The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 923 Little Netherworld

"Your Majesty, your Majesty... be careful!"

Zi Yuan's face turned pale, and she immediately used her weapon, subconsciously wanting to protect Xiao Chen. But in her current situation, not to mention protecting Xiao Chen, even protecting herself was a problem.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's expression became solemn. Even if his skills were restored to their peak, he might not be the opponent of the Blood River Ghost King, not to mention that this was still the opponent's territory.


At this moment, a loud Buddha's chant suddenly came from not far away, which immediately calmed down the endless blood river. The Blood River Ghost King's face changed and he said sternly, "Stinky monk, it's you who are meddling in other people's business again! You are here again!" Isn’t it enough to pester this king for thousands of years?”

"Until hell is empty, I vow not to become a Buddha. Only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi..."

As the sound got closer and closer, a figure finally appeared not far away, but looking at that figure, it was an ancient monk with his hands clasped together. In the churning river of blood, he was walking on flat ground. Come.


Zi Yuan's face was stunned again. How could there be another ancient monk here? What kind of place is this? It's too weird...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Blood River Ghost King suddenly laughed horribly, "I will never become a Buddha until the hell is empty. My hell is full of evil ghosts that even Buddhas can't save. Let me see how you want to save it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole river of blood began to churn again, and countless evil ghosts suddenly appeared in the river, densely packed, and they all grabbed the ancient monk.


The ancient monk clasped his hands together, and the Buddha's light shone in the river of blood, immediately causing these evil ghosts to dissipate. However, one batch after another disappeared, and there was no end to it.


At this moment, Xiao Chen did not hesitate, and while the Blood River Ghost King was fighting with the ancient monk, he immediately picked up the purple kite, kicked off his feet, and flew forward.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

The Blood River Ghost King shouted in shock, and rivers of blood suddenly appeared in front of them. The blood in the river surged up, and immediately rose up to a height of hundreds of feet, forming walls of blood, blocking the way of the two of them.

Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed, and with a swipe of his finger, a stream of blue energy flew out. With a "bang", it broke through the blood wall and rushed out with Zi Yuan.

But the blood river seemed to be endless, with walls of blood rising up, and countless evil ghosts pouring out of the river at the same time, rushing towards the two of them.

The bloody air was suffocating, and Zi Yuan had already turned pale with fear, but Xiao Chen remained calm and composed. With a wave of his hand, streaks of sharp Qi flew out, instantly killing the attacking evil spirits physically and mentally.

The two of them flew like this for who knows how long, and finally arrived at the end of the blood river. They didn't know where it was, but walls of blood suddenly rose hundreds of feet high, and at the same time, there was a terrifying power of the netherworld covering them. , seems to turn everything into pieces.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan's face turned pale. It was obvious that she had felt the terrifying power of the netherworld in front of her. As long as she crossed the end of the blood river, she would be completely free of the ghost king behind her. But how could she get through?


Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed. At this moment, without saying a word, he picked her up on his back, stepped on her with both feet, and flew straight into the blood wall.

"Lu Yan!"

"Here..." Lu Yan's soul appeared from the void in an instant, fending off all the evil spirits in the blood river for him.

Just like that, Xiao Chen flew forward with Zi Yuan on his back, and finally broke through the layer of netherworld power. The blood river behind him slowly receded, and in front, it seemed that light finally came through, but he didn't know where it was.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan just got over her shock and slowly got off his back, looking at the looming light in front of her. Is the exit just in front?

"Be careful and let's go."

Xiao Chen paid close attention and helped her to continue walking forward. The two of them walked for an unknown amount of time. The light in front became clearer and clearer, but it seemed to be not far away, but they could not reach it no matter what.

At this moment, a strange force suddenly came through, and Xiao Chen immediately stopped. At this moment, Zi Yuan only felt an indescribable coldness, but he noticed something in front of him.

"Haha, are you finally here? I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

A faint voice came from the front, but there was no figure in front of it. There was only a red and blood-red Bianhua flower, swaying gently in the wind, giving off an indescribable strange aura.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Ziyuan also noticed the red flower on the other side, and the sound came from the flower on the other side. Xiao Chen slowly let go of her, indicating that there was no need to be nervous.

"Is it you who's talking?"

Xiao Chen stared at the Bianhua flower in front of him. Everything he saw here was real and not an illusion.

"hehe, not bad……"

From the other shore flower, a faint voice came again, "The reason why you are here and the reason why you can see me is because you have demons and hatred in your heart, hehehe..."

The sinister laughter sounded slowly, which only made Zi Yuan feel her scalp numb, and she subconsciously pulled Xiao Chen's sleeves, "Your Majesty, don't go there..."

Xiao Chen ignored it and still walked towards the other side flower. He only heard the gloomy voice coming from above again: "Your enemy killed your parents, but you can't take revenge. The person you love is about to die, but you You can't save her, all because you are not strong enough..."

"Just come here like this, and I can give you the power to take revenge, to save her, and to get everything you want..."

The voice sounded slowly, as if it had fascinating magic power. At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to be possessed, slowly walking towards the other side flower.

Zi Yuan's heart trembled slightly, and she wanted to hold him, but at this moment, she found that she could not move, so she had to shout loudly, "Your Majesty, wake up! That's the dark demon, don't go there! Don't let it confuse your mind!"

But Xiao Chen still acted as if he couldn't hear it, and still walked slowly towards the other shore flower, only to hear the eerie laughter coming from above, "That's right, come here, I will give you the power you want..."

Finally, Xiao Chen walked in front of the other side flower. Zi Yuan's eyes widened and she felt bad. She wanted to rush up to stop him, but she couldn't move. At this moment, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and uprooted the other side flower. , at this moment, his eyes returned to coldness, and he said coldly, "You, a little dark demon, want to confuse me..."


The dark demon attached to the other shore flower wanted to struggle, but could not get rid of his hand. Xiao Chen said coldly, "I want to ask you, if there was a person here more than forty years ago..."

"No, I don't know..."

The Dark Demon's voice was a little panicked. Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly became colder, and a black heart-killing fire suddenly appeared in his hand. The Dark Demon immediately screamed, "I've never seen it before. I haven't seen it in the past hundred years." People have been here..."

"Have you thought it through?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and the heart-killing fire in his hands suddenly became heavier. The dark demon screamed, "No, I really haven't seen it before..."

"That's all."

After a while, Xiao Chen's eyes gradually returned to normal. Didn't his father come here before? Just listen to him continue to ask, "Where is this place?"

The dark demon did not dare to hesitate and immediately replied, "Yes, it is the shadow of the underworld in the human world, it is the little netherworld. If you want to go back up there, I can take you out..."

"Little Netherworld..."

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed, and the Heart-killing Fire in his palm suddenly burned, and the dark demon kept screaming, "You can't kill me, I can take you up, kill me, and you will never be able to get out..."

In the end, the sound gradually disappeared, and the other side flower was burned to ashes by his heart-killing fire. At this time, Ziyuan slowly walked up, and cold sweat was still forming on her back. It turned out that just now, Your Majesty was not affected by this. Dark magic confuses.

"It doesn't seem to be an easy thing to get back up there."

Xiao Chen stared at a bit of light in the distance. There was still more than half a month left. If he couldn't get back to the top before the tide ended, the consequences would be unpredictable.

The two walked forward for a while, and gradually, a terrifying aura enveloped them, making both of them feel suffocated.

"Boy, there is a strong presence in front of you..."

This time, Suye, the soul of the piano in Fuxi Qin, was awakened by this terrifying aura, and Xiao Chen naturally felt that the existence in front of him was very powerful, and it was definitely beyond what he could contend with now.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan couldn't help but tremble slightly again. The aura in front of her put too much pressure on her. What kind of existence was it...

At this moment, a strong aura suddenly approached quickly from the other side. Ziyuan immediately came back to her senses and looked in the direction from which the aura came. She saw a figure flying towards her, but she saw that the person was stepping on the fairy lotus. , shrouded in brilliant light, it was none other than Xiao Menger.

"Your's her!"

Zi Yuan was slightly startled. Xiao Meng'er flew here in an instant. When she saw Xiao Chen, a look of surprise appeared on her face. She didn't expect to meet him here. But soon, the look of surprise in her eyes turned into a look of disgust.

"Xiao Fairy, what a coincidence, why did you fall down here... Huh? We haven't seen each other for a while, how come the fairy is in such a mess."

Xiao Chen turned around, looked at her and said calmly, but there was a hint of ridicule in his words.

Seeing that he was still teasing her, the look of disgust in Xiao Meng'er's eyes became even heavier. She just wanted to kill him with a sword. She thought to herself, if it weren't for you, how could I have fallen into this hellish place and now I can't get out? ?


Just when she was drawing her sword, there was a sudden movement in the distance. Xiao Chen immediately came back to his senses, held down Zi Yuan beside him, and became alert.

And Xiao Meng'er also became vigilant. After a long time, the strange movement slowly disappeared. The two looked at each other again. Xiao Meng'er still wanted to kill him with a sword, but when she saw him, her face seemed to be smiling. With a non-smiling expression, she suddenly realized that her clothes were in pieces at the moment. She had been chased by Yin spirits all the way and had not had time to change her clothes.


There was a sword sound, Xiao Meng'er covered her chest with her left hand, pointed the sword at him with her right hand, and said coldly, "Take another look, believe it or not, I will kill you!"


Xiao Chen slowly moved his eyes away from her, then looked in the direction where the strange movement came from just now, and said calmly, "If you want to kill me, that's okay, but it's been less than twenty days since the tide ended. I'm afraid then At some point, you will die down here too.”

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