The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 909: Illusory Ruins Forces

"Just stay!"

The voice was low, and the two black mist came even more rapidly. Xiao Chen stepped into the void, but before he could fly a mile, he was already entangled by the two black mist. He had to turn around and strike out with a palm, with a loud "bang" sound, and that Two strands of black mist had clearly entangled him, but they were dispersed by his two strands of yin and yang profound energy.


A low voice came from the city again, this time with a bit of confusion. Obviously, the ghost king in the city did not expect that the other party would disperse his two black mists so easily.

At this time, the white-browed Taoist, the woman in red, and the effeminate man above the city naturally discovered Xiao Chen, and they all thought in their hearts that this white-haired young man looked like he had a good deed, and could shake off the ghosts of the Yin Ghost King. Where does the evil spirit come from? Appearing here suddenly is no coincidence...

The woman in red immediately said, "King Yin Gui, I'm afraid you are mistaken. We don't know that person." ♦

"Haha, is that right..."

A low and sinister laughter sounded, and then, the ground in the city was cracked, and the buildings collapsed one after another. Amidst the flying dust, a black figure slowly appeared from the depths of the ground.

The man's whole body was wrapped in black mist. When the black mist gradually dissipated, his eyes were blood red and his whole body was filled with evil energy. He looked like a demon. His hideous and terrifying appearance alone made people scared.

"If you don't know him, then if I kill him and use him to sacrifice the formation, you won't have any problems, right?"

The Yin Ghost King smiled evilly, and the look in his blood-red eyes was like two sharp knives, falling coldly on Xiao Chen. In his opinion, it seemed that the other party had become the weapon he used to sacrifice the formation. Things.

It's no wonder that, strictly speaking, Xiao Chen's current cultivation level is only in the Dongzhen stage, so his aura is actually closest to that of a cultivator in the Dongzhen stage. If you don't detect it carefully, others will probably know it. I thought he only had the cultivation level of the Dongzhen stage, but if I looked carefully, I couldn't see through the depth of his cultivation level.

Seeing the look this person was looking at him, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown. Just now he just came over out of curiosity and didn't even say a word. Now he has become someone else's prey inexplicably and is being used as a sacrifice. He really felt...unspeakably wronged.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

In the blink of an eye, countless strands of black mist had enveloped him, coupled with the thousand-foot black shadow in the sky. Even if Xiao Chen wanted to escape, it was too late. Almost instantly, he was shrouded in the heavy evil aura. middle.

The surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet. In mid-air, the white-browed Taoist, the woman in red, and the feminine man all had slight shocks on their faces. There was such a heavy evil spirit, but the man just now seemed to have only Dong Zhen's cultivation level is probably dead this time. Who is he...

Before the three of them could think about it carefully, they saw a figure gradually appearing in the billowing black mist. It was Xiao Chen who walked out of it. The three of them were all shocked. How could he be... completely unafraid? The evil spirit of the Yin Ghost King!

As long as a cultivator comes into contact with the evil spirit of the Yin Ghost King, his or her cultivation will be damaged at least, and if a person with a lower cultivation level comes into contact with this evil spirit, he will be eroded into a corpse in a short time. White bones, even the soul cannot escape, but they have never seen a person who is completely unafraid of the evil spirit of the Yin Ghost King, unless this person is not a living person!

But the young man in front of him is really not afraid of this evil spirit at all. What is going on...

"I just happened to pass by here..."

Xiao Chen looked at the Yin Ghost King and the three slightly frightened people above the city, and said calmly.

It was only now that he slowly realized that his current strength was fully capable of standing side by side with these strong men, and he didn't even need to lower his tone.

If before his breakthrough, he only had the cultivation level of the Hehe stage, at that time, even the breath of these four people would have been unbearable for him. But now, he can talk to each other so calmly, and it is not in vain. On that day, Wei Young did not hesitate to inflict divine punishment, but also wanted to protect him from breaking through...

"How is it possible? This kid..."

The feminine man's eyes narrowed. The difference between the aura he felt just now and the strength displayed by this boy at this time was really huge. He was clearly in the stage of enlightenment, but why... it was wrong!

At this moment, his expression changed slightly, and the eyes of the woman in red were still fixed on Xiao Chen, as well as the white-browed Taoist. The cultivation of the three of them was not low. Could it be that they had just looked away? , this person in front of me actually has a quasi-sage cultivation level? But this breath is clearly the breath of a person in the Dongzhen stage...

Suddenly, they thought of something at the same time. The person in front of them was like an iceberg. All they could see was the tip of the sea, but beneath the sea was the truly terrifying strength of this person...

"This young man is so powerful. Where does he come from?"

The three of them were suspicious at the same time and looked at King Yin Gui again. The woman in red said, "King Yin Gui, you heard me. We don't know this person and have never seen him before."

"Interesting, interesting..."

The Yin Ghost King smiled gloomily and said coldly, "Boy, who are you? Do you know what kind of place this is?"

Xiao Chen said calmly, "The evil spirit here is so strong, and Your Excellency has a ferocious face. It seems that it is probably not a good place. I just happened to pass by, so I say goodbye..."

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and started walking towards the distance with Lingxian Steps. Even though his cultivation level was no longer what it used to be, but when he first came to the Hill of Fantasy Ruins, he didn't want to provoke such a person for no reason. A problem.

"Come when you want, leave when you want, what kind of place do you think this is!"

The Yin Ghost King stretched out his hand, and a black mist in front of him suddenly gathered into a hundred-foot-long ghost hand, and grabbed him behind him.

Sensing the coming of the evil wind behind him, Xiao Chen quickly turned around and instantly condensed a stream of cyan energy. With a "bang", he blocked the hundred-foot ghost hand of the Yin Ghost King in the air.

This time, the three people above the city were even more surprised. The method used by this man seemed to be the Xuanmen method of Yu Ding, but why was there a faint devilish aura in him?

The white-browed Taoist fixed his gaze and asked loudly, "May I ask this little friend, where are you from Yujing?"

As soon as these words came out, the tense atmosphere at the scene finally relaxed. Xiao Chen removed the Qi in front of him, and the Yin Ghost King also withdrew the hundred-foot ghost hand. The two looked at each other, and Xiao Chen said lightly, " Exactly..."


The woman in red lowered her head and pondered, thinking that he came from Yuding. There are usually only two reasons for coming from Yuding. One is that he is being chased, and the other is that he has a certain purpose... This person has a very high level of cultivation. High and hidden, it seems that it probably belongs to the latter.

The white-browed Taoist stroked his beard with his hand, fixed his gaze, and looked at the Yin Ghost King again, saying in a secret voice: "Yin Ghost King, I don't think we should fight anymore. If you want earth veins, I will give you two more at most." Yes, but have you seen it now? Yu Ding's people have come to the Hill of Fantasy Ruins. I think they are probably here for that matter. If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid it will not benefit anyone in the end... …”


The Yin Ghost King snorted coldly, still looking at Xiao Chen coldly, and said in a cold voice, "Boy, are you the only one who came from Yu Ding? Is there anyone else?"

"I'm just here alone. I don't know if anyone else is following me..." Xiao Chen looked at him and said calmly.


King Yin Gui flicked his sleeves, still looking at him, and then pointed to the three people above the city one by one, "That person is Master Baimei, she is Fairy Hongdie, and this is the Master of the Eternal Life Sect."


Xiao Chen glanced at the three people. Why did he suddenly feel that these people were trying to get him to join the gang? He said calmly, "What a coincidence. I have never heard of the names of these people..."

"Ha..." The feminine man sneered, "If you have never been to the Hill of Illusionary Ruins and have never heard of our names, it would be normal."

It turns out that these four people are not just ordinary people, but four extremely powerful figures in the Hill of Fantasy Ruins.

Master Baimei is the person behind more than twenty sects, and Fairy Hongdie is the mistress of each city's church in the Hill of Fantasy Ruins. Almost every city has her church's power, and These workshops all have the same name, Bliss.

And that feminine man, in hundreds of years, annexed countless sects, and finally unified them into the "Eternal Life Sect", and people outside generally called them "The Master of the Eternal Life Sect".

As for the Yin Ghost King, he has practiced evil skills and is now half human and half ghost. He likes to eat human blood and soul for training. He can be said to be evil and evil, even more evil than the leaders of the demon sects outside.

Xiao Chen could naturally see that the identities of these people were not simple. He suddenly thought of something. The people in Huanxu Hill should have always been at odds with the Wutian Palace on the other side of Yu Ding, or even had a grudge...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile in his heart and said, "I just saw a few people who seemed to be planning a fight. It doesn't matter. Just pretend that I'm not here. Please continue..." After that, he turned around and walked in the direction he came from. After going, he wanted to see what these people wanted to do.

"This little guy... is really interesting."

Fairy Hongdie smiled inwardly, and then sent a secret message to Master Baimei, "Senior Baimei, what do you think? Do you want to keep this kid?"

Master Baimei frowned deeply and said, "There is no problem with Tianzhu City, but if we want to go to that place, even if the Yin Ghost King is there, we may not be able to completely enter it. But if this son is willing to go with us, We will be able to enter..."


At this time, the leader of the Changsheng Sect sent a secret message, "If we take this kid with us, there will be five people. Do you know how much the restriction will be strengthened with one more person? Unless one of the five people has already become a saint, or has reached the level of Quasi-sage peak, otherwise it would be impossible to get by..."

Seeing Xiao Chen's figure walking further and further away, Master Baimei frowned deeper. At this time, Fairy Hongdie said in a secret message, "I don't think so. It is said that someone passed through there more than forty years ago. It seems that they are still from Yu Ding..."

"Have you discussed it yet..."

At this moment, the deep voice of the Yin Ghost King sounded in the minds of the three of them. The Red Butterfly Fairy smiled faintly. She had already made up her mind at this moment, and shouted to Xiao Chen who was walking away, "Hey, little guy, come back!"

Xiao Chen stopped and turned his head slightly, "I don't call you hello, little guy, and I don't call you back. Listen up, my surname is Xiao, and my name is Xiao Yichen..."

Fairy Hongdie smiled, "Oh? Are you from the Xiao family..."

"Once again, I have nothing to do with the Xiao family..." Xiao Chen turned around, looked at her and said calmly.

Fairy Hongdie was still smiling, "It looks like she was expelled from the door, oh? But I remembered that more than 40 years ago, there seemed to be a person named Xiao who was expelled from the Xiao family. I Why, the more I look at it, the more I feel that the young master looks somewhat similar to that person..."

Xiao Chen looked at her and changed the topic, "The fairy just stopped me, but what's the matter?"

Fairy Hongdie smiled, "I just want to tell you, that direction is not the direction to Huanxu, this is... If you don't come over, do you want to go back to Yuding?"


Xiao Chen looked at her, then at Master Baimei and the Master of the Changsheng Sect not far from her, and said, "The fairy asked me to come over, could it be that... she wants to take the opportunity to plot against you?"


Fairy Hongdie covered her mouth and smiled, "You little guy, why do you think about someone plotting against you all day long? Do you think I want to plot against you? If you want to plot against you, it's the two people next to you, but my sister , I will protect you..."

"Then I'm afraid... I really have to thank Sister Fairy later."

Xiao Chen moved and returned to the ghost city. Fairy Hongdie looked at him and smiled softly, "I guess the young master must have come to the Fantasy Ruins to find someone... right?"

"As long as the fairy knows, you and I... don't have to say it."

Xiao Chen glanced at her and said, "Oh, by the way, someone seemed to be following me along the way before. I feel like he is nearby. Why don't you just bother a few people and say hello to me, I'll go ahead." …”

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and walked in leisurely. The Red Butterfly Fairy looked at his retreating back, shook his head and smiled, "Little guy, you are really naughty..."

After a while, when he had disappeared, several people looked in the direction where he had just come. At this moment, the eyes of several people became a little cold, and even the face of the Red Butterfly Fairy had no trace of it. His smile and voice became as cold as frost, "Senior, you might as well show up to see..."

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