Xiao Chen looked at the clouds where Qian Yu's colorful clothes disappeared. Wutian Palace had plans for the Xuan Qing Sect, but what does all this have to do with him now?

He is no longer a disciple of the Xuan Qing Sect, so what does the Xuan Qing Sect's affairs... have to do with him?

However, he was somewhat surprised that Qian Yu Ni Chang suddenly came to help him today, but the direction Qian Yu Ni Chang left just now was not towards Xuan Qingmen, and she did not seem to intend to return to Xuan Qingmen.

At this moment, the sky-covering formation has been completely stabilized, and everyone immediately flew out of the formation. During this day and night, everyone's nerves were tense, and now they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the abnormality on the Hidden Cloud Sea, even Master Baimei and other quasi-sages were still shocked at this time. Thinking back to the thrilling scene just now, it still feels like they are in a dream. The woman who came suddenly, He suddenly left again, who exactly was it...

"The formation here is complete. Congratulations, Lord Xiao. Since it is as stable as a mountain, Lord Xuanming You and I are going to say goodbye."

At this time, the Master of Baiyun Pavilion suddenly spoke, wearing a white jade mask on his face. Everyone could not see his expression at this time, but from the sound of his voice, it seemed that he had a faint smile.

Xiao Chen looked at him and Xuanming Youjun and said, "Thank you both for coming to help me this time. Xiao has already set up a banquet, why don't you two stay one more day?"

The master of Baiyun Pavilion smiled and said, "There are still important things in the sect today, so it is better to talk about it another day."

"In this case, Xiao will not leave two more people."

When Xiao Chen finished speaking, he looked at Bai Luan and Zi Yuan, "Bai Luan and Zi Yuan, go see off the two sect leaders."


Bai Luan and Zi Yuan were slightly injured just now, but they were not serious. Just as they were passing by, Meng Xian'er suddenly said, "There's no need to send them down. I happened to be on the way with Baiyun Pavilion Master and Xiaoyao Pavilion Master. Let’s get them together.”

Xiao Chen looked at her and understood what she meant at this moment. He nodded slightly and raised his hand, "Thank you to the three sect masters this time. See you later.

Watching the three figures disappear into the clouds, Xiao Chen returned to Wuyutian, came to Hua Weiyang, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How are you?"

Hua Weiyang's face had recovered a little and she seemed fine. She shook her head and whispered, "I'm fine. Please ask Mr. Qin and the others to go back to the front hall. The banquet has been prepared."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, looked at Qin Guan and others, and said loudly, "Thanks to your help this time, I, Wuyu Tian, ​​was able to avoid disaster. I have prepared a little wine, everyone, please."

The Wuyu Heaven has dispersed those evil spirits, and it is like a fairyland outside the world, hanging high in the sky, far away from the noise of the mortal world.

I saw fairy islands floating everywhere, waterfalls forming curtains, white cranes flying high in the sky, and jade towers looming in the clouds. It was so gorgeous that it really looked like a heavenly palace.

Although it is the middle of winter, Wuyu Tian has captured the essence of heaven and earth, and its spiritual energy is not declining, just like March on earth, and the peach blossoms are blooming brilliantly.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here..."

Qin Yao looked at the fairyland-like islands around her, her eyes shining brightly. When she came earlier, due to the large black clouds of evil spirits, Wuyu Tian was as terrifying as a demonic realm. When those black clouds dissipated, Then you will see paradise.

After a while, everyone returned to the front of the hall, but they saw that the table was full of water and land, the wine was filled with bottles, and everyone was chatting and laughing in this fairyland, which was very pleasant.

"Sister, sister, look, look!"

Sisters Qin Yao and Qin Lian were sitting under a peach blossom tree. The wind blew gently, and pieces of peach blossoms fell on their shoulders and hair. It was like a dream, and a group of colorful butterflies came from nowhere. Surprisingly, these butterflies swirled around the two of them and stopped on Qin Yao's fingertips and hair tips, but they were not surprised when they met.


Qin Yao was very surprised. These butterflies seemed to really be able to dance, and even had a faint brilliance. She didn't expect that even the butterflies in this desireless sky could be so spiritual.

Qin Lian shook his head and smiled, looking at the innocent little girl, he smiled softly and said, "Little sister, come back quickly and sit down. Mr. Xiao is hosting a banquet today. Don't be naughty."


Qin Yao stuck out her tongue and smiled, but she usually jumped up and down in Luoxue Villa. Now that she came to a fairyland like Wuyutian, how could she sit there obediently?

Qin Lian shook his head, with a slight smile on his face, and looked into the distance again, only to see Xiao Chen drinking with everyone over there. He was still so young and already the master of one party, and in his Next to her, the girl's face bloomed with a smile, and she was so beautiful.

"Weiyang, you are not feeling well, don't drink too much." Xiao Chen sent a secret message to Hua Weiyang next to him.

Hua Weiyang smiled and whispered back, "It's okay." As he spoke, he held up the wine bottle and toasted to everyone.

At this moment, outside the banquet, Yang Xiaoran suddenly came in a hurry. Xiao Chen saw that his expression was different, put down the wine glass in his hand, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Yang Xiaoran stepped forward and whispered a few words in his ear. Xiao Chen immediately focused his eyes and looked towards Zhaotian Cliff, "Oh? But everyone who comes today is a guest. Since they are here, I will invite them." Take your seat."


Yang Xiaoran immediately retreated, and at this time Qin Guan and others also noticed that something seemed to be going on. Not long after, they saw a dozen people coming in from outside.

Among the dozen or so people, a few were Xue Yizi, Jiu Ming Patriarch and others, but the others were not from Wuyu Tian.

Walking in front was an old man in red and an old woman in dark clothes. Their faces seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, which was a bit gloomy and scary. The seven or eight disciples behind them looked uneasy and trembling even when they walked.

These two people were not someone else, but Elder Lihuo and Elder Kunyi from the Eight Palaces of Tianmen. Xiao Chen had seen them before, not only during the Tianmen Incident, but also during the Xuanqingmen Trial. Xiao Chen had a deep impression of them.

During the Xuanqing Trial, Tianmen pressed him aggressively and eventually forced him to jump off the cliff. How could he forget these two people back then?

"Elder Lihuo, Elder Kunyi, both of you... How are you?" Xiao Chen slowly put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at the two of them, and said lightly.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became as cold as frost. Originally, the people of Tianmen were observing in secret. Elder Lihuo and Elder Kunyi also came today, but they accidentally disturbed the formation outside, and happened to meet Xueyizi and Jiuming Patriarch and others.

Originally, it would not be difficult for them to escape with their cultivation, but because of the momentary panic and the layers of restrictions outside, they were unable to escape in the end. In addition, the disciples were captured by mistake, so they had to follow Xueyizi and others to Wuyutian.

Elder Lihuo and Elder Kunyi naturally remembered that more than ten years ago, Xiao Chen almost destroyed Tianmen and killed and injured countless of their disciples. The so-called enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, which is exactly the case now.

However, now that they were prisoners of others, the two of them were no longer as arrogant as they were in the past. Elder Kunyi looked cold and said, "Xiao Yichen! Today, my junior brother and I are in your hands. You can kill us if you want!"

When these words came out, Qin Guan and others were all slightly surprised. What was going on?

"How dare you!" Bai Luan shouted coldly, "Your Majesty, how can you shout and yell? Come on, give me this..."

"That's it."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Chen gently raised his hand and said lightly, "Today, we are guests. Please take a seat, the two elders of Tianmen."

As these words came out, the people in Lingxu Realm were slightly startled and confused, not knowing who these people were.

The disciples of Tianmen became more and more uneasy, and Elder Lihuo gently pulled Elder Kunyi's sleeve, indicating that they should listen to this person first. Finally, the two of them sat on two chairs under the leadership of Yang Xiaoran.

Xiao Chen slowly withdrew his gaze from the two of them and continued to chat and laugh with Qin Guan, Master Baimei and others. After about an incense stick of time, the two elders of Tianmen felt more and more uncomfortable and dared not touch the dishes on the table. The two sat there and no one talked to them, which was quite embarrassing.

In the eyes of Elder Kunyi, this was clearly an insult to her and her junior brother, which was even more painful than killing them with a knife. Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore. When she was about to get up, Elder Lihuo next to her was shocked and quickly held her down. "Senior sister! Be patient for a while! Be patient for a while!"

"If he wants to kill, kill him. How can he insult us like this?"

Elder Kunyi really couldn't stand it anymore. At this time, Xiao Chen slapped his palm on the table, and two wine glasses immediately flew into the air. Then, with a light flick of his palm, the two wine glasses immediately flew towards Lihuo and Kunyi.

"Be careful!"

Looking like two ordinary wine glasses, they actually have a hidden power. Elder Lihuo was suddenly startled and quickly used his twelfth level of power.

Elder Kunyi saw the wine glasses flying over, and he did not dare to be careless. He immediately used his power to catch them. However, even though the two had profound power, they could not catch the two small wine glasses at this time.

The wine glasses kept spinning in front of the two people's palms, as if they were going to crush them alive. The strong winds around them suffocated the disciples behind them and made them unable to breathe. The faces of the two people were also distorted by the strong wind.

After a long time, the power dissipated and the strong winds around them stopped suddenly, but the disciples of Tianmen were already blown to the ground. The two elders were already pale, holding the wine glasses in their hands, and the wine in the glasses had not spilled a drop, but the two seemed to have lost their souls. They sat motionless, and only the hands holding the wine glasses trembled slightly uncontrollably.

"Two elders, please."

Xiao Chen's voice was cold and indifferent. At this time, the rest of the people around him also looked at the two elders of Tianmen motionlessly.

The two of them were holding the wine glasses in their hands. Their faces were extremely pale. Even the last trace of blood quickly disappeared under the gaze of everyone.

At this moment, the two seemed to have finally come back to their senses. Elder Lihuo's heart trembled slightly, and he whispered to the senior sister next to him, "Senior sister...drink it. If you don't drink this glass of wine today, I'm afraid you and I will both die here..."

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