It has been seven or eight days since Xiao Chen entered this ancient land of Huangquan. The tide has arrived and the atmosphere of the underworld outside has completely dissipated. Anyone can enter this place for a month.

A month later, the aura of the underworld will cover Huangquan Valley again, and everyone will have to leave at that time, otherwise they will have to wait hundreds of years to get out again. And if the earth here is destroyed by everyone and the aura of the underworld penetrates, then everyone will die.

Xiao Chen just received the message from Bai Luan. The cultivators outside have discovered the restriction and are trying to pass the restriction. It is expected that in two days at most, this ancient land of Huangquan, which has been peaceful for many years, will no longer have any peace. At the same time, the message also mentioned that people from the Xiao family also came in.

Xiao Chen's frown deepened. As for what the Xiao family members were doing here, he didn't know for the time being, but thinking about it, it was most unlikely that they were also looking for his father's whereabouts.

But no matter what the Xiao family members were doing here, he didn't want to have any interaction with them, at least not now.

With a movement of his body, he followed the aura of the Eye of the Underground Spiritual Vein and went deeper into this ancient land. He didn't know where Master Baimei and Fairy Hongdie were today.

Three more days have passed. Yesterday, Xiao Chen had already felt the aura of foreign cultivators. It must have been someone who passed the two layers of restrictions outside.

With the arrival of the tide, it seems that the two layers of restrictions outside have temporarily become weaker, fearing that they may not be able to withstand the thousands of cultivators who come to Huangquan Valley this time.

By this afternoon, the mixed atmosphere of the cultivators outside had become heavier and heavier, and this ancient land was finally no longer peaceful.

For such a place, it is conceivable that once the people outside come in, they will frantically look for what they want inside, and even gather the spirits of heaven and earth here. Soon, the people of this ancient immortal place will The mountains and rivers will be destroyed.

Near dusk, Xiao Chen followed the aura of the Eye of Spiritual Veins to the top of an abyss. At this moment, a purple figure suddenly arrived and landed behind him. It was none other than Zi Yuan.

"Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan immediately stepped forward and cupped her hands to him. Just when she was about to say something, Xiao Chen suddenly raised his hand to signal to be silent and not to disturb the eyes of the spiritual veins here.

After a long time, the spiritual energy coming from below the abyss gradually weakened. Xiao Chen slowly turned around, looked at Zi Yuan in front of him, and asked, "Are you the only one coming in?"

Zi Yuan nodded, "Sister and others are outside, please let me come in to help you, Your Majesty."

After saying that, she walked a few steps forward and came to the edge of the cliff, staring at the bottomless abyss. Up here, even her words were echoed. She didn't know how deep it was down there. She only heard her "Did your Majesty discover the Eye of Spiritual Vein here..."

Xiao Chen shook his head. This time was no different than the previous two times. The first time he got the Eye of Cold Pond deep in the Xiqi Mountains, he was sure where the Eye of Cold Pond was and that there were seven. Which one of the eyes of spiritual veins.

Although it was a bit accidental that he got the Eye of the Flaming Sun for the second time in Wuwang Sea, he and Meng Xianer had been tracking it for a long time. It also had the Ring of the Flaming Sun, and it was later confirmed that it was the Eye of the Flaming Sun.

But this time, he was not sure which eye of the spirit vein was under the ancient land of Huangquan. He could only feel a little bit of breath, and this breath seemed to dissipate at any time, like a wisp of smoke in an ethereal fantasy. , cannot be touched, will fall apart at the first touch.

Zi Yuan also slowly frowned, looking down at the abyss without saying a word. Xiao Chen came back to his senses, glanced at her, and asked, "Did you have anything to tell me earlier?"

Hearing this, Zi Yuan raised her head, thought for a moment and said, "A few days ago, we have found out who are the members of the Xiao family who came to Huangquan Valley this time..."


Xiao Chen looked at the looming green mountains in the distance. He seemed slightly interested at this moment and asked lightly, "Who are they?"

Zi Yuan frowned slightly and said, "One of them, named Xiao Menger, is the granddaughter of Xiao Xuanfeng, the current head of the Xiao family. She has extremely pure Xiao family's true spirit bloodline and is known as the number one person in the Xiao family in the past thousand years."

"The first person in the Xiao family..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let the cold wind blow across his cheeks. In the past thousand years, shouldn't the number one person in the Xiao family be his father...

Yes, more than forty years ago, they had removed their father from the Xiao family's genealogy...

Haha, the first person...

Zi Yuan saw a sneer on his face. In fact, before she came, she had already guessed that he always looked indifferent and indifferent on the surface, but in fact, she still cared about it. After all, he was the one who used to be in the Xiao family. , is his biological father...

After a while, she continued, "This Xiao Menger, not only has she learned ancient martial arts, but she is also extremely skilled in Taoism..."

"Oh? Are you a dual practitioner of immortality and martial arts..."

This time, Xiao Chen became interested. Taoism and ancient martial arts are always mutually exclusive. Just as Buddhism and Taoism cannot coexist, there are very few people in the world who can cultivate both immortality and martial arts at the same time. Not only can ancient martial arts break through the void, but also Taoism can Dharma can also lead to the mysterious realm.

But listening to what Zi Yuan said at this time, it seems that this Xiao Meng'er has achieved exactly these two things that the world cannot do.

Zi Yuan frowned slightly and continued, "Her Taoism comes from the 'Xianqiong Sect' in the Lingxu Realm. When she was young, she was spotted by Donghua Immortal Lord, the first of the Xianqiong Sect. The next year she Become one of the four direct disciples of Donghua Immortal Lord."

"The Immortal Qiong Sect, Donghua Immortal Lord..."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and Zi Yuan continued, "There are eight ancient immortal sects under the Immortal Qiong Sect, which is one of the strongest forces in the Lingxu Realm. As for Immortal Lord Donghua, there are rumors that he has already ascended to the Immortal Realm and is ranked among the gods. , in the human world, it is just a clone he left behind..."

At this point, Zi Yuan paused for a while before continuing, "Originally, Xiao Meng'er has been cultivating Taoism in the Xianqiong Sect in the past twenty-one years, but this time, for some unknown reason, she suddenly returned to the Xiao family..."

Xiao Chen's eyes gradually condensed, and he stared at the green mountains in the distance without moving, and asked, "Besides this Xiao Meng'er, is there anyone else from the Xiao family who has come to Huangquan Ancient Land this time?"

Zi Yuan replied, "There is also a girl named Xiao Ling'er, but she doesn't seem to have much cultivation. She is the granddaughter of Xiao Yunshan, the third elder of the Xiao family. She came with Xiao Meng'er this time. In addition... there are also members of the Xiao family. An elder has been secretly following behind to protect them, and the others are probably unknown people from the Xiao family. "

"I see."

Xiao Chen slowly put his hands behind his back and stared at the mountains in the distance. The wind gently blew the white hair on his shoulders. At this moment, I don't know what he was thinking.

Zi Yuan continued, "In addition, this Xiao Meng'er, she is already qualified to go to the Ancient Immortal World..."

"Is it……"

This time, Xiao Chen's face didn't change much. He just remembered that when he was in Qinling, he heard Qin Guan say that back then, his father was the only person in the Xiao family who was qualified to enter the ancient immortal world.

After a while, he heard him say, "In your opinion, how does Xiao Meng'er from the Xiao family compare with my junior sister?"


Ziyuan pondered for a moment, raised her head, and said only four words: "No more concessions."

"It's a good one, so let's go..."

Xiao Chen stepped forward and rode the wind forward. Zi Yuan immediately followed. The two of them tracked the spiritual energy breath deep underground. Unknowingly, three days passed.

Today, more people have come to Huangquan Ancient Land, and there are even a lot of people getting into fights because of some things. In a chaotic place like Illusion Ruins Hill, killing people and grabbing treasures is common, not to mention Entering such an isolated ancient immortal land, there will be a fight among everyone.

In the afternoon of this day, Xiao Chen and Zi Yuan had already tracked the spirit vein aura and came to the outside of a deep valley. Although Zi Yuan had the tracking technique, it was not easy to find the eye of the spirit vein underground. One piece.

The two of them tracked it for three days and three nights, but only found a little bit of the aura of the Eye of Spiritual Veins. If they made a slightly larger movement, this aura would be immediately dispersed.

"Be careful and don't disturb the spiritual power here..."

Xiao Chen walked in front, Zi Yuan followed him, and the two walked into the valley together. After about an hour, they entered the depths of the valley, and there was another abyss in the depths of the valley.

"Your Majesty...look."

Ziyuan came to the edge of the cliff and looked under the abyss. He saw a layer of mountain mist surrounding it, which was obviously transformed by the spiritual energy in the valley. It seemed that there was probably something underneath the abyss. It was just such a strange valley and abyss. , there is always a hint of danger that seems to be absent.

After tracking for so many days, I finally got a clue today. Xiao Chen stared at the bottom of the abyss and said, "The spiritual veins may be down there. I'll go down and take a look first. Zi Yuan, you stay up there."


Zi Yuan was stunned for a moment. Apparently she could feel some kind of dangerous aura under the abyss, but wouldn't it be even more dangerous if you let Your Majesty go down alone?

Just when Xiao Chen was about to leave, suddenly, a lukewarm female voice came from a distance, "You cannot touch the spiritual veins here."

The sound echoed back and forth in the valley, and then, a wisp of breath came from the opposite side of the abyss. As soon as Xiao Chen and Zi Yuan raised their heads, they saw several figures coming from the opposite side and landing on the cliff over there.

The cliffs on both sides are only twenty feet away from each other. This distance is obvious to cultivators. There are about seven or eight people on the opposite side, and the leader is a woman in white.

But I saw her floating lightly on the edge of the cliff. At first glance, she seemed to be a fairy coming down from the clouds. She was dressed in white and not stained by dust. Her eyes were like water, with a hint of coldness and calmness like the surface of a lake in early winter. Her eyes seemed to have seen through the three thousand catastrophes in this mortal world, but the three thousand black hairs flying in the wind behind her shoulders seemed to be entangled with all kinds of smoke and clouds in the world.

She is very similar to Qian Yu Nishang, an indescribable and indescribable similarity.

Next to her, there was a girl standing. The girl looked to be eighteen years old. She was wearing a small peach blossom dress, her skin was as tender as water, and she still looked very young.

But compared to the goddess in white, the girl in red looked much sweeter. She stared blankly at Xiao Chen on the other side of the cliff and said, "Then...that little brother over there, the spiritual veins here, was my sister who has been tracking her for several days..."

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