Xiao Chen said lightly, "Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, earthquake is the thunder, Xun is the wind, Kan is the water, Li is the fire, Gen is the mountain, Dui is the river... The Bagua Sword Formation seems to be closely connected and airtight. In fact, as long as someone who knows a little bit about the formation can break it, it will be easy to put this Lao Shizi formation here and waste the spiritual energy in the valley."

Hearing this, Yin Jian was even more startled. Could this man...could he be able to see where the formation was at a glance? This Bagua Sword Formation must have been set up by Master and several elders. How could he see through it at a glance...

"Senior brother, what are you talking about? Did grandpa set up a sword array in the valley? It's fine, what are you doing with the sword array? What if one of your own is hurt..."

Gongsun Yingxue held the nine-tailed fire spirit fox in one hand, and kept scratching his head with the other. He couldn't understand what he and Xiao Chen were talking about, and he didn't know what happened in the valley. Looking at it this way, it seemed that there was something wrong. It's strange. On weekdays, the senior brothers and sisters should be practicing swordsmanship. Why are they so quiet today... ✲✾

Yin Jian frowned deeply and looked at her and said, "Little sister, let's go faster. Maybe something will happen in the valley in the past two days..."

"Ah? What's going on..."

Gongsun Yingxue still didn't know what was going on, but before he finished speaking, Yin Jian pulled him forward quickly.

When we arrived at a white jade square, we saw green vegetation all around. At the end of the square, there was a majestic hall. Outside the hall, many people gathered, and they were sneaking into the hall to look at something, as if they were looking at something. Just as lively.

"No wonder there's no one outside. They all came here..."

Seeing many people outside the hall, Gongsun Yingxue felt relieved. It was just that someone came into the hall and attracted so many senior brothers and sisters to watch.

"Senior Brother! Junior Sister...you are back!"

At this moment, a man wearing white clothes suddenly ran over from a distance. He saw the white-haired man with his senior brothers and sisters from a distance. When he got closer, he felt an inexplicable feeling from the other man. Chill, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "This is..."

Yin Jian frowned slightly, with a serious look on his face, and said, "This is Brother Wuchen. I will talk to you later. Please tell me first, what happened in the valley these past two days?"


At this time, the man in white came back to his senses and frowned. Then he stepped forward and whispered a few words in his ear. Then, Yin Jian's eyes turned cold, "That's too much!"

"Senior brother...what's wrong?"

Gongsun Yingxue held the nine-tailed fire spirit fox in her arms and looked at the two of them in confusion. The man in white looked at her with a bitter face and said, "Little junior sister, you don't know, right after you and senior brother left, Not long after, the people from the Li family came to our door and demanded that we hand over the second senior brother, otherwise, they would crush the valley where we buried the sword..."


Gongsun Yingxue's face was startled, and she almost ran away from the fire spirit fox in her arms, but the next moment, she saw her face covered with frost, and she said gloomily, "Half years ago, that Li Fei failed to sneak attack on my brother on the stage. When my brother got hurt, someone from the Li family actually came up and slapped my brother. Before I could even settle the matter with them, they turned the tables on me... It was so shameless!"

Next to him, Yin Jian frowned deeply and said, "Little sister, I'm afraid this matter is not simple. There's no reason to blame anyone. I think the Li family mostly used this as an excuse. Their real purpose is to bury the Sword Valley..."

"What should we do?"

Gongsun Yingxue frowned and said to himself, "No wonder grandpa and several uncles set up a sword formation outside the valley. It turned out to prevent people from the Li family from coming in. The Li family is so hateful. I thought these two With Yun Zong as your backer, can you do whatever you want in Shu..."

"Little junior sister, you don't have to worry, hehe..."

At this time, the man in white suddenly laughed and said, "Two days ago, Master invited someone. Guess who this person is?"

"who is it?"

Gongsun Yingxue frowned slightly. Now that the Li family has Yun Zong as its backer, can it be possible to defeat the Li family by inviting just one person? Then how powerful this person must be.

The man in white chuckled and said, "That man is in the palace now. You will know when you go see him. As for the Li family, hehe, that man only needs to move his fingers. Not to mention the Li family, even the Yunzong above him. You have to shake three times.”

"Are you really that powerful?"

Yin Jian's face showed a look of doubt. He knew that the junior brother in front of him always liked to exaggerate things, but this time, it sounded like he was serious.

"Hey, senior brother, I'm not exaggerating this time. If you knew who that person was, you would definitely be shocked."

The man in white looked at him and smiled.

"Junior sister, let's go and see who the saint is in the palace."

As Yin Jian spoke, he looked at Xiao Chen again, "Brother Wuchen, you can come too. As for my junior brother, he's back anyway, so it won't be too late to go later."

Xiao Chen didn't say anything and walked towards the main hall with the two of them.

"Junior sister and senior brother are back!"

Seeing the three people coming, the people outside the hall immediately moved to both sides, and many people noticed the white-haired man behind the senior brothers and sisters, thinking who is this person? Why does it look like an ice cube...

"Yin Jian, Xue'er! You are back, come in quickly!"

I saw seven or eight old men sitting in the hall, and the person sitting at the head of the hall had a white beard and a strong spirit. He was wearing a rosewood-colored robe and looked particularly extraordinary. It was obvious that this person was It's the grandson of the owner of the valley who has grown up.

But at the head of the left hall below, there is a young man sitting there. The man is dressed in rich clothes. He is holding a folding fan and shaking it slightly. He seems to be extraordinary.

Yin Jian's eyes immediately fell on this young man. He was the only person in the palace who he didn't recognize. Could this person be the person that his junior brother mentioned just now? It seems that the cultivation level is indeed extremely high, and he can't see through it at all...

"Yin Jian, Xue'er, come up quickly, I've seen Young Master Xiao."

Gongsun Chang's face looked very good at this time, and even his tone seemed a little excited. Yin Jian and Gongsun Yingxue were both stunned when they heard the words "Master Xiao".

Only then did Yin Jian react. At this moment, when he looked at the young master in brocade clothes on the left hall again, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he murmured, "Your Excellency... Could it be that you are... the Lord of Wuyu Tian?" Lord Xiao..."

But looking at the smiling face of the young master in brocade clothes, and the folding fan in his hand shaking gently, Gongsun Chang explained with a smile, "This is my eldest disciple Yin Jian, and my little granddaughter, Yingxue..."

"It turns out to be Yin Shaoxia and Miss Yingxue. Nice to meet you."

The young master in Jinyi in the palace was still smiling and looked at the two of them. Finally, his eyes fell on Gongsun Yingxue without moving, making the latter feel a little uncomfortable.


Young Master Jin Yi suddenly stood up, shook his folding fan, and slowly walked towards Gongsun Yingxue. He looked at the fire fox in her arms and said with a smile, "Could this be the legendary thousand-year-old nine-tailed fire fox?"

Gongsun Yingxue saw him walking towards her and seeing him looking at her like that just now. At this moment, she subconsciously stepped back and tightened her arms around the Fire Spirit Fox, as if no one would touch her.

The atmosphere only became a little awkward. Yin Jian immediately came back to his senses and said with a smile, "This is the nine-tailed fire fox from Shushan. It was used to save my junior brother's life. My junior brother was hit by the Li family's Beiming Xuan Palm half a year ago. The blood of the fire fox must be used as a medicine to remove the cold poison."

"I see……"

The young master in brocade clothes closed the folding fan in his hand, then looked at the white-haired man behind Yin Jian and Gongsun Yingxue, and said with a faint smile, "I, Wuyu Tian Xiao Yichen, I don't know how to call this brother."

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