"Then remember, it's best not to lose the nine-tailed fire spirit fox. I can cure him, and I can also kill him.

Xiao Chen turned his head slightly, glanced at her, and walked forward as soon as he finished speaking.

Gongsun Yingxue was stunned for a while, and finally came to his senses and snorted softly at his back, "If you scare me, I won't give it to you."

The Buried Sword Valley in the evening has a different style, but you can see the dusk clouds slowly rising, and there are birds flying across the waterfall, and their chirping sounds are endless, echoing back and forth in the valley for a long time.

In a forest, two people came from the other side, but they were Young Master Jinyi and the Valley Lord Gongsun Chang. Gongsun Chang's eyebrows were deeply furrowed and he said, "This time, that old fellow Li Zhengyan may come in person. This person is trying to annex other families in Shu. I think... Yunzong is probably behind it."

Young Master Jinyi smiled and said, "Master Gongsun Valley, there is no need to worry. I, Wuyutian, have not yet taken it to heart about a small Li family. As for the Yun Sect, I am sure their sect master will not dare to do anything."

After hearing this, Chang Gongsun smiled bitterly. There was no way he could afford to offend Yun Zong. He only hoped that this time, he could make the Li family retreat in the face of difficulties. He said, "Then next, there will be Young Master Lao Xiao..."

Young Master Jinyi smiled and said, "Valley Master, don't worry, it's just..."

When he said this, he paused. Gongsun Chang immediately understood and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Young Master Xiao. Once this matter is over, I will definitely get what Young Master Xiao wants."

Young Master Jin Yi shook his folding fan and thought to himself that he was a sensible person, but the smile on his face did not change. "Xiao is not referring to this, but wants to ask the owner of the valley where the Bagua Sword Formation at the entrance of the valley is located. Where?”


Hearing him suddenly ask about the sword formation, Gongsun Chang frowned slightly, "Master Xiao... but what's the matter?"

Mr. Jinyi slowly shook his folding fan and said, "Xiao has done some research on formations. Tell me where the formations are. After repelling the Li family members, I will strengthen the formations to avoid the formation after I leave." The people from the Li family are back to cause trouble for the Valley Master..."

"I see……"

After hearing what he said, Gongsun Chang immediately felt relieved and said with a smile, "Young Master Xiao is interested..." At that moment, he told him all the positions of the Bagua Sword Formation outside.

As the two of them walked, a figure appeared in front of them. Under the dusk, they were faintly visible. When they got closer, they saw that the figure had white hair. It was none other than Xiao Chen.

When Gongsun Chang saw this strange young man, he immediately stopped and asked him, "This little friend Wuchen, how is Yu'er's injury...?"

“My life is safe for now.

Xiao Chen said calmly, but when he spoke, he did not look at the person next to Gongsun Chang, but the gaze of the young master in brocade fell on him without moving, wondering why he couldn't even see through this man's cultivation aura. …

"That's it, thank you, little friend..."

Gongsun Chang smiled softly, Xiao Chen nodded, said no more, and continued walking to the other side of the woods. From the beginning to the end, he did not even look at the young master in brocade clothes.

Two days passed. In the afternoon, Gongsun Yingxue went to see how his brother was injured. When he passed by a peach blossom forest, he suddenly heard the sound of laughter coming from inside. When he got closer, he saw seven or eight senior sisters surrounding one person. , and that person was none other than "Xiao Yichen".

"Mr. Xiao, can you take a look at it for me? I always feel that the breath in this meridian is blocked. Every time I do my exercises, I always feel suffocated..."

"Hehe, Mr. Xiao, do you think my swordsmanship is much better than that of my senior sister?"

A group of people surrounded the young master in brocade clothes, and the young master in brocade clothes actually did not shy away from the suspicion between men and women. He stretched out his hand to "check" the meridians of the women. Even though they were separated by clothes, it made the women's faces blush. But it still seems to have a bit of sweetness.

No wonder, how could a man with such a great reputation not allow these women to look at him secretly? If the person pretending to be Xiao Chen wanted to practice dual cultivation with them now, they would most likely agree happily.

However, outside the peach forest, Gongsun Yingxue was disgusted when he saw this ridiculous scene. He rubbed his hands on his chest. What kind of pulse reading is this? Suddenly I just felt disgusted. Why did this Lord of the Desireless Heaven look like a deceiver? Then he coughed twice and said, "Senior sisters, don't you need to practice sword practice today?"

"Ah! Xiaoxue is here!"

Several women quickly straightened their clothes, and one of them smiled and said, "Of course I want to practice swordsmanship. No, I am asking Mr. Xiao for advice..."


Gongsun Yingxue's frown deepened, and when he saw "Xiao Yichen" looking at him, his heart suddenly felt like dozens of insects crawling over him, and he wished he could change his way.

"I see that Miss Yingxue looks bad today. Do you need Xiao to sort out the situation for the girl?"

The young master in Jinyi walked towards her, Gongsun Yingxue quickly stepped aside and said, "No... no need, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!" After that, he quickly ran to the other side of the peach forest.


Seeing her figure gradually disappearing at the end of the peach grove, the young man in brocade shook his head and smiled. However, the more he looked at her, the more he felt that the little girl was very lively. It would be great if he could get his hands on her.

"Well... Mr. Xiao, Xiaoxue has always been very weird. Don't mind. Let's... continue?"

Outside the courtyard, Gongsun Yingxue lowered his head and angrily kicked a big stone into the pool. The splash hit Xiao Chen who came out of it.

"Ah... um, I didn't see you coming out, I'm sorry..."

Gongsun Yingxue quickly waved her hands. Just now she was angry with the senior sisters for not loving themselves. Now when she saw Xiao Chen, she suddenly felt that the cold and cold Liao Wuchen in front of her was much better than the Lord of Wuyu Tian.

Xiao Chen ignored her and went straight outside. Seeing his cold expression, Gongsun Yingxue suddenly shouted, "Well... have you eaten? Grandpa is hosting a banquet tonight, you and I can come together..." "

"No time."

Only two words came faintly, and Xiao Chen's figure had already gone away. Looking at his fading figure, Gongsun Yingxue stamped her feet angrily, "Hate! You all hate it! That Xiao Yichen hates it, and you hate it too." !”

By the early morning of the next day, which was already the third day, the cold poison in Gongsun Yu's body had been slowly forced out. It only took half a day at most to completely remove the cold poison from his body.

But at noon, there was a sudden movement outside. Gongsun Yu was slightly startled, "It seems like something happened outside..."

"Don't move."

Xiao Chen was giving him acupuncture and said, "The remaining poison has not yet been removed. If you mess around at this time, all your previous efforts will be wasted."

"Okay, okay...thank you Brother Wuchen for these three days."

Gongsun Yu slowly lay back down, but his heart was beating more and more violently. He knew that someone from the Li family must have broken in and wanted to completely remove the Buried Sword Valley on the grounds of what happened half a year ago.

At this time, in the square, everyone in the Burial Sword Valley gathered together with swords in hand as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They saw the clouds surging at the entrance of the valley, and a powerful aura was forced inside.

Gongsun Chang quickly came to the square, raised his hand, and told everyone not to panic. At this time, the young master in Jinyi stood with him, shaking the folding fan lightly in his hand, still looking in the direction of the valley entrance with an indifferent expression, with no trace of emotion on his face. A hint of nervousness.

"Junior sister, go back to the room and don't come out!"

Yin Jian also came to the square, quickly came to Gongsun Chang's side, looked towards the mouth of the valley, and whispered, "The people of the Li family broke through the sword formation outside..."

"no need to worry."

Gongsun Chang's eyebrows were furrowed, but it would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous at all. He and several elders jointly set up the Bagua Sword Formation outside, but the other party broke in without even breaking the formation. Could it be that it was actually Already have the cultivation level of Dongzhen stage?

Soon, several figures had arrived in front of the square, and a powerful aura came, suffocating the disciples in the square. At this moment, it seemed that even breathing was about to stop.

I saw that the leader was an old man with white beard and hair, wearing a red robe, and his eyes were very cold and stern. This man was the head of the Li family, Li Zhengyan.

With the intrusion of people from the Li family, the atmosphere in the entire square suddenly became tense and solidified. Li Zhengyan looked coldly at Chang Gongsun, and his voice was also terrifyingly cold: "Master Gongsun, I gave You have half a month, today, do you plan to hand over this person, or not..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became even colder. Gongsun Chang stared at him without saying a word, while the young master in Jinyi next to him gently swayed his folding fan and said calmly, "During a competition, injuries are inevitable. Doesn't Master Li understand this?" ? Why do you want to bury someone in Sword Valley? This is a bit unreasonable..."

"Oh? Who are you?"

Li Zhengyan's eyes turned cold and fell on him coldly.

Young Master Jinyi closed the folding fan in his hand and said calmly, "Wuyu Tian, ​​Xiao Yichen."


As soon as these words came out, not only the people behind Li Zhengyan trembled, but also the expressions of Li Zhengyan himself changed, and the cold eyes suddenly turned into disbelief.

With a "pop" sound, the young man in Jinyi opened the folding fan again, shook it gently, and said calmly, "Gongsun Valley Master is my friend. Mr. Li, why don't you give me, Mr. Xiao, some face? From now on, Don’t come to Bury Sword Valley again...do you understand me?"

At the end of his words, he shot two cold eyes at Li Zhengyan, causing the latter to take a breath and tremble slightly.

After a while, Li Zhengyan came back to his senses, his eyes became cold again, and he said coldly, "I've heard that little friend Xiao has extraordinary cultivation. Today, I might as well ask for advice!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew up and struck the master in Jinyi with his palm. This palm immediately set off a strong wind, and many people with lower cultivation levels in the square were shocked to the point where their blood surged.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

However, facing the palm of the violent wind and waves, Master Jinyi had cold eyes. He waved his folding fan and shot out a burst of profound energy. With a "bang", it not only broke Li Zhengyan's palm in an instant, but also shocked him to draw a mouthful of blood. It spurted out and flew backwards.


The following disciples of the Li family looked horrified and hurriedly stepped forward to support Li Zhengyan, who was flying back. At this moment, when they looked at the young master in brocade clothes, their eyes were even more horrified.

"It's not easy to cultivate your body, so leave quickly to avoid death!"

Young Master Jinyi's eyes were cold and he shouted coldly. Li Zhengyan suddenly trembled all over and raised his hand, "Let's go!" As soon as he finished his words, he and the people behind him immediately turned into several rays of sword light and flew away in the direction they came from.

After a while, Gongsun Chang finally woke up as if from a dream. Could this crisis have been resolved just like that? But just now... that didn't seem like the old man Li Zhengyan's style?

"That man has left. I think that after he comes, he should not come to Bury Sword Valley to bother the Valley Master again." Young Master Jinyi turned around, shook his folding fan, and said with a faint smile.

Gongsun Chang also slowly came back to his senses and said with a smile, "Just now, thank you so much, Mr. Xiao..." Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, a violent shock suddenly came from the mouth of the valley, causing all the disciples present to calm down before they could. My heart became nervous again at this moment.

"What's going on? Someone is breaking the sword formation!"

Several elders quickly came to the square. Gongsun Chang also looked shocked. What's going on? Li Zhengyan has just left, why is there still someone breaking into the formation...

The young man in Jinyi also frowned and said, "Valley Master, please be here, wait until I go out to take a look." After saying that, he immediately closed the folding fan and flew out.

However, before they had flown far, they saw Li Zhengyan and his party who had just left running back in a panic, "No, it's not good..."

At this moment, that "Li Zhengyan" looked at him as if he knew him, and kept shaking his head at him. Mr. Jinyi immediately secretly thought something was wrong, and then gave him a wink, and said sternly, "What's wrong! Just now Xiao gave in When you leave, don’t know what’s good and what’s wrong…”

At the end of his words, I saw him keep winking at the "Li Zhengyan" in front of him, and lowered his voice, "Why don't you leave quickly? Let's go..."

However, before he finished speaking, a sonorous and powerful old man's voice suddenly came from outside, "I heard that someone is pretending to be an old man here?"

Hearing this voice, Gongsun Chang and several elders around him were shocked. This voice and tone... it was Li Zhengyan!

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