The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 924 Ancient Earth Gods and Demons

Xiao Chen's words at this moment are by no means alarmist. Xiao Meng'er also knows very well that this place is full of weirdness and there is no way to get out. Both of them are not ordinary people. Only by working together at this time can they possibly leave this place.

Just thinking that she could have escaped, but he was forced to pull her down and tear her clothes. Thinking of this, Xiao Meng'er felt angry.

But suddenly she thought that over the years she had practiced Taoism in the Xianqiong Sect, she had been able to keep her mind calm and unruffled no matter what happened. But why did she become angry again and again after meeting this person? What exactly was this person like? Who is it...

Thinking of this, Xiao Meng'er quickly regained her composure. She put the whisk on her shoulders, just enough to cover the broken skirt of her clothes on her chest. Xiao Chen glanced at her and said lightly, "Xiao Fairy, where are your clothes?" Broken."


Xiao Meng'er had already regained her composure, but when he said this, she couldn't help but get angry again, weren't my clothes torn by you? That's all, you can't get angry at this person anymore...

Xiao Chen said calmly, "There is a stone over there. Go over and change your clothes before coming back, so as not to let those Yin spirits see your body later..."

Xiao Meng'er squeezed the fly whisk tightly, not to get angry with him, and swayed towards the stone in the distance.

After a while, I saw her walking out from behind the stone. She had changed into clean clothes and looked as if she had turned back into the otherworldly fairy.

Although the two of them had to cooperate temporarily if they wanted to get out of here, Xiao Meng'er still never relaxed her vigilance towards him, and she became more and more suspicious of his identity.

"I wonder how much power Xiao Fairy has left at this moment?" Xiao Chen looked at her and said calmly.

Xiao Meng'er held the whisk sword in her hand and asked, "How much power does your Excellency have left?"

The two looked at each other without saying a word. At this moment, another strange movement came from the front, giving off a very powerful aura.

Xiao Meng'er slowly moved her eyes away from him, staring motionlessly in the direction of the strange movement in front of her. Her consciousness was also extremely sharp. At this time, she could naturally feel that there was something very powerful in front of her. exist.

"Do you know what's in front of you?" She glanced at Xiao Chen and asked coldly.

Xiao Chen also slowly turned his gaze back and said lightly, "What is it? You will know if you go and see..."

After about a day and a night, the two of them arrived in front, and they were getting closer and closer to the powerful aura.

There is no distinction between day and night down here, and the two can only estimate how much time has passed in their hearts. There seems to be some kind of restriction down here, and they cannot fly with their swords as they like above.

After walking for about two hours, the three of them finally came to a deep valley. The underground valley was unlike the one above. There were no flowers and plants, but only a dead silence.

"Your Majesty, look..."

Zi Yuan stopped and stared at the strange valley that suddenly appeared in front of him. It was pitch black and bottomless inside, but outside, there was obviously a forbidden aura coming out.

"This is it."

Xiao Chen also stopped, then looked at Xiao Meng'er, and said, "This should be the only place leading to the outside, but what is inside there, you and I don't know yet, and there is also something outside There are many restrictions, and we need to work together to break them."

Xiao Meng'er held the whisk sword in her hand, glanced at him, and then looked at the valley. From the beginning to the end, she never relaxed her vigilance and said, "In this case, please don't stay too far away."

"Fairy Xiao is worrying too much."

Xiao Chen knew that she was very wary of him, but he didn't know that after the competition for interests was gone, he treated her like a passerby, with no interest at all, let alone plotting against her.

What's more, now that both of them are trapped in this little netherworld, what benefit does it have to him to plot against her?

After a while, the two of them came to the deep valley. They saw Xiao Meng'er sweeping away the dust and hitting a layer of pure magic power towards the outer layer of restrictions. A burst of true energy hit the restriction.

Although the cultivation level of the two people has not reached the level of quasi-sage, their skills are actually better than those of some people who have become quasi-sage. With the joint efforts, it is not difficult to break the external restrictions.

Zi Yuan stood behind the two of them, with a slightly nervous look on her face, until after a while, the layer of restrictions outside the valley gradually dissipated.

After the restriction was broken, both Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er took back their skills, but neither of them moved forward. Xiao Meng'er put the fly whisk on her shoulders, looked at him and said lightly, "The restriction outside the valley has been broken. Your Excellency, please ”

Xiao Chen didn't say anything. At this time, Zi Yuan walked up, looked at the two of them, and whispered, "I'll go..."

"No need."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent, and as soon as he finished speaking, he strode inside with a look that seemed to have no scruples. Upon seeing this, Zi Yuan immediately followed, while Xiao Meng'er pondered for a moment and then followed.

The further you walk into the deep valley, the more you can feel the powerful aura. I don't know what is there, but if you want to go back to the top, judging from the current situation, this is the only way to go.

However, the entire valley seemed endless. The three of them walked inside for a long time, but there was still no end in sight.

About three days had passed, and suddenly there was a rumbling of the ground from the depths of the valley, as if the monsters that had been dormant here for tens of millions of years were about to break out of the ground, giving people a very depressing and dull feeling.

The three of them stopped, and Zi Yuan also nervously sacrificed her weapons. Gradually, a thick aura of death enveloped this place. Obviously, there was something terrible in front of it.

Xiao Chen glanced at Xiao Meng'er, who looked at the depths of the valley with a serious expression, frowning and saying, "The Yellow Spring Valley was once the battlefield of ancient gods and demons. The death aura below is heavy. Most of the people inside are ancient evil creatures. Are you ready?"

Xiao Chen said, "If the enemy comes, the general will stop him, and if the water comes, the earth will cover it... If you want to go back up, there is only this one exit. Fairy Xiao, do you think there are other options at this time?" At the end of the words, he looked at her.

Xiao Meng'er frowned and said nothing, and finally swept the whisk to dispel the death aura in front of her, and continued to walk forward with him.

This time, the two of them walked for an unknown amount of time, and the terrain ahead finally opened up, but the dead air was still condensed and did not disperse. Xiao Meng'er protected her body with a breath of immortal energy, and the dead air could not get close to her. As for Xiao Chen, he was not afraid of the dead air, so he only had to protect Zi Yuan at this time.

This place was dead and gloomy, without any breath of life, like a death valley, and above the valley, there was a faint light coming through, but upon closer inspection, it was covered by layers of black clouds, which seemed to be some extremely terrible restriction.

"That's the exit above..."

Xiao Meng'er looked at the light coming through the valley. She had a keen sense of consciousness, so she could naturally feel the human breath coming from above, but there were many restrictions here, and it was not easy to get to the valley smoothly, not to mention that there seemed to be some powerful existence lurking here.


At this moment, Xiao Chen had already sensed that there must be some kind of terrifying existence not far ahead. He did not dare to move rashly, and sent a divine thought to the Fuxi Qin, "Suye, can you feel some kind of existence ahead?"

"Boy, you shouldn't come here..."

At this time, Suye's solemn voice sounded in his mind, "Maybe there is a god or demon who has not yet completely died. I can't show up, lest my breath be detected by him..."

"Gods and demons who have not completely died..."

Xiao Chen couldn't help but be slightly startled. Are gods and demons who have not completely died gods or demons?

But didn't those ancient gods and demons disappear from the world in the last era? Why are there traces of gods and demons here...

And what's going on with the remaining immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas around me? Why are they entangled around me...

"In short, don't let him find you. With your current cultivation, if it's really an ancient god or demon, even if it's less than 10% of its strength, it's easy to kill you..."

Su Ye's words finally rang in his mind, and then there was no sound. Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and stared at the abyss in front of him, which was shrouded in death. Is there really an ancient god or demon in front?

If there are gods and demons guarding there, how can we get up this time?

The three stood there for a long time. Zi Yuan's back was already covered with a layer of cold sweat. She said cautiously, "Otherwise, I'll go and see..."


Xiao Chen raised his hand. He couldn't let Zi Yuan take this risk. If there was really a god or demon there, no matter how fast she was, she couldn't escape the god or demon's consciousness. Almost just a consciousness could instantly turn her into ashes.

"I'll go take a look..."

Xiao Chen's expression gradually became solemn, holding his breath, remembering that when he was in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, in the White Bone City, he seemed to be able to have a simple communication with the ancient god of the Ten Thousand Bones Formation, and in the Twelve Fingers Heart Demon Forbidden Land, he was able to fully communicate with the Twelve Fingers Heart Demon. Now he wondered if he could also communicate with the god and demon in the Abyss Valley.

However, he did not expect that when he took the first step into the Abyss Valley, a terrifying and low voice came from inside, "Mortal, quickly leave this place..."

Xiao Chen immediately felt his heart tremble, even if it was just a voice, it made him almost breathless, and Xiao Meng'er's expression changed. There really was such a terrible existence in there, but she did not fully understand the sentence just now, as if it was the language of gods and demons in the last era.

But Xiao Chen understood. Xiao Meng'er looked at him and frowned and asked, "What did he say?"

"Let us leave here and don't get close..."

Xiao Chen stared into the depths of the abyss. He seemed to have seen a huge shadow of a god or demon. Xiao Meng'er slowly came to his senses and looked up at the abyss. The exit was there. Should we give up?

"Don't try to do stupid things. No matter how fast your lotus platform is, it can't be faster than the consciousness of a god or demon." Xiao Chen stared into the abyss. As he spoke, he slowly took back the steps he had just taken.

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