous eyes.


Xia Houyu's face was pale. At this moment, he still couldn't believe it. He looked at Xiahou Jie indifferently. His poison is condensed into poison elixir...

The so-called "using the body as a cauldron" means using oneself as a cauldron to refine poison. There are thousands of ways to refine poison in this world, but if you want to refine the most poisonous poison, you can only use yourself as a poison cauldron.

In short, it is to introduce all the countless powerful poisons in the world into one's body, and then use oneself as a cauldron to refine all these poisons and condense them into elixirs, which are called poison elixirs.

Although the poison produced in this way is powerful, this method is also very dangerous. Even to this day, Xiahou Jie has not been able to fully master this method, let alone try it easily, unless he has become a saint.

Because after becoming a saint, the whole person has almost been reborn, from mortal to immortal. At that time, whether it is the control of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, or the control of one's own spiritual power, it is far from comparable to that of the quasi-sage period.

Xia Houjie has painstakingly studied the art of using poison for half his life, and he still cannot use his body as a cauldron to condense poison pills. However, such a young man can use himself as a cauldron to condense his poison into poison pills. This is Is it a mockery of fate?

"I want to know, how did the little friend do it..."

At this moment, Xia Houjie's voice was still a little gloomy. He was really unwilling to accept it. Why was such a young man able to use his body as a cauldron to condense poisonous elixirs? But he had been studying for half his life, but still couldn't do it. ?

What's more, judging from the appearance of the other party, he is not a poison user, but he can use his body as a cauldron to condense poison elixirs. However, he has painstakingly studied poison techniques for half his life, but has been unable to succeed... Is this what is called God's will? God’s will is ridiculous!

Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly, "Senior has studied poison techniques all his life and has seen countless poisons. But in my opinion, what is the most poisonous poison in the world..."

"The most poisonous poison..."

After everyone heard this, they all looked at each other. It would be true to say that there are thousands of poisons in the world, but what is the most poisonous poison?

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