The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 942 Formation Formation

When the light of the sword dissipated, it was an ancient sword whose entire body was like water. The water ripples on the sword were like the autumn wind blowing slowly across the lake.

"is her……"

When he saw this sword flying towards him, Xiao Chen's heart could not be without a trace of emotion, but it was like the surface of a lake blown by the wind. Although there were ripples, it soon returned to calm.

But everyone was really shocked when they saw such a sword flying towards them. Who has such ability?

When I looked in the direction from which the sword light came, I saw a woman flying in the sky. She was surrounded by fairy energy, and her feathers were not stained by dust. She should not belong to this mortal world. Even in this mortal world, she still could not Just like a fairy whose mortal heart was moved, she fell from the nine heavens into the mortal world.

But the word "no regrets" was clearly written in her eyes at this time.

At this moment, everyone was mesmerized. If Meng Xian'er's immortal aura that was not touched by the fireworks of the world was unmatched, then the woman in front of her, with her immortal aura that was bound by the world of mortals, was also unparalleled. Who can reach it?

Especially the male disciples in the Desireless Heaven were all looking at her infatuatedly. She should be a fairy in the Nine Heavens, not in this mortal world.

Not only the male disciples in Wuyu Tian were fascinated by the sight, but also Qin Lian and Qin Yao. When they saw Meng Xian'er before, they just thought that Meng Xian'er's body was out of this world. No one can match her immortality, but why... why does this woman in front of me make me feel... distressed?

Is it her regretless look at this moment?

If it were thousands of years later... would she still remember it?

"Thinking of the past, the dawn wind is waning and the moon is waning, the dreams are like yesterday, the long-lasting regret is so embarrassing, only the cold autumn..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart seemed to be filled with such a voice. When he came back to his senses, Qian Yu Nishang was already in front of him. With a flick of his sleeves, an unrivaled palm force surged out, immediately flooding the sky. The evil spirit was shaken to the point of disappearing.


This time, it was Master Baimei and Fairy Hongdie who were the first to show surprise. Who is this woman? He doesn't look very old, but he has such a level of cultivation!

At this moment, the two of them only thought of one person, and that was Xiao Menger of the Xiao family! But the woman in front of him was actually on par with Xiao Menger!

It turns out that outside the Lingxu Realm, in this small Immortal Yuan Five Realm, is there such a shocking woman?

And the Taoist method she used just now seems to have the same origin as Xiao Yichen. What on earth is going on?

The reason why Master Baimei and Fairy Hongdie looked shocked at this moment is because they have lived in the Lingxu Realm for a long time and have never traveled outside the world. They don't know that this world has undergone earth-shaking changes for thousands of years, and they don't know that the Middle Earth of Immortal Yuan has changed forever. There is a Taoist sect for cultivating immortals, named "Xuan Qing".

"Immortal? Demon? Buddha?"

Just when everyone was shocked, another extremely strong force suddenly came from the other side of the Hidden Cloud Sea, causing the clouds on both sides to surge.

Qian Yu Nishang's eyes were cold and she concentrated on it. When the power came close, she struck out with a palm, and the palm power instantly turned into a celestial light. With a "boom" sound, she collided with the power and suddenly shook the clouds within a ten-mile radius. A shudder.

However, the power was blocked by her and increased instead of decreasing. At this moment, even several quasi-sage experts in the formation felt suffocated. How could she deal with such a strong power alone?

At this moment, when the power was about to engulf her, a three-flower gathering seal suddenly appeared between her eyebrows. The three-flower immortal seal shone brilliantly, and in an instant, it The evil spirits coming from layer upon layer were dispersed.

"That is……"

When they saw the seal of three flowers gathering on top of Qian Yu Nishang's eyebrows, Master Baimei and Fairy Hongdie were even more surprised. They naturally recognized that this was the legendary three flowers gathering on top, which only takes ten thousand years to see... And in front of them... This woman...she actually cultivated into Three Flowers Gathering on Top!

Tomorrow...she will definitely ascend to heaven!

At this moment, everyone was even more shocked. Sure enough, she should not belong to this mortal world. She should be the fairy above the nine heavens...

Xiao Chen also felt the surging power in her body, but why at a certain moment, he felt somewhat similar to the power in Ruoshui's body? Could it illusion?

Just as he was thinking, another terrifying force surged towards Chuanyunhai, and he saw layers of black clouds shrouding him, like the unparalleled demon god coming to the world, the scene was extremely terrifying.

"That...that is!"

Everyone in Wuyu Tian was stunned. They saw black clouds coming in layers. What on earth was in the sea of ​​hidden clouds? It was so terrifying!

But this time, no matter how powerful Qianyu Nishang's Three Flowers Gathering was, she was still unable to withstand it alone. Once that power broke through her defense, it would endanger the entire Sky Covering Formation.


Earthquakes were rumbling, constantly coming from the depths of the ancient land of the Hidden Cloud Sea. The suffocating sense of oppression and the black clouds covering the sky seemed like a great demon that had been silent for tens of millions of years was about to reappear in the sky.

At this moment, everyone felt frightened, held their breath, and looked over there motionlessly. They saw Qianyu Nishang condensing his fingers, and the Qiu Shui Sword instantly turned into white light, and with one sword struck the layer upon layer of surging water. The black cloud resisted.

Even so, he still couldn't resist the devilish intentions coming from layer to layer!

Seeing that the force is getting stronger and stronger, Qian Yu Nishang can no longer resist it alone. Xiao Chen frowns deeply. He must go there, but now, he is in the center of the formation, how can he leave? I can only give it a try...

At this moment, I saw him put two fingers together, a little closer to the center of his eyebrows, and as a ray of light shone, he actually transformed into a clone in an instant!

This is not the illusory body technique in Ling Xianbu, but a real incarnation outside the body!


At this moment, almost everyone felt suffocated. Although in a sense, as long as you transform into a spirit, you can condense the clones, but these clones are also divided into strong and weak ones, but the clone that Xiao Chen has transformed right now , it looks almost the same as the original one. How many people here can do it?

At this time, I don't know if it was his true form or his clone. He reached the sky with one step and moved to the side of Qian Yu Nishang in an instant. He struck out with a palm, and the vast power of the palm surged away. The two people's power combined with each other. With a "boom", they immediately The black clouds covering the sky were defeated.

Qian Yu Nishang's eyebrows were deeply furrowed and she lowered her voice and said, "The existence under that seal is no ordinary demon."

"I know."

Xiao Chen looked intently at the Hidden Cloud Sea. At first, he didn't know what the existence of the Hidden Cloud Sea was, but since he went there that night, he felt something was wrong, but no matter what was sealed deep in the ancient land, What, at least now, he must not let it come out.

The two of them no longer hesitated. Xiao Chen's clone could not hold on for long. The two of them immediately cooperated to pour out their profound energy. The billowing black clouds immediately surged back, and were forcefully blown away by the powerful strength of the two of them at this moment. Forced to retreat.

The strange consciousness in the Hidden Cloud Sea finally slowly dissipated, as if the existence inside it finally fell silent. The billowing evil energy also gathered back towards the Hidden Cloud Sea. At this moment, the clouds cleared and mist dispersed, and a stream of When the sun shines down, it's a bit dazzling.

The crisis was temporarily lifted, Xiao Chen immediately ordered the clone to return to his original form. With the combined efforts of everyone, the entire sky-covering formation shot straight into the sky with rays of mysterious light, followed by an extremely powerful formation force that enveloped the entire sky. Desire for heaven.

The formation was finally formed, and the Chuan Yun Sea side was already impregnable. No matter how strong the evil spirit was, it would not be able to penetrate it this time.

After being tense all day and night, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. Looking at the mysterious light of the sky formation, everyone felt relieved.

The residual evil spirit around them, after cutting off the source of evil energy on the Hidden Cloud Sea, quickly dissipated with the wind. In the mid-air, Qian Yu's colorful feather clothes were fluttering, holding the ancient Qiushui sword in his hand, and his long hair behind his shoulders was flowing in the wind. Yang, she looked motionless over the Hidden Cloud Sea.

"Who is she anyway..."

In Wuyu Tian, ​​Qin Yao was still looking at Qian Yu Nishang. In the past, she had been deep in the Lingxu Realm, and she had never seen such a charming young lady. For a moment, she felt a little crazy. When will I be able to reach the other party's level of cultivation...

At this time, a subordinate of Yang Xiaoran next to him suddenly laughed and said, "You don't even know who she is?"

Qin Yao came back to her senses and thought to herself that she had never been to the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan. How could she know the people here? She hummed softly, "Who is she? I don't know..."

The man smiled and said, "She? You may not believe it, but she is our respected junior sister."


This time, even Qin Lian, who was standing next to Qin Yao, was startled. Did Young Master Xiao really come from a Taoist sect? He and his junior sister are both so powerful, so wouldn’t his master...


The man smiled, looked around, put his hand to his mouth, and said with a secret smile, "Actually, to tell you the truth, you two girls, our Commander Yang used to be your senior senior brother..."

"Shut up."

At this moment, Yang Xiaoran came up behind him and slapped him firmly on the back of the head. The man woke up with a start, smiled, and quickly stepped back.

Yang Xiaoran came to the front and faced Qin Yao and Qin Lian with a clasped fist and a smile, "Yang Xiaoran, you two girls, don't listen to the nonsense of that person just now. As for that one..."

When he said this, he looked at Qianyu Nishang on the other side of the Chuanyun Sea, and continued, "Her name is Qianyu Nishang. She was indeed the junior sister of Your Majesty in the past, but she became the disciple of Meiyue Lord, and our Lord, He used to be the only disciple of Lord Yaoguang, so strictly speaking, they are not from the same lineage."

"oh oh……"

Qin Yao nodded. She seemed to understand what Lord Meiyue and Lord Yaoguang meant, but she thought that these two people must be very powerful. So are there such powerful people in the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan? Compared to those in Wutian Palace...

On the Sea of ​​Clouds, the sky-covering formation had gradually stabilized. Qian Yu Nishang slowly turned around, looked at Xiao Chen, and whispered in a secret voice, "I know everything about the Lingxu Realm."

Xiao Chen looked at her but said nothing. Qian Yu Nishang added, "Not only do I know, but the seven lords also know about it, and Wutian Palace seems to have some kind of intention towards Xuan Qingmen."

"What did you say?"

Hearing Wutian Palace's intentions towards Xuan Qing Sect, Xiao Chen immediately frowned and wanted to ask something, but Qian Yu's colorful clothes had already flown into the distance, and only his figure was left, gradually disappearing into the sea of ​​clouds.

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