"It's true... we meet everywhere in life, but one evening, Fairy Xiao, we met again. Xiao Chen said lightly while slowly walking into the valley.

Xiao Meng'er raised her head and looked at him at this moment. There was still hatred in her eyes, but then a sneer appeared on her face. "It seems that your Excellency is also being hunted down here..."


Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back, looked at her and said calmly, "Anyway, nothing good has happened since I met you."


Xiao Meng'er sneered and said, "I was just about to say that nothing good has happened since I met you."

At this moment, both of them were silent, and the valley suddenly became silent, with only the wind blowing gently and the leaves making a rustling sound.

At this time, Zi Yuan walked forward and whispered, "Then... now that you have met again, does it mean that something bad will happen next..."


Hearing what she said, Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er both looked at her. Zi Yuan was stunned for a moment, stepped back, and hurriedly waved her hands, "No, no, no, I, I just said it casually..."


Suddenly, Xiao Chen's voice became much louder, especially in this quiet night. The voice echoed back and forth in the valley for a long time, so startled that the jackdaws on the trees fluttered up and flew out of the valley.

Xiao Meng'er was startled, looked around, and lowered her voice and said, "What are you doing! Do you want to die?"

"Huh? I can't hear you clearly. What did you say?"

Xiao Chen's voice still sounded like a bell, echoing back and forth in the valley. Xiao Meng'er's injuries had not yet fully recovered, and her skills had only recovered half. At this time, her face was full of horror, and she lowered her voice and said, "You If you keep shouting like this, the people who are chasing you will also be attracted. Do you think you can escape unscathed? "


Xiao Chen finally lowered his voice slowly and came back. Xiao Meng'er looked around and thought, "No, the random yelling he just made will definitely attract those people soon, so he must do it immediately." Get out of here.

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, and regardless of the fact that her injuries had not yet healed, she immediately held up the lotus platform and flew to the other side of the valley.

"Your Majesty, then we..."

Zi Yuan looked at the direction Xiao Meng'er was leaving and murmured, "Shall we leave too?"

Xiao Chen said, "Didn't you hear her say just now that she would attract the people who are chasing us? If we don't leave yet, are we waiting for that person to come after us?"


Zi Yuan couldn't help but be stunned. Your Majesty knew that he would attract the person behind you, but you just shouted like that. Sometimes she really didn't understand what your Majesty was thinking...

By the time she came to her senses, Xiao Chen had already launched his Ling Xian Steps and chased in the direction Xiao Meng'er left. Zi Yuan immediately came to her senses and followed her.

About an hour later, it was already late in the morning and late at night. Everything was quiet. Only two or three figures were seen walking through the mountains. They were Xiao Meng'er, Xiao Chen, and Zi Yuan.

Xiao Meng'er's speed on the lotus platform never slowed down. Seeing the two people behind her chasing after her, she couldn't help but frown, slowed down, and lowered her voice, "Why are you still following me?"


Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back and walked against the wind. The night wind gently blew his long hair behind his shoulders. He said lightly, "Xianxian Xiao is trying to avoid being chased by her enemies, so she takes this road, and so do I... Why can't I take it?" "

Hearing this, Xiao Meng'er frowned slightly and ignored him. She headed towards the lotus platform and went straight to a hidden valley ahead.

When they arrived at the valley, Xiao Meng'er put away the lotus platform, looked at him and said, "I'm sorry about what happened down there before..."


Xiao Chen also slowly fell to the ground. Looking at her unwillingness at this time, he said lightly, "What? The first person in the Xiao family and a disciple of Donghua Immortal Lord, can he actually say sorry to others?" …”

"That's all..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were always very indifferent. He did not hold any grudge against Xiao Meng'er for what happened in Little Netherworld. In other words, even if it were another person, in that life-and-death situation at that time, he would probably Do that.

However, from Xiao Meng'er's point of view, this was no longer the case. She felt that it must be because of what happened down there before that Xiao Chen had a grudge against her.

At this moment, the moonlight shines on her face, with three parts of tranquility, three parts of coldness, three parts of fairy spirit, and one part, probably a slight sense of apology.

It was such a complicated expression that made her no longer look like the cold, aloof fairy she usually was.

After a while, the two of them asked at the same time, "Who is chasing you?"

At this time, the moonlight was thick, reflecting the figures of the two people in the valley. At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. In the end, Xiao Menger put the whisk on her shoulder and said coldly, "It's probably Beigong." Or someone sent by the Mo family."


Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent, thinking, could it be an internal fight among the six major clans?

No wonder, now that the Xiao family has such a proud girl like Xiao Menger, there will naturally be some people with ulterior motives who want to get rid of her...

Then... where was my father?

Xiao Chen took a deep breath. His father's incident back then was complicated and confusing. It probably involved a lot more than just the internal fighting among the six major clans...

Seeing his expression at this time, Xiao Meng'er felt doubtful in her heart and asked, "What about you? Who is chasing you..."

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and said calmly, "I have made many enemies in my life. It is not surprising that one or two people who have reached the advanced level of cultivation come after me..."

Xiao Meng'er looked at his indifferent eyes at this time and couldn't help but gradually frowned. He seemed to be about the same age as her. Could it be that he had experienced countless life and death tribulations?

If he hadn't experienced countless life and death disasters, how could his eyes at this moment be so calm and indifferent...

This kind of look is like a small boat in the stormy waves. No matter how high the wind and waves are, it remains calm on the water. It cannot be faked by deliberately pretending. Who is he...

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er became even more confused about his identity. Over the years, she had never seen such a person among her peers. Who is this person...

As the night got darker, both of them slowly came back to their senses. The current situation was that they had to recover their skills as soon as possible. There were still six days until the end of the tide. Before that, they had to go out, but now outside, everyone It's the people who are hunting them.

At this moment, Xiao Meng'er made a quick decision, put the fly whisk on her shoulder, and looked at Xiao Chen intently: "There are people chasing you and me outside now. Judging from the current situation, only by our cooperation can we deal with those people." people."

"Is it cooperation again..."

Xiao Chen glanced at her, and this time he would never believe her again no matter what.

Xiao Meng'er frowned and said, "I know it's hard for you to believe me now, but the tide will end soon. If we don't go out, you and I will die in here."


Xiao Chen looked nonchalant and said calmly, "I'll help you defend against the enemy first, and when your skills recover, you can help me defend against the enemy. It's a way to get the best of both worlds..."

Xiao Meng'er saw that he was speaking so carelessly at this time, but she didn't believe him. She raised her eyebrows and said, "This is a matter of life and death. I hope you won't make fun of it."

"I said it very seriously..."

Xiao Chen glanced at her and said calmly, "Taoist and martial arts cultivators are very harsh on practitioners. Previously, you used your whole body of immortal energy to break through the restrictions of gods and demons, and you already suffered backlash. However, you used Xiao Jiaxuan's It was possible to suppress the backlash by forcefully suppressing the internal force, but you didn't expect that you would meet a group of killers with high cultivation levels at this time. After consuming a lot of real energy and internal power at the same time, you are no longer as simple as the backlash. …”


Hearing what he said, no matter how high Xiao Meng'er's Taoism was and how calm she was, her expression could not help but change slightly.

Xiao Chen continued, "If what I predict is true, you have only two choices next, either give up your ancient martial arts, seal your own meridians, and let your inner strength dissipate, so that you can maintain your Xuanmen cultivation...or don't give up." His inner strength has gone too far and he has become a demon. From then on, he will not be able to become an immortal and fall into the devil's path."

"Who the hell are you!"

This time, after listening to him accurately describing her current situation word for word, Xiao Meng'er's expression finally completely changed, and she could no longer maintain her former calm heart.

Xiao Chen said calmly, "You will know who I am in the future, but with Fairy Xiao's ability, these two extreme paths may not be the only ones to take. I think the fairy is planning to take risks and fuse her inner strength with mystical strength. If it succeeds, not only will the backlash be gone, but the cultivation level... will be even higher."


Xiao Meng'er felt even more suffocated. Who was he and why he knew so much about her cultivation? In just a short moment, he said everything right...

Xiao Chen said calmly, "There are at most three hours before dawn. People outside will definitely find this place by then. You only have less than three hours left..."

Cold sweat was dripping down Xiao Meng'er's back. She was no longer allowed to think about it any more. If she continued like this, she would eventually end up like Xiao Chen said, either she would become a meridian and abandon her ancient martial arts, or she would become obsessed with it. From then on, Fall into evil ways.

"I hope that your Excellency can be outside... to defend Meng'er for a while."

Xiao Meng'er bit her lips lightly. Her pale face could be clearly seen in the moonlight. It was really hard for her to call herself "Meng'er" in front of Xiao Chen, but now she had no other choice. Take a gamble and hope that this person will not seriously want to harm her...

Soon, her figure had disappeared into an ancient cave in the valley, while Xiao Chen kept his eyes indifferent. With a flick of his sleeves, he sat cross-legged at the mouth of the valley, took out the Fuxi Qin, and started playing leisurely.

It was quiet at night, and the sound of the piano was endless. Ziyuan saw that he still had the leisure to play the piano under the moonlight, but she really didn't know his intention, so she asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, how are we... now?"

"Wait for someone to come."

Xiao Chen used the ten fingers of his hands to pluck lightly and slowly, and the sound of the piano slowly drifted out of the valley.

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