Under everyone's horrified gaze, they saw the green flame beast opening its bloody mouth, looking fiercely, and biting the strange dragon in one bite.

The huge body of the different dragon is also very flexible. The moment the green flame beast bites, the dragon's tail swings, and with a "boom", it immediately knocks down the green flame beast and smashes a house below into pieces. Dust billows.


Luo let out a terrifying roar, and everyone was shocked. They knew very well how terrifying the wild beasts were, not to mention this mutated beast king. However, in the scene just now, it seemed that the Qingyan Beast was clearly overestimating its capabilities. .

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

Just when everyone was in shock, they saw dozens of wild beasts suddenly rushing up in the city below. The people of the Beigong family were so frightened that their faces turned pale. At this moment, they were unable to tame those wild beasts. .

"Boom! Boom!" ✲

The ground rumbled, like thousands of beasts galloping, and the whole city was suddenly filled with dust. However, dozens of wild beasts were seen with fierce eyes, and they seemed to have gone crazy at this moment, charging straight towards the violence in the sky.


The three elders in the distance also secretly thought that something was wrong. Although these wild beasts have been tamed by the Beigong family for generations, their ferocity is still difficult to tame. In addition, their ancestors are ferocious beasts left over from ancient times. After their experience In the battle between gods and demons, if they go crazy, they have no fear of any human cultivator, so even the three of them can't deter these crazy wild beasts at this time.


The violent roar shook everyone's minds, but those wild beasts were not afraid. They were very fast and attacked in an instant. Their bodies were the same as the green flame beast before, enlarging a lot in one go. They bite the tail of the dragon, and some bite the body of the dragon, tearing it apart with all their strength, causing large pieces of scales to fall off the body.


The ruthless eyes were blood red, and the aura of gods and demons was surging all over his body. The dragon turned its head back and bit a wild beast with one bite. With a "chi" sound, it was like a rain of blood suddenly fell from the sky.

However, even if some were bitten to death by violence, those wild beasts still seemed to be going crazy, their eyes were filled with blood, and they kept charging towards violence. In just a short moment, the nearby buildings were stained with stains. layer of blood.

In the mid-air, blood mist filled the air, and the bitten corpses of many wild beasts fell down. The scene was extremely horrifying.


The people of the Beigong family in the distance were frightened. If so many wild beasts were lost here today, what kind of loss would it be to the Beigong family? But now these wild beasts are out of control, and no one can stop them...

"Weiyang, be careful... stand still!"

On top of the dragon's body, Xiao Chen and the four of them had not left yet. Although the wild beasts only attacked Rui and not them, Rui was swinging the dragon's body violently at this time, making it difficult for them to stand firm again.

In the darkness, there were already some powerful people looking at the scene in front of them, ready to make a move.

"Hey, let me tell you...the Beigong family is not too shameless, right? They said they would let us pass, but it would be better now to release these beasts to stop them."

Bu Yundian was stabilizing his body while still complaining. He was a great medicine sage. With so many people watching, it would be extremely embarrassing if he was thrown out.

"Seniors, please stand still!"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen formed seals with his hands, suddenly shot a burst of soul power towards Rui, and said quickly, "Rui, let's go!"


Ruo raised his head and roared, and the dragon's body shook, sending all the difficult beasts of the ancient world flying away, and then turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed forward.

But at this moment, no one noticed that from the ruined building shrouded in smoke and dust in the city below, there were two fierce lights coming out. They were not ordinary wild beasts, but the green flame beast from before.


With a terrifying roar, the green flame beast seemed to turn into a bolt of blue lightning instantly. Before it flew out, it rushed forward and hit Lu's lower jaw with a "boom", knocking him over immediately. When they went out, Hua Weiyang, Xiao Chen and others were almost knocked out by this sudden impact.


When everyone was shocked, they saw that the figure of the green flame beast suddenly grew a lot, and its whole body was wrapped in green flames, blocking all the divine and demonic energy of the strange dragon, and its eyes were filled with terror.

"This this……"

People all over the city looked horrified at this moment. This green-flamed wild beast is the king of beasts. The ancient bloodline in its body has awakened, and its strength is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary wild beasts!


I saw the green flame beast raised its head and let out a roar, which immediately shook the earth and the sky, "Rumble, rumble!" Smoke and dust rose loudly, and all the wild beasts in the city rushed towards this direction at this moment.


At this moment, even Shui Hanyan's expression changed. There were so many ancient ferocious beasts. Even those of them who had reached the level of quasi-sage would probably be unable to deal with these lifeless ferocious beasts in a short time.


The Green Flame Beast roared violently. At this moment, both its attack, defense and speed increased several times. In an instant, it rushed in front of Lu, and with a "chi" sound, it actually bit his neck, killing him. Don’t let go.

"Green Nightmare!"

In the distant mansion, Bei Gongyu did not expect that Qing Yan, who had awakened his bloodline and became violent, would be so terrifyingly powerful that most of the human cultivators who had just entered the quasi-sage would not be its opponent.


Luo let out a ferocious roar and swayed all over. However, the green flame beast refused to let go. The more violently he swung, the more terrifying the wound became. In an instant, the scales fell off and blood dripped.

"Weiyang, let's go."

Xiao Chen picked up Hua Weiyang and flew out in an instant. Shui Hanyan and Bu Yundian also flew out. If they were still standing on Lu's body at this time, they would only affect his ability to attack these wild beasts.

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

In the distance, the hundreds of primitive beasts also rushed towards Rui. Although they were not as big as Rui, they were more agile and faster. They opened their bloody mouths and bit into Rui. They encountered hundreds of primitive beasts. The beasts besieged him, and soon, scales fell off his body and blood dripped from his body.


Seeing Rui being besieged by so many ferocious beasts, Hua Weiyang's expression changed slightly. Although Rui was subdued by Xiao Chen with the Soul Confinement Technique at the Tomb of Gods and Demons, he was different from dead souls like Yun Tianzi and Lu Yan.

Violence itself has swallowed up the souls of countless gods and demons, and is also a spiritual thing, so that time at the Tomb of Gods and Demons was more like some kind of transformation, and then fell asleep in Xiao Chen's soul.

So now, Ruishan is a complete living body, not only has a soul, but also flesh and blood, can feel pain, and can feel the threat of life and death.

More importantly, he has his own thoughts and is spiritual, which dead souls like Yun Tianzi and Lu Yan can never compare with.


Waves of roars resounded throughout the world, black clouds filled the sky, and blood mist filled the air. The scene became more and more terrifying. Everyone was so frightened that they retreated far away, not daring to get close to this place. edge range.

Seeing that Rui was gradually bitten by those wild beasts until his whole body was dripping with blood, Hua Weiyang felt an indescribable heartache. She also remembered that time in Wuyu Tian, ​​when Taiyin Division and True Lord Xuanxiao attacked, Rui vowed to protect her to the death. He and Xiao Chen used their bodies to resist the thunder...

At this time, seeing Rui being besieged by those bloodthirsty beasts and gradually losing ground, Hua Weiyang felt a pain in her chest. Rui was not a dead thing, he was a living, humane, and emotional companion!

At this moment, she did not hesitate anymore and looked coldly at the wild beasts. She sacrificed Feihua Lianyou Umbrella and Jade Lianhua in an instant. But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly stretched out his hand and held her shoulders: "Weiyang, do not go."


Hua Weiyang was stunned for a moment, looked at it with a bit of pain and cruelty, then turned around and said, "He will be bitten to death by these ferocious beasts..."

"No, he won't."

Xiao Chen shook his head, his eyes focused on Rui at this moment. In fact, he knew Rui's situation better than Hua Weiyang, because he was the one who brought Rui back.

Li had failed to transform into a dragon many times, and each time he failed, he would become weaker and it would take at least a thousand years to recover. When they were in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, they happened to encounter a very weak Li who failed to transform into a dragon again. Otherwise, based on their cultivation at that time, if they encountered such a strange dragon, they would basically have a narrow escape from death.

But that time, he gave Rui a final fatal blow, and then used the Soul Confinement Technique to absorb him into his soul. It seemed that he killed Rui, but in fact he saved him.

Because Rui's soul power was already extremely weak at that time, he needed a place to rest and rest, otherwise he would face the fate of being exterminated, and it just so happened that Xiao Chen gave him a place to rest.

So at this moment, Xiao Chen knew in his heart that Rui needed to be reborn, like a phoenix reborn from the fire, soaring to the nine heavens in nirvana, while Rui was reborn from blood!

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