At this moment, several people felt a little numb. Outside, they were quasi-sage powerhouses, making countless people awe and tremble.

But at this moment, they can imagine that decades ago, the terrifying sword energy falling from the sky within a radius of a hundred miles, if they were down here, even their souls would be wiped out...

"Is this the method of a saint..."

This time, even the leader of the Changsheng Sect started to tremble. Looking at the destroyed peaks around him, it was really hard to imagine that two saintly people had a big fight here?

"Mr. Xiao...what's wrong with you?"

Fairy Hongdie turned around and saw Xiao Chen's face looking a little strange. But soon, he recovered and shook his head, "It's okay. Let's look ahead."

Everyone continued to fly forward with their swords. When they had flown more than twenty miles, the leader of the Changsheng Sect suddenly exclaimed, "Look there!"

Everyone looked at him and saw a mountain peak not far ahead. It was the only mountain peak nearby that had not collapsed, but in the middle of the mountain peak, it was penetrated!


Several people were startled. Although even with their cultivation, it was easy to break a mountain peak, but this is the ancient land of Huangquan and there are many restrictions. Moreover, the surrounding areas of the mountain were not destroyed, only the middle was beaten. It was worn and it was empty. This is too shocking...

"It seems like...a palm print? Was it penetrated by someone's palm?"

Fairy Hongdie looked shocked, and without saying anything, she immediately flew over with her sword. Only then did she finally see clearly that it was indeed a palm print, but it was not just one. Upon closer inspection, the outermost palm print was about a hundred feet wide, and The palm print that went inward seemed to shrink in a circle, and so on, one after another, and finally there were nine palm prints, that is, the ninth palm print, which completely penetrated the entire mountain.

"This is... the Xiao family's Nine Heavens Blue Palm!"

Master Baimei's expression changed, and he exclaimed in shock. He would not admit his mistake. When he was in Yuding, he had seen the Xiao family's Nine Heavens Blue Falling Palm. This must be the Nine Heavens Blue Falling Palm!

"The Nine-Sky Blue Palm is weak at first, but actually it has great potential. Once it encounters obstacles, it will become stronger when it encounters strength. Later, it will unleash nine palm powers, each one stronger than the other. It has overwhelming power, no matter how high the cultivation level is, It is absolutely difficult to stop it..."

Master Baimei's face gradually turned pale. He didn't expect that people from the Xiao family had been here!

"The Xiao family..."

Fairy Hongdie was also startled, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Chen. However, there was no change visible on Xiao Chen's face at this moment. He just remained motionless, looking at the palm prints, letting the wind blow by. , the white hair behind the shoulders...

On the other side, the leader of the Changsheng Sect gradually came back to his senses and looked at Xiao Chen, thinking by the look in this boy's eyes, could he also recognize this palm technique? But he said before that he was not from the Xiao family...

"The Xiao family's palm skills are a bit interesting..."

The Yin Ghost King smiled sinisterly, and the other three people also came to their senses. The ancient martial arts of the Xiao family are unparalleled in the world. If they are ranked second, then no one in the world will dare to be ranked first. When their martial arts reach the peak At that time, the flying swords of those who practiced immortality and Taoism were just like playthings in their eyes.

"Master Xiao, can you recognize this palm technique? Do you know who left it..." At this time, Fairy Hongdie looked at Xiao Chen and asked, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

"I don't recognize it, and I don't know..."

Xiao Chen's tone was calm, and no change could be seen on his face, but in his heart, it felt as if he had been pierced by thousands of arrows, and blood was flowing drop by drop.

The palm print here must have been left by his father back then. This palm must have seriously injured Taihuazi, but I am afraid that this palm... probably also exhausted his father's internal energy.

The wind blew coldly, and at this moment, it seemed to also carry the sorrow of the world.

"If it's a boy, I will pass on all my skills to him in the future. If it's a girl, Ah Rou, can you teach her piano, chess, calligraphy and painting..."

The familiar voice in the dream seemed to be slowly ringing in his ears again. Xiao Chen closed his eyes, unwilling to see, listen, or think again. With a flick of his sleeve, it turned into a sword. The light went far away.

"Master Xiao..."

Fairy Hongdie was stunned for a moment, formed a seal with her hands, and immediately chased after her with her sword, flying hundreds of miles away before Xiao Chen stopped, put his hands behind his back and said, "What are you following me for?"

Fairy Hongdie slowly came to him and said, "You have hatred in your heart. You know who your enemy is, but you can't take revenge..."

"so what?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly became cold. Even Fairy Hongdie couldn't help but shudder, thinking that there was such a deep hatred and hatred planted in this person's heart... …

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said, "The breath of the underworld has passed through, and the prohibition has also passed through. The transaction between the fairy and Xiao is completed. See you later." After saying that, he made a single movement of his fingers and instantly transformed. He made a sharp sword light and flew away into the distance.

Fairy Hongdie looked at the shadow of his sword disappearing into the clouds, her brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally she shook her head and sighed, pinched the seal on her hand, and flew in another direction.

She will not go back to look for the Yin Ghost King and others. The purpose of these people is just to come in, and the cooperation is only temporary. Now that the goal is achieved, it is not a bad thing to part ways, so as not to fight each other for the treasure.

The next day, Xiao Chen returned to the hundreds of miles of mountains, trying to find some clues and traces of the past, but everywhere he went, there were only broken mountain peaks and remaining sword energy. Other than that, , nothing more.

After seven days like this, he searched from the inside to the outside, and even searched many nearby places. He searched the thousands of miles around with his spiritual consciousness, but could not find any trace.

Naturally, he also had doubts in his heart. He heard Qin Guan say before that his father planned to take his mother to the Bone Erosion Land, but why did he come to Huangquan Valley? What secrets are hidden in this Huangquan Valley...

In the afternoon of this day, he didn't know where he came, but he saw that the layout of the mountain peaks was a bit strange, like a formation, one after another connected together, and at the bottom of the mountain, spiritual power was constantly seeping up.

"Such a strong spiritual power..."

Even though his sense of spiritual power is not as good as Weiyang's, he can still feel it at this time. The spiritual power in the ground is constantly rising. It is precisely because of this spiritual power that the ancient land of Huangquan can be protected from the erosion of the underworld. ,I see……

At this moment, he had already guessed a little bit, and instantly probed his consciousness deep into the ground. Sure enough, there was the aura of the Eye of Spiritual Veins deep in the ground.

Now that he has found the Eye of Cold Pond and the Eye of Burning Sun, he wonders which of the seven veins the Eye of Spiritual Veins here is?

At this moment, a ray of spiritual consciousness suddenly came from his sleeve, which was the spiritual message from Bai Luan and Zi Yuan.

Xiao Chen immediately took out the jade note, and the spiritual power inside kept flashing. He probed his consciousness into it. After a while, the spiritual power inside the jade note gradually calmed down, and he also looked out of the valley, motionless, his eyebrows Gradually locked.

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