At this moment, several old men in the hall also noticed the white-haired man behind Yin Jian and Gongsun Yingxue. They thought that this man looked as cold as frost, but who was he?

The young master in brocade clothes had a smile on his face, and his gaze remained fixed on Xiao Chen. However, the next moment, everyone was a little surprised. Xiao Chen looked at Gongsun Yingxue and asked lightly, "Where is your brother?"


Seeing that this white-haired man actually ignored the Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​not only the several old men in the hall were shocked, but also the disciples of the Sword Burial Valley outside the hall were all stunned. Who is this man? ?

The atmosphere suddenly became particularly stiff, and a layer of frost seemed to suddenly form in the air.


Only then did Gongsun Yingxue react. Thinking that her brother was suffering from cold poison, she couldn't stay here any longer. She turned around and said to Xiao Chen, "Follow me."

The two of them were just like this in front of the public, and they ignored "Xiao Yichen" in the hall at all, walked outside, and disappeared in a moment.


The atmosphere in the hall became very stiff and awkward for a while. It took a while before the stunned Gongsun Chang came to his senses. He quickly apologized to the young master in brocade clothes and said, "Xiaoxue is still young and doesn't know the etiquette. Young Master Xiao must not interact with her." Care about..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter..."

Young Master Jin Yi smiled lightly and sat back on the chair. At this moment, there was an invisible cold light flashing in his eyes, but it soon disappeared without a trace.

Gongsun Chang laughed twice, wondering who the white-haired young man just now was. How could he be so ignorant of etiquette? Even Xiaoxue was confused. He looked at Yin Jian and asked, "Yin Jian, who was that person just now?" who?"

Yin Jian was stunned just now. When he heard the master's question, he finally came back to his senses, raised his hands and said, "That man is in Shushan..."

At that moment, he told about the capture of the nine-tailed fire fox in Shushan. After listening to this, Gongsun Chang frowned deeply and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Yin Jiandao, "The origin of this person is unknown, but you are sure ? What if..."

He wanted to say that it would be terrible if this was a spy sent by the Li family, but he thought it was not appropriate to say this in public. What if he was not a spy from the Li family and really came to treat Ayu's injury? Wouldn’t my words offend someone?

Yin Jian naturally knew the worries in his master's heart, and said, "I think that man is quite upright. His cultivation is clearly higher than that of my junior sister and me. If he wanted to snatch the Fire Fox yesterday, there was nothing we could do, but he I didn’t do this, so I guess he’s not a bad person…”

At this time, the young master in brocade clothes suddenly laughed and said, "It is difficult to paint the bones of a tiger. You know the face but not the heart. If he is a bad person, how can he have the word "bad guy" written on his face? Yin Shaoxia is honest with people, but the world is dangerous, and he still needs a little more alert.


Yin Jian was stunned for a moment and said, "Master Xiao is right. He and my junior sister just went out. Junior sister is simple in nature. I will go over and have a look to avoid anything going wrong..."

When he said this, he bowed his hands to Gongsun Chang at the head of the hall, "Master, that disciple will go to his junior brother first..."


Gongsun Chang stroked his beard and nodded, watching him leave. After he left, he turned around, smiled at the young master in brocade clothes and said, "Master Xiao, don't take what happened just now to your heart. That person... I will let him People should pay more attention.”

Young Master Jin Yi shook his folding fan lightly and said with a faint smile, "Xiao is just kindly reminding me that Master Gongsun Valley is overly worried."

Along the way, I could see birds chirping in the valley, flowers fragrant, and clear streams gurgling. Although it was just after the cold winter, everything in Buried Sword Valley was already revived. The breeze carried the fragrance of grass and trees, and the atmosphere was full of spring. I think it was due to the aura of the valley that has not faded for thousands of years. .

Xiao Chen was silent all the way, but Gongsun Yingxue next to him kept chattering in a low voice, "I don't know why, but the rumored Lord of Wuyu Tian is nothing more than this. I heard it a few months ago." There are rumors outside that he broke into Wushuang City single-handedly, broke the Beigong family's Wushuang illusion, and rescued a confidante. Everyone outside said that he had unfathomable cultivation, extraordinary courage, and a kind and righteous person. However, I looked at him...well, I don’t know what to say, he was looking at me like that just now, like a slut, hey..."

At the end of her words, she kept shaking her head and sighing, as if she was quite disappointed with the rumored Lord of Wuyu Tian, ​​even worse than the cold ice face in front of her.

"Hey, um...Liao Wuchen, what do you think of that person just now?" Gongsun Yingxue raised her head, frowning slightly, and asked Xiao Chen beside her.

However, Xiao Chen didn't speak all the way and didn't answer her at this time. Seeing that he was ignoring her, Gongsun Yingxue frowned deeper and stopped and said, "Hey, I'm talking to you, why don't you answer?" I'm so rude."

Seeing her chattering all the way, Xiao Chen finally stopped, turned his head slightly and said, "Your brother has been suffering from cold poison for half a year. If you delay for a moment longer, your life will be in danger."


Only then did Gongsun Yingxue realize that he should quickly see how his brother was injured. Why was he delayed here? He quickly said, "I, I, I... let's go quickly!"

After a while, the two came to an ancient courtyard with rocks. They saw that the courtyard was deserted. Even the flowers and plants were withered and no one came to take care of them. Gongsun Yingxue immediately called into the house, "Brother, brother! I'm back." !”

"Axue...are you back? Cough...cough cough..."

There was a slight movement in the house. Gongsun Yingxue looked around, thinking that there were still people taking care of her three months ago, but today, why is there no maid here to serve? Why is the courtyard in such a depressed state...

"Cough cough... cough cough... Axue, don't come in. The cold poison in my body may corrode you..." A weak man's voice came from inside the room again.

"elder brother……"

Hearing the weak voice coming from the room, Gongsun Yingxue was shocked. He quickly opened the door and walked in. He saw a man in white lying on the hospital bed behind the screen. The man's face was pale and his eyes were black. , not even a trace of blood on his lips.


"elder brother!"

Seeing his brother looking so haggard, Gongsun Yingxue's eyes suddenly filled with tears, "How could this happen? It's only been three months, how could this happen..."


Gongsun Yu wanted to get up from the bed, but as soon as he moved, he coughed violently. Gongsun Yingxue quickly supported him and choked out, "Brother is okay. Senior brother and I have found the Nine-tailed Fire Spirit Fox. We must have found it." It can cure your cold injury..."

"Nine...nine-tailed fire spirit fox..."

Gongsun Yu looked pale and looked at the nine-tailed fox in her arms. Could it be that she had been in Shushan for the past three months, weathering the wind and rain, just to catch this fox...

"No, it's useless..."

Gongsun Yu shook his head, as if his mood was fluctuating too much. At this moment, his originally pale face slowly turned a little red.

At this moment, a faint voice came from outside the house, "The cold poison has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and it is extremely difficult to survive three months..."

I saw Xiao Chen walking into the room. Gongsun Yu looked at him, "This... this brother is..."


Only then did Gongsun Yingxue think of Xiao Chen's presence, and said, "He called Wu Chen to remove the cold poison from his body..."

"Is this so..."

Gongsun Yu's face slowly turned pale again, and he shook his head and said, "In the past six months, my grandfather and father have called in many famous doctors, but they have been unable to do anything. Brother, you..."

When he said this, Xiao Chen had already walked over and tapped several acupuncture points on his body with two fingers.

Gongsun Yu only felt an abnormal energy pouring into all the points in his body, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan in his throat. After a while, the color on his face gradually returned.

"Very good!"

Gongsun Yingxue next to him saw that he had regained his complexion, and his face suddenly showed joy. Sure enough, this man had a way to remove the cold poison from his brother!

Xiao Chen said, "I will temporarily seal his acupuncture points to suppress the cold poison. It will take about three days to force the cold poison out for him. You go out first. No one can come in without my order."

"oh oh……"

Gongsun Yingxue nodded continuously, then looked at his brother lying on the bed, and said, "Brother, don't worry, Liao Wuchen will definitely be able to cure my brother's cold injury..."

"Well..." Gongsun Yu also smiled softly, "Little sister, don't worry about me, you can go out first..."


Gongsun Yingxue nodded, finally looked at Xiao Chen, and whispered, "Brother, I'll leave it to you..." After saying that, she walked out of the house with the nine-tailed fox in her arms and closed the door.

In the evening, Xiao Chen walked out of the room and went outside. He saw one more person in the courtyard, but it was Yin Jian from before.

"Brother Wuchen, you came out. How is my junior is he?"

Seeing Xiao Chen come out, the two of them immediately walked up. Gongsun Yingxue held the nine-tailed spirit fox in her arms and was about to run into the house, but Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and stopped her. "In the past three days, any No one is allowed to enter this room."

"Why, why..."

Gongsun Yingxue raised her head, her face full of confusion. At this time, Gongsun Yu's voice came from the room, "Axue, listen to Mr. Wuchen, I'm fine..."

This time, his voice was obviously no longer as weak as before, and he no longer coughed. Yin Jian's face was filled with joy. It seemed that this man really had some skills. He did not misjudge the person and said, "Junior brother, you are so lucky." Recuperate, we won’t come in.”

Xiao Chen walked out of the courtyard, and the two people behind him immediately followed him. When he arrived outside the courtyard, Xiao Chen looked ahead, stretched his hand back and said, "Give me the spirit fox."


Gongsun Yingxue was stunned for a moment, then stepped back, held the nine-tailed spirit fox tightly in his arms, frowned and said, "You said you wanted to remove the cold poison for my brother, but the cold poison has not been removed yet. I gave you the spirit fox, what if you run away?"

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