The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 928 Enemies meet on a narrow road

"Oh?" ✬❋

Xiao Chen raised his head and glanced at Xiao Meng'er lightly. He didn't intend to get up. However, looking at the other party's appearance at this time, it seemed that he was being hunted. He only heard him say lightly, "It has only been three days. How come Fairy Xiao is still here?" It made me so miserable..."

Although his words at this time seemed to have nothing to do with him, he was thinking in his heart, let alone Xiao Meng'er's status in the Xiao family, she was just a disciple of the Donghua Immortal Lord of the Xianqiong Sect. The number is enough to intimidate all the forces in the Lingxu Realm, large and small. Who dares to chase her here?

Xiao Meng'er glanced at him. She had never thought that she would meet Xiao Chen here again. Just when she was about to hold up the lotus platform and leave, a voice suddenly came from outside: "I just saw her coming this way." , go look inside!”

Hearing this voice, Xiao Meng'er's expression changed slightly, but she was still calm at the moment. She immediately put away the lotus platform, swayed, and hid behind a big stone not far from Xiao Chen.

Soon, more than ten figures from outside had flown in. I don’t know who they were. They were all dressed in black and had their faces covered.

Xiao Chen looked at these people. The cultivation level of more than a dozen people was neither low nor high. But with these people, they were still a little short of hurting Xiao Meng'er. I think it was Xiao Meng'er who was down there before. In order to break the restriction between gods and demons, Meng'er expended too much, and she happened to be bumped into by this group of people as soon as she came up.

But who are these desperadoes? The key is who takes orders and dares to chase Xiao Meng'er...

Naturally, the dozen or so people saw him at a glance. The leader, a man in black, said coldly, "Young man with white hair and a shabby face, did you see a woman running in just now?"

"Oh?" ✬❋

Xiao Chen said calmly, "What does the woman you are talking about look like? Is she beautiful or ugly, tall or short, fat or thin..."

"You answer whatever the boss asks you. Why are you talking so much nonsense? If you keep talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will chop you with a knife!"


Xiao Chen slowly stood up, and at this time, behind the stone not far away, Xiao Meng'er could be seen frowning, constantly giving him winks and shaking her head, seeming to be quite nervous.


Xiao Chen covered his chest and coughed twice, then pointed to the stone, "There is someone behind that. I don't know if she is the woman you are talking about."


The expressions of more than a dozen people were condensed, and without saying a word, they slashed at them with wild swords and swords. The wind and sword energy tore through the void. The stone instantly turned into powder, and in the flying dust, a figure was seen flying away. It was Xiao Meng'er who came out. She glared at Xiao Chen hatefully, then picked up the lotus platform and fled away.


A dozen people rushed after him at lightning speed, and in just a moment, they disappeared under the vast dusk.

After a while, the valley slowly returned to calm. Dusk had arrived, adding a sense of splendor to the valley.

Zi Yuan looked at the direction in which Xiao Meng'er escaped and murmured, "Your Majesty, just now, was it a little too much? I think she seems to have been seriously injured..."


Xiao Chen said casually, "Three days ago, in order to escape alone, she slapped you so hard that we almost died down there. Isn't that too much?"


Zi Yuan's eyebrows were slightly furrowed. Xiao Chen knew what she wanted to say. At this moment, two cold gleams suddenly flashed in his eyes: "I said, no matter when, I have nothing to do with this Xiao family. They are dead." Whether it is life, existence or death, what does it have to do with me?”

Zi Yuan said no more, and after a while, Xiao Chen said again, "Don't worry, she can't die. What is Xiao Meng'er's status? No matter how high her cultivation level is, no one among her peers can match it. How can we really trust her to go on a dangerous journey alone? There must be an elder with advanced cultivation behind her to protect her in secret. But that day she fell into the Little Netherworld with us, and the elder lost his sense of her, and now his consciousness is temporarily gone. It can’t be spread.”

After listening to what he said, Zi Yuan nodded, thinking that that's it, His Majesty didn't really want to kill her just now...

Recalling that in Little Netherworld, Xiao Meng'er almost let herself and the Supreme One die below in order to live alone. If the god and demon hadn't suddenly fallen into confusion and finally woke up, I'm afraid that she and the Supreme One would really have died below.

But even so, His Majesty never thought of adding insult to injury to her. At this moment, Zi Yuan suddenly felt that although the Sir in front of her was sometimes cold and cold, and even seemed to be unreasonable, in fact, he was more open-minded than anyone else. All spilled.

"Let's go outside and see if we can find Bai Luan and the others."

Xiao Chen said as he slowly walked out of the valley. Zi Yuan stayed behind for a while and then followed.

As dusk fell, there was gradually an unspeakable ghostly presence in the mountains. Xiao Chen walked in front, still thinking about the gods and demons deep underground.

At this time, the awareness of gods and demons between his brows slowly began to feel cold as the night gradually fell. When he was down there, he could feel that the gods and demons sometimes fell into confusion and sometimes regained consciousness. But it's more of a pain.

Maybe others couldn't feel it, and would only think that the gods and demons were scary, but he felt that the gods and demons were very painful, because he no longer knew whether he was the superior god or the ancient demon.

Is it the divine consciousness of the God that gradually swallowed up the demonic consciousness of the ancient demon, but he mistakenly thought that he was swallowed by the demonic consciousness of the ancient demon, or is it the demonic consciousness of the ancient demon that gradually swallowed the divine consciousness of the ancient demon, which made him think, I am not an ancient demon, but a god...

Probably, whether they are ancient demons or gods, it is a kind of sadness for them. They have lost themselves in this long river of time. Perhaps only death and eternal silence can be a kind of relief...

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen suddenly felt an unspeakable pain in his heart. If he was infected by demonic consciousness, would he still be able to stay awake after one thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years... until thousands of years later? So what kind of pain is it...

He raised his hand and looked at the faint aura of the Three Corpse Demons on his left wrist. If he was devoured by the Three Corpse Demons in the future, after many years had passed, would he be like a god or demon at that time? Gradually losing myself...

If you are completely swallowed by the Three Corpse Demons and your consciousness completely disappears, then the only person in the world who can kill you is your master...


Thinking of his master, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his heart. His life was saved by his master. If she wanted to kill him, she would have no regrets...


The person who suffers the most must be her...

He wants her to kill him with her own hands...

"All my disciples' abilities were taught by the master in the past. Today, they are all returned to the master..."

"Today you and I have ended our relationship as master and disciple, please go away..."

"If I leave, then master will have to be alone in this cold Yaoguang Palace again. No, there was no me before, but now I am, then I will never let master be alone again. Already..."

"If you want to kill me, just kill me! That's right, I just bumped into you, so you have to kill me too. Anyway, there is no good person in your Xuanqing sect!"

Scenes from the past, at this moment, it was like old dreams from the past were brought to the eyes one after another. With the cold wind in the valley, Xiao Chen's eyes gradually turned slightly red.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Zi Yuan, who was next to him, noticed something strange about him. Xiao Chen came back to his senses, gently smoothed his sleeves, and said, "It's okay, maybe it was because Xiao Meng'er was suddenly intruding while I was doing my martial arts just now, and my true energy has not yet been released." Return to the meridians.”

"Then... do you want me to help you with your martial arts again?" Zi Yuan looked at his slightly red eyes and asked in a low voice.

"No need..."

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves gently, and at this moment, he seemed to have changed back to the Lord of the Desireless Heaven who was like the lonely moon in the sky. No one could get close to him, and no one could enter his heart.

But Ziyuan deeply remembers that year, when he went to look for the Eye of the Cold Pond, amidst the wind and snow, his white hair on the back of his shoulders was flying with the wind and snow. He was wearing a white mink fur that day. His back seemed to be blended with the snowstorm.

As a result, there was only endless loneliness and loneliness left in the whole world.

"Your Majesty..."

At this moment, Ziyuan moved her lips slightly. In fact, after so many years, she had already gotten to know this lord. If he didn't want to say it, then he must be thinking of his master, Fairy Miaoyin.

Because this is what he... least wants to mention.


Suddenly, Xiao Chen made a silence gesture, and Zi Yuan also came back to her senses in an instant. At that moment, she seemed to have noticed an aura approaching. Although the other person was hiding very deeply, she also I noticed that the person coming was probably a quasi-sage of level 5 or above...


Although he still doesn't know who it is, Xiao Chen can be sure that the other party must be coming for him. Now his skill has only recovered 60-70%. If he faced a first- and second-level quasi-sage, he might still have some strength. There is a chance of winning, but if the opponent is a quasi-sage of level five or above, he has no chance of winning.

The two people moved and went back in the direction they came from, and disappeared into the vast night in an instant. Fortunately, it was difficult for spiritual consciousness to spread in the Huangquan Ancient Land, and with the cover of night, even if the opponent was a fifth-level or above Quasi-sages, it is not easy to find them in a short time.

At about midnight, a bright moon hangs high in the sky. In seven days, it will be a full moon night. At that time, the tide ends and the breath of the underworld returns to the earth. No one who is still in the ancient land of Huangquan can even think of escaping. .

Xiao Chen and Zi Yuan didn't know where they had arrived. There seemed to be a deep valley in front of them, with a faint aura of spiritual power coming out. Zi Yuan was on guard, "Be careful, Your Majesty, there seems to be someone inside."


Xiao Chen was attentive and vigilant, and slowly entered the valley with her. Under the bright moon, he saw that there was indeed a person in the valley. He was using the moonlight and the spiritual energy of this place to heal his wounds. It was none other than Xiao Meng'er.

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