The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 927 The Fairy is in Trouble

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan's face was startled. Although she couldn't understand the language of this god and demon, she could feel the killing intent coming from the eyes of the god and demon at this moment. It seemed that this god and demon only wanted to let the Lord go, but wanted to kill him. himself.

At this moment, two terrifying bloody lights suddenly shot towards her in the eyes of the gods and demons. But at the same moment, Xiao Chen moved to Zi Yuan's side almost instantly, reaching out to take her elsewhere, avoiding the gods and demons. Those two bloody lights.

"You... want to protect her?"

The voice of the god and demon became deeper, and his eyes became colder and more terrifying. The two bloody lights were full of murderous intent.

Xiao Chen protected Zi Yuan behind him, looked at him and said, "Since she is mine, the only person in this world who can decide her life and death is me. No matter whether you are a god or a devil, you have no right to decide her." life and death..."

"Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan trembled slightly, she was alive and dead in an instant. Until now, her hand was still tightly held by Xiao Chen, but she could also feel Xiao Chen's violently beating heart at this moment. He was not It's not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

"Haha! Good...good!"

The god and demon let out a deep laugh, and said coldly, "If you insist on protecting her, then stay together. This is my domain. How should you leave?"

Xiao Chen said, "You just reminded me that there are three corpse demons in my body. Although I can't escape from your domain, the three corpse demons can certainly do it. So... if I cause the three corpse demons to explode, I will be completely destroyed." Devour, you think, can this break through your realm.

Hearing this, Zi Yuan was even more startled, "Your Majesty..."

"Shh, don't talk."

Xiao Chen immediately sent a spiritual thought to her. He looked calm and steady at this moment, but in fact his heart seemed to jump out of his chest at any time. At this moment, his eyes were staring at the gods and demons, motionless.

"Haha, okay, okay!"

The eyes of the gods and demons suddenly became cold and stern. "In this case, I will open the realm and give you three breaths. Within three breaths, if you can take her to escape from here, that's fine. If you can't escape, you will Both of them belong here.”

After hearing this, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate anymore and instantly rushed to the sky with Zi Yuan.

"One breath!"

Almost in an instant, Xiao Chen flew away from the body of the god and demon with Zi Yuan.

But seeing layers of black clouds covering the sky, it was a restriction imposed by gods and demons. Xiao Meng'er had sacrificed his entire life's immortal energy to break through this restriction, but how could he escape with Zi Yuan?

"Two breaths!"

The voices of the gods and demons echoed in the abyss. Xiao Chen had no time to think about it anymore. He instantly took Ziyuan and rushed towards the sky covered with dark clouds. But when he rushed up, he could already hear the gods and demons behind him. The voice "Three breaths!"

After three breaths, the god and demon's big hand suddenly transformed into a thousand-foot-long palm shadow, and grabbed the two of them at once.

This is the realm of gods and demons, and it is difficult for anyone to escape. At this moment, Xiao Chen pointed two fingers towards the center of his eyebrows, and actually elicited the consciousness of gods and demons, turned into a shadow of gods and demons, and instantly attacked He caught the thousand-foot palm shadow captured by the gods and demons.


There was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, and the clouds continued to surge. In this fleeting moment, Xiao Chen pushed his lifelong skills to the limit, whether it was the Nine Yin Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques or the techniques from the fragments of the Heavenly Book, Or maybe it's Xuan Qing Dao Dharma, all gathered into one body at this time.

I saw that he had used up all his life's energy to hit the gods and demons in the sky with a palm. With a "bang", a crack was finally broken. At this moment, he took Zi Yuan to unfold the world and escaped.

The entire abyss gradually returned to calm. The gods and demons looked at the slowly gathering black clouds in the sky and said to themselves, "You can use my gift to attack me so quickly. You... very soon." Strong...I will stay in silence here forever. I hope that one day, you can solve your own confusion..."

Slowly, the gods and demons closed their eyes again, and the consciousness of the gods and demons began to leave the body again, scattered and gathered, gathered and dispersed.

Let's talk about Xiao Chen and Zi Yuan. The two of them escaped from the small netherworld in the ground in an instant and came to an unknown valley. They only felt that the light was a bit dazzling.

It's no wonder that the two of them had been in the underground abyss where no sunlight could be seen before. Now that the sun was shining brightly and the grass and trees were fragrant, they felt as if they had suddenly returned to the human world from the netherworld.

It's just that this place has gradually gained a hint of the underworld. It seems that the tide is about to end. The two of them must find a way out as soon as possible. As for the Eye of the Nether Spring, it is extremely difficult to survive this catastrophe, so the Eye of the Nether Spring can only give up temporarily.

"Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan's face suddenly turned pale, and when she saw cold sweat on Xiao Chen's forehead, she realized that it was not easy just now. If something unexpected happened, then the place the two of them were at now would not be the Hell Valley on earth, but the Hell Underground. Netherworld.

"It doesn't matter..."

Xiao Chen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He just consumed too much power and needed to recover as soon as possible. But at this moment, he felt the consciousness of gods and demons between his eyebrows again.

This knowledge of gods and demons is a gift from the gods and demons just now. It has extremely strong power of ancient gods and demons. It will not corrode him, but whether it will cause changes in the three corpse demons is unknown. Whether it is a blessing or a curse. , he can’t explain clearly now, but thinking that it is like this now, how bad can things get, no matter how bad they are?

Simply, he put away his doubts, sat down cross-legged on the spot, and said, "I just spent too much, Zi Yuan, please help me use my skills and restore my skills as soon as possible."


Zi Yuan said nothing, and immediately sat behind him, placing her palms on his back to help him restore his power.

It was almost noon at this time, and this should be the depths of Huangquan Valley. He didn't know how far away from the exit he came from, but his skill had not yet been restored. If he went out in such a rash way, it would undoubtedly be more dangerous. .

And Xiao Meng'er didn't know where she went. She should have escaped three days ago, and the void below was abnormal. The place where she escaped should not be here, because there was no trace of her breath left here.

Two hours passed slowly. Dusk was approaching and the valley gradually became dark. Xiao Chen's skill had recovered to 60-70%. At this moment, he suddenly sensed a breath approaching from outside the valley. In an instant, he was already there. Less than a hundred feet away.

Zi Yuan naturally noticed it, and her face was startled, "It's her!"

Sure enough, a figure suddenly broke into the valley, but looking at the figure's flowing white clothes, with fairy lotus feet on his feet and a whisk sword in his hand, it was none other than Xiao Meng'er.

It's just that at this moment, she doesn't look so fairy-like anymore. Instead, there is blood on her clothes. There is still a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth. Her pale face shows that she is seriously injured at this time. .

It seemed that at this moment, she was also surprised to meet Xiao Chen and Zi Yuan here. They were really enemies on a narrow road, and the air around them suddenly seemed to freeze.

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