The entire ghost town suddenly became very quiet. There was no wind blowing for several miles around. The auras of the three people above the city were too strong. At this time, in the direction from which Xiao Chen came just now, there was a mountain not far away. Behind, there was a figure hiding there. It was none other than Patriarch Gui Yin. He had followed Xiao Chen all the way, but he didn't expect that he would run into King Yin Gui and these three people here.

Although he had just made a breakthrough in cultivation not long ago, he would not be afraid if he could deal with any of these four people alone, but now these four people are together at the same time...

After a long time, I saw a slight seal on his hand, which instantly turned into a black wind and flew away into the distance.

Over there in the ghost town, Fairy Hongdie slowly came back to her senses, looked at the two people beside her and said, "That person is gone."


Master Baimei stroked his beard, then turned and looked in the direction where Xiao Chen left just now. Seeing the undecided thoughts on his face, Fairy Hongdie smiled charmingly, "Senior Baimei, don't worry, that kid is so interesting... He, most likely You can’t escape from my grasp, haha.”

Master Baimei frowned slightly, looked at her and said, "Do you know who he is?"

Fairy Hongdie smiled, "I don't know yet...but thinking about it, he should be hunted down by Wutian Palace..."

"Wutian Palace..." The leader of the Changsheng Sect lowered his head and muttered. At this moment, a cold look flashed through his eyes.

After a while, Master Baimei put aside his doubts and turned to the King of Yin Ghosts and said, "I wonder what the King of Ghosts wants? If the man just now is with us this time, it will be twice the result with half the effort. After all, the King of Ghosts also saw it just now, and that kid is not afraid of the evil spirits at all." The spirit..."


The Yin Ghost King snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, "If you don't trust me, then why did you come to me again today? Forget it, since you are here, why not settle the accounts from the past first!"

"Don't be upset, Ghost King..."

The Red Butterfly Fairy smiled charmingly and said, "It's not that we don't believe in the Ghost King, and the Ghost King also knows in his heart what place is in the Yellow Spring Valley. Wouldn't it be safer if we have that boy with us? If the Ghost King hesitates again and lets others get there first, That would be bad..."

"I thought something was wrong..."

At this time, the leader of the Changsheng Sect suddenly said, "Not to mention whether that kid can really withstand the underworld aura of the Underworld Valley, I think his cultivation level is still far from a quasi-sage. He has not yet become a quasi-sage. Going to that place is not a way to die." It doesn't matter if he dies, but I'm afraid it will hurt us in the end..."

Fairy Hongdie smiled softly, looked at him and said, "Master of the Immortality Sect, please don't underestimate that person just now. If he really takes action, I think even the Master of the Eternal Life Sect may not dare to say that he will win..."

"Is it?"

The leader of the Changsheng Sect sneered and said, "How can Fairy Hongdie be so sure that that kid will definitely step into the Yellow Spring Valley?"

Fairy Hongdie smiled softly and said, "He will definitely go..."


The leader of the Immortality Sect sneered again, "Why is the fairy so confident? Could it be that he has fallen in love with that pretty boy?"


Fairy Hongdie smiled softly, looked aside deliberately, and said to herself, "In this way, that little guy seems to have a pure yang energy in his body. Compared with those guys who are gloomy all day long, I It looks much better..."

"What did you say?"

Hearing her talk about him, the leader of the Changsheng Sect immediately turned cold. Master Baimei stepped forward in time to stop the two from continuing to argue.

"That's all. I think you two should stop bickering here. This matter must be done as soon as possible. Once the 'Day of Tide' arrives and the underworld atmosphere of Huangquan Valley completely dissipates, everyone will be able to enter by then. That would make no sense..."


The Red Butterfly Fairy smiled, flicked her sleeves, and drifted away into the distance. She only heard a distant sentence: "I will see you in Huangquan Valley in three days. I will bring that boy with me. As for the Yin Ghost King, the last one Yue, you killed more than 130 people in my sect, and now we are evenly matched. From now on, Jilefang and Guitian City will be on equal footing..."

The figure gradually faded away, and the sound slowly disappeared.

Speaking of Xiao Chen, in the evening of that day, he had arrived at Tianzhu City, the largest city in the Hill of Fantasy Ruins.

Tianzhu City originally meant a place that was exiled by God and left to fend for itself. Thousands of years ago, there were constant natural disasters here, with corpses everywhere and no birds and animals. It was a place abandoned by God. There was no People can survive here.

But I don't know what year it was, a strange man came here, changed the past pattern, named this place "Tianzhu", and later founded "Tianzhu Hall".

In the following thousands of years, under the leadership of Tianzhu Palace, Tianzhu City became increasingly powerful, and gradually became the largest city in the Hill of Fantasy Ruins. All forces gathered in this city, and to this day, Tianzhu City has Most people still do not respect gods, do not worship immortals and Buddhas, and regard God as unkind.

If the Hill of Fantasy Ruins is one of the most chaotic places in the entire Lingxu Realm, then Tianzhu City is the place with the strictest rules in the entire Hill of Fantasy Ruins.

Outside Tianzhu City, there are only cruel laws of survival of the weak and the strong, whether it is killing people, grabbing treasures, or snatching other people's dual cultivation partners, or even like the Yin Ghost King, sacrificing people all over the city with a wave of his sleeves, Use the blood souls of everyone in the entire city to sacrifice the formation and practice, and no one will care...

Of course, when doing these things, you must always be prepared... to be killed.

Compared with the chaos outside, Tianzhu City is completely different. Everyone who enters Tianzhu City must act according to the rules. If you want to challenge the rules of Tianzhu City, the end result is often a dead end.

A hundred years ago, a quasi-sage came from Yu Ding and chased and killed two Hehe cultivators who fled into the city. However, by the next day, the two Hehe cultivators were still alive. But the body of the quasi-sage has been hung high on the city top.

It is still unknown who did this. Some people speculated that it was someone from Tianzhu Highness. However, there was no fatal wound on the body of the quasi-sage, and there was even no wound at all on the body. , this matter has become a major mystery in Tianzhu City, but since then, no matter how high the cultivation level is, people will never dare to kill people wantonly in the city.

At this time, twilight enveloped Xiao Chen and he slowly entered the city. As soon as he entered the city, his keen consciousness noticed that the city's spiritual power was very abnormal, completely beyond the spiritual power that a city should have.

But deep underground, he couldn't feel the existence of spiritual veins. Since there were no spiritual veins underground, why did the entire city have such strong spiritual power? It is almost ten times more than a normal city...

The red clouds were slowly rising in the sky. Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at the high sky shrouded in dusk clouds. Before he came, he had naturally found out clearly that Tianzhu Palace was not in the city, but just like Wuyu Tian, ​​hanging in the sky thousands of feet high. Above, it is usually covered by clouds, so it cannot be seen from below. Ordinary people cannot go up there, and unless there is a big event, people from Tianzhu Palace will generally not come down.

However, this time Xiao Chen came to the Hill of Fantasy Ruins to find out about his father and the clues about the Three Corpse Demons. Whether it was Tianzhu City or Tianzhu Palace, these... had nothing to do with him.

The entire Tianzhu City is very big. Once you enter the city, it is almost boundless. If it is a rainy day and the sun, moon and stars are not visible, it is easy to get lost in the city.

The stars and moon happened to be clear that night. When night fell, Xiao Chen came to a brightly lit pavilion. The word "Huan Yue" was clearly visible on the plaque, which was somewhat similar to Feng Man Lou, the heroine of Rakshasa in Dingfeng City. . From the outside, it looks like a gorgeous romantic place, but inside, it is a different world.

As soon as he entered, Xiao Chen smelled a strong scent of rouge, and then he saw two beautiful young women dressed in gorgeous clothes walking over. "Sir, please come inside..."

"Hey... I see there are distinguished guests arriving tonight."

At this time, another attractive woman in red clothes came over and winked at the two young women. The two men nodded slightly and immediately went to greet the guests elsewhere.

Then the woman in red clothes was all smiles: "This young master came to Huanyuefang, I don't know..."

"If you are clear and don't tell secrets, I'm here to inquire about two people."

"Oh? I wonder who the young master wants to inquire about..."

The woman in red clothes looked at him interestingly, Xiao Chen said lightly, "More than forty years ago, to be precise... forty-four years ago, around the Double Ninth Festival."

When she heard that it happened more than forty years ago, the woman in red clothes immediately smiled bitterly, "Young Master, are you joking? If you ask about people and events from a few years ago, I can find them out for you right away, but these four More than ten years ago..."


Xiao Chen glanced at her and said calmly, "I heard someone say that if you come to Huanyuefang, you can find information from anywhere in the world. Isn't it worthy of the name..."


The woman in red clothes smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid the person you want to inquire about is not simple. Why don't you tell me about those two people..."

Xiao Chen said, "A man, a woman, and a baby who was not yet one month old came from Yuding and were hunted down..."


The woman in red clothes thought for a while and said with a smile, "Master, please come into the pavilion and wait for a while. I will have someone go check it out immediately..."

Xiao Chen followed her into the house, and saw luxurious and prosperous furnishings, and two young women waiting in the room. After Xiao Chen asked the two women to leave, he flicked his sleeves, closed the doors and windows, and ignored the noise outside. voice, and began to think about it alone.

Huanyuefang looks like a place of romance and music every night, but in fact the people who come here are mostly looking for news that is difficult to find out by themselves. No matter what the news is, it is from heaven to earth, and Huanyuefang is also If you can find out, of course, those who find out the information need to pay a certain amount of remuneration.

In addition, Huanyuefang also accepts assassination missions, and even all... transparent and shady transactions.

After midnight that night, Xiao Chen was still drinking in the room. The noise outside gradually became quieter. At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew open the door. In the room, I don’t know when, there were already too many people. A woman in red was standing behind Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen naturally noticed that someone had entered the room, but he still drank the wine in his hand slowly, and then said slowly, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect that we would meet again before we spent the night..."


That woman was none other than Fairy Hongdie among the three people during the day.

At this moment, I saw her walking up slowly, leaning against Xiao Chen's body from behind, putting her hands on his shoulders, slowly pouring wine into the cup, and exhaling in his ear, "What a coincidence. Ah, but when the young master comes to my Huanyuefang, why don't you tell me first..." At the end of the sentence, she gently took the wine bottle with her slender fingers and handed it to his lips.

Xiao Chen took the wine glass from her hand, and at the same time shook his shoulders hard, knocking her away from behind. He tilted his head, drank the wine in the glass, and said lightly, "It turns out that this is the place of fairies. I'd like to bother the fairies in person." Come here, I think the fairy has already found out the information I want..."


Fairy Hongdie smiled softly, flicked her sleeves, and came to him, leaning on the table in front of him. However, when she saw that her eyes were motionless, her chest rose and fell gently with her breathing, and there was a smile on her face. With a blushing smile, she looked much more charming than what she had seen during the day.

"Ordinary men will lose their souls just by looking at me one more time, but the young master has been indifferent from the moment I came in, like a piece of wood. It's really boring..."

As she spoke, she slowly stretched out her hand and gently held Xiao Chen's chin. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and pressed her hand, his tone was a little cold, "I came to Huanyuefang to inquire about news..."


Fairy Hongdie retracted her hand like lightning, covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Young Master is quite cute when he is angry... That's all, I'll just listen to you, but before that, Young Master has to tell me, you What’s the relationship with Xiao Zhufeng?”

Xiao Chen looked at her motionless. The air in the room suddenly became cold as if it was about to freeze. Fairy Hongdie waved her hand and smiled, "That's all, I just don't ask. Forty-four years ago, probably after the Double Ninth Festival, Xiao Zhufeng was chased by others and came to the Hill of Fantasy Ruins, and finally entered a place called 'Yellow Spring Valley'..."

Xiao Chen frowned and said, "Yellow Spring Valley?"

Fairy Hongdie sat up, walked slowly to the window, looked at the crescent moon outside the window, and said lightly, "Yes, it is said that Huangquan Valley leads to the realm of the netherworld, and after Xiao Zhufeng went in, he never came out again. ”

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